 | Active Transportation Committee | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Annapolis Royal Walking Tour | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Valley Mountain Bike Association, AVMBA | Kings County (NS) |
 | Annual Heartland Tour Nova Scotia | Truro |
 | Antigonish Town & County Library: the People's Place Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Antigonish, NS |
 | Argyle Recreation Adult Kayak Loan Program, Adult Kayak Loan Program | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Argyle Recreation Snowshoe Loan Program, Snowshoe Loan Program | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Barrington Bay Trail | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Bicycle Nova Scotia, BNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Biweekly Trail Hike for Seniors, Avondale Trail | Avondale |
 | Buchanan's Beach | Lockeport |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 1 - Lambs and Crotchet Lakes | Graywood |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 10 - Lake LaRose and Jerry Lake | Perotte |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 11 – Barrys Stillwater | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 12 – Corbett and Dalhousie Lakes | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 13 – Paradise Lake | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 14 – Lake Alma | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 15 – McGill Lake | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 16 – Waterloo and Shannon Lakes | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 17 – Springfield Lake and Lake Pleasant | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 18 – Nictaux River | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 19 – Annapolis River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 2 - Grand Lake and Grand Lake Flowage | Graywood |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 20 – Allains River | Annapolis Royal |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 21 – East Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 22 – West Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 23 – Mersey River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 24 – Annapolis Basin | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 25 – Cloud Lake | Torbrook East |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 26 - Lake Torment | Lake Munro |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 27 - Tobeatic Wilderness Area | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 3 - Sandy Bottom Lake | Milford |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 4 - Milford Lakes | Milford |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 5 - Flanders Meadows | Victory |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 6 - Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada | Maitland Bridge |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 7 – Hendry Lake | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 8 - First and Second Pond | Greenland |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 9 – Bear River | Bear River |
 | CBRM Bike Week | Sydney |
| Centennial Cycling Club | Annapolis Valley Region |
| Chester Legion Parade & BBQ | Chester |
 | Clean Foundation | Dartmouth |
| Colchester Bike Week | Colchester County |
 | Cornwallis River Greenway, Cornwallis River Pathways Society (CRPS) | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Digby Trails, Digby Trails and Open Space Coordinator | Municipality of the District of Digby |
 | East Pubnico Biking & Walking Park | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Ecology Action Centre | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Hall's Harbour Eco Trails | Hall's Harbour |
 | Heart of the Valley Century Ride | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Heart&Stroke Walkabout | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Hidden Hilltop Family Campground | Glenholme |
 | Hub Cycle Spokebenders Cycling Club | Truro |
 | Kentville Migratory Bird Sanctuary | Kentville |
 | Kentville Trail System, Rails-To-Trails | Kentville |
 | Learn to Run 2019 | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lingan Golf Club | Sydney |
 | Louis Head Beach Campground | West Middle Sable |
 | Meadow Pond Walking Trail | Liverpool |
 | Middleton Heart Run | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Municipality of the District of Argyle - Municipalité d'Argyle, Argyle Recreation Department - Département des loisirs d'Argyle | Tusket |
 | Nordic Walking Poles for Loan, Kentville Parks and Recreation Equipment Loan Program | Kentville |
| Nova Scotia Walk Days | Halifax Peninsula |
 | Park, Playground and Trail Maintenance and Development, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
| Pedometers for Loan, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Pictou County Cycle Ltd. & Bike Club | New Glasgow |
 | Pictou Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Pictou |
 | Pictou Recreation & Parks | Pictou |
 | Pictou Recreation and Parks - Staying Active from Home | Pictou County |
| Pig Roast at Lordly Park, Chester | Chester |
 | Port Clyde Trail | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Renfrew Strength and Conditioning Center | Elmsdale |
 | Roseway Beach, Round Bay Beach | Roseway |
 | Roxbury Road Trail | Roxbury |
 | Run Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Salt Marsh Trail | Cole Harbour (HRM) |
| Scotian Hiker | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Seniors' Bus Tour 2018 - Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Shannon River Canoe Access Park | Albany Cross |
 | Shingle Mills Falls Hike | Aylesford |
 | Sieur de Mons Boardwalk | Annapolis Royal |
 | Snowshoes for Loan, Centreville & District Park & Recreation Association | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | The Bicycle Specialist and Sport | Amherst |
 | Town of Antigonish Recreation Department | Antigonish, NS |
| TrailFlow Outdoor Adventures, Mountain Biking Programs and Guiding | Eastern & Central Kings |
 | Triathlon Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Valley Trekkers Volkssport Club | Kentville |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Middleton | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Walking Group in Canning | Canning |
 | Westville Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Westville |
 | White Rock Community Trail, White Rock Community Association | White Rock |
 | Windsor Active Transportation Trails, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Women on Wheels, Cycling Group | Kentville |
| Women-on-Wheels | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Yarmouth and Acadian Shores Official Walking Guide, Where to Walk | South Shore Region |
 | Yarmouth Co Ed Slo Pitch League | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Waterfront Trail | Yarmouth (town) |