| Annapolis River Festival, Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP) | Annapolis County |
| Antigonish Boat Club | Harbour Centre |
| Antigonish Rowing Club | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
| Armstrong Lake Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | West Hants |
| Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada | Dartmouth |
| Aylesford Lake Beach | Aylesford |
| Aylesford Lake Yacht Club | Kings County |
| Baxters Cove | Judique |
| Bayswater Beach, Bayswater Beach Provincial Park | Bayswater |
| Bear Falls Wilderness | Middlefield |
| Becoming an Outdoors-Woman® Nova Scotia Association | Nova Scotia |
| Blue Sea Beach Provincial Park | Malagash Point |
| Blue Way Water Route | We'koqma'q |
| Borgald's Point Road Boat Launch | Chester Basin |
| Cabot Shores Wilderness Resort | Indian Brook |
| Cabot’s Landing Provincial Park, Department of Natural Resources | Sugar Loaf |
| Camerons Brook Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | South Brookfield |
| Canada Hill Lake, Beach | Canada Hill |
| Canadian Tire Jumpstart Mobile Kayaking Program | South Shore Region |
| Canoe & Pedal Boat Rentals, Raven Haven Beachside Family Park | West Springhill |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 1 - Lambs and Crotchet Lakes | Graywood |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 10 - Lake LaRose and Jerry Lake | Perotte |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 11 – Barrys Stillwater | West Dalhousie |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 12 – Corbett and Dalhousie Lakes | West Dalhousie |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 13 – Paradise Lake | West Dalhousie |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 14 – Lake Alma | West Dalhousie |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 15 – McGill Lake | West Dalhousie |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 16 – Waterloo and Shannon Lakes | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 17 – Springfield Lake and Lake Pleasant | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 18 – Nictaux River | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 19 – Annapolis River | Annapolis County |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 2 - Grand Lake and Grand Lake Flowage | Graywood |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 20 – Allains River | Annapolis Royal |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 21 – East Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 22 – West Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 23 – Mersey River | Annapolis County |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 24 – Annapolis Basin | Annapolis County |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 25 – Cloud Lake | Torbrook East |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 26 - Lake Torment | Lake Munro |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 27 - Tobeatic Wilderness Area | Annapolis County |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 3 - Sandy Bottom Lake | Milford |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 4 - Milford Lakes | Milford |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 5 - Flanders Meadows | Victory |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 6 - Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada | Maitland Bridge |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 7 – Hendry Lake | Annapolis County |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 8 - First and Second Pond | Greenland |
| Canoe Annapolis County, Route 9 – Bear River | Bear River |
| Canoe Kayak Nova Scotia, CKNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Cape Chignecto Provincial Park | Advocate Harbour |
| Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Big Bald Rock to Seal Cove | Advocate Harbour |
| Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Eatonville to Visitor Centre | Advocate Harbour |
| Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Mill Brook to Refugee Cove | Advocate Harbour |
| Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Refugee Cove to Big Bald Rock | Advocate Harbour |
| Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Seal Cove to Eatonville | Advocate Harbour |
| Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Coastal Trail | Advocate Harbour |
| Cape Lahave Adventures | LaHave |
| Card Lake Provincial Park, Trails | Sherwood |
| Clean Annapolis River Project, CARP | Annapolis Royal |
| Cloud Lake Wildnerness Area | Annapolis County |
| Coastal Spirit Expeditions | River John |
| Cookville Provincial Park | Cookville |
| Dalem Lake Provincial Park | Boularderie |
| Dominion Beach Provincial Park and Boardwalk | Dominion |
| Dundee Provincial Park | Louisdale |
| Dunromin Waterfront Campground and Cabins | Granville Ferry |
| Eagle North Canoe and Kayak, Cabot Trail Adventures | South Harbour |
| Ellenwood Lake Provincial Park | Deerfield |
| Fall Lake Cottages and Campground, Falls Lake West | Vaughan |
| Falls Lake Municipal Land, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Vaughan |
| Falls Lake Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Vaughan |
| Fancy Lake Provincial Park | Conquerall Mills |
| Fox Harbour Provincial Park | Wallace |
| Freedom Canoe & Kayak | Granton |
| Freewheeling Adventures | The Lodge |
| French Lake, Boat Launch and Beach Area | East Pubnico |
| Glenwood Provincial Park | Glenwood |
| Graves Island Provincial Park | East Chester |
| Groundswell - Rentals | D'Escousse |
| Groves Point Provincial Park | Groves Point |
| Hebb's Landing Park and Boat Launch | Upper Granville |
| Hubbards Provincial Park | Hubbards |
| IWK Pediatric Rehabilitation Service Equipment Loan Program | Halifax Peninsula |
| Kayak Cape Breton | West Bay |
| Kayak Loan Program | Kings County (NS) |
| Kejimkujik, National Park and National Historic Site | Queens County (NS) |
| Kempt Quarry Recreation Site, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Kempt Shore |
| Lake George Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Lake George (Kings Co.) |
| Lake Milo Aquatic Club | Yarmouth (town) |
| Lake O’Law Provincial Park | North East Margaree |
| Lake Rossignol - Mersey River to Shelburne River | South Shore Region |
| Lennox Passage Provincial Park | Lennox Passage |
| Lochiel Lake Provincial Park | Lochiel Lake |
| Long Lake Provincial Park | Spryfield (Mainland Halifax) |
| Lumsden Pond Provincial Park, Provincial Day-Use Park | Black River (Kings Co.) |
| Lunenburg Wooden Boat Reunion | Lunenburg |
| Margaree Harbour | Margaree |
| Martinique Beach Provincial Park | Musquodoboit Harbour |
| Mavillette Beach Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Mavillette |
| Melmerby Beach Provincial Park | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
| Mickey Hill Provincial Park, Provincial Day-Use Park | Graywood |
| Milford House | South Milford |
| Mira River Provincial Park | Albert Bridge |
| Municipality of the County of Annapolis - Recreation | Bridgetown |
| North River Kayak Tours | North River Bridge |
| Northern Yacht Club | North Sydney |
| Old St. Margaret's Bay Road | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Paddle Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
| Paddle Camp | Kings County (NS) |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Index Map | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Notes | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 1: Big Mushamush Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 10: Shingle Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 11: Ten Mile Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 2: Card Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 3: Christopher Lakes | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 4: Dauphinees Mill Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 5: Lake Rossignol | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 6: McGowan Lake / Dean Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 7: Molega Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 8: Ponhook Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 9: Seven Mile Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Routes: Additional lake suggestions | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Notes | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 1: Aspotogan | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 10: Ragged Harbour | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 11: Tancook Islands | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 2: Blue Rocks | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 3: Chester Islands | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 4: LaHave Islands | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 5: Lunenburg | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 6: Mahone Bay (Indian Point area) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 7: Medway Harbour | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 8-1: Port Joli Harbour | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 8-2: Kejimkujik Seaside | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 9: Port Mouton | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Notes | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 1-1: Lahave River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 1-2: Lahave River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 2: North Branch LaHave | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 3: West Branch LaHave | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 4-1: Medway River (McGowan Lake to South Brookfield) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 4-2: Medway River (Greenfield to below Bangs Falls) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 4-3: Medway River (Buggy Hole to Mill Village) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 5-1: The Mersey River (Kejimkujik Lake to Lake Rossignol) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 5-2: The Mersey River (Lake Rossignol to Liverpool) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 6: The Petite River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 7: The Pleasant River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 8: The Lower Shelburne River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 9: The Wild Cat River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route: Additional River Suggestions | South Shore Region |
| Paddle South Canoe and Kayak Rentals | Mahone Bay |
| Pictou County Paddle & Oar | Stellarton |
| Pisiquid Canoe Club | Windsor |
| Pleasant Paddling | Blue Rocks |
| Point Michaud Beach Provincial Park | Point Michaud |
| Pondville Beach Provincial Park | Arichat |
| Port Hood Station Provincial Park | Port Hood |
| Port Maitland Beach Provincial Park | Port Maitland |
| Powell's Point Provincial Park Beach | Pictou Landing |
| Queen of Hearts Dory Club | Cape Sable Island |
| Race on the River Dragon Boat Festival | New Glasgow |
| Remember Adventures | Tatamagouche |
| River Route 1: Broad River to Summerville Beach | South Shore Region |
| Ross Ferry Marine Park | Ross Ferry |
| Row Nova Scotia, Halifax Rowing Club/ North Star Rowing Club | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Sable River Provincial Park, Sable River Picnic Park | Sable River |
| Sail Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Sea Dog Bike & Kayak Rentals | Shelburne (town of) |
| Second Peninsula Provincial Park | Second Peninsula |
| Shannon River Canoe Access Park | Albany Cross |
| Sherbrooke Provincial Park | Sherbrooke |
| Southwest Paddlers | Central Argyle |
| Spring-Haven Canoe Outfitting | Tusket |
| Ten Mile Lake Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Middlefield |
| The Islands Provincial Park | Eastern Shelburne County |
| The Nova Scotia Sea School, Summer Adventures | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| The Song of the Paddle | Yarmouth County |
| Thomas Raddall Provincial Park | East Port L'Hebert |
| Tobeatic Wilderness Reserve, Tobeatic Wilderness Area | East Kemptville |
| Tor Bay Provincial Park Beach | Tor Bay |
| Tupper Lake | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
| Vollmer's Island Paradise | West Arichat |
| Waterside Beach Provincial Park | Caribou River |
| Whynot Adventure, The Keji Outfitters | Kejimkujik National Park |
| Ye Olde Arglyer Lodge, Lobster Bay Sea Kayaking Adventures | Argyle (Yarmouth Co.) |