Bay of Fundy Sea Kayak Symposium

Record #: ARG0066
Last Modified: 27 May 2016
Last Full Update: 26 Mar 2015


Located In Lower Argyle
Where To Find Us
Ye olde Argyler Inn
52 Ye Olde Argyle Rd
Lower Argyle, NS
Areas Served Yarmouth County


Phone 902-305-0051
Mailing Address 46 Russell Cross Rd 
Hilden, NS

Description & Services

The Bay of Fundy Sea Kayaking Symposium is a 3 day paddling event that combines world class coaching with paddlers in one of the most spectacular coastal setting in Eastern north America. The Tusket islands are not only rich with history and Acadian culture, they boast large tides as the Bay of fundy is home to the largest tidal range in the world. The area provides opportunities to paddle great rock gardens, tide currents and surfing is only a short drive from the base at Ye Olde Argyler Lodge. The planning committee has hand picked a world class coaaching team so your on water experiences will be top notch. The time off the water will be just as valuable as on, as paddlers are introduced to our feature guest speakerswho will recount their spectacular expeditions and adventures. At the Bay of Fundy Sea Kayaking Symposium the dynamic water will support new friendships, skill development and your spirit ti paddle. 
Unlike any other Sea Kayak Symposium, our paddlers will be joining a year round community. Our symposium does not start and stop on one weekend. From the moment they sign up a multitude of benefits will start coming their way in the form of early bird draw prizes, event news, coach profile videos and much more. This will allow you to connect to the event and stay connected with the event after you leave, Come have a play!
Eligibility Ages: 18 year(s) and up
Dates Biennial event mid to Late September please contact for exact date and more details!

Special Information

Tags Canoe/Kayak ; Classes/courses ; Fall Fun ; Festivals/Events ; Recreation Categories ; South Shore Connect ; Summer Fun