1442 River Hebert District High School Army Cadet Corps | River Hebert |
1859 Springfield Legion Army Cadet Corps | Springhill |
1st Amherst Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
1st Amherst Pathfinder Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
1st Bible Hill Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
1st Cumberland - Kwesomalegek Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Amherst |
1st Fenwick Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Fenwick |
1st McCulloch Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
1st Parrsboro Cub Scouts, Is the Scouting Program back in Parrsboro? YES! | Parrsboro |
1st Parrsboro Scouting Program, Your Outside Adventure Starts Here | Parrsboro |
1st Springhill Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
1st Springhill Pathfinder Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
1st Springhill Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
1st Stewiacke Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Stewiacke |
1st Tatamagouche Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Tatamagouche |
1st Truro Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
1st Valley Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
2553 Oxford Regional Army Cadet Corps | Springhill |
258 Amherst Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps | Amherst |
272 Nova Scotia Highlanders Army Cadet Corps | Amherst |
2928 Royal Canadian Army Cadets | Truro |
2940 Cheticamp Army Cadets | Belle Cote |
2nd Bible Hill Pathfinder Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
324 Bonaventure Sea Cadets | Stewiacke |
3rd Bible Hill Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
4th Amherst Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
4th Amherst Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
5th Bible Hill Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
77 Arrowhead Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron | Truro |
A for Adventure | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Above Par Golf Course | South Farmington |
Acacia Valley Trails | Hillgrove |
Acadian River Trail, Brule Community Centre | Brule |
ACAP Cape Breton, Centre for Sustainable Communities | Sydney |
Active Life Adventure and Training | Londonderry |
Active Transportation Committee | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
ActiveLife First Aid Training, Wilderness first aid | Londonderry |
ADDA Fundy Tides Campground | Advocate Harbour |
Advocate Boat Tours, Scenic Zodiac Tours on the Bay of Fundy | Advocate Harbour |
Advocate Harbour Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) | Advocate Harbour |
Airport Fields Park | Bible Hill |
Al MacInnis Sports Center Golf Classic | Baddeck |
Alton Ballfield | Alton |
Amherst Bantam Midget Baseball | Amherst |
Amherst Golf Course | Amherst |
Amherst Little League Baseball Club, Amherst Youth Baseball Leagues | Amherst |
Amherst Rotary Park | Amherst |
Amherst Shore Provincial Park | Northport |
Annapolis County ATV & Multiuse Trails Society, ACAMUTS | Annapolis County |
Annapolis River Festival, Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP) | Annapolis County |
Annapolis Valley Orienteering Club, AVOC | Kentville |
Annapolis Valley Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club | Waterville |
Annapolis Youth Park | Annapolis Royal |
Annual Nova Scotia Marathon | Municipality of the District Barrington |
Annual Winter Long John Festival, Truro | Truro |
Antigonish Archery Association | Antigonish County |
Antigonish Sno-Dogs Snowmobile Association | Antigonish, NS |
Apple Capital Heritage Trail | Berwick |
Argyle Recreation Adult Kayak Loan Program, Adult Kayak Loan Program | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
Argyle Recreation Equipment Loan Program for Covid-19 | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
Argyle Recreation Snowshoe Loan Program, Snowshoe Loan Program | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
Arisaig Pickleball | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
Atlantic Motorsport Track (AMP), The Heart of Racing in the Maritimes | Mill Village |
Avon Valley Golf & Country Club | Falmouth |
Aylesford Lake Beach | Aylesford |
Aylesford Lake Yacht Club | Kings County |
Aylesford Mountain Conservation Lands | Aylesford |
Barrachois Harbour Yacht Club | Tatamagouche |
Beach Volleyball | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Beechbrook Campground | Ardoise |
Beechville Lakeside Timberlea (BLT) Trail Association | Lakeside |
Ben Eoin Marina | Ben Eoin |
Berwick & District School | Berwick |
Berwick Heights Golf Course | Weston |
Bessview Park | Coldbrook |
Bible Hill Garden Club | Bible Hill |
Bible Hill Junior High School Community Disc Golf, Life is short. Have you thrown a disc today? | Bible Hill |
Bible Hill Recreation Park | Bible Hill |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Around the River | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Bear River / Cornwallis | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Belleisle Marsh | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Century Ride Route | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Cloud Lake Wilderness Ride | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Cottage Cove Ride | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Delaps Cove Ride | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Dugway / Gristmill Loop | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Ernest Buckler Ride | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Fundy Shore Ride | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Habitation Ride | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Kejimkujik National Park & National Historic Site of Canada | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Kejimkujik Ride | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Lawrencetown / Middleton Ride | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Meadowvale / Nictaux Falls Loop | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Over the Mountain and to the Bay | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Paradise & Beyond | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Pony Express Ride | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Raven's Victory Loop | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Springfield Spin | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Trek to Hebb's Landing | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Annapolis County, Wilderness Loop | Annapolis County |
Bicycle Nova Scotia, BNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Birch Street Park, Princeton Heights Park | Salmon River (Colchester Co.) |
Bishop Park | Round Hill |
Biweekly Trail Hike for Seniors, Avondale Trail | Avondale |
Black Rock Trails, Black Rock Trails Society | Black Rock (Kings Co.) |
Blomidon - Lookoff, Provincial Wayside Park | Arlington |
Blomidon Provincial Park | Blomidon |
Blue Ridge Farm U-Pick | Waterville |
Blue Sea Beach Provincial Park | Malagash Point |
Boates Farm U-Pick | Woodville (Kings Co.) |
Bob Ansems' U-Pick | Steam Mill |
Bohaker Trail, Delaps Cove Wilderness Trail | Delaps Cove |
Bramber Beach | Bramber |
Brandon's Place Park & Playground | Coldbrook |
Bridgetown Area Garden Club | Bridgetown |
Bridgetown Lawn Bowling Club | Bridgetown |
Brookfield Golf and Country Club | Brookfield |
Brookfield Men's Fastpitch Team | Brookfield |
Brookfield Wetland and Nature Trail | Brookfield |
Bruce Spicer Park | Canning |
Brule Golf Club | Tatamagouche |
Burgess Crescent Playground, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
Butter Trail - Short Line Trail, Trans Canada Trail | Tatamagouche |
Caddell Rapids Lookoff Provincial Park | Riverside (Colchester Co.) |
Camden Stables | Camden |
Camp Bretondean | Albert Bridge |
Camp Mockingee, Rotary Youth Camp | Upper Vaughan |
Camp Pagweak | Pugwash |
Canadian Wild Turkey Federation (CWTF) *Conserve*Enhance*Protect | Truro |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 1 - Lambs and Crotchet Lakes | Graywood |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 10 - Lake LaRose and Jerry Lake | Perotte |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 11 – Barrys Stillwater | West Dalhousie |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 12 – Corbett and Dalhousie Lakes | West Dalhousie |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 13 – Paradise Lake | West Dalhousie |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 14 – Lake Alma | West Dalhousie |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 15 – McGill Lake | West Dalhousie |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 16 – Waterloo and Shannon Lakes | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 17 – Springfield Lake and Lake Pleasant | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 18 – Nictaux River | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 19 – Annapolis River | Annapolis County |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 2 - Grand Lake and Grand Lake Flowage | Graywood |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 20 – Allains River | Annapolis Royal |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 21 – East Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 22 – West Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 23 – Mersey River | Annapolis County |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 24 – Annapolis Basin | Annapolis County |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 25 – Cloud Lake | Torbrook East |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 26 - Lake Torment | Lake Munro |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 27 - Tobeatic Wilderness Area | Annapolis County |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 3 - Sandy Bottom Lake | Milford |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 4 - Milford Lakes | Milford |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 5 - Flanders Meadows | Victory |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 6 - Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada | Maitland Bridge |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 7 – Hendry Lake | Annapolis County |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 8 - First and Second Pond | Greenland |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 9 – Bear River | Bear River |
Cape Breton Bible Camp | New Campbellton |
Cape Breton Island Hoppers Volkssport Club | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Big Bald Rock to Seal Cove | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Eatonville to Visitor Centre | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Fundy Ridge Trail | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Mill Brook to Refugee Cove | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Refugee Cove to Big Bald Rock | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Seal Cove to Eatonville | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Christie Viewpoint Trail | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Coastal Trail | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Eatonville Day-Use Trails, Three Sisters Trail and Squally Point Trail | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Clear Snowmobile Club | River Denys |
Cape d'Or Lighthouse | Advocate Harbour |
Cape Mabou Highlands Hiking Trails, Cape Mabou Trails Club | Mabou Mines |
Cape Split Trail, Provincial Day-use Park | Scot's Bay |
Carolina Avenue Park | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
Castle Rock | Lunenburg County |
CBRM Fun Van Program | Sydney |
CBRM Recreation Summer Camps | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
CC Riders Soccer Club | Central Colchester |
CDA Paintball | Debert |
Ceilidh Coastal Trail Association | Troy |
Celtic Shores Coastal Trail | Inverness County |
Centennial Cycling Club | Annapolis Valley Region |
Centennial Park | Berwick |
Centennial Park | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Central Colchester Junior High School Soccer Field | Central Onslow |
Central Nova Legion Legends | Truro |
Charlesville/East Side Running & Walking Group | Lower East Pubnico |
Charlies Trail, Delaps Cove Wilderness Trail | Delaps Cove |
Chestico Days | Port Hood |
Cheverie Beach | Cheverie |
Cheverie Salt Marsh Trail | Cheverie |
Chignecto and Area ATV Club | Advocate and Area |
Chignecto National Wildlife Area Trail, Amherst Point Migratory Bird Sanctuary | Nappan |
Chittick Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Hantsport |
Christene MacDonald Walking Trail | Balmoral Mills |
Cliffs of Fundy UNESCO Global Geopark | Cumberland County |
Cloud Lake Wildnerness Area | Annapolis County |
Cobequid Eco-Trails Society | Colchester County |
Cobequid Off Highway Vehicle Club | Fundy Region |
Cobequid Salmon Association, Education & Awareness *To Protect, Conserve and Enhance the Atlantic Salmon Population | Colchester County |
Cobequid Trail | Central Colchester |
Colchester Short Track | Truro |
Coldbrook & District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Coldbrook |
Coldbrook Ravine Park & Trail | Coldbrook |
Coming Home to Brookfield, Annual Event | Brookfield |
Community Splashpark & Playground | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
Community Winter Activity Days | Bridgewater |
Corn Maze, Noggins Corner Farm Market | Greenwich |
Cornwallis River Greenway, Cornwallis River Pathways Society (CRPS) | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
Cove Oceanfront Campground | Parkers Cove |
Coxheath Hills Wilderness Recreation Association | Blacketts Lake |
Coyote Hill Golf Course | Newport Corner |
Cumberland County Riders ATV Club | Cumberland County |
Cumberland Snowmobile Club | Collingwood Corner |
Curry Park | Amherst |
Dakeyne Farm Sunflower Maze | Mount Denson |
Dakeyne Farm Sunflower Maze, Wedding/Party Venue | Mount Denson |
Dan Taylor Memorial Skateboard Park, Glace Bay Skateboard park | Glace Bay |
Davison Corn Maze | Falmouth |
Debert Ballfield | Debert |
Debert Family Day Association | Debert |
Debert Golf Course | Debert |
Debert Playground | Debert |
Debert Soccer and Football Field | Debert |
Defenders Motorcycle Club, Chapter 15, NS | Truro |
Delaps Cove Wilderness Trail | Delaps Cove |
Digby Skate Park | Digby (Town) |
Digby Trails, Digby Trails and Open Space Coordinator | Municipality of the District of Digby |
Disc Golf, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
Dolan Family Soccer Complex, Fundy Youth Soccer | Amherst |
Don Yorke Memorial Ballfield | Parrsboro |
Dorje Denma Ling, (Meditation Centre) | The Falls |
Eagle North Canoe and Kayak, Cabot Trail Adventures | South Harbour |
Earth-Friendly at Home Activities | Wolfville |
East Hants Badminton Association | East Hants |
East Hants Minor Baseball Association | East Hants |
East Pubnico Biking & Walking Park | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
East Wallace Motorcycle Campground | East Wallace |
Eaton Park | Pugwash |
École acadienne de Pomquet | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
Ecole Belleville Multi-Purpose Outdoor Court | Belleville |
Ed Creelman Park and Brookfield Railway Station | Brookfield |
Eden Golf & Country Club | Paradise |
Eldridge Road Recreation Site, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Falmouth |
Elm River Park Campground | Glenholme |
Elmcroft Park & Playground, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
Eskasoni Elementary and Middle School | Eskasoni |
Evangeline Trail Rides | Stanley |
Falcon Henge Labyrinth | Hampton (Annapolis Co.) |
Fall Lake Cottages and Campground, Falls Lake West | Vaughan |
Falls Lake Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Vaughan |
Falmouth Mini Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Falmouth |
Family Fun Day | Dayspring |
Farnham Mill Rugby Park | Brookside (Colchester Co.) |
Fast Go Karts | Sydney |
First Kicks Soccer, Harmony Park | Summerville (West Hants) |
Five Islands Lighthouse Park | Lower Five Islands |
Five Islands Ocean Resort & RV Campground, Best View of the World's Highest Tides! | Lower Five Islands |
Five Islands Outdoor Rink | Five Islands |
Five Islands Provincial Park | Five Islands |
Five Islands Provincial Park Trail: Economy Mountain Trail | Five Islands |
Five Islands Provincial Park Trail: Red Head Trail | Five Islands |
Five Islands Provincial Park: Estuary Trail | Five Islands |
Foresthill Walkway | Valley |
Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada, Parks Canada | Annapolis Royal |
Fort Creek Park | Municipality of the District Barrington |
Fox Harbour Provincial Park | Wallace |
Fox Harb'r Golf Resort & Spa | Wallace |
Fox Hill Community Park | North Kentville |
Fox Hollow Golf Club | Stewiacke |
Fox Point Lookoff and Trail | Fox River |
Free Snow Shoe Rentals, Borrow a pair of snow shoes and hit the trails this winter | Digby (Town) |
Friends of McNabs Island Society | Mainland Halifax |
Friends of Neville Park, Neville Park | Whitney Pier |
Friends of the Pugwash Estuary | Pugwash |
Fun Activities & Apple Upick, Willowbank Farm | Port Williams |
Fundy Tidal Bore Adventures | Green Oaks |
Fundy Trail Campground & Cottages | Granville Ferry |
Fundy Treasures Gifts and Tours | Joggins |
Fundy Youth Soccer Club | Amherst |
Garden and Labyrinth, Tangled Garden | Grand Pré |
Gates U-Pick | Port Williams |
Gathering of the Clans | Pugwash |
Geocaching, Noggins Corner Farm Market | Greenwich |
Girls Only Running Program, Kids' Run Club/Doctors Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
Glace Bay Baseball Fields & Outdoor Space | Glace Bay |
Glooscap Park and Campground | Parrsboro |
Grand Narrows Waterfront Development Society | Grand Narrows |
Grand-Pré National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Grand Pré |
Grant Potter Memorial Park | Annapolis Royal |
Green Hills Walking Trail | Municipality of the District Barrington |
Greenwood Running Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Guided Hikes | Kings County (NS) |
Guided Snowshoe Hikes | Lunenburg County |
Gulf Shore Campground | Gulf Shore |
Gulf Shore Provincial Park | Gulf Shore |
Gully Lake Trail System | Kemptown |
Gully Lake Trail System: Earltown Lake and Portage Trail | Earltown |
Gully Lake Trail System: Gully Lake Trail | Kemptown |
Gully Lake Trail System: Rogart Mountain Trail | Earltown |
Gully Lake Trail System: Sandy Cope Trail | Earltown |
Gully Lake Trail System: Willard Kitchener MacDonald Trail | Kemptown |
Gully Lake Trail System: Yellow Birch Trail | Earltown |
Halfmoon Park | Valley |
Haliburton Garden Club | Falmouth |
Halifax West KOA | Upper Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
Hall's Harbour Eco Trails | Hall's Harbour |
Hamilton Farms Sleigh & Wagon Rides | Lower Onslow |
Hants County Mud Runners 26th Annual 4x4 Race Weekend | East Hants |
Hants North Baseball Association, Minor Teams | Hants Border |
Hants Snow Dusters | Falmouth |
Hants West Wildlife Association | Upper Falmouth |
Hantsport Memorial Community Centre | Hantsport |
Hantsport Winter Carnival | Hantsport |
Harmony Park | Summerville (West Hants) |
Hayes Community Park | Coldbrook |
Heather Beach Provincial Park | Port Howe |
Hebron Community Playground | Hebron |
Herb Peppard Park | Truro |
Hidden Hilltop Family Campground | Glenholme |
Highland View Snowmobile Rentals | Baddeck |
Hike Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Hilden Garden Club | Hilden |
Hilden Recreation Park | Hilden |
Historic Gardens | Annapolis Royal |
HI-Wentworth Hostel and Trails, Hosteling International- Wentworth | Wentworth |
Hobarts Beach, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Summerville (West Hants) |
Holywell Park | Bible Hill |
Horseplay Stables | Brookfield |
Hub Cycle Spokebenders Cycling Club | Truro |
Inverness County Department of Recreation and Community Wellness | Port Hood |
Irishmans Road Recreation Site and Trails, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Newport Station |
Island Green Golf Club | North Alton |
Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site, ...and Centre! | Joggins |
Judique Flyer Trail Association, The | Inverness County |
Kayaking for Beginners (18+) | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
Kempt Shore Ocean View Campground, Nature at it's BEST! | Kempt Shore |
Kemptown Playground and Sport Court | Kemptown |
Kennetcook Braves Intermediate Baseball, Men's Baseball | East Hants |
Kenomee Trail Society | Economy |
Kenomee Trail System | Economy |
Kenomee Trail System: Cobequid Escarpment Trail | Economy |
Kenomee Trail System: Devil's Bend Trail | Economy |
Kenomee Trail System: Economy Falls Trail | Economy |
Kenomee Trail System: Kenomee Canyon Trail | Economy |
Kentville Migratory Bird Sanctuary | Kentville |
Kentville Pumpkin People Festival, Harvest Festival | Kentville |
Kentville Ravine Trail, Agricultural Research Station Nature Trail | Kentville |
Kentville Trail System, Rails-To-Trails | Kentville |
Kids Run Club, Doctors Nova Scotia Healthy Tomorrow Foundation | Nova Scotia |
King Street Soccer Field | Truro |
Kingston Walks Group | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Kiwanis Park | Truro |
Lambert Todd Days Festival, Lambert Todd Days Society | Reserve Mines |
Laurie Saulnier Memorial Trail, Hants West Wildlife Association | Upper Falmouth |
Leo Blair Memorial Ballfields, North River Ballfields | North River (Colchester Co.) |
Life Cycle | Kentville |
Loch Lomond RV Park | Cumberland County |
Lockhart Ryan Memorial Park, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
Londonderry Community Centre and Ballfield | Londonderry |
Londonderry Playforest | Londonderry |
Long Pond Heritage Hockey Classic | Windsor |
Lonnie Milne Memorial Park | New Minas |
Look Off Family Camping Park | Canning |
Louisbourg Basketball/Tennis Court & Skateboard Area, Louisbourg Tennis Club | Louisbourg |
Lower Truro Playground | Lower Truro |
Lumsden Pond Provincial Park, Provincial Day-Use Park | Black River (Kings Co.) |
Maccan Tidal Wetlands Park | Maccan |
MacElmons Pond Provincial Park | Debert |
MacKays Wild Outdoor Adventures, Outdoor Equipment Store | Truro |
Making Tracks, Active Transportation Safety Training | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Malagash Meadows Horse Farm | Tatamagouche |
Maplewood-Colchester Ranger Unit, Everything she wants to be | Valley |
Margaree Highland Games | Margaree Valley |
Mastodon Ridge, Visitor Information Centre/ Winding River Art Gallery | Stewiacke |
McMaster Mill Historic Park | Rockville Notch |
Meadowland Outdoor Rink and Park | Bible Hill |
Melanson Settlement National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Port Royal (Annapolis Co.) |
Membertou Trail | Annapolis Royal |
Mickey Hill Provincial Park, Provincial Day-Use Park | Graywood |
Mid-Valley ATV Club | Wilmot |
Mi'kmawey Debert Interpretive Trail | Debert |
Milford House | South Milford |
Millbrook 3D Shooters Association, Archery | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
Millbrook Ballfield | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
Millbrook Powwow Grounds | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
Miller Point Peace Park, Trails | Dayspring |
Milne Avenue Park | New Minas |
Minas View Golf Links | Cambridge (West Hants) |
Miner's Marsh Walking Trail | Kentville |
Mira Boat Club | Albert Bridge |
Mount Denson Garden Club | Mount Denson |
Mountain Golf and Country Club | East Mountain |
Mountain Top Cottages & Campground | Parkers Cove |
Movie Nights in the Park | Kentville |
Murphy's Camping on the Ocean | Tangier |
Museum, Willowbank Upick Farm | Port Williams |
Nancy Avenue Park | Salmon River (Colchester Co.) |
Nature Connections Youth and Family Camps, Nature Connections Overnight Camp | New Germany |
Neil’s Harbour and New Haven Multi-use Pad & Comfort Station | Neils Harbour |
Neil's Harbour Green Gym | Neils Harbour |
Nelson Memorial Park | Tatamagouche |
New Waterford Fields & Outdoor Space | New Waterford |
New Waterford Minor Baseball | New Waterford |
Nictaux Scotney Pathway | Nictaux |
Noel Road Jays Intermediate, Men's Baseball | East Hants |
NON-LEAD Hunting & Angling (in cooperation with CWRC & others), Non-Lead Ammunition & Tackle Exchange & Education Program* there is no known "safe" level of lead | Brookfield |
Nordic Pole Walking Nova Scotia, ...a better way to walk. | Halifax Regional Municipality |
North Avenue Playground | North Kentville |
North Colchester River Restoration Project, North Colchester River Restoration Association | Tatamagouche |
North River Kayak Tours | North River Bridge |
North Shore ATV Club | Kemptown |
North Shore Snowmobile Club | Colchester County |
North Street Basketball & Tennis Courts, (CEC Courts) | Truro |
North Sydney Fields & Outdoor Space | North Sydney |
Northport Beach Provincial Park | Northport |
Northumberland Links | Pugwash |
Northumberland Tennis & Pickleball Association, NTPA | Pugwash |
Not Since Moses Run | Five Islands |
Nova Scotia Migration Count | Annapolis Valley Region |
Nova Scotia Outdoor Network, Get the inside on the outside | Halifax Peninsula |
Nova Scotia Trails Federation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Youth Snowmobilers, NSYS | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
Nova Sporting Clays | Gays River |
NovaShores Adventures | Advocate Harbour |
NovaStrong Ultimate Obstacle Adventures, Atlantic Canada's Largest Obstacle Course | East Hants |
NSCC Tourism Annual Kentville Pumpkin Walk | Kentville |
NSPEC Complex, A Community, Agriculture, and Entertainment Complex in the Heart of Colchester County | Bible Hill |
Oakland Drive Park | Lower Onslow |
Old Shipyard Beach Campground | Spencers Island |
Ontree Fun & Adventure Park | Martock |
Open Hearth Park | Sydney |
Opportunity Farm | Onslow Mountain |
Outdoor Basketball | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Outdoor Courts, Three Mile Plains District School | Three Mile Plains |
Outdoor Courts, Windsor Forks District School | Windsor Forks |
Outdoor Ice Rink | Annapolis Royal |
Outdoor Ice Rink, Coldrook & District Lions Club | Coldbrook |
Outdoor Ice Rink, Kingston Tennis Courts | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Outdoor Rink, Falmouth District School | Falmouth |
Outdoor Skating on Stronach Park Duck Pond | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Outdoor Skating Pond, Port Williams Recreation | Port Williams |
Outdoor Skills Demonstration | Dayspring |
Outdoor Track, Central Kings Rural High School | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
Oxford & Area Minor Baseball | Oxford |
Oxford Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) | Oxford |
Paragon Golf and Country Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Parrsboro Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) ; Pathfinders (12-14) | Parrsboro |
Parrsboro Golf Club | Parrsboro |
Parrsboro Outdoor Basketball Courts | Parrsboro |
Parrsboro Schools Soccer Fields | Parrsboro |
Parrsboro Tennis Courts | Parrsboro |
Parrsboro Walking Club | Parrsboro |
Partridge Island Lookoff and Hiking Trail | Parrsboro |
Pat Mahaney Bike Trail | Bible Hill |
Patterson Wharf Park | Tatamagouche |
Pedometers for Loan, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
Peter Connell Memorial Park | Berwick |
Phoebe Lane to Falcon Road Trail | Valley |
Piau's Walk | Belliveau's Cove |
Pictou Road Ballfield, Valley Ballfield | Valley |
Playground, Balsor Drive | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Playground, Glooscap Elementary School | Canning |
Playground, Mathews Lane | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Playground, Memorial Park | Kentville |
Playground, Oakwood Drive | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Playground, Westwood Street | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Playgrounds, Brooklyn District Elementary School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
Playgrounds, Falmouth District School | Falmouth |
Playgrounds, Three Mile Plains District School | Three Mile Plains |
Playgrounds, Windsor Forks District Elementary School | Windsor Forks |
Playgrounds, Outdoor Courts & Sports Field, Windsor Elementary School | Windsor |
Port Clyde Trail | Municipality of the District Barrington |
Port Williams Community Park, Village of Port Williams | Port Williams |
Porter's Equine Centre | Stewiacke |
Pugwash Disc Golf | Pugwash |
Pugwash Harbour Fest | Pugwash |
Pugwash Yacht Club | Pugwash |
Pumpkin Pacer 5K, Hantsport Harvest Fest | Hantsport |
Recreation Resource for at Home Activities - Covid-19 | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
Reimer Gardens U-Pick | Waterville |
Renfrew Camping | East Hants |
River Hebert Tidal Bore Park | River Hebert |
RiverBreeze Farm & CornMaze | Upper Onslow |
Robb's Centennial Complex | Amherst |
Rocking Horse Ranch | Baddeck |
Rosevale Par 3 Family Golf Course | Martock |
Route 6 Snowmobile Club | Oxford |
Roxbury Road Trail | Roxbury |
Run Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
School Tours, Noggins Corner Farm Market | Greenwich |
School Tours/Groups, Willowbank Upick Farm | Port Williams |
Scotia Pine Campground | Hilden |
Scotian Hiker | Annapolis Valley Region |
Scots Bay Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Scot's Bay |
Scouts Canada | Amherst |
Scouts Canada, Adventure Starts Here! | Fenwick |
Scouts Canada, Adventure Starts Here! | Fenwick |
Scouts Canada, Fun and Adventure for youth ages 5-26! | Amherst |
Seabreeze Campground & Cottages | Canso |
Shambhala Sun Summer Camp | Tatamagouche |
Shamrock Ball Field, Hantsport School | Hantsport |
Shannon River Canoe Access Park | Albany Cross |
Shared Use Trail, Kings County Trails Society (in cooperation with Town of Berwick and Village of Kingston) | Kings County (NS) |
Shelby Ranch | Scotsburn |
Shinimicas Provincial Park | Shinimicas Bridge |
Short Line Trail - Colchester County section, Trans Canada Trail | Tatamagouche |
Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife Park | Shubenacadie East |
Shubenacadie Wildlife Park: St. Andrew's Marsh Trail | Shubenacadie East |
Shubenacadie Wildlife Park: Wetland Trails | Shubenacadie East |
Sieur de Mons Boardwalk | Annapolis Royal |
Sipekne'katik Ballfield | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
Sipekne'katik Playground and Sports Field | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
Sipekne'katik Pool | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
Ski Margaree | Margaree |
Ski Martock | Martock |
Ski Wentworth | Wentworth Valley |
Sledding at Burgher Hill | Kentville |
Sledding at Memorial Park | Kentville |
Sleigh and Wagon Rides, Daniel's Northfork Ranch | Billtown |
Smileys Provincial Park | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
SNL Paintball | Upper North River |
Snowmobilers Association of Nova Scotia, SANS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Snowpak Dog Sledding Adventures | Riversdale (Colchester Co.) |
Snowshoes for Loan, Kentville Parks & Recreation | Kentville |
Snowshoes for Loan, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
Snowshoes for Loan, Village of Kingston Recreation | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Snowshoes Loan, Kings County Recreation Services | Kings County (NS) |
Snowshoes to Rent, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
Snowshoes/ Nordic Walking Poles for Loan, Annapolis County Recreation Services | Bridgetown |
South Colchester Academy Soccer Field and Track | Brookfield |
Spicer Park | Berwick |
Spirit Reins Ranch | Parrsboro |
Sports Field, Windsor Forks District School | Windsor Forks |
Sports Fields, Brooklyn District Elementary School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
Sports Fields, Falmouth District School | Falmouth |
Sports Fields, Three Mile Plains District School | Three Mile Plains |
Spring Outside in Kentville | Kentville |
Springhill Centennial Golf Club | Springhill |
Springhill Lion's Park | Springhill |
Spry Bay Campground & Cabins | Spry Bay |
St Croix Recreation Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | St. Croix |
St. Mary's Archers of Truro | Hilden |
Stadium Ballfields | Truro |
Stan 'Chook' Maxwell Memorial Park | Truro |
Stanfields Ballfield | Truro |
Station Hill Amusements | Louisbourg |
Stay Active Outdoors | Antigonish County |
Stewiacke Recreation Grounds | Stewiacke |
Stewiacke River Park | Stewiacke East |
Stewiacke River Park Trail | Stewiacke East |
Stewiacke Valley Garden Club | Upper Stewiacke |
Stronach Park Fitness Trail | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Summer 2020 - Annapolis Royal | Annapolis Royal |
Summer 2020 - New Minas | New Minas |
Summer 2020 - Port Williams | Port Williams |
Summer 2020 - Town of Berwick | Berwick |
Summer 2020 - Village of Canning | Canning |
Summer 2020 - West Hants Regional Municipality | West Hants |
Summer 2022 - Town of Middleton | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
Summer 2022 - Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
Summer Camps in Cape Breton | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
Summer Concerts in the Park | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
Summer Open Gym on the Field | Kentville |
Summer Play in the Park Series | Kentville |
Sunday in the Park Concert Series, 2-4 pm at Victoria Park | Truro |
Sunrise Trail ATV Club | Cumberland County |
Sunset Watch Family Campgrounds | Brule |
Sutherlands Lake Trail Groomers Association | Sutherland Lake |
Sydney Community Garden | Sydney |
Sydney River Tennis Club | Sydney River |
Take The Roof Off Winter at the MARC | Dayspring |
Tami Community Park | Coldbrook |
TapRoot Farms | Port Williams |
Tatamagouche Festival of Soil, Soul, and Society | Tatamagouche |
Tatamagouche Provincial Park | Tatamagouche |
The Bicycle Specialist and Sport | Amherst |
The Gorge, Mountain Bike, Walking, & Snowshoe Trails | Kentville |
The Links at Penn Hills, Golf Course | Shubenacadie East |
The Railyard Mountain Bike Park | Truro and Area |
The Wild Side of Town, A Wolfville Millennium Trail Adventure | Wolfville |
Thomas Cove: Economy Trail | Economy |
Thomas Cove: Headlands Trail | Economy |
Thrive! | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
Tidal Bore Rafting Resort, Rafters Ridge Cottages | East Hants |
Tidal Bore Rafting Shubie River Wranglers | Green Oaks |
Tidnish Dock Provincial Park | Tidnish |
Tim Hortons Children's Camp | Tatamagouche |
Tim Horton's Soccer Field | Truro |
Town of Antigonish Recreation Department | Antigonish, NS |
Trailblazers Forest Play, Outdoor After School Program | Kentville |
TrailFlow Outdoor Adventures, Mountain Biking Programs and Guiding | Eastern & Central Kings |
Trans Canada Trail: Colchester County | Colchester County |
Trecothic Creek & Windsor Railway, TCWR | Windsor |
Triassic Park Ballfield | Parrsboro |
Truro and District Mixed Slo Pitch Association | Bible Hill |
Truro Canada Day Celebration | Truro |
Truro Civic Square | Truro |
Truro Equipment Loan Program | Truro |
Truro Golf Club | Truro |
Truro Lions Track & Field Club | Truro |
Truro-Bible Hill Off-Leash Dog Park | Truro |
Uniacke Pines, Golf Course | East Hants |
Valley Gardeners Club | Annapolis Valley Region |
Valley Nature Trail | Valley |
Valley Trekkers Volkssport Club | Kentville |
Van Tassel Lake Trails | Digby (Town) |
Victoria Park | Truro |
Victoria Park, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
Village of Bible Hill Snowshoe Borrowing Program | Bible Hill |
Wallace and Area Museum Walking Trails | Wallace |
Wallace Bay National Wildlife Area Trail | Wallace Bay |
Wallace Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) ; Pathfinders (12-14) | Wallace |
Wallace Minor Baseball | Wallace |
Wallace Recreation, Wallace | Wallace |
Ward's Falls Hiking Trail | Parrsboro |
Waterfront Exercise Equipment, Town of Windsor | Windsor |
Wentworth Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) ; Pathfinders (12-14) | Wentworth |
Wentworth Provincial Park | Wentworth |
Wentworth Ski Racing Club | Wentworth Centre |
West Colchester Minor Baseball | West Colchester |
West Hants Minor Softball | St. Croix |
West Pubnico Multi Purpose & Tennis Courts | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
White Rabbit Arts Festival | Upper Economy |
White Rock Community Trail, White Rock Community Association | White Rock |
White Water Adventures | East Hants |
Wide Open Wilderness Family Campground | East Hants |
Wild Nature Campground | Shubenacadie East |
Wild Roots Nature Education Centre | Berwick |
Wild Waters Rafting Company | Colchester County |
Windsor Active Transportation Trails, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
Windsor Bluefins, Windsor Swim Team | Windsor |
Windsor Playland Safari | Windsor |
Windsor Waterfront Skatepark, Town of Windsor | Windsor |
Winter Carnival, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
Winter Frolic Fun Run, Fun Run | Port Williams |
Wittenburg Ballfield | Wittenburg |
Wood Street Soccer Field | Truro |
Yoga on the Beach | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
Youth Running Series, Run Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |