Kearney Lake Trails
Halifax North West Trails Association
Record #:
Last Modified:
09 Nov 2023
Last Full Update:
09 Nov 2023
Public Bulletin | Parking for the Maskwa Aquatic Club is currently CLOSED to the hiking community. Access to the Wilderness Area....try Colins Road at Belle off Larry Uteck. |
Located In | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Where To Find Us | 91 Saskatoon Dr Kearney Lake, NS |
Areas Served | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Description & Services
Trail Surface | A rugged 2.5-km woodland path, with steep ridges, borders the lake in places; no winter maintenance. |
Trail Activities | Hiking ; Trail Running ; Snowshoeing ; Geocaching ; Bird Watching ; Nature Viewing ; Swimming Nearby ; Dog Walking (on leash) |
Trail Attributes | Loop Trail ; Wilderness/Backcountry Trail ; No Winter Maintenance (Use Caution) ; Uneven Terrain ; Good Cellphone Reception |
Facilities At Start/End/Along Trail | Swimming Location |
Information | For more information about the Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area visit Although these are unofficial trails and are not currently under formal management, both HNWTA and the Friends of BMBCLS lead hikes into this area and work with governmental partners to care for these trails and advocate for their management and stewardship through the creation of the Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes Regional Park. This woodland trail splits into two. The right trail follows the southern shore of Kearney Lake. Straight ahead, the trail meanders up a series of granite ridges to Charlies Lake. The two trails connect several 100 metres from the trailhead. This is a public access point to the Blue Mountain - Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area (since 2009). Kearney Lake Trails offers hikers the choices of walking Maskwa Loop or Popcorn Island Loop that feature the beauty of Kearney Lake and its woodlands. Kearney Lake is the home of Maskwa Aquatic Club; the lake is in active use about 10 months of the year and hikers often see International and Canadian champions training. A longer hike with more challenging terrain, hikers can enjoy the trail to Charlies Lake Loop, enjoy the Charlie’s Lake Look off or climb Paddlers Ridge with the reward of seeing Charlies’ and Kearney lakes at your feet from the top. In the spring, hikers enjoy the many wildflowers in bloom; including Lady's Slipper, Mayflower, Trillium, Pitcher Plant and native orchids. With a wide variety of birds, this series of trails is great for eager bird watchers who don’t mind the climb up the steep slopes. In the summer many hikers cool off in the waters of either lake. In the fall the leaves change colour on Paddlers Ridge. In the winter Maskwa’s Loop and Popcorn Island Loop trails continue to be well traveled and hikers and snowshoers share the wider trails. Now CLOSED....Park in the Maskwa parking lot, 91 Saskatoon Drive, the trail head is found just to the left of the driveway to the Club House. This series of well traveled unmarked looped, intersecting and linear trails are all rated Moderate Plus, experience in back country hiking and safety is a must for all hikers. The trail begins on provincial land leased by Maskwa Aquatic Club from L&forestry and enters into the Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area about .7 km from the trail head. Can be confusing for first time hikers. Maps are posted at some trails intersections. For more information regarding Maskwa Aquatic Club go to |
Special Information
Tags | NS Trail Guide ; Recreation Categories |
Categories - General | Hiking Trails |