 | Acoustic Maritime Music Festival, Kempt Shore Ocean View Campground | Kempt Shore |
 | ADDA Fundy Tides Campground | Advocate Harbour |
 | Advocate Boat Tours, Scenic Zodiac Tours on the Bay of Fundy | Advocate Harbour |
 | Age of Sail Heritage Museum & Archives | Port Greville |
 | Al MacInnis Sports Center Golf Classic | Baddeck |
 | Amherst Artisan Gallery | Amherst |
 | Amherst Shore Provincial Park | Northport |
 | Amoeba Sailing Tours | Baddeck |
 | Amos Seaman School Museum | Minudie |
 | Angus L. MacDonald Library, StFX | Antigonish, NS |
 | Annapolis River Festival, Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP) | Annapolis County |
 | Annapolis Royal Visitor Information Center, Annapolis Royal | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Walking Tour | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival | Kentville |
 | Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum, Annapolis Valley Historical Society | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Anne Murray Centre | Springhill |
 | Antigonish Heritage Museum | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Landing Trail | Antigonish Landing |
 | Antigonish North Shore Lookoffs | Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish Town & County Library: the People's Place Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Antigonish, NS |
 | Arisaig Wharf and Lighthouse | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
 | Art Lab Studios and Gallery | Parrsboro |
 | ArtCan Gallery and Cafe | Canning |
 | Avon River Arts Society, A community of Artists and Artisans | Newport Landing |
 | Avon River Days 2019 | Windsor |
 | Avondale Trail System, West Hants Trails Association | Avondale |
 | Avondale Wharf and Waterfront, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Avondale |
 | Balmoral Grist Mill Museum | Balmoral Mills |
 | Bass River Heritage Interpretive Park and Museum | Bass River |
 | Bauer Theatre | Antigonish, NS |
 | Bay Enterprises | Malagash |
 | Bayfield Beach Provincial Park | Bayfield, Antigonish County |
 | Bayfield Wharf | Bayfield, Antigonish County |
 | Bear River Cherry Carnival | Bear River |
 | Beaver Mountain Provincial Park | James River, Antigonish County |
 | Belle Cote Community Centre | Belle Cote |
 | Benjie's Lake Trail | French Mountain |
 | Berwick Gala Days | Berwick |
 | Blair House Museum | Kentville |
 | Blomidon - Lookoff, Provincial Wayside Park | Arlington |
 | Bloody Creek National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Bridgetown |
 | Blue Sea Beach Provincial Park | Malagash Point |
 | Bog Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Breakwater Beach | Port Hood |
 | Bridgetown Ciderfest | Bridgetown |
 | Brook Village Square Dance | Brook Village |
 | Caddell Rapids Lookoff Provincial Park | Riverside (Colchester Co.) |
 | Cairn Park | Antigonish, NS |
 | Caledonia Visitor Information Centre Committee, Caledonia Visitor Information Centre | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Candlelight Graveyard Tour | Annapolis Royal |
 | Canning Heritage Centre, Fieldwood Heritage Society | Canning |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Big Bald Rock to Seal Cove | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Eatonville to Visitor Centre | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Fundy Ridge Trail | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Mill Brook to Refugee Cove | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Refugee Cove to Big Bald Rock | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Seal Cove to Eatonville | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Christie Viewpoint Trail | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Coastal Trail | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Eatonville Day-Use Trails, Three Sisters Trail and Squally Point Trail | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape d'Or Lighthouse | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape George Hiking Trails & Day Park | Cape George |
 | Cape Split Trail, Provincial Day-use Park | Scot's Bay |
 | Celtic Jam Sessions | Creignish |
 | Celtic Shores Coastal Trail | Inverness County |
 | Charles Fort National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Annapolis Royal |
 | Chestico Days | Port Hood |
 | Cheverie Salt Marsh Trail | Cheverie |
 | Chez Deslauriers, Pomquet Development Society | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Chimney Corner Beach | Margaree |
 | Chisholm Park | Antigonish, NS |
 | Churchill House, Hantsport Memorial Community Centre | Hantsport |
 | Cineplex Cinemas Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
 | Cliffs of Fundy Geopark Welcome Centre | Economy |
| Cliffs of Fundy UNESCO Global Geopark | Cumberland County |
 | Clifton Estate Disc Golf Course | Windsor |
 | Columbus Field Off-Leash Dog Park | Antigonish, NS |
 | Columbus Field Park, Playground, and Splashpad | Antigonish, NS |
 | Corney Brook Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Cribbons Point Wharf | Harbour Centre |
 | Cumberland County Museum and Archives | Amherst |
 | Dakeyne Farm Sunflower Maze | Mount Denson |
 | Davison Corn Maze | Falmouth |
 | Dayle's Grand Market | Amherst |
 | Dooly's Billiard Room | Antigonish, NS |
 | Down to Earth Art Gallery | Antigonish, NS |
 | Downtown Amherst Farmers' Market | Amherst |
 | Eagle Watch | Sheffield Mills |
 | East Wallace Motorcycle Campground | East Wallace |
 | Ed Creelman Park and Brookfield Railway Station | Brookfield |
 | Edible Art Cafe | New Minas |
 | Elm River Park Campground | Glenholme |
 | Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre | Antigonish, NS |
 | Festival of Dance Annapolis Royal, FODAR | Annapolis Royal |
 | Fishing Cove Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Five Islands Provincial Park | Five Islands |
 | Forest Lakes Country Club | Ardoise |
 | Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada, Parks Canada | Annapolis Royal |
 | Fort Edward National Historic Site of Canada, Parks Canada | Windsor |
 | Fox Harb'r Golf Resort & Spa | Wallace |
 | Fox Point Lookoff and Trail | Fox River |
| Friends of McNabs Island Society | Mainland Halifax |
 | Full Circle Festival, Avon River Heritage Society | Avondale |
 | Fundy Discovery Site | Lower Truro |
 | Fundy Geological Museum | Parrsboro |
 | Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy, (FORCE) | Parrsboro |
 | Fundy Tidal Interpretive Centre | East Hants |
 | Fundy Treasures Gifts and Tours | Joggins |
 | Garden and Labyrinth, Tangled Garden | Grand Pré |
 | Ghost Town | Annapolis Royal |
 | Glooscap Park and Campground | Parrsboro |
 | Goodlife Fitness Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
 | Grand-Pré Acadian Days | Grand Pré |
 | Grand-Pré National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Grand Pré |
 | Greenhill Provincial Park & Trail | Greenhill |
 | Gulf Shore Campground | Gulf Shore |
 | Gulf Shore Provincial Park | Gulf Shore |
 | Haliburton House Museum | Windsor |
 | Hants County Exhibition | West Hants |
 | Hantsport Harvest Fest | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Music Fest | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Winter Carnival | Hantsport |
 | Havre Boucher Wharf | Havre Boucher |
 | Heart of the Valley Festival | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Heritage Models Museum | River Hebert |
 | High Tide Festival | Harbourville |
 | Historic Gardens | Annapolis Royal |
| Historic Wolfville Walking Tour | Wolfville |
 | HI-Wentworth Hostel and Trails, Hosteling International- Wentworth | Wentworth |
 | HMCC Community Pool, Hantsport Memorial Community Centre | Hantsport |
 | Hyclass Ocean Campground | Havre Boucher |
 | Inverness County Department of Recreation and Community Wellness | Port Hood |
 | Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre | Springhill |
 | James House Museum, Bridgetown and Area Historical Society | Bridgetown |
 | Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site, ...and Centre! | Joggins |
 | Kempt Shore Music Gala Campout & Dance, Kempt Shore Ocean View Campground | Kempt Shore |
 | Kennington Cove | Louisbourg |
 | Kentville Volunteer Fire Department Museum | Kentville |
 | Lawrence House Provincial Museum | Lunenburg County |
 | Linwood Harbour Campground | Havre Boucher |
 | Little White Schoolhouse Museum | Truro |
 | Livingstone Cove Wharf, Park & Beach | Livingstone Cove |
 | Loch Lomond RV Park | Cumberland County |
 | Long Pond Heritage Hockey Classic | Windsor |
 | Mabou Ceilidh | Mabou |
 | Maccan Tidal Wetlands Park | Maccan |
 | MacElmons Pond Provincial Park | Debert |
 | Malagash Salt Miners' Museum | Malagash |
 | Margaree Highland Games | Margaree Valley |
 | Margaret Fawcett Norrie Heritage Centre | Tatamagouche |
 | Mastodon Ridge, Visitor Information Centre/ Winding River Art Gallery | Stewiacke |
 | Melanson Settlement National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Port Royal (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Membertou Sport and Wellness Center, YMCA Membertou Branch | Membertou |
 | Memory Lane Railway Museum | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Millbrook Cultural & Heritage Centre | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Murphy's Pond Beach | Port Hood |
 | Museum-Ottawa House By-the-Sea Museum and Parrsborough Shore Historical Society | Parrsboro |
 | National Historic District Tours | Annapolis Royal |
 | New Glasgow Public Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | New Glasgow |
 | Northport Beach Provincial Park | Northport |
 | Northumberland Arts Council Fraser Cultural Centre | Tatamagouche |
 | Northville Farm Heritage Centre, NFHC | Billtown |
 | Nova Scotia Visitor Information Centre, Amherst/NB Border | Amherst |
 | NovaShores Adventures | Advocate Harbour |
 | Oaklawn Farm Zoo | Aylesford |
 | Old Holy Trinity Church | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Old Shipyard Beach Campground | Spencers Island |
 | Paint the Town, 21st Annual Outdoor Painting Festival | Annapolis Royal |
 | Parrsboro & Area Harbour Commission | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Boat Adventures | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Visitor Information Centre | Parrsboro |
 | Partridge Island Lookoff and Hiking Trail | Parrsboro |
 | Pictou Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Pictou |
 | Pins Bowling | Antigonish, NS |
 | Port Hastings Historical Society | Port Hastings |
 | Port Hood Lobster Picnic | Port Hood |
 | Port Williams Days, Village of Port Williams | Port Williams |
 | Port-Royal National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Port Royal (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Pugwash Farmers Market | Pugwash |
| Pugwash Harbour Fest | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Visitor Information Centre | Pugwash |
 | Red Sky Gallery | Antigonish, NS |
 | Remember Adventures | Tatamagouche |
 | Rhododendron Sunday | Kentville |
 | River Hebert Tidal Bore Park | River Hebert |
 | River John Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | River John |
 | Riverside International Speedway | Antigonish County |
 | Salt Marsh Trail | Cole Harbour (HRM) |
 | Sara Bonnyman Pottery | Tatamagouche |
 | Scotia Pine Campground | Hilden |
 | Sea Kayaking: Wallace River to Pugwash River | Wallace River |
 | Seniors' Bus Tour 2018 - Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Shand House Museum | Windsor |
 | Sherbrooke Village | Sherbrooke |
 | Shinimicas Provincial Park | Shinimicas Bridge |
 | Ship's Company Theatre, Celebrating 35 years of professional theatre in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia! | Parrsboro |
 | Showcase Productions Society | Amherst |
 | Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife Park | Shubenacadie East |
 | Ski Wentworth | Wentworth Valley |
 | Snow Queen Leisure World | Antigonish County |
 | Snowpak Dog Sledding Adventures | Riversdale (Colchester Co.) |
 | Spencer's Island Lighthouse, Spencer's Island Community Association | Spencers Island |
 | Spirit Reins Ranch | Parrsboro |
 | Springhill Miners Museum (Society), Tour A Mine | Springhill |
 | Springhill Visitor Information Centre | Springhill |
 | St. Francis Xavier University, St.FX | Antigonish, NS |
 | Stellarton Public Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Stellarton |
 | StFX Art Gallery | Antigonish, NS |
 | Summerville Lantern Festival | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Tatamagouche Farmers' Market | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Grain Elevator Village | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Visitor Information Centre | Tatamagouche |
 | Ten Days in October | Parrsboro |
 | That Dutchman's Cheese Farm | Economy |
 | The Bread Gallery | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | The Dill Farm | Windsor |
 | The Flying Apron Cookery | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Theatre Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
 | Thinkers Lodge National Historic Site | Pugwash |
 | Torchlight Event & Public Skate | Kentville |
 | Trenton Public Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Trenton |
 | Truro Farmers' Market Cooperative | Truro |
 | Valley Drive-In Theatre | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
| Valley Ghost Walks | Kings County (NS) |
 | Valley Harvest Marathon | Wolfville |
 | Veterans Memorial Park | Bass River |
 | Victoria Park | Truro |
 | Victoria Square / Truro Welcome Centre, Due to COVID the Welcome Centre we remain closed for the 2021 Season | Truro |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Chester | Chester |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Windsor/West Hants | Windsor |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Bear River | Bear River |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Bridgetown | Bridgetown |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Kentville | Kentville |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Kingston / Greenwood | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Middleton | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Wallace and Area Museum Walking Trails | Wallace |
 | Wallace Visitor Information Centre | Wallace |
 | Wedgeport Tuna Tournament & Festival | Lower Wedgeport |
 | Wentworth Park | Sydney |
 | Wentworth Provincial Park | Wentworth |
 | West Hants Historical Society | Windsor |
 | West Hants Historical Society Museum | Windsor |
 | West Mabou Community Hall | West Mabou |
 | Western Kings Community Fair | Tremont |
 | Westville Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Westville |
 | Whale Cove Beach | Margaree Harbour |
 | Whidden Park Campground & Cottages | Antigonish, NS |
 | White Rabbit Arts Festival | Upper Economy |
 | Wild Nature Campground | Shubenacadie East |
 | Winter Carnival, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Wolfville Historical Society, Randall House Museum | Wolfville |
 | Yarmouth and Acadian Shores Official Walking Guide, Where to Walk | South Shore Region |