 | "Paddy's Park" Off-Leash Dog Park | Annapolis Royal |
 | #327 Unicorn Sea Cadets | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | *NEW* Gymnastics FUNdamentals (age 3 - 5 yrs), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | *NEW* Pop Up Skate Park and Youth Hangout, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | *NEW* Shuffleboard, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | “Coaching the Adolescent Athlete” Conference | Bridgewater |
 | 14 Wing Greenwood Recreational Hockey Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | 143 Construction Engineering Flight Lunenburg County | Bridgewater |
| 1442 River Hebert District High School Army Cadet Corps | River Hebert |
 | 154 Amherst Anson Royal Canadian Air Cadets | Amherst |
 | 1859 Springfield Legion Army Cadet Corps | Springhill |
 | 1st Amherst Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
 | 1st Amherst Pathfinder Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
 | 1st Bible Hill Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
 | 1st Cumberland - Kwesomalegek Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Amherst |
 | 1st Fenwick Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Fenwick |
 | 1st McCulloch Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
 | 1st Parrsboro Cub Scouts, Is the Scouting Program back in Parrsboro? YES! | Parrsboro |
 | 1st Parrsboro Scouting Program, Your Outside Adventure Starts Here | Parrsboro |
 | 1st Port Hawkesbury Scouts (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | 1st Springhill Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
 | 1st Springhill Pathfinder Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
 | 1st Springhill Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
 | 1st Stewiacke Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Stewiacke |
 | 1st Tatamagouche Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Tatamagouche |
 | 1st Truro Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
 | 1st Valley Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
 | 1st Valley Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
| 2 Bays 4-H Club | Blandford |
 | 2 Decades of Yoga, Offering alignment for your body from a depth of experience | Blockhouse |
 | 2017 55 Plus Games, 55 Plus Games | Bridgewater |
| 2018 Mountain Biking Clinic, Mountain Biking Clinic | West Hants |
| 20th Annual Literary Festival | River John |
 | 2553 Oxford Regional Army Cadet Corps | Springhill |
 | 258 Amherst Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps | Amherst |
 | 2688 Bridgewater Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps | Bridgewater |
| 272 Nova Scotia Highlanders Army Cadet Corps | Amherst |
 | 2916 Knights of Columbus Council | Amherst |
 | 2928 Royal Canadian Army Cadets | Truro |
 | 2940 Cheticamp Army Cadets | Belle Cote |
 | 2nd Bible Hill Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Bible Hill Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Bible Hill Pathfinder Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Bible Hill Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Springhill Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
 | 2nd Truro Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 2nd Truro Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
 | 2nd Truro Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 2nd Truro Venturer Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 2nd Valley Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Valley Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 30 Minute Lunch Time Fitness | Bridgewater |
 | 324 Bonaventure Sea Cadets | Stewiacke |
 | 397 Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron | Trenton |
 | 3rd Bible Hill Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
 | 3rd Truro Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 3rd Truro Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 3rd Truro Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 3rd Truro Venturer Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
| 4 The Health of It Middleton, A program to help you live a healthy life | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | 45s Games And/Or Tournament, Avondale Community Hall | Avondale |
 | 45s, Cribbage, Darts, Music Jams, Windermere Community Hall | Windermere |
 | 49 Cornwallis Street, Heritage Site | Lunenburg |
| 4-H Canada - Yarmouth County | Yarmouth County |
| 4-H Club - Central Valley | Kings County (NS) |
| 4-H Club - Clarence | Annapolis County |
 | 4-H Club - Cornwallis Project | Port Williams |
| 4-H Club - Eastern Kings | Kings County (NS) |
| 4-H Club - Harmony / Nicholsville | Kings County (NS) |
 | 4-H Club - Lucky Stars | Annapolis County |
 | 4-H Club - Mountain Ridge | Annapolis County |
 | 4-H Club - Sun Valley Riders | Annapolis County |
 | 4-H Club - Western Kings | Berwick |
 | 4-H Club Port Hood Islandview | Port Hood |
 | 4H Pro Show | Nova Scotia |
 | 4th Amherst Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
 | 4th Amherst Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
| 4th Annual Amherst Winter Carnival, Recreation | Amherst |
| 4th Annual Amherst Winter Carnival, Recreation | Amherst |
| 4th Annual Amherst Winter Carnival, Tuesday, February 13 | Amherst |
| 4th Annual Amherst Winter Carnival, Tuesday, February 13 | Amherst |
 | 50-Plus Club, Centreville Community Hall | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | 55+ Club | Membertou |
 | 569 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets | Brookfield |
 | 596 Phoenix Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron | Tatamagouche |
 | 5K Superhero Dash & 1K Flash Dash | Cookville |
| 5th Bible Hill Brownie Unit, Classic Cookie Sale | Truro |
 | 5th Bible Hill Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
 | 689 Handley Page Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron | Parrsboro |
 | 69 Cedar Centre, For Active Health and Living | Windsor |
 | 77 Arrowhead Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron | Truro |
| 875 Antigonish Lions Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron | Antigonish, NS |
 | 88 Truro Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps | Truro |
 | 9-BALL, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 22 | Bear River |
 | A for Adventure | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | A New Beginning Weight Loss Support Group | Hubbards |
 | A Royal Consort, Community Choir | Annapolis Royal |
 | A.G. Baillie Memorial School | New Glasgow |
 | A1VALLEY Boxing Club, Competitive or Recreational | Coldbrook |
 | Abercrombie Community Centre | Abercrombie |
 | Abercrombie Golf & Country Club | Abercrombie |
 | Abercrombie Volunteer Fire Department | Abercrombie |
 | Abercrombie Women's Institute | New Glasgow |
 | Abhaya Mixed Martial Arts | Greenwich |
 | Abhaya Mixed Martial Arts - Windsor | Windsor |
 | Above Par Golf Course | South Farmington |
 | Abundant Life Victory Church, Reach · Teach · Mobilize | Bible Hill |
 | Acacia Lodge NO.39 | Bridgewater |
 | Acacia Valley Trails | Hillgrove |
 | Academy Loft Climbing Gym | Annapolis Royal |
| Academy of the Inner Smile, Tai Chi Qi Gong REIKI practise and training | Parrsboro and Area |
 | Acadia Athletics Complex, Acadia University | Wolfville |
 | Acadia Dance Community Club | Wolfville |
 | Acadia Entrepreneurship Centre, Self Employment Program | Liverpool |
| Acadia Minor Basketball | Wolfville |
| Acadia Minor Hockey Association | Eastern & Central Kings |
 | Acadia Park & Trails | Westville |
 | Acadia University | Wolfville |
 | Acadian Park | Larry's River |
 | Acadian River Trail, Brule Community Centre | Brule |
 | Acadian Shores Interpretive and Geocaching Tour | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Acadian Trail | Cheticamp |
 | Acadiaville Playground | West Arichat |
 | Acadie Grouille Fitness Centre | Cheticamp |
 | ACAP Cape Breton, Centre for Sustainable Communities | Sydney |
 | Access to Greenlinks Trail/Rotary Park | Membertou |
 | Acoustic Maritime Music Festival, Kempt Shore Ocean View Campground | Kempt Shore |
 | Active Adventure for Girls, After School Program | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Active Aging Adventure Program, Active Aging | West Hants |
 | Active For Life, Making Nova Scotia Physically Literate | Nova Scotia |
 | Active Kids, Hants Shore Community Health Centre | Summerville (West Hants) |
| Active Kids / Healthy Kids, Municipality of the County of Annapolis | Annapolis County |
 | Active Kids, Healthy Kids Grant, Windsor/West Hants Recreation | West Hants |
 | Active Life Adventure and Training | Londonderry |
 | Active Living, Exercise Program | Port Williams |
 | Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability (ALACD), Recreation Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Active Living Community Exercise Program | Canning |
 | Active Living Exercise Program | |
 | Active Living Kentville | |
 | Active Living Studio | Bridgewater |
 | Active Pictou County | Pictou |
 | Active Start | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Active Start Basketball Programs | Shelburne County |
 | Active Start Soccer | Shelburne County |
 | Active Transportation, District of Lunenburg | Bridgewater |
 | Active Transportation Committee | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | ActiveLife First Aid Training, Wilderness first aid | Londonderry |
 | Adapted Equipment Loan Program | Cumberland County |
| Adapted Equipment Loan Program, Hippocampes available as equipment loans | Berwick |
 | ADDA Fundy Tides Campground | Advocate Harbour |
 | Admiral Desmond Piers Naval Association | Bridgewater |
| Adopt a forever friend from Companion Animal Protection Society of Annapolis County, CAPS | Annapolis County |
 | Adopt-A-Highway Spring Clean-Up, Port Williams and District Lions Club | Port Williams |
 | Adult Badminton Club, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Adult Chair Exercise Class | Iona |
 | Adult Co-Ed Volleyball | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Adult Day Program | Lunenburg |
 | Adult Full Fitness Classes “Keltic Dancercise” | North Sydney |
| Adult Pickleball, Recreational Pickleball | Wolfville |
 | Adult Skating, Credit Union Centre | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Adult/Senior Swims, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
| Advanced Clinic Mountain Bike, Mountain Bike Clinic | West Hants |
 | Adventure Club | Kentville |
 | Adventure Trail | Lunenburg County |
 | Adventure Trail, Association | Maitland |
 | Adventures East Campground & Cottages | Baddeck |
 | Advocate & District Voluntary Fire Brigade | Advocate Harbour |
 | Advocate and District Development Association., ADDA | Advocate Harbour |
 | Advocate Boat Tours, Scenic Zodiac Tours on the Bay of Fundy | Advocate Harbour |
 | Advocate District School | Advocate Harbour |
 | Advocate Harbour Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) | Advocate Harbour |
 | AEC Explorers | Upper Vaughan |
 | Aenon Baptist Church Youth Group | Chester Basin |
 | African Nova Scotian Affairs, Nova Scotia's Culture Action Plan | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Africentric Heritage Park | New Glasgow |
 | Afrikan Canadian Heritage and Friendship Centre | Guysborough |
 | After School Adventure Club, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | After School Gym Time | Eskasoni |
 | After School Hangout | Annapolis Royal |
 | After School Program | Berwick |
 | After the Bell Municipality of Barrington | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Afternoon Card Parties for 50+ | Kentville |
 | Afterschool Programs, Wolfville Recreation | Wolfville |
 | Afton Ballfield | Afton, Antigonish County |
 | Age Friendly Committee | Big Bras d'Or |
 | Age of Sail Heritage Museum & Archives | Port Greville |
 | Airport Fields Park | Bible Hill |
 | Al MacInnis Sports Center Golf Classic | Baddeck |
 | Al MacInnis Sports Centre | Port Hood |
 | Albany Community Church | New Albany |
 | Albert Acker Memorial Baseball Field | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Albert Bridge Recreation Association | Albert Bridge |
 | Albert Bridge Soccer Association | Albert Bridge |
 | Albert Bridge Volunteer Fire Department | Albert Bridge |
 | Albion Baseball Field | Stellarton |
 | Albion Boxing Club | Trenton |
 | Albion Trail | Stellarton |
 | Alderdale Greens Golf | Point Edward |
 | Aldershot Community Choir | Aldershot |
 | Aldershot Elementary Home & School Association | Aldershot |
 | Aldershot Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Aldershot |
 | Alexander Doyle Public Library | Southwest Mabou |
| Alexander Society for Inclusive Arts | Kings County (NS) |
 | All Around the Circle | Brookfield |
 | All For Horses Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | All Levels Gentle Yoga | Mahone Bay |
 | All Levels Yoga | Port Williams |
 | All Saints Anglican Church | Springhill |
 | All Saints' Church | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | All Saints Seniors Guild | Springhill and Area |
 | All Saints Sewing Guild (Bayswater) | Hubbards |
 | All Saints Women's Guild, All Saints Anglican Church | Springhill |
 | All Souls Anglican Church | Oxford |
 | All Terrain Vehicle Association of Nova Scotia, ATVANS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | All You Can Eat Breakfast, New Minas and District Lions Club | New Minas |
 | Allan Park and Playground | Stellarton |
 | Allison Bernard Memorial High School | Eskasoni |
 | Alma Fire Dept/Hall | Alma |
 | Along the Shores of Washabuck Festival | Lower Washabuck |
 | Alpine Ski Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Alton Ballfield | Alton |
 | Alton Recreation Centre, ARC | North Alton |
 | Alumni Aquatic Centre, StFX University | Antigonish, NS |
 | Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Alzheimers & Dementia Caregivers and Education Group | Lunenburg |
 | Alzheimer's Society Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
 | Amherst & Area Chamber of Commerce | Amherst and Area |
 | Amherst 50+ Club | Amherst |
 | Amherst Aerials Gymnastics Club | Amherst |
 | Amherst Artisan Gallery | Amherst |
 | Amherst Badminton Club | Amherst |
| Amherst Bantam Midget Baseball | Amherst |
 | Amherst Chapter Kidney Foundation | Amherst |
 | Amherst Communications, Hearing and Speech Nova Scotia | Amherst |
 | Amherst Community Garden(s) | Amherst |
 | Amherst Curling Club | Amherst |
 | Amherst Finders Orienteering Club | Amherst |
 | Amherst Firefighters Association | Amherst |
 | Amherst Food Assistance Network Association | Amherst and Area |
 | Amherst Golf Course | Amherst |
 | Amherst Gospel Hall | Amherst |
| Amherst Gutsy Walk | Amherst |
| Amherst Holiday Light Up | Amherst |
 | Amherst Junior "A" Ramblers | Amherst |
 | Amherst Kodokan Judo Academy | Amherst |
 | Amherst Legion, Branch #10 | Amherst |
 | Amherst Lions Club | Amherst |
 | Amherst Little League Baseball Club, Amherst Youth Baseball Leagues | Amherst |
 | Amherst Minor Basketball Association | Amherst |
| Amherst New Year's Eve Celebration | Amherst and Area |
 | Amherst Open Bible Baptist Church | Amherst |
 | Amherst Powerlifting Club | Amherst |
 | Amherst Pre-School Association | Amherst |
 | Amherst Regional High School | Amherst |
 | Amherst Rotary Park | Amherst |
 | Amherst Shore Provincial Park | Northport |
 | Amherst Shotokan Karate Academy | Amherst |
 | Amherst Skating Club | Amherst |
 | Amherst Slo Pitch | Amherst |
 | Amherst Stadium | Amherst |
 | Amherst- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Amherst |
 | Amherst Wesleyan Church | Amherst |
| Amherst Winter Carnival, Tuesday, February 13 | Amherst |
 | Amoeba Sailing Tours | Baddeck |
 | Amos Seaman School Museum | Minudie |
 | Anchors Above Zipline Adventures | French River |
 | Andrew Jeddore Memorial Relay | Eskasoni |
 | Anglican Parish of Avon Valley | Three Mile Plains |
 | Anglican Parish of New Germany | New Germany |
 | Angus L. MacDonald Library, StFX | Antigonish, NS |
 | Anita MacKinnon Yoga | Boisdale |
 | Annapolis & District Drama Group | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis & District Natal Days | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Basin Community Band | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Basin Conference Centre | Cornwallis Park |
 | Annapolis Big Band | Annapolis Royal |
| Annapolis Blaze Volleyball Club | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Community Band Fest | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis County Athletics | Bridgetown |
 | Annapolis County ATV & Multiuse Trails Society, ACAMUTS | Annapolis County |
 | Annapolis County Breastfeeding Group | Granville Ferry |
 | Annapolis County Breastfeeding Group | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis County Fun Run | Annapolis County |
 | Annapolis County Special Olympics | Annapolis County |
 | Annapolis County Trail Society | Annapolis County |
 | Annapolis East Archery Club | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis East Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis Heritage Society | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Living and Learning Institute, ALLI | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Raiders Basketball Academy | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis River Campground | Bridgetown |
 | Annapolis River Festival, Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP) | Annapolis County |
 | Annapolis Royal 5K | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Community Pool | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Conkers Club | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Football Club, Annapolis Royal Soccer | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Lions Club | Annapolis Royal |
| Annapolis Royal Parade of Lights | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal PRIDE Day | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Recreation | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Regional Academy Gym, Facility Rental | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Snowshoe Loan Program | |
 | Annapolis Royal Tennis Club | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Visitor Information Center, Annapolis Royal | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Volunteer Fire Department | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Royal Walking Tour | Annapolis Royal |
| Annapolis Skippers | Annapolis Royal |
| Annapolis Valley African Violet Society | Annapolis County |
 | Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival | Kentville |
 | Annapolis Valley Arm Wrestling Club | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley Bass Club | South Alton |
 | Annapolis Valley Bluegrass & Oldtime Music Association | Berwick |
| Annapolis Valley Bolt Volleyball | Bridgetown |
 | Annapolis Valley Chapter of Autism Nova Scotia | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley Chapter of Autism NS, Annapolis Valley Autos For Autism | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley Climbing Club | Kings County (NS) |
 | Annapolis Valley Cruiser's Car Club | Waterville |
 | Annapolis Valley Duplicate Bridge Club | Melvern Square |
 | Annapolis Valley Exhibition | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley Exhibition AGM, 7 pm | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley First Nation Band Office | Annapolis Valley First Nation (Cambridge) |
 | Annapolis Valley First Nation Health and Healing Centre | Annapolis Valley First Nation (Cambridge) |
 | Annapolis Valley Giant Vegetable Growers | Canning |
 | Annapolis Valley Honour Choir | Kings County |
 | Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum, Annapolis Valley Historical Society | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley Mountain Bike Association, AVMBA | Kings County (NS) |
 | Annapolis Valley Orienteering Club, AVOC | Kentville |
| Annapolis Valley Recreation Sta(y)tion - Covid-19 | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Annapolis Royal Library | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Berwick and District Library | Berwick |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Bridgetown & Area Library | Bridgetown |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Dr. Frank W. Morse Memorial Library | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Isabel and Roy Jodrey Memorial Library | Hantsport |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Kentville Library | Kentville |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Kingston Library | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Murdoch C. Smith Memorial Library | Port Williams |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Rosa M. Harvey / Middleton & Area Library | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Windsor Regional Library | Windsor |
 | Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Wolfville Memorial Library | Wolfville |
 | Annapolis Valley Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club | Waterville |
 | Annapolis Valley Shooting Sports Club, AVSSC | Canaan |
 | Annapolis Valley Speed Skating Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Annapolis Valley Table Tennis Club | Canning |
| Annapolis Valley Tennis Association | Kentville |
 | Annapolis Valley Toastmasters | Kings County (NS) |
| Annapolis Voices, Choral society | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis West Education Centre, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Annapolis Royal |
 | Annapolis Youth Park | Annapolis Royal |
 | Anne Murray Centre | Springhill |
 | Annex Field | New Glasgow |
| Annual Amherst Winter Carnival | Amherst |
| Annual BBQ Pork Chop Dinner | Truro and Area |
 | Annual Blessing Of The Bikes | Truro |
 | Annual Children's Fishing Derby goes VIRTUAL | Dayspring |
 | Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony | Canning |
 | Annual Crabfest and Fishing Derby | Bay St. Lawrence |
 | Annual Easter Egg Hunt | Dayspring |
 | Annual Embrace Truro Festival | Truro |
 | Annual Fall Harvest ActiveFest | Victoria County |
 | Annual Fishing Derby | Membertou |
| Annual Heartland Tour Nova Scotia | Truro and Area |
 | Annual Heartland Tour Nova Scotia | Truro |
 | Annual Mid-Summer Movie Nights | Truro |
| Annual Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival | Amherst |
 | Annual Nova Scotia Marathon | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Annual Parrsboro Film Festival | Parrsboro |
 | Annual Seniors Spring Picnic | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Annual Valentine's Day Dinner, Port Williams and District Lions Club | Port Williams |
 | Annual Vintage Automobile Show | Granville Ferry |
 | Annual VP Challenge | Truro |
 | Annual Winter Long John Festival, Truro | Truro |
 | Annual Yarmouth County Athletic Awards | Tusket |
 | Antigonish 55+ Games | St Andrews, Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish Aikikai, Peter MacLean | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish All Wheels Skatepark | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Angels Baseball Club | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Archery Association | Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish Arena | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Arts House | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Badminton Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Baseball Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Boat Club | Harbour Centre |
| Antigonish Budlight Slowpitch Softball Association | Antigonish, NS |
| Antigonish Celtics Soccer Club | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Challenger Baseball Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish County 4-H | Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish County Fire Department/Hall | Beech Hill (Ant. Co.) |
 | Antigonish County Recreation | Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish Creative Dance Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish District Girl Guides | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Education Centre | Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish Farmers Market | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Golf & Country Club | Cloverville, Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish Heritage Museum | Antigonish, NS |
| Antigonish Highland Dancing Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Highland Games | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Highland Skateboarding Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Hiking & Biking Trails Association | Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish Landing Trail | Antigonish Landing |
| Antigonish Minor Basketball Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Minor Football Association | Antigonish, NS |
| Antigonish Minor Girls Softball | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Minor Hockey Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Minor Softball | Antigonish, NS |
| Antigonish Multisport Pilot | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish North Shore Lookoffs | Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish Recreation Department Tennis | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Rowing Club | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
 | Antigonish Sno-Dogs Snowmobile Association | Antigonish, NS |
| Antigonish Stoirm Volleyball Club | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Therapeutic Riding Association | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Town & County Library: the People's Place Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Wee Lads & Lassies | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Women's Hockey League | Antigonish, NS |
 | Antigonish Wrestling Club | Antigonish, NS |
 | Anything that floats | Margaree |
 | Apex Dance | New Glasgow |
 | Apple Capital Heritage Trail | Berwick |
 | Apple River sub-station | Cumberland County |
 | Apple Tree Landing Family Education Centre | Canning |
 | Apple Valley Crossfit | Coldbrook |
 | Apple Valley Flyers | Aylesford |
| Apple Valley Riders Motorcycle Club | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Aqua-Fit | Bridgewater |
 | Aquafitness Classes, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Archelaus Smith Historical Society | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Archelaus Smith Museum | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Archery, Canning and District Recreational Commission | Canning |
 | Archery Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Archway Counselling | Truro |
 | Ardoise Community Recreation Centre | Ardoise |
 | Ardoise Community Recreation Centre, Hall Rental | Ardoise |
 | Argyle Abuptic Festival | Lower Argyle |
 | Argyle Farmers' and Artisanal Market | Tusket |
 | Argyle Minor Baseball | Tusket |
 | Argyle Minor Soccer | Tusket |
 | Argyle Recreation Adult Kayak Loan Program, Adult Kayak Loan Program | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Argyle Recreation Equipment Loan Program for Covid-19 | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Argyle Recreation Snowshoe Loan Program, Snowshoe Loan Program | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Argyle Township Court House and Archives | Tusket |
 | Arichat Skateboard Park | Arichat |
 | Arie Dance Company | Truro |
 | Arisaig Beach | Antigonish County |
 | Arisaig Community Recreation | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
| Arisaig Parish Community Centre Society | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
 | Arisaig Pickleball | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
 | Arisaig Provincial Park & Trails | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
 | Arisaig Wharf and Lighthouse | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
 | Arm of Gold Campground and Trailer Park | Little Bras d'Or |
 | Armstrong Lake Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | West Hants |
 | Arnis de Mano Martial Arts Academy, Bridgewater Arnis de Mano | Bridgewater |
 | Art Basics | Bridgewater |
 | Art Classes & Seminars, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Art Classes Open House, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Art Club | |
 | Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Western Branch in Yarmouth | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Art Happening | Bridgewater |
 | Art Lab Studios and Gallery | Parrsboro |
 | Art of Healing Wellness Centre | Chester Basin |
 | Art Sessions, 50+ | Kentville |
 | Art Workshops with Gene, 50+ | Kentville |
 | ArtCan Gallery and Cafe | Canning |
 | Arthritis Society, Atlantic Region | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Arthur Young Trail | Cookville |
| Arts & Crafts Community Workshop Directory, Post your workshop free. | Fairview (Mainland Halifax) |
 | ARTsPLACE Gallery, Annapolis Region Community Arts Council (ARCAC) | Annapolis Royal |
 | Ascendo Fitness / Supplement King | Sydney |
 | Ashlei Ballet School | Stellarton |
| Aspotogan Arts & Crafts | Northwest Cove |
 | Aspotogan Bike Polo | Hubbards |
 | Aspotogan Consolidated Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Hubbards |
 | Aspotogan Fitness Club | Fox Point |
 | Aspotogan Heritage Trust | Hubbards |
 | Aspotogan Recreation Association | Aspotogan |
 | Aspotogan Trail | East River |
 | Aspy Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Association of Friends of the Annapolis Royal Library | Annapolis Royal |
| At Home Ideas! | Kings County |
 | Athenaeum Society of Nova Scotia | Hubbards |
 | Athletics Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Atlantic Cirque, School of Circus Arts | Dartmouth |
 | Atlantic Dance Academy | Amherst |
 | Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada | Dartmouth |
 | Atlantic Dowsers Society | Truro |
 | Atlantic Motorsport Track (AMP), The Heart of Racing in the Maritimes | Mill Village |
 | Atlantic School of Skydiving | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Atlantic Street Track | Sydney |
 | Atlantic Therapeutic Touch Network, Bridgewater Practice Group | Bridgewater |
 | Atlantic View Trail | Lawrencetown |
| Atlantic View Trail Association | Lawrencetown |
 | Atlantic Youth Bowling Program | Glace Bay |
 | Attic Painters | Truro |
| ATV Association of Nova Scotia, Central Nova ATV/UTV Club | Lunenburg County |
 | Atwater Park | Boylston |
 | Auction 45 Card Parties, Belmont Community Hall | Belmont |
 | Auction 45's, Senior Card Parties | Bible Hill |
 | Auction 45s Tournament, Belmont Community Hall | Belmont |
| Audubon Christmas Bird Count | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Auld's Cove Ballfield | Aulds Cove |
 | Auld's Cove Beach | Aulds Cove |
| Auld's Cove Recreation Committee | Aulds Cove |
 | Auld's Cove Wharf | Municipality of the District of Guysborough |
 | Autism Nova Scotia: Cumberland Chapter, Autism Nova Scotia Cumberland Chapter | Amherst |
| Autism Supports/Strategies for Recreation and Social Settings | |
 | Avite Burke Memorial Court | Amiraults Hill |
 | Avon Community Farmers' Market | Windsor |
 | Avon Dance Academy | Windsor |
 | Avon Pony Club | West Hants |
 | Avon River Arts Society, A community of Artists and Artisans | Newport Landing |
 | Avon River Days 2019 | Windsor |
 | Avon River Heritage Society | Avondale |
 | Avon River Heritage Society, Rentals | Avondale |
 | Avon United Church | Hantsport |
 | Avon Valley Golf & Country Club | Falmouth |
 | Avon View High School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor |
 | Avondale Community Hall | Avondale |
 | Avondale Community Hall, Hall Rental | Avondale |
 | Avondale Trail System, West Hants Trails Association | Avondale |
 | Avondale United Church, Newport Pastoral Charge | Avondale |
 | Avondale Wharf and Waterfront, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Avondale |
 | Avonport Baptist Church | Avonport |
| AVRL Storytimes | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Aylesford & District Lions Club | Aylesford |
 | Aylesford and District Volunteer Fire Department | Aylesford |
 | Aylesford and District Volunteer Fire Department, Hall Rental | Aylesford |
 | Aylesford Baptist Church | Aylesford |
 | Aylesford East Community Centre | Aylesford |
 | Aylesford Lake Beach | Aylesford |
 | Aylesford Lake Triathlon | Aylesford |
 | Aylesford Lake Yacht Club | Kings County |
 | Aylesford Minor Baseball | Aylesford |
 | Aylesford Mountain Conservation Lands | Aylesford |
 | Aylesford United Church | Aylesford |
 | B.A.C.A., Bikers Against Child Abuse International- Truro Chapter | Truro |
 | Baby and Me, Kings County Family Resource Centre | Kentville |
 | Baby Clubs, Public Health Services | Bridgewater |
 | Babysitting Course | Bridgewater |
 | Baccaro Point Look-Off and Lighthouse | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Baddeck #FOR The Girls – Baddeck Academy | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck & Area Minor Hockey Association | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Academy | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Adult Badminton Club | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Adult Skates | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck and Area ATV Club | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Community Wellness Room | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Curling Club | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Forks Golf Course | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Public Library | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Rugby Football Club | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Valley 4-H | Forks Baddeck |
 | Baddeck Volunteer Fire Department & Community Centre | Baddeck |
 | Baddeck/Whycocomagh Bobcats Minor Hockey | Baddeck |
 | Badminton | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Badminton, Annapolis Royal Recreation | Annapolis Royal |
 | Badminton, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Badminton Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Baggo | Bridgewater |
 | Baille Ard Trail, Baille Ard Recreation Association | Sydney |
 | Balancing Rock Trail | Municipality of the District of Digby |
 | Bald Mountain Trail | Big Baddeck |
| Ball Hockey, Annapolis Royal Recreation | Annapolis Royal |
 | Ball Hockey Arena | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Ballantynes Cove Beach | Ballantynes Cove |
 | Ballroom Dance Classes | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Balmoral Archery Club | Tatamagouche |
 | Balmoral Grist Mill Museum | Balmoral Mills |
 | Balmoral Rebekah Lodge #39 | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Balsam | Dayspring |
 | Bantam Bay Beach | LaHave Islands |
 | Baptist Church | Berwick |
 | Baptist Church of Melvern Square | Melvern Square |
 | Baraco Days | Louisdale |
 | Barrachois Community Hall Association | Tatamagouche |
 | Barrachois Harbour Yacht Club | Tatamagouche |
 | Barrachois Provincial Park | Barrachois |
 | Barrenland Trail | Queensport |
 | Barrington & Area Chamber of Commerce | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington & Area Over 50 Pick-up Hockey | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Area Ladies Softball League | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Area Lionettes | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Area Lions Club | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Ballfield Playground | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Bay Trail | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Community Garden, The Sunshine Garden | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Friends of the Library | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Ground Search & Rescue | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Leisure Parks Association | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Municipal Agricultural Exhibition Society, Barrington Municipal Exhibition | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Municipal High School | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Municipal High School, Parent Support Group | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Municipal Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Municipal Pool | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Recreation, Municipality of the District of Barrington | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Recreation Centre | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Recreation Tennis Court | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Referee Association | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Regional Curling Club | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington River Picnic Area | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Show & Shine Car Show | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Volunteer Fire Department | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Woolen Mill | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrios Beach Wharf | Barrios Beach |
 | Barss Corner & Area Recreation Society | Barss Corner |
 | Barss Corner Baptist Church | Barss Corner |
 | Barss Corner Judo Club | Barss Corner |
 | Bartown Festival | North Sydney |
 | Baseball Field | Glace Bay |
 | Baseball Field | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Baseball Field, Central Kings Rural High School | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Baseball Field, Pine Ridge Middle School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Baseball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Basement Theatre | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Basic Spirit Fine Craft and Gift Gallery | Pugwash |
 | Basil Blades Memorial Ball Field and Playground, South Side Ball Field | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Basin Gardeners Association | Chester Basin |
 | Basketball Association of Kentville | Kentville |
| Basketball Cape Breton | Sydney |
 | Basketball Court | Glace Bay |
 | Basketball Court, Kingston & District School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Basketball Court, Pine Ridge Middle School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Basketball Courts, Central Kings Rural High School | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Basketball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Bass River Community Victoria Hall | Bass River |
 | Bass River Fire Brigade | Bass River |
 | Bass River Heritage Interpretive Park and Museum | Bass River |
 | Bateston Athletic Club | Bateston |
 | Bateston Volunteer Fire Department | Bateston |
 | Bauer Theatre | Antigonish, NS |
 | Baxters Cove | Judique |
 | Bay Days | Glace Bay |
 | Bay Enterprises | Malagash |
 | Bay of Fundy Sea Kayak Symposium | Lower Argyle |
 | Bay Side Home | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Bay St Lawrence Community Centre | Bay St. Lawrence |
 | Bay St. Lawrence Volunteer Fire Department | Bay St. Lawrence |
 | Bay to Bay Trail Longhill Road Trailhead | Lunenburg County |
 | Bay to Bay Trail | Lunenburg County |
| Bay to Bay Trail Association | Lunenburg County |
| Bay Vista Conns Mills 4-H | Cumberland County |
| Bayer Lake Loop | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | Bayfield Beach Provincial Park | Bayfield, Antigonish County |
 | Bayfield Wharf | Bayfield, Antigonish County |
 | Bayhead Union Church | Bayhead |
 | Bayplex | Glace Bay |
 | Bayswater Beach, Bayswater Beach Provincial Park | Bayswater |
 | Bayview Community Hall | Bay View |
 | Bayview Community School, South Shore Regional School Board | Mahone Bay |
 | Bayview Education Centre | Port Hood |
 | BBHH 4-H Club | Bridgewater |
| Be Fit Kits, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Be the Peace, Second Story Women's Centre | Lunenburg |
 | Beach Meadows Beach | Beach Meadows |
 | Beach Volleyball | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Beacon Park Playground | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Beacon United Church | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Beacon's Community Garden | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Bear Falls Wilderness | Middlefield |
 | Bear Point Advent Christian Church | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Bear River Cherry Carnival | Bear River |
 | Bear River East Baptist Church | Bear River |
 | Bear River Heritage Museum, Bear River Historical Society | Bear River |
 | Bear River Volunteer Fire Department | Bear River |
 | Bear River Volunteer Fire Department, Facility Rental | Bear River |
 | Beauvais Lake Trail | L'Ardoise |
 | Beaver Mountain Provincial Park | James River, Antigonish County |
 | Beaverdam Rifle Range | Beaverdam Lake |
 | Beavers, Cubs and Scouts | Pictou |
 | Becoming an Outdoors-Woman® Nova Scotia Association | Nova Scotia |
 | Bedford Sackville Connector Greenway | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Beechbrook Campground | Ardoise |
 | Beechville Lakeside Timberlea (BLT) Trail Association | Lakeside |
 | Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Rails to Trails (BLT Trail), Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Rails to Trails Association | Lakeside |
 | Beehive Adult Service Centre | Aylesford |
 | Before and After School Program, Kingston & District School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Beginner Guitar Lessons | Bridgewater |
 | Beginner Ukulele | Bridgewater |
 | Beginner/Recreational Pickleball NEW!, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Belchers Marsh Park Trail, Halifax North West Trails Association | Mainland Halifax |
 | Bell Bay Golf Club | Baddeck |
 | Belle Cote Beach | Belle Cote |
 | Belle Cote Community Centre | Belle Cote |
 | Belle Cote Days | Belle Cote |
 | Belly Dance and Drum, Nova Scotia Belly Dance | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Belly Dancing | Kentville |
 | Belly Fit Classes | Big Bras d'Or |
 | Belmont Community Hall, Hall Rental | Belmont |
 | Belmont United Baptist Church | Belmont (Colchester Co.) |
 | Ben Eoin Marina | Ben Eoin |
 | Ben Eoin Provincial Park | Ben Eoin |
 | Benedict Field, Port Williams Recreation | Port Williams |
 | Benjie's Lake Trail | French Mountain |
 | Bernie Burke Memorial Golf Tournament | Parrsboro |
 | Berry Head Light Trail | Tor Bay |
 | Berwick & District Lions Club | Berwick |
 | Berwick & District Minor Hockey Association, Berwick Bruins | Berwick |
 | Berwick & District Ringette Association | Berwick |
 | Berwick & District School | Berwick |
 | Berwick & District Volunteer Fire Department | Berwick |
 | Berwick & District Volunteer Fire Department, Hall Rental | Berwick |
 | Berwick Area Minor Baseball Association | Berwick |
 | Berwick Broomball | Berwick |
 | Berwick Community Gardens | Berwick |
 | Berwick Curling Club | Berwick |
 | Berwick Curling Club, Junior Program | Berwick |
 | Berwick Fitness Centre, Berwick Fitness Centre | Berwick |
 | Berwick Food Bank | Berwick |
 | Berwick Gala Days | Berwick |
 | Berwick Gala Days Annual Five Mile Road Race | Berwick |
 | Berwick Heights Golf Course | Weston |
 | Berwick Recreation & Community Development | Berwick |
 | Berwick Santa Claus Celebrations | South Berwick |
 | Berwick Splash Pad | South Berwick |
 | Berwick Sports Hall of Fame | Berwick |
 | Berwick Summer Day Camp | Berwick |
 | Berwick Town Hall Gym | Berwick |
 | Berwick United Church | Berwick |
 | Berwick United Church Camp | Berwick |
 | Bessview Park | Coldbrook |
 | Best Western Plus Hotel & Convention Centre, Indoor Pool, Exercise Room | Cookville |
 | Bethany Contemplative Trail | Antigonish, NS |
 | Bethany Memorial Baptist Church | Aldershot |
 | Bethel Baptist Church Hall | Westville |
 | Bethel United Church Hall/CE Centre | Marion Bridge |
 | Better Together Family Resource Centre, South Shore Family Resource Association | Bridgewater |
 | B-Fit Bootcamp Exercise Program, Ardoise Community Recreation Centre | Ardoise |
 | BGC Truro & Colchester | Truro |
 | Biathlon Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Bible Hill and Truro Minor Ball Association | Bible Hill |
 | Bible Hill Bowlacade | Bible Hill |
| Bible Hill Canada Day Celebrations, Lots of fun events for the whole family! | Truro and Area |
 | Bible Hill Consolidated Elementary School | Bible Hill |
 | Bible Hill Garden Club | Bible Hill |
 | Bible Hill Junior High School | Bible Hill |
 | Bible Hill Junior High School Community Disc Golf, Life is short. Have you thrown a disc today? | Bible Hill |
 | Bible Hill Recreation Park | Bible Hill |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Around the River | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Bear River / Cornwallis | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Belleisle Marsh | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Century Ride Route | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Cloud Lake Wilderness Ride | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Cottage Cove Ride | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Delaps Cove Ride | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Dugway / Gristmill Loop | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Ernest Buckler Ride | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Fundy Shore Ride | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Habitation Ride | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Kejimkujik National Park & National Historic Site of Canada | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Kejimkujik Ride | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Lawrencetown / Middleton Ride | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Meadowvale / Nictaux Falls Loop | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Over the Mountain and to the Bay | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Paradise & Beyond | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Pony Express Ride | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Raven's Victory Loop | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Springfield Spin | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Trek to Hebb's Landing | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County, Wilderness Loop | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Annapolis County Week | Annapolis County |
 | Bicycle Nova Scotia, BNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Bicycle Rentals, Valley Stove & Cycle Ltd. | Kentville |
 | Big Bras d'Or Fire Hall | Big Bras d'Or |
 | Big Brothers Big Sisters, of Pictou County | New Glasgow |
 | Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canso & Area | Canso |
 | Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colchester East Hants | Truro |
 | Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Annapolis Valley | Kentville |
 | Big Brothers/Big Sisters of South Shore | Bridgewater |
 | Big Cove YMCA Camp | Thorburn |
 | Big Island Beach | Big Island |
 | Big Meadow Brook Outfitters | East Kemptville |
 | Big Tancook Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Tancook Island |
 | Big Wave Summer Festival | Big Bras d'Or |
 | Bigelow Nature Trail | Canning |
 | Bijou de l’Acadie Cultural Immersion Experience | West Pubnico |
 | Bike Monkey, Ice Monkey | Truro |
 | Bike Victoria | Victoria County |
 | Bikes for Kids Pictou County | Pictou County |
 | Billtown Baptist Church | Billtown |
| Biosphere Northeast Trails Association | Victoria County |
 | Birch Street Park, Princeton Heights Park | Salmon River (Colchester Co.) |
 | Birchtown Community Centre | Birchtown |
 | Birchwood Campground & Cabins | Lyons Brook |
 | Birthday Parties, Cotton Tale Café + Play | New Minas |
 | Birthday Parties, President's Choice Cooking School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Birthday Parties, President's Choice Cooking School | New Minas |
 | Birthday Party Packages, Windsor Community Centre | Windsor |
 | Bishop Hall | Greenwich |
 | Bishop Park | Round Hill |
 | Bishop Park | Hubbards |
 | Bissel Memorial Park | River John |
 | Biweekly Trail Hike for Seniors, Avondale Trail | Avondale |
 | Black Brook Beach | Ingonish Beach |
 | Black Brook Falls Trail | East River St. Marys |
 | Black Diamond Ball Fields, Soccer Field & Walking Track | Glace Bay |
 | Black Duck Cove Provincial Park & Trail | Dover |
 | Black Loyalist Heritage Society, Black Loyalist Heritage Centre | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Black Loyalist Heritage Trail | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Black Point Beach, Hemeon's Beach | Little Harbour (Shel. Co.) |
 | Black River Community Hall | Black River (Kings Co.) |
 | Black Rock Baptist Church | Black Rock (Kings Co.) |
 | Black Rock Community Assoc presents "Marion Bridge" drama/comedy Theatre show, 10 March 2018 7:30pm | Black Rock (Kings Co.) |
 | Black Rock Community Centre | Black Rock (Kings Co.) |
 | Black Rock Culture & Recreation Hall | Black Rock (Kings Co.) |
 | Black Rock Line Dancing | Big Bras d'Or |
 | Black Rock Trails, Black Rock Trails Society | Black Rock (Kings Co.) |
 | Blair House Museum | Kentville |
 | Blandford & Area Fire Rescue | Blandford |
 | Blandford Community Centre, District No. 1 Community Centre | Blandford |
 | Blandford Nature Reserve | Blandford |
 | Blandford Seasiders Seniors Club | Blandford |
 | Blind Sports Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Blockhouse Fire Department | Blockhouse |
 | Blomidon - Lookoff, Provincial Wayside Park | Arlington |
 | Blomidon Court | Greenwich |
| Blomidon Multisport Club | Wolfville |
 | Blomidon Provincial Park | Blomidon |
 | Blomidon Provincial Park Trail | Blomidon |
 | Bloody Creek National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Bridgetown |
| BLUE HERON GALLERY | Lorneville |
| Blue Hill Coach Trail | Fall River (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Blue Mountain District Volunteer Fire Department & Community Center | Blue Mountain |
 | Blue Mountain Summit, Halifax North West Trails Association | Mainland Halifax |
 | Blue Ridge Farm U-Pick | Waterville |
 | Blue Sea Beach Provincial Park | Malagash Point |
 | Blue Way Water Route | We'koqma'q |
 | Blueberry & Raspberry U-Pick | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Bluenose Academy, South Shore Regional School Board | Lunenburg |
 | Bluenose Agility & Recreational Canines Association, BARC | Bridgewater |
 | Bluenose Athletics South Shore Track and Field Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bluenose Curling Club | New Glasgow |
 | Bluenose Golf Club | Lunenburg |
 | Bluenose II | Lunenburg |
 | Bluenose Rally | Billtown |
 | Bluenose Striders Running Club | Lunenburg |
 | BMO Financial Group Aquatic Centre | Bridgewater |
 | Boardmore Theatre | Sydney |
 | Boates Farm U-Pick | Woodville (Kings Co.) |
 | Bob Ansems' U-Pick | Steam Mill |
 | Body Sculpt | Berwick |
 | Bog Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Bohaker Trail, Delaps Cove Wilderness Trail | Delaps Cove |
 | Bon Portage Island lighthouse | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Bonnie Brae Seniors Club | St. Peter's |
 | Bonny Lea Farm, South Shore Community Service Association | Chester |
 | Bonvie - MacDonald Rinks to Links | Cloverville, Antigonish County |
 | Book Bikes | Wolfville |
 | Book Bikes | Annapolis Royal |
 | Book Bikes | Berwick |
 | BOOTCAMP, Winding River & Community Centre | Stewiacke |
 | Border Riders 4-H Club | Mount Denson |
| Bordertown Annual Working Truck Show & Shine, In partnership with Maritime Ride & Pride | Amherst |
| Bordertown Biker Bash | Amherst and Area |
 | Borgald's Point Road Boat Launch | Chester Basin |
 | Boularderie Blazers Walking Program | Boularderie |
 | Boularderie Elementary School | Boularderie East |
 | Bowl More Lanes | Bridgewater |
 | Boxing Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Boxwood Festival & Workshop, Music & dance workshops for children, teens, and adults | Lunenburg |
 | Boxwood Festivals, Traditional and Early Music Workshop & Concerts | Lunenburg |
 | Boylston Provincial Park | Boylston |
 | Boys & Girls Club | Yarmouth (town) |
| Bramber Beach | Bramber |
 | Branch Lahave 4-H Club | Branch LaHave |
 | Branch LaHave Community Hall | Branch LaHave |
 | Branch Pond Look-off Trail | Ingonish |
 | Brandon's Place Park & Playground | Coldbrook |
 | Bras d'Or Archers Association | Baddeck |
 | Bras d'Or Elementary | Bras d'Or |
 | Bras d'Or Lake Biosphere Reserve Association | Cape Breton |
 | Bras D'Or Lakers Seniors Club | Richmond County |
 | Bras D'Or Lakes Inn | St. Peter's |
 | Bras D'Or Shores Resort | Richmond County |
| Bras d'Or Watch Field Day | Cape Breton |
 | Bras d'Or Yacht Club | Baddeck |
 | Bras d'Or Yacht Club Learn to Sail Program | Baddeck |
 | Brass Bell Bicycle Rentals | Tancook Island |
 | Brass Hill Playground | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Breakfast, Hantsport and District Lions Club | Hantsport |
 | Breakfast, Walton Shore Volunteer Fire Department | Walton |
 | Breakout 902 Escape Rooms | Coldbrook |
 | Breakwater Beach | Port Hood |
 | Breathing Space Yoga Studio | Sydney |
 | Breathing Space Yoga Studio, Windsor Location | Windsor |
 | Breton Education Centre | New Waterford |
 | Breton Karate Club | Sydney Mines |
 | Brickton Community Hall | Brickton |
 | Bridge, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 21 | Annapolis Royal |
 | Bridge Adult Service Centre | Amherst |
 | Bridgetown & District Memorial Arena | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown and Area Food Bank | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Area Garden Club | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Baptist Church | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Centennial Pool | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Ciderfest | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Community Recreation Association | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Curling Club | Bridgetown |
| Bridgetown Curling Club's Open Curl | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Lawn Bowling Club | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Lions Big Breakfast | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Lions Club | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Lions Club, Hall Rental | Bridgetown |
| Bridgetown Minor Baseball | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Minor Hockey | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Regional Community School, AVRCE | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Seakings Swim Team | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Tennis Club, Tennis at the Hub | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Triathlon, Bridgetown Triathlon Society | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown United Church, William Black Pastoral Charge | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Volunteer Fire Department | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Volunteer Fire Department, Hall Rental | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Youth Soccer | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgeville Community Center | Bridgeville |
 | Bridgewater Tae Kwon Do | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater & Area Christian Womens' Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater & Area K-40 Club | Bridgewater |
| Bridgewater & Area Kinsmen Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater & Area Lions Club | Oakhill |
 | Bridgewater & Area Ministerial Association | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater & Area Mixed Softball League | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Active Transportation, Town of Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Area Chamber of Commerce | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Barracudas Swim Team | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Baseball Association | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Chess Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Chill Volleyball Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Community Christmas | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Community Gardens Network (BCGN), Hodge Podge Garden, Incredible Edible Bridgewater (IEB), Edible Trees Bridgewater (ETB), The Bees' Needs Pollinator Garden (BNPG) | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Curling Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Day Care Centre of the Bridgewater United Church | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Duplicate Bridge Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Elementary School, Home & School Committee | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Elementary School, School Advisory Council | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Family Support Centre | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Farmers Market | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Fire Department | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Fire Department, Band | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Garden Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Garden Club Flower Show and Tea, Canada 150 | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Handgun Club | Wentzells Lake |
 | Bridgewater Inter-Church Council | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Inter-Church Foodbank | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Jr./Sr. High School, School Advisory Council | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Jr./Sr. High School, South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Junior Badminton Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Junior Curling Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Marina Association | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Memorial Arena | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Off-Leash Dog Park | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Oldtimers Hockey Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Oldtimers Soccer Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Outdoor Community Rink Committee | Bridgewater |
| Bridgewater Photo Club, Bridgewater Photographic Society (BPS) | Lunenburg County |
| Bridgewater Photographic Society | LaHave |
 | Bridgewater Senior Citizens' Card Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Skating Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Tennis | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Triathlon Club | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Uechi-Ryu Karate Academy | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater United Church | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater United Church, Children's Programming | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgeway Academy | Truro |
 | Bridgeway Academy, Yarmouth School | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Brier Island Coastal Trail | Municipality of the District of Digby |
 | Brigadoon Village, Facilities Rental | South Alton |
 | Bright Beginnings Child Care Centre | Amherst |
 | Bright Stars Children Centre | Lunenburg |
 | Bring Back Winter Play | Baddeck |
 | Broad Brook Wetland Park, Trails | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Broad Cove Beach | Broad Cove |
 | Broad Cove Community Association, Broad Cove Community Hall | Broad Cove |
 | Broad Cove Mountain Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Brook Village Square Dance | Brook Village |
| Brookfield 4-H | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Athletic Association | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Baptist Church | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Community Assembly | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Curling Club | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Elementary School | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Elks Bowling League | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Fire & Emergency Services | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Garden Club | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Golf and Country Club | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Men's Club | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Men's Fastpitch Team | Brookfield |
 | Brookfield Wetland and Nature Trail | Brookfield |
 | Brookland Elementary | Sydney |
 | Brooklyn Bright Light Seniors Club, Brooklyn Bright Lights Hall | Brooklyn (Yar. Co.) |
 | Brooklyn Civic Centre, Hall Rental | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Brooklyn District Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Brooklyn Marina, Queens Recreational Boating Association | Brooklyn (Queens Co.) |
 | Brooklyn Recreation Committee | Brooklyn (Queens Co.) |
 | Brooklyn Volunteer Fire Department, Volunteer | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Brooklyn Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary, Volunteer | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Brookshaven Recreation Association | Prime Brook |
 | Brookside Curling Club | River Hebert |
 | Brownies, Brownies (7-8) | Berwick |
 | Bruce Spicer Park | Canning |
 | Brule Community Centre Association, Brule Community Centre & Acadian River Trail | Brule |
 | Brule Golf Club | Tatamagouche |
 | Brule Union Church | Brule |
 | Brunswick Bowling Lanes | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Brunswick Street United Church | Truro |
 | Buchanan's Beach | Lockeport |
 | Buchanans House of Music | Mahone Bay |
 | Bull Hill Trail | New Harbour |
 | Bull Run Trail | Lunenburg County |
 | Bull Run Trail, Association | Lunenburg County |
 | Bulldog Interactive Fitness | Bridgewater |
 | Bulldog Martial Arts, Karate ; BJJ ; Kick Boxing ; Fitness | East Hants |
 | Bunny Trail | Oxford |
 | Burgess Crescent Playground, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Burlington Community Centre, Burlington Community Club | Burlington (Kings Co.) |
 | Burlington Community Club | Burlington (Kings Co.) |
 | Burlington United Baptist Church | Burlington (Kings Co.) |
 | Burnside-Pembroke Community and Park Association, Burnside Community Club | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Bush Island Beach | Bush Island |
 | Buster's Pond | Membertou |
 | Butter Trail - Short Line Trail, Trans Canada Trail | Tatamagouche |
 | Butter Trail Run | Tatamagouche |
 | CAAWS Conflict Resolution Workshop, Conflict Resolution | Digby (Town) |
 | CAAWS Influencing Change Workshop | Windsor |
 | CAAWS Leading with Confidence Workshop | Windsor |
 | CAAWS Life Balance Workshop | New Minas |
 | Cabin Lake Trail, Halifax North West Trails Association | Mainland Halifax |
 | Cabot Education Centre | Neils Harbour |
 | Cabot Links, Cabot Cliffs | Inverness |
 | Cabot Shores Wilderness Resort | Indian Brook |
 | Cabot Snowmobile Club | Sydney |
 | Cabot Trail Arena | Cheticamp |
| Cabot Trail Cycling Map | Victoria County |
| Cabot Trail Relay Race | Victoria County |
 | Cabot Volunteer Fire Hall | Cape North |
 | Cabot’s Landing Provincial Park, Department of Natural Resources | Sugar Loaf |
 | Cabresto Ridge Equestrian Centre | Sydney |
 | Cadance Academy | New Minas |
 | Caddell Rapids Lookoff Provincial Park | Riverside (Colchester Co.) |
 | Café au Lait: Mom to Mom Breastfeeding Group | Kentville |
 | Cairn Park | Antigonish, NS |
 | Caledonia & Area Nursery School, Caledonia & Area Nursery School Association | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
| Caledonia Canada Day Celebrations | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Caledonia Mini Rugby | Sydney |
| Caledonia United Baptist Church | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Caledonia United Church | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Caledonia United Church Women | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Caledonia Visitor Information Centre Committee, Caledonia Visitor Information Centre | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Caledonian Orchestra of Nova Scotia, Scottish music at its best! | Great Village |
 | Calvary Baptist Church | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Calvary Crossroads Church | Mahone Bay |
 | Calvary Pentecostal Church Oxford | Oxford |
 | Cambrai Legion Hall | Mulgrave |
 | Cambridge & District Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Cambridge & District Elementary School Home & School Association | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Cambridge United Baptist Church | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Camden Stables | Camden |
 | Cameron Hall | Whycocomagh |
 | Camerons Brook Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | South Brookfield |
 | Camp Bretondean | Albert Bridge |
 | Camp Courage, The First Responders Society | Dartmouth |
 | Camp Cove Wharf | Argyle (Yarmouth Co.) |
 | Camp Evangeline | Debert |
 | Camp Geddie | Merigomish |
 | Camp Jordan | Jordan Falls |
 | Camp Mockingee, Rotary Youth Camp | Upper Vaughan |
 | Camp Pagweak | Pugwash |
 | Camp Pugwash, Seventh Day Adventist Summer Camp | Pugwash |
 | Camp Rankin (4-H Camp) | Cape George |
 | Camp Tidnish | Amherst |
 | Camperdown Little Red School House | Camperdown |
 | Camper's Haven Campground and Cottages | Arcadia |
| Camping Association of Nova Scotia, Camping Association of Nova Scotia & PEI | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Canaan & District Hall Association | Canaan (Lun. Co.) |
 | Canaan Country Music Fest | Canaan |
 | Canaan Hall, Canaan Community Association | Canaan |
 | Canada 55+ Games | Sydney |
 | Canada Day at LAMP, Celebrating our nation through art and music | Lunenburg |
 | Canada Day Celebrations | Lunenburg |
 | Canada Day Celebrations, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
| Canada Day Celebrations - Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site | Kejimkujik National Park |
 | Canada Day on the LaHave | Bridgewater |
 | Canada Day Physical Activity Challenge | Victoria County |
 | Canada Hill Lake, Beach | Canada Hill |
 | Canada's Parks Day, Parks Day at Fort Anne | Annapolis Royal |
 | Canadian Cancer Society, Bridgewater Unit | Bridgewater |
| Canadian Cancer Society, Queens Unit | Brooklyn (Queens Co.) |
 | Canadian Cancer Society, Southwest Region | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Canadian Cancer Society - Nova Scotia Division, Relay For Life in Clare and Digby | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
 | Canadian Cancer Society - Nova Scotia Division, Yarmouth Relay For Life | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Canadian Cancer Society- Nova Scotia Division | Amherst |
 | Canadian Dory Racing Association, Dory Rowing in Lunenburg | Lunenburg |
| Canadian Federation of University Women- Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Canadian Haflinger Association, NS Haflinger Association | Wallace |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, CMHA | Truro |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Kings County Branch | New Minas |
 | Canadian Red Cross, Amherst Service Centre | Amherst |
 | Canadian Red Cross, Bridgewater Service Centre | Bridgewater |
 | Canadian Red Cross, Kentville Service Centre | Kentville |
 | Canadian Red Cross, Yarmouth Service Centre | Dayton |
 | Canadian Red Cross PFD & Life Jacket Loan Program (Free)-Truro, Canadian Red Cross | Truro |
| Canadian Ski Patrol, Nova Scotia Zone | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Canadian Tai Chi Academy, Tai Chi | Port Greville |
| Canadian Tire Jumpstart | Cape Breton |
 | Canadian Tire Jumpstart, Lunenburg/Queens Chapter | Queens County (NS) |
 | Canadian Tire Jumpstart, Shelburne | Shelburne County |
 | Canadian Tire Jumpstart, Yarmouth | Yarmouth (town) |
| Canadian Tire Jumpstart Mobile Kayaking Program | South Shore Region |
 | Canadian Wild Turkey Federation (CWTF) *Conserve*Enhance*Protect | Truro |
 | CANADVAC Travel Services Ltd. | Chester |
 | Candlelight Graveyard Tour | Annapolis Royal |
 | Canning & District Recreational Commission | Canning |
| Canning Community Wide Yard Sale | Canning |
 | Canning Heritage Centre, Fieldwood Heritage Society | Canning |
 | Canning Learns to Skate | Canning |
 | Canning Summer Activity Camp | Canning |
 | Canning Summer Kick Off Party (19+) | Canning |
| Canning Summer Movie Night | Canning |
 | Canning United Baptist Church | Canning |
 | Canning Volunteer Fire Department | Canning |
 | Canning Volunteer Fire Department, Hall Rental | Canning |
 | Canoe & Pedal Boat Rentals, Raven Haven Beachside Family Park | West Springhill |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 1 - Lambs and Crotchet Lakes | Graywood |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 10 - Lake LaRose and Jerry Lake | Perotte |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 11 – Barrys Stillwater | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 12 – Corbett and Dalhousie Lakes | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 13 – Paradise Lake | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 14 – Lake Alma | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 15 – McGill Lake | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 16 – Waterloo and Shannon Lakes | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 17 – Springfield Lake and Lake Pleasant | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 18 – Nictaux River | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 19 – Annapolis River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 2 - Grand Lake and Grand Lake Flowage | Graywood |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 20 – Allains River | Annapolis Royal |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 21 – East Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 22 – West Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 23 – Mersey River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 24 – Annapolis Basin | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 25 – Cloud Lake | Torbrook East |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 26 - Lake Torment | Lake Munro |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 27 - Tobeatic Wilderness Area | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 3 - Sandy Bottom Lake | Milford |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 4 - Milford Lakes | Milford |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 5 - Flanders Meadows | Victory |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 6 - Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada | Maitland Bridge |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 7 – Hendry Lake | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 8 - First and Second Pond | Greenland |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 9 – Bear River | Bear River |
 | Canoe Kayak Nova Scotia, CKNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Canoeing / Kayaking | Glenwood |
 | Canso & Area Arena | Canso |
 | Canso & Area Minor Hockey Association | Canso |
 | Canso Curling Club | Hazel Hill |
 | Canso Fire Hall | Canso |
| Canso Flying Figure Skating Club | Canso |
 | Canso Library, Eastern Counties Regional Library | Canso |
 | Canso Lions Club | Canso |
 | Canso Wharf | Canso |
 | Cantabile Truro Youth Singers | Truro |
 | Cantley Village Park | Coxheath |
 | CAN-U, Cumberland Adult Network For Upgrading | Amherst |
 | Cape Auguet Eco Trail, Development Isle Madame | Petit-de-Grat |
 | Cape Breton Barbarians Triathlon Club | Victoria County |
 | Cape Breton Bible Camp | New Campbellton |
| Cape Breton Bowmen Association | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton County Blades | Coxheath |
 | Cape Breton County Minor Hockey Association | Coxheath |
 | Cape Breton Crawling Crustacea | Victoria County |
 | Cape Breton Dorados Swim Team | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton Family Place Resource Centre | Inverness |
| Cape Breton Fiddlers Run | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton Guided Walks, Cape Breton Island Walking Tours | Baddeck |
 | Cape Breton Gymnastics Academy | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton Health Recreation Complex | Sydney |
| Cape Breton Highlands Karate Club | Aspy Bay |
 | Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre & Academy | Terre Noire |
 | Cape Breton Highlands Golf Society | Ingonish Beach |
 | Cape Breton Highlands Karate Club | Cheticamp |
 | Cape Breton Highlands National Park | Ingonish |
| Cape Breton Island Hoppers Volkssport Club | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Cape Breton Judo Club | Westmount |
 | Cape Breton Musketeers Fencing Club | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton Open Golf Tournment, Mackenzie Tour - PGA TOUR Canada | Baddeck |
 | Cape Breton Paddlefest | Richmond County |
| Cape Breton Paintball, Cape Breton County Paintball | Cape Breton |
 | Cape Breton Regional Library, James McConnell Memorial Library | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton Regional Municipality, CBRM Recreation | Sydney |
| Cape Breton Roadrunners | Sydney |
| Cape Breton Roller Derby | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton Sailing Charters, Hands-on sailing experiences on the Bras d'Or Lake and coastal Cape Breton | St. Peter's |
 | Cape Breton School of the Arts | Westmount |
 | Cape Breton School of the Arts Dance Studio | Westmount |
 | Cape Breton Senior Badminton Club | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton Special Olympics | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton University Art Gallery | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Cape Breton University Badminton | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton University Games Complex | Sydney |
| Cape Breton Volleyball Club | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
| Cape Breton West Minor Hockey Association | Inverness County |
| Cape Breton Young Naturalists Club | Sydney |
 | Cape Canso Marina | Canso |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Big Bald Rock to Seal Cove | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Eatonville to Visitor Centre | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Fundy Ridge Trail | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Mill Brook to Refugee Cove | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Refugee Cove to Big Bald Rock | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Seal Cove to Eatonville | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Trails: Visitors Centre to Mill Brook | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Christie Viewpoint Trail | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Coastal Trail | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Eatonville Day-Use Trails, Three Sisters Trail and Squally Point Trail | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Clear Snowmobile Club | River Denys |
 | Cape d'Or Lighthouse | Advocate Harbour |
 | Cape Forchu Lighthouse | Cape Forchu |
 | Cape George Hiking Trails & Day Park | Cape George |
 | Cape George Trail | Dundee |
 | Cape Jack Beach | Cape Jack |
| Cape Jack Willow Tree Club | Cape Jack |
 | Cape Lahave Adventures | LaHave |
 | Cape Mabou Highlands Hiking Trails, Cape Mabou Trails Club | Mabou Mines |
 | Cape Negro Island Lighthouse | Cape Negro |
 | Cape North Farmer's Market | Cape North |
 | Cape Roseway Lighthouse | McNutts Island |
 | Cape Sable Historical Society | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Cape Sable Island | Cape Sable Island |
 | Cape Sable Lighthouse | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Cape Smokey Elementary School | Ingonish |
 | Cape Smokey Provincial Park | Ingonish Beach |
 | Cape Split Trail, Provincial Day-use Park | Scot's Bay |
 | Cape St. Mary Lighthouse | Cape St. Marys |
| Captain Kidd Rod and Gun Club | Chester |
 | Captian Cox's Whale watching Tour | Bay St. Lawrence |
 | Card Lake Park Conservation Group | Sherwood |
 | Card Lake Provincial Park, Trails | Sherwood |
 | Card Parties | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Card Parties, Berwick & District Lions Club | Berwick |
 | Card Parties, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Card Parties, Nicholsville Community Hall | Nicholsville |
 | Card Parties, Northville Farm Heritage Centre | Billtown |
 | Card Parties, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 22 | Bear River |
 | Card Party and Seniors Club, Morristown Community Centre | Morristown (Kings Co.) |
 | Cardio Kickboxing, Young's Uechi-Ryu Karate & Fitness | New Minas |
| Caregiver Street Management Workshop, Caregivers Nova Scotia | Parrsboro |
 | Caregiver Support Group, Kings County Caregivers | Kentville |
 | Caregiver Support Group - Peer Support, Caregivers Nova Scotia | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Caregiver/Child Swims (ages 6 months and up), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Caregiver/Child/Family Drop In Gym, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Caribou District Fire Department | Three Brooks |
 | Caribou River Community Hall | Caribou River |
 | Caribou/Munroes Island Provincial Park Beach & Shoreline Hike | Caribou Central |
 | Carleton & District Volunteer Fire Department | Carleton |
 | Carleton Village Beach | Carleton Village |
 | Carmen Young Track | North Sydney |
 | Carmichael Park | New Glasgow |
 | Carolina Avenue Park | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Carpet Bowling, 50+ | Kentville |
 | Carroll's Corner Community Centre | Carroll's Corner |
 | Carter Island Lighthouse, Carter's Light | Lockeport |
 | Carve a Wooden Spoon | Dayspring |
 | Castle Bay Ballfield | Eskasoni |
 | Castle Bay Beach | Eskasoni |
 | Castle Frederick Farms Inc | Falmouth |
 | Castle Frederick Farms Trails | Falmouth |
 | Castle Rock | Lunenburg County |
 | Catalone Recreation Association | Catalone |
 | Catholic Women's League, St. John the Baptist Church/ Parish Council | Springhill |
 | Causeway Diver Supply | Mulgrave |
 | CBRM Bike Week | Sydney |
 | CBRM Free Bike Better Camps | Sydney |
 | CBRM Fun Van Program | Sydney |
| CBRM Recreation Summer Camps | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | CBRM Red Cross Swim Program | Sydney |
 | CBRP Administration/Interagecy Committee Coordinator | Membertou |
 | CBU Capers Basketball Camp | Sydney |
| CC Riders Soccer Club | Central Colchester |
 | CDA Paintball | Debert |
 | Ceilidh Coastal Trail Association | Troy |
| Celebrate Canada in Truro's Civic Square, Many exciting events happening all day! | Truro and Area |
 | Celebration Days, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Celtic Jam Sessions | Creignish |
 | Celtic Music Interpretive Centre | Judique |
 | Celtic Shores Coastal Trail | Inverness County |
 | Centennial Arena | Sydney |
| Centennial Cycling Club | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Centennial Park | Berwick |
 | Centennial Park | Liverpool |
 | Centennial Park | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Centennial Trail | Bridgewater |
 | Centennial Villa, Retirement and Residential Care | Amherst |
 | Central Cape Breton - Discover Us! | Grand Narrows |
 | Central Colchester Junior High School | Central Onslow |
 | Central Colchester Junior High School Ballfield | Central Onslow |
 | Central Colchester Junior High School Soccer Field | Central Onslow |
 | Central Grove Trail, Central Grove Provincial Park | Central Grove |
 | Central Kings Rural High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Central New Annan United Baptist Church | Central New Annan |
 | Central Nova Coin Club | Truro |
 | Central Nova Horse and Pony Association | Salmon River (Colchester Co.) |
 | Central Nova Legion Legends | Truro |
 | Central Nova Volkssport Club | Truro |
 | Central Nova Women's Resource Centre | Truro |
 | Central School Playground | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Central Shrine Club | Central Colchester |
 | Central Turf Field | Antigonish, NS |
 | Central United Church | Lunenburg |
 | Centre 200 | Sydney |
 | Centre communautaire francophone de Truro, Francophone Community Centre of Truro | Truro |
 | Centre scolaire de la Rive-Sud | Cookville |
 | Centrelea Community Hall, Centrelea Community Club | Centrelea |
 | Centrelea United Baptist Church | Centrelea |
 | CentreStage Theatre | Kentville |
 | Centreville & District Park & Recreation Association | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Centreville Baptist Church | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Centreville Community Hall | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Centreville Park, Percy A. Lydiard Park | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Century Snooker Club | New Glasgow |
 | CGC Fire Department | Gunning Cove |
 | CHAD transit | New Glasgow |
 | Chain of Lakes Trail | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Chain of Lakes Trails Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Chair Yoga | Port Williams |
| Chair Yoga For Positive Aging, Chair Yoga | West Hants |
| Chair Yoga For Positive Aging, Yoga | West Hants |
| Chair Yoga For Positive Aging, Yoga | West Hants |
 | Champlain Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Granville Ferry |
 | Champlain Garden Club | Annapolis Royal |
 | Chapel Gully Trail | Canso |
 | Chapel Hill Historical Society | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Chapel Hill Museum & Sea Tower | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Charing Cross Garden Club, Located in New Ross, N0va Scotia | New Ross |
 | Charles Fort National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Annapolis Royal |
 | Charles Macdonald Concrete House Museum | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Charles V. Keating Centre | Antigonish, NS |
 | Charleston Fire Department | Charleston |
 | Charlesville Lighthouse, Pubnico Harbour Lighthouse | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Charlesville/East Side Running & Walking Group | Lower East Pubnico |
 | Charlies Trail, Delaps Cove Wilderness Trail | Delaps Cove |
 | Charlotte MacDonald Fitness | Victoria County |
 | Chebogue Meadows Interpretive Trail | Brooklyn (Yar. Co.) |
 | Chedabucto Curling Club, Community Activity Society | Guysborough |
 | Chedabucto Education Center/Guysborough Academy | Guysborough |
 | Chedabucto Legion Hall | Canso |
 | Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex | |
 | Chedabucto Multi-Use Trails Association | Guysborough |
 | Chedabucto Place Performance Centre | Guysborough |
 | Chedabucto Pool | Guysborough County |
 | Chedabucto Snowmobilers Club | Guysborough |
 | Cheer Dome Youth Cheerleading | Coxheath |
 | Cheer Fusion AllStar Cheer Club | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Chegoggin Point Wharf | South Chegoggin |
 | Chelsea Basketball Court | Westville |
 | Cherry Hill Beach, Conrads Beach | Broad Cove |
 | Cherry Hill Fun Run | Cherry Hill |
 | Cherry Hill Fun Run, Beach N' Back Run | Cherry Hill |
 | Chester & Area Citizens on Patrol | Chester |
 | Chester & Area Family Resource Centre, The Park! Charles E. Church Park | Chester |
 | Chester Area Middle School, South Shore Regional School Board | Chester |
 | Chester Art Centre, Chester Art Centre | Chester |
 | Chester Baby Talk, Public Health Services | Lunenburg County |
 | Chester Bandstand Summer Concert Series | Chester |
 | Chester Basin Fire Department | Chester Basin |
 | Chester Basin Green Gym | Chester Basin |
 | Chester Basin Recreation Park | Chester Basin |
 | Chester Brass Band, The Park! Charles E. Church Park | Chester |
 | Chester Connection Trail | Chester |
 | Chester Curling Club, The Park! Charles E. Church Park | Chester |
 | Chester District Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Chester |
 | Chester District Soccer Association - CDSA, Chester United Soccer Club | Chester |
 | Chester District Swim Program, Chester Lido Pool | Chester |
| Chester Drama Society | Chester |
 | Chester Fire Department | Chester |
 | Chester Garden Club, We focus on growing gardens and gardeners in Nova Scotia | Chester |
 | Chester Gingerbread Festival | Chester |
 | Chester Golf Club | Chester |
 | Chester Junior Curling Program | Chester |
 | Chester Junior Fire Department | Chester |
| Chester Legion Parade & BBQ | Chester |
 | Chester Lido Pool | Chester |
 | Chester Municipal Heritage Society, Chester Train Station | Chester |
 | Chester Municipal Heritage Society, Explore Oak Island Display | Chester |
 | Chester Opti-Jam | Chester |
 | Chester Race Week, Chester Yacht Club | Chester |
 | Chester Ravens Minor Hockey Association, The Park! Charles E. Church Park | Chester |
 | Chester Seaside Farmer & Artisans Market Association | Chester |
 | Chester SK8 Park | Chester |
 | Chester Tennis Club, The Park! Charles E. Church Park | Chester |
 | Chester Trust | Chester |
 | Chester United Baptist Youth | Chester |
 | Chester Yacht Club | Chester |
 | Chestico Days | Port Hood |
 | Chestico Days Golf Tournament | Dundee |
 | Chestico Trail Association | Port Hood Station |
 | Chestnut Street Playground | Trenton |
 | Cheverie Beach | Cheverie |
 | Cheverie Salt Marsh Trail | Cheverie |
 | Chez Deslauriers, Pomquet Development Society | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Chiganois Elementary School | Masstown |
| Chignecto and Area ATV Club | Advocate and Area |
| Chignecto Glooscap Snowmobile Association | Cumberland County |
 | Chignecto National Wildlife Area Trail, Amherst Point Migratory Bird Sanctuary | Nappan |
 | Chignecto-Central International Student Program, Part of Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education | Truro |
 | Child Help Initiative Program (C.H.I.P), Native Council of NS | Truro |
 | Children’s Swimming Lessons, King's-Edgehill School | Windsor |
 | Chimney Corner Beach | Margaree |
 | Chisholm Park | Antigonish, NS |
 | Chittick Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Hantsport |
 | Christ Anglican Church | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Christ Church Anglican (Amherst) | Amherst |
 | Christ Church Berwick | Berwick |
 | Christ Church Morden | Morden |
 | Christ Church of Windsor | Windsor |
 | Christene MacDonald Walking Trail | Balmoral Mills |
 | Christian Fellowship Centre | Debert |
 | Christian Fellowship Centre | Wilmot |
| Christmas Art & Craft Show & Sale | Truro and Area |
 | Christmas at the Causeway | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Christmas by the Sea, Christmas Festival | Lockeport |
 | Christmas for Kids, Cumberland | Amherst and Area |
| Christmas in July | Amherst and Area |
 | Christmas in Stewiacke | Stewiacke |
 | Christmas on the LaHave, Bridgewater Holiday Parade | Bridgewater |
 | Christmas Tree Lighting | Berwick |
 | Chucker Ball | Brookfield |
 | Church Mouse Players, Drama Group | Oxford |
 | Church of Christ | North Kentville |
 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | Granville Ferry |
 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | North Kentville |
 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Church of the Nazarene | Truro |
 | Churchill House, Hantsport Memorial Community Centre | Hantsport |
 | Churchville Hall | Churchville |
| CIBC Children's Foundation | Nova Scotia |
 | Cindy Comeau School of Dance | Tusket |
 | Cineplex Cinemas Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
 | Cineplex Cinemas New Minas | New Minas |
 | Citizens for Public Transit Society (CPT) | Mahone Bay |
 | Clairmont Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Clare Golf & Country Club | Yarmouth County |
 | Clarence Community Hall, Clarence Community Club | Clarence East |
 | Clarence United Baptist Church | Central Clarence |
 | Clark Rutherford Memorial School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Clementsport |
 | Clark's Harbour Branch Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Clark's Harbour Canada Day Festivities | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Clark's Harbour Elementary School | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Clark's Harbour Elementary School, Basketball Court | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Clark's Harbour Elementary School, Parent Support Group | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Clark's Harbour Monuments | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Classics by the Bay | Parrsboro |
 | Clay Cafe Truro, Paint your own Pottery Studio | Truro |
 | Clean Annapolis River Project, CARP | Annapolis Royal |
 | Clean Foundation | Dartmouth |
 | Clearwater Seafoods Arena | Bridgewater |
 | Clements Historical Society | Clementsport |
 | Cleveland Beach | Hubbards |
 | Cliffs of Fundy Geopark Welcome Centre | Economy |
| Cliffs of Fundy UNESCO Global Geopark | Cumberland County |
| Clifton 4-H | Clifton |
 | Clifton Estate Disc Golf Course | Windsor |
 | Climb Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Cloud Lake Wildnerness Area | Annapolis County |
 | Club CMHA-CEH, Club CMHA-CEH & Leisure Activities | Truro |
 | Club des Retraites | Cheticamp |
 | Club House Playground | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Clyburn Valley Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Clyde Farm Campground | Clyde River |
 | Clyde River Busy Bee Club | Clyde River |
 | Clyde River Cottages & Campground | Clyde River |
 | CMHA-CEH, Community Recovery Circle | Truro |
 | CMHA's Tools 4 Life | Truro |
| Coach Socialization Series, Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic | Nova Scotia |
 | Coaching Courses - NCCP Multi Sport Introduction to Competition | Bridgewater |
 | Coady Tompkins Memorial Library | Margaree Forks |
 | Coal Bowl Classic | New Waterford |
| Coal Dust Days | New Waterford |
 | Coastal Action | Mahone Bay |
 | Coastal Action | Lunenburg |
| Coastal ATV Riders | Richmond County |
 | Coastal Cruisers Car Club | Bridgewater |
 | Coastal Spirit Expeditions | River John |
 | Coastal Trail | Neils Harbour |
 | Cobb Park | Liverpool |
 | Cobequid Arts Council, Marigold Centre | Central Colchester |
 | Cobequid Chapter I.O.D.E. - Springhill | Springhill |
| Cobequid Chapter I.O.D.E. - Springhill, Monthly Meeting | Springhill |
 | Cobequid Consolidated Elementary School | Old Barns |
 | Cobequid Dance Academy Inc. | Truro |
 | Cobequid District Fire Brigade | Lower Truro |
 | Cobequid Dog Club | Truro |
| Cobequid Eco-Trails Society | Colchester County |
 | Cobequid Educational Centre | Truro |
 | Cobequid Educational Centre - Cougar Basketball Camps, CEC Cougar Basketball Camps | Truro |
 | Cobequid Explorers Club | Dartmouth |
 | Cobequid Funtones | Oxford |
 | Cobequid Lawn Bowls Club | Truro |
| Cobequid Off Highway Vehicle Club | Fundy Region |
| Cobequid Salmon Association, Education & Awareness *To Protect, Conserve and Enhance the Atlantic Salmon Population | Colchester County |
 | Cobequid Spartans Gymnastics Centre | Truro |
 | Cobequid Trail | Central Colchester |
 | Cobequid Trail Run, 5K, 10K and Half Marathon | Truro |
 | Cobequid Twirlers Square Dance | Lower Truro |
 | Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre | Hilden |
 | Codstock | Arichat |
 | Co-Ed Circuit Training, Kingsport Fitness and Wellness Society | Kingsport |
| Co-Ed Slow Pitch, Softball/Baseball | Port Williams |
 | Co-Ed Volleyball, Annapolis Royal Recreation | Annapolis Royal |
 | Coffee & Chat | Hall's Harbour |
 | Colchester Adult Learning Association | Central Colchester |
 | Colchester Annual Art Acquisition Program | Colchester County |
 | Colchester Basketball Association | Truro |
| Colchester Bike Week | Colchester County |
 | Colchester Community Support Society | Truro |
 | Colchester County 4-H | Colchester County |
 | Colchester Ground Search & Rescue Association | Debert |
 | Colchester Heritage Rug Hookers | Truro |
 | Colchester Historeum | Truro |
| Colchester Historeum, Canasta | Truro |
| Colchester Historeum, Canasta | Truro |
| Colchester Historeum, Open House | Truro |
 | Colchester Legion Pipes and Drums | Truro |
 | Colchester Legion Stadium | Truro |
 | Colchester Multisport | Truro |
 | Colchester Recreation Equipment Loan | Colchester County |
 | Colchester Recreation Snowshoe Loan Program | Colchester County |
 | Colchester Residential Services Society, C.R.S.S. | Truro |
 | Colchester Short Track | Truro |
 | Colchester SPCA, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals | Colchester County |
 | Colchester Stroke Club | Truro |
| Colchester Summer Camp Registration Day | Truro and Area |
 | Colchester Transportation Co-operative Ltd., CTCL | Colchester County |
 | Colchester Visually Impaired Recreation Association, cnib Seeing Beyond Vision Loss | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Colchester Yawara Judo Club | North River (Colchester Co.) |
 | Colchester-East Hants Community Hospice Society | Truro |
 | Colchester-East Hants Library Youth Programs | Truro |
 | Colchester-East Hants Public Library | Truro |
 | Colchester-East Hants Public Library Book Discussion Group | Truro |
 | Colchester-East Hants Public Library: Elmsdale Branch | Elmsdale |
 | Coldbrook & District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook and District Lions Club | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook and District Lions Club, Hall Rental | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook Baptist Church | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook Ravine Park & Trail | Coldbrook |
 | Coldest Night of the Year | Kentville |
 | Cole Harbour Heritage Park | Cole Harbour (HRM) |
 | Cole Harbour Parks & Trails Association | Cole Harbour (HRM) |
 | Colin (Col) Locke's Beach | Lockeport |
 | Collingwood District Fire Department | Collingwood Corner |
 | Collins Conservation District Tour | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Colonel Dan Sutherland Memorial Park | River John |
 | Columbus Field Off-Leash Dog Park | Antigonish, NS |
 | Columbus Field Park, Playground, and Splashpad | Antigonish, NS |
 | Columbus Field Racquet Courts | Antigonish, NS |
 | Columbus Field Soccer Pitch and Track | Antigonish, NS |
 | Come Walk With Us Group | Richmond County |
 | Comeau's Hill Beach | Comeaus Hill |
| Comeau's Hill Walkers | Comeaus Hill |
 | Coming Home to Brookfield, Annual Event | Brookfield |
 | Comité Jeux d'Acadie | St. Joseph du Moine |
 | Comité régional des aînés de l'Isle Madame | Richmond County |
 | Commercial Cable Park | Hazel Hill |
 | Committed 2 the Core Sea Kayak Coaching | Argyle (Yarmouth Co.) |
| Committed to the Core, Sea Kayak Coaching | Bible Hill |
 | Communities Along The Bay Multi Use Facility | Larry's River |
 | Community ACCESS-Ability Program, Government of Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
| Community ACE Leadership Award, Fundy Female Leadership Network: Active, Confident, Empowered. | Fundy Region |
 | Community Credit Union of Cumberland Colchester Ltd. | Amherst |
 | Community Dragon Boating | Yarmouth (town) |
| Community Easter Egg Hunt 2020, Easter Egg Hunt | West Hants |
 | Community Enhancement Association, Summer Camps | Truro |
 | Community Festivals & Special Events Grant, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
 | Community Garden | Lower West Pubnico |
 | Community Hall Assistance Fund, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
 | Community Health Board S.P.A.R | Parrsboro |
 | Community Health Board, Annapolis | Annapolis County |
 | Community Health Board, Central Kings | Berwick |
 | Community Health Board, Kingston Greenwood | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Community Health Board, West Hants/Uniacke | West Hants |
 | Community Life Church (Kings Kingdom Ministries) | Truro |
 | Community Partnership Program Grant, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Community Recreation Grant Program | Yarmouth County |
 | Community Recreation Programming Assistance, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
 | Community Splashpark & Playground | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Community Sustainability Network of Bridgewater and Area | Bridgewater |
 | Community Sweat Lodge Ceremonies | Membertou |
 | Community Use, at Shelburne Regional High School | Shelburne County |
 | Community Use Fitness Centre | Parrsboro |
 | Community Wellness Gym – Ski Cape Smokey (Ingonish, Victoria County) | Ingonish |
 | Community Wheels | Chester |
 | Community Winter Activity Days | Bridgewater |
| Community, Culture and Heritage Funding | Nova Scotia |
 | Competitive Pickleball, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Comunn Feis an Eilein | Christmas Island |
 | Concerts by the Sea | Arichat |
| Conductive Education, Education based rehabilitation for persons with neuro-muscular disorders & other developmental delays | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Conductive Education, Rehabilitation and Recreation Camps for persons with neuro-muscular disorders | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Connection Church | Truro |
| Connection First Integrative Health Services, Traditional Yoga | Yarmouth County |
 | Conquerall Bank Fire Department, Conquerall Bank Ladies Auxiliary | Conquerall Bank |
 | Conquerall Mills Community Hall | Conquerall Mills |
| Conseil Economique de Cheticamp | Cheticamp |
 | Cooking Classes, President's Choice Cooking School | New Minas |
 | Cooking Classes, President's Choice Cooking School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Cooking Classes, Birthday Parties, Superstore | South Shore Region |
 | Cooking Classes, Birthday Parties & Room Rentals, President's Choice Cooking School | Windsor |
 | Cookville Provincial Park | Cookville |
 | CORAH, A Community Hub for Those 55 to 105 | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Corn Maze, Noggins Corner Farm Market | Greenwich |
 | Cornerstone Assembly | Bible Hill |
 | Corney Brook Trail | Pleasant Bay |
| Cornwall & District Fire Department | Mahone Bay |
 | Cornwall & District Ladies Auxiliary | Mahone Bay |
 | Cornwallis Park Community Centre, Felker Hall | Cornwallis Park |
 | Cornwallis River Greenway, Cornwallis River Pathways Society (CRPS) | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Coronation Park - Green Gym, was Milton Park | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Corporate Rentals, Cineplex Cinemas New Minas | New Minas |
 | Corridor Community Options for Adults, CCOA | Enfield (HRM) |
 | Cottage Cove Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Port George |
 | Cotton Tale Café + Play | New Minas |
 | Cougar Basketball Camp | Truro |
 | Cougar Dome | Truro |
 | Councillor Grants to Organizations, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
| Country Harbour Gun Club | Cross Roads Country Harbour |
 | Country Harvest Festival | East Hants |
 | County Arena | Coxheath |
 | Cove Oceanfront Campground | Parkers Cove |
 | Covenanter Church, Orchard Valley United Church | Grand Pré |
 | Covenanters Presbyterian Church, Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | COVID-19 Links and Resources via Town of Annapolis Royal | Annapolis Royal |
 | Coxheath Elementary | Coxheath |
 | Coxheath Hills Wilderness Recreation Association | Blacketts Lake |
 | Coxheath Recreation Park | Coxheath |
 | Cox's Historic Shipyard & Warehouse | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Coyote Hill Golf Course | Newport Corner |
 | Craig's Way Footpath | Elmfield |
 | Cranberry Campground | Merigomish |
 | Cranton Crossroad's Community Centre | Margaree Centre |
| Creamery Brook Stables | Brookfield |
 | Creative Movement/Introduction to Dance (ages 3 - 7 yrs), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Creative Pictou County | Pictou County |
 | Creative Voices of Truro, A Women's Performance Group | Truro |
| Creativebug, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Credit Union Centre Arena | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Credit Union Rec Complex, Soccer Dome | Kentville |
 | Creignish & District Recreation Assoc. - Creignish Minor Ball | Creignish |
 | Creignish Square Dance | Creignish |
 | Crescent Beach | Lockeport |
 | Crescent Beach | Crescent Beach |
 | Crescent Beach Centre | Lockeport |
 | Crib, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 06 | Kentville |
 | Cribbons Point Wharf | Harbour Centre |
 | Crime Prevention Town of Amherst | Amherst |
 | Croft Road Playground | Chester Basin |
 | Cromarty Tennis Club | Sydney |
| Crombie House Art Gallery | New Glasgow |
 | Croquet | Bridgewater |
 | Cross Country Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Cross Country Ski Waxing Session | |
 | Cross County Skis Loan Program, Ski Loan | West Hants |
 | Crossburn Snowmobile Club | New Germany |
 | Crossfit Actuate | Antigonish, NS |
 | Crossfit Bluenose | Bible Hill |
 | Crossroads Baptist Church | Valley |
 | Crossroads Community Church | Amherst |
 | Crow Neck Beach | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Crowbar Lake Hiking Trail System, Crowbar Lake Wilderness Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Crowdis Mountain Snowmobile Club | Baddeck |
 | Crystal Clear Music | New Glasgow |
 | CSI New Horizons Group | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Culloden Cairn Trail | Knoydart |
 | Cultural Camp | Eskasoni |
 | Cultural Exchange, Youth Exchange - Nacel Canada | Truro |
 | Cumberland Bike Lending Program | Parrsboro |
 | Cumberland Blues Junior Hockey | Springhill |
 | Cumberland Car Club | Amherst |
 | Cumberland Cheer & Tumble | Amherst |
 | Cumberland County 4-H | Amherst |
| Cumberland County Animal Hospital - Parrsboro Remote Clinic | Parrsboro |
| Cumberland County Animal Hospital - Parrsboro Remote Clinic | |
| Cumberland County Bike Week | Amherst |
 | Cumberland County Blues, Junior B Hockey | Springhill |
 | Cumberland County Exhibition | Oxford |
 | Cumberland County Genealogical Society | Cumberland County |
 | Cumberland County Genealogy Centre | Amherst |
 | Cumberland County Hospice Palliative Care Society | Amherst |
 | Cumberland County Museum and Archives | Amherst |
| Cumberland County Ramblers, Minor Hockey | Cumberland County |
 | Cumberland County Riders ATV Club | Cumberland County |
| Cumberland County Shuffleboard Club. (CCSC) | Oxford |
 | Cumberland County Transportation Services Society, CCTS | Amherst |
 | Cumberland Health Authority | Cumberland County |
 | Cumberland Health Care Foundation | Cumberland County |
| Cumberland Jr. B Blues Games, Richard Calder Arena in the Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre | Springhill |
 | Cumberland North Academy | Brookdale |
 | Cumberland Public Libraries | Cumberland County |
| Cumberland Quilt Guild | Amherst |
 | Cumberland Restorative Justice Society | Amherst |
 | Cumberland Shrine Club | Amherst |
 | Cumberland SMILE & SHINE, CSSP | Amherst |
 | Cumberland Snowmobile Club | Collingwood Corner |
 | Cumberland Spartans Swim Club Club | Amherst |
| Cumberland Sporting Club | Amherst |
 | Cumberland Y Service Club & Y Menettes | Amherst |
 | Cumberland YMCA | Amherst |
| Cumberland/Colchester Jr. C Colts, Richard Calder Arena | Springhill |
 | Curry Park | Amherst |
 | Cusack Elementary | Sydney |
 | Cuties Hollow Trail | James River, Antigonish County |
 | Cyril Ward Memorial Library | Guysborough |
 | Cyrus Eaton Elementary School | Pugwash |
 | D&R Dance | North Sydney |
 | D.A.M. Fitness Center | Glace Bay |
 | Dakeyne Farm Sunflower Maze | Mount Denson |
 | Dakeyne Farm Sunflower Maze, Wedding/Party Venue | Mount Denson |
 | Dalbrae Academy | Southwest Mabou |
 | Dalem Lake Provincial Park | Boularderie |
 | Dalhousie Days | West Dalhousie |
 | Dalhousie Mountain Trail, Cape to Cape Trail | Dalhousie (Pictou Co.) |
 | Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture | Bible Hill |
 | Dan K. Stevens Memorial Arena | Eskasoni |
 | Dan Taylor Memorial Skateboard Park, Glace Bay Skateboard park | Glace Bay |
| Dance and Fitness Classes / Personal Training | Mahone Bay |
| Dance ConXion | Coldbrook |
 | Dance Sync Inc | Sydney |
 | Dance With Me, Creative movement and Ballet Classes | Lunenburg County |
 | DanceSport Atlantic | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | DanceTime at Port Williams | Port Williams |
 | Dartmouth Crossing Speed Skating Club | Burnside (Dartmouth) |
 | DARTNS Haunted House volunteers wanted!!, Noggins Corner Farm Haunted House (in support of DARTNS) Volunteers wanted | Greenwich |
 | Darts, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 06 | Kentville |
 | Darts, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 112 | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Darts, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 22 | Bear River |
 | Darts, Windermere Community Hall | Windermere |
 | Dave's MultiSports Classes, Boxing and Kickboxing | Bridgewater |
 | David Atkinson Memorial Bonspiel | Bridgewater |
 | David's Playground | Sydney |
 | Davison Corn Maze | Falmouth |
 | Day Camps in the Municipality of Argyle | Tusket |
 | Dayle's Grand Market | Amherst |
 | Dayspring & District Fire Department, Dayspring & District Ladies Auxiliary | Upper LaHave |
 | Dayspring & District Golden Youth Club | Dayspring |
 | Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio | Amherst |
 | Debert and Area Community Association | Debert |
 | Debert Ballfield | Debert |
 | Debert Baptist Church | Debert |
 | Debert Days | Debert |
 | Debert Elementary School | Debert |
| Debert Family Day | Debert |
 | Debert Family Day Association | Debert |
 | Debert Fire Brigade | Debert |
 | Debert Golf Course | Debert |
 | Debert Hospitality Centre | Debert |
 | Debert Legion, Branch #106 | Debert |
 | Debert Military Museum | Debert |
 | Debert Playground | Debert |
 | Debert River Park | Debert |
 | Debert Skating Club | Debert |
 | Debert Soccer and Football Field | Debert |
 | Debert United Erkskine Church, Upper Londonderry Pastoral Charge | Debert |
 | deCoste Performing Arts Centre | Pictou |
 | Deep Brook / Waldec Lion's Club | Deep Brook |
 | Defenders Motorcycle Club, Chapter 15, NS | Truro |
 | Defining Bodies Fitness Centre | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Defying Gravity Dance | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Delaps Cove Wilderness Trail | Delaps Cove |
 | DeMolay Atlantic Provinces, Fundy Chapter | Three Mile Plains |
 | Dempsey Corner Orchards | Aylesford |
 | Denmark Community Hall | Denmark |
 | Dennis Park, Playground | Stewiacke |
 | Dennis Point Wharf | West Pubnico |
 | Depave Paradise | Bridgewater |
 | DesBrisay Museum | Bridgewater |
 | DesBrisay Museum, Friends of DesBrisay Museum | Bridgewater |
 | D'Escousse Civic Improvement Society | D'Escousse |
| Destination Membertou | Membertou |
 | Destination Southwest Nova Association | Blockhouse |
 | Deuville's Rink | Truro |
 | Development Isle Madame Association | Arichat |
 | Diabetes Canada, Nova Scotia Division | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Diabetes Canada, Atlantic Region, Team Diabetes, Atlantic | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Digby Girl Guides, Sparks, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers, Guiders, Volenteers | Digby (Town) |
 | Digby Area Recreation Commission | Digby (Town) |
 | Digby Area Recreation Snowshoe Loan Program | Digby (Town) |
 | Digby Arena | Digby (Town) |
 | Digby Skate Park | Digby (Town) |
 | Digby Trails, Digby Trails and Open Space Coordinator | Municipality of the District of Digby |
| Diligent River Baptist Church, Churches | Diligent River |
 | DIMA | Richmond County |
| Dinner Theater, Theater | West Hants |
| Disaster Animal Response Team of Nova Scotia, HAUNTED HOUSE at Noggins Corner Farm in Greenwich | Greenwich |
 | Disc Golf, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Discovery Sailing | Chester Basin |
| District of Lunenburg Hike Badge | Lunenburg County |
| District of Lunenburg Recreation at Home COVID-19 | Lunenburg County |
 | District of Shelburne Recreation & Parks Advisory Committee | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Djugdjug Ensemble, West African drumming and dance workshops and performances | Eastern & Central Kings |
 | Dobson Yacht Club | Sydney |
 | Doctors Nova Scotia Youth Run, Scotiabank Bluenose Marathon | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Dog Classes | Bridgewater |
 | Dolan Family Soccer Complex, Fundy Youth Soccer | Amherst |
 | Dominion Arena | Dominion |
 | Dominion Beach Provincial Park and Boardwalk | Dominion |
 | Dominion Community Hawks Club, Hawks Field | Dominion |
 | Dominion Minor Baseball | Dominion |
 | Dominion Public Library | Dominion |
 | Don Henderson Memorial Sportsplex | Brookfield |
 | Don Yorke Memorial Ballfield | Parrsboro |
 | Donkin- Gowrie Complex | Donkin |
 | Dooly's Billiard Room | Antigonish, NS |
 | Dooly's Truro, Pool and Billiards Hall | Truro |
 | Dooly's Yarmouth | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Dorian Hall Academy of Performing Arts | Windsor |
 | Dorje Denma Ling, (Meditation Centre) | The Falls |
| Double D 4-H Club | Cumberland County |
 | Douglas Beach | Eskasoni |
 | Douglas Street Recreation Centre | Truro |
| Dover (Little Dover) Wharf | Dover |
 | Down to Earth Art Gallery | Antigonish, NS |
| Downtown Amherst, Horse Drawn Carriage Tours | Amherst |
 | Downtown Amherst Farmers' Market | Amherst |
| Downtown Amherst Farmers' Market, The Lions Den | Amherst |
 | Downtown Truro Partnership | Truro |
 | Doyle Rd Multi-Purpose Trail | D'Escousse |
 | Dr. Annie Hamilton Chapter - Brookfield | South Colchester |
 | Dr. Arthur Hines Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Dr. Bernie MacLean Cultural & Recreation Centre | Inverness |
 | Dr. Bernie MacLean Golf Classic | Cheticamp |
 | Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre | Springhill |
 | Dr. J.C. Wickwire Academy, South Shore Regional School Board | Liverpool |
 | Dr. T.L. Sullivan | Bras d'Or |
 | Dr. W. A. MacLeod Elementary School Woodlands Wilderness Trails | Stellarton |
 | Dr. W.A. MacLeod Consolidated School | Stellarton |
 | Dragonfly Haven Therapeutic Farm | Mount Denson |
 | Drinking Brook Park, Clam Point | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Drop Anchor Yoga | Kings County (NS) |
 | Drop In Gym - Everyone Welcome, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Drop-in Basketball, Shelburne Regional High School | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Drop-in Indoor Soccer, Shelburne Regional High School | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Drum Fit & Zumba Toning | Yarmouth County |
 | Drum Head Wharf | Goldboro |
 | Drumlin Heights Consolidated School | Glenwood |
 | Drumlin Heights Consolidated School Gymnasium | Glenwood |
 | Drumlin Heights Multi-purpose Court | Glenwood |
 | Drumlin Heights Soccer Pitch | Glenwood |
 | Dublin Shore Beach | Dublin Shore |
 | Duck Pond Park | Mulgrave |
 | Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Nova Scotia Division | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Dukes of Kent, Harmony Chorus | Kentville |
 | Dundee Provincial Park | Louisdale |
 | Dundee Resort & Golf Club | West Bay |
 | Dunns Beach | Southside Harbour |
 | Dunromin Waterfront Campground and Cabins | Granville Ferry |
 | Dunvegan Beach | Dunvegan |
 | Dunvegan Hall | Inverness |
 | Durham Community Hall | Durham |
 | Durlings Tae Kwon Do | Berwick |
 | Dwight Crouse Memorial Trail | Brooklyn (Queens Co.) |
 | Dynamite Trail | Lunenburg County |
 | Dynamite Trail, Association | Lunenburg County |
 | Dynamo Gym Club | Bridgewater |
 | E.B. Chandler Junior High School | Amherst |
 | Eagle Crest Golf Course | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Eagle Crest Golf Course, Facility Rental | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Eagle Eye Outfitters | Inverness |
 | Eagle Head Beach | Eagle Head |
 | Eagle North Canoe and Kayak, Cabot Trail Adventures | South Harbour |
 | Eagle Watch | Sheffield Mills |
 | Eagles Chance Golf Centre | New Glasgow |
 | Earltown Community Centre | Earltown |
 | Earltown Community Church | Earltown |
 | Earltown Community Hall | Tatamagouche |
 | Early Morning Risers | Richmond County |
| Earth Adventures | Not Limited |
 | Earth Leadership Camp | Wolfville |
| Earth-Friendly at Home Activities | Wolfville |
 | East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy | Monastery, Antigonish County |
 | East Bay Community Ball Field & Walking Track | East Bay |
 | East Bay Elementary | East Bay |
 | East Chester Recreation Association, East Chester Recreation Hall | East Chester |
 | East Coast Paddle Company, Stand up Paddleboarding | Tusket |
 | East Coast Tae Kwon Do | Sydney Mines |
 | East Dalhousie Community Fair | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | East Dalhousie Community Hall | East Dalhousie |
 | East Hants Badminton Association | East Hants |
 | East Hants Karate Club, EHKC | East Hants |
 | East Hants Minor Baseball Association | East Hants |
 | East Hants Parks, Recreation & Culture | Elmsdale |
 | East Hants Skating Club | East Hants |
 | East Hants Soccer Club | East Hants |
 | East Hants Uechi-Ryu Karate, Strides Health and Fitness Club | Elmsdale |
 | East Kings Badminton Club, Recreational Adult Badminton | Eastern & Central Kings |
 | East Kings Soccer Club | New Minas |
 | East Mountain Ranch, Gallery and Workshop | East Mountain |
 | East Pictou Rural Middle School | Thorburn |
 | East Pictou Silver Blades | Thorburn |
 | East Pubnico Biking & Walking Park | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | East Pubnico Fire Department | Middle East Pubnico |
 | East Richmond ATV Club | St. Peter's |
 | East Richmond Education Centre | St. Peter's |
 | East River Provincial Park | East River |
 | East River St. Mary's Fire Dept/Hall | New Glasgow |
 | East River Valley Fire Department (Bridgeville)/Hall | Bridgeville |
 | East River Valley Recreation Hall | Springville |
 | East Side Arts Academy | Sydney |
 | East Side Community Center | Middle East Pubnico |
 | East Wallace Motorcycle Campground | East Wallace |
| Easter, Easter Egg | West Hants |
 | Easter Eggstravaganza | Annapolis Royal |
 | Eastern Communities Youth Association, ECYA | Canso |
 | Eastern Holistic Yoga | Sydney |
 | Easy Movers Exercise Program | Liverpool |
 | Eaton Park | Pugwash |
 | Eco Connects NS, Nova Scotia Environmental Network | Truro |
 | École acadienne de Pomquet | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | École Acadienne de Truro | Truro |
 | École Beau-Port | Arichat |
 | École Beau-Port Soccer Field | Arichat |
 | Ecole Belleville | Belleville |
 | Ecole Belleville Gymnasium | Belleville |
 | Ecole Belleville Multi-Purpose Outdoor Court | Belleville |
 | École Belleville Soccer Pitch | Belleville |
 | Ecole Jean-Marie-Gay | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
 | École Pubnico-Ouest | West Pubnico |
 | École Pubnico-Ouest Gymnasium | Pubnico |
 | École Pubnico-Ouest Soccer Pitch | Pubnico |
 | Ecole Secondaire de Clare | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
 | École secondaire de Par-en-Bas | Tusket |
 | École secondaire de Par-en-Bas Gymnasium | Tusket |
 | École secondaire de Par-en-Bas Multi-purpose Court | Tusket |
 | École secondaire de Par-en-Bas Soccer Pitch | Tusket |
 | Ecole Stella Maris | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
 | Ecole Wedgeport | Wedgeport |
 | Ecole Wedgeport Gymnasium | Wedgeport |
 | ÉcolesPlus | Richmond County |
 | Ecology Action Centre | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Economy Recreation Centre | Economy |
 | Economy's Glooscap Country Bazaar | Economy |
 | Ecum Secum Fire Hall | Ecum Secum |
 | Ecum Secum Wharf | Ecum Secum |
 | Ed Creelman Park and Brookfield Railway Station | Brookfield |
 | Edalene Theatre | Wolfville |
 | Eddy Point Marina | Sand Point |
 | Eden Golf & Country Club | Paradise |
 | Eden Golf & Country Club, Facility Rental | Paradise |
 | Edible Art Cafe | New Minas |
 | Edventure Cape Breton Day Camps at CBU, Summer Camps for Children and Youth | Sydney |
 | Eel Lake Oyster Farm Tours | Ste. Anne du Ruisseau |
 | EFWC Wharf | Eskasoni |
 | Église Ste-Anne - Church of St. Anne, Paroisse Sainte-Anne - St. Anne Parish | Ste. Anne du Ruisseau |
 | Eigg Mountain: Mountain Biking Trail | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
| ElderDog Canada, Kings County Pawd | Kings County (NS) |
 | Elderfit | Lunenburg County |
 | Elder's Advisory Committee | Membertou |
 | Elders Centre | Eskasoni |
 | Eldridge Road Recreation Site, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Falmouth |
 | Elizabeth Bishop Society of Nova Scotia | Great Village |
 | Ellenwood Kids Triathlon | Deerfield |
 | Ellenwood Lake Provincial Park | Deerfield |
 | Ellenwood Lake Provincial Park Trail, Ellenwood Trail | Deerfield |
 | Ellershouse Community Hall | Ellershouse |
 | Ellershouse Community Hall, Hall Rental | Ellershouse |
 | Elm Glen Campground | Springville |
 | Elm Lodge #115 | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Elm River Park Campground | Glenholme |
 | Elmcroft Park & Playground, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Elmer Humphrey Tennis Courts | Trenton |
 | Elmfield Community Hall | Elmfield |
 | Elmsdale Legion, Royal Canadian Legion Branch #48 | Elmsdale |
 | Elmwood Stables | Sydney |
 | Emera Centre Northside | North Sydney |
 | Emergency Measures Organization | Shelburne County |
 | Emmanuel Congregational Christian Church | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | emOcean Wellness Centre, emOcean Gym | Lunenburg |
 | Employment Related Training Workshops, VANSDA | Kentville |
 | Employment Solutions Society - Nova Scotia Works | Bridgewater |
 | Empowering Beyond Barriers, EBB | Cumberland County |
 | En Pointe Studio | Chester |
 | Enfield RFC, Rugby NS | Enfield (HRM) |
 | Englishtown Community Hall | Englishtown |
 | Equipment Lending Program | Parrsboro |
 | Erinville & District Fire Hall | Salmon River Lake |
 | Erskine ARP Church | Glenholme |
 | Escape Fitness Studio | Sydney |
 | Escape Outdoors | North Sydney |
 | Eskasoni Apamuek Playground | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Bike Ralley | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Castle Bay Beach Playground | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Dance Program (ballet, lyrical, tap & hip hop) | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Elementary and Middle School | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Fire Department | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Fitness Centre | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Health Center | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Ksite'taqnk Daycare | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Little League | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni March Break Activities | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Mi'kmaq Immersion School | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Powwow | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Quamsipuk Playground | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Raiders Fast Pitch Tournament | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni RCMP | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Santa Clause Parade | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Sports & Recreation | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Yoga | Eskasoni |
 | Estuary House Trail, River Walk/Water route available | Pugwash Junction |
 | Eureka District Volunteer Fire Dept/Hall | Eureka |
 | Evangeline Artists' Cooperative | Wolfville |
 | Evangeline Middle School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | New Minas |
 | Evangeline Trail Boxing Club | Kentville |
 | Evangeline Trail Rides | Stanley |
 | Evansville Old Timers Field | Stellarton |
 | Evelyn Richardson Memorial Elementary School | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Evelyn Richardson Memorial Elementary School, Parent Support Group | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Evening Beginner Ukulele Classes | Bridgewater |
 | Evergreen Seniors Club | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Evergreen Theatre | East Margaretsville |
 | Evolve Fitness, Personal Training & Boot Camp | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Exceleration Martial Arts | Tatamagouche |
 | Explore Art | Bridgewater |
 | F. H. MacDonald Elementary School | Sutherland's River |
 | F.A. Brannen Memorial Park | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Fair Trade Museum, Just Us! Coffeehouse | Grand Pré |
 | Fairmont Ridge Trail | Harbour Centre |
 | Fairview Avenue Soccer Field | Amherst |
 | Faith Baptist Church | Great Village |
 | Faith In Action Holiness Church | Walton |
 | Faith United Pentecostal Church | Amherst |
 | Falcon Henge Labyrinth | Hampton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Fall Brook Falls | McPhersons Mills |
| Fall Bucket List, Fall | West Hants |
| Fall Hike Series, Hike Series | West Hants |
 | Fall Lake Cottages and Campground, Falls Lake West | Vaughan |
 | Falls Lake Municipal Land, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Vaughan |
 | Falls Lake Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Vaughan |
 | Falmouth Baptist Church | Falmouth |
 | Falmouth Boat Launch, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Falmouth |
 | Falmouth Community Hall, Hall Rental | Falmouth |
 | Falmouth District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Falmouth |
 | Falmouth Mini Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Falmouth |
 | Family Fun Day | Dayspring |
 | Family Fun Day, Ardoise Community Recreation Centre | Ardoise |
| Family Fun Sunset Run | Amherst |
 | Family History Centre | Bridgewater |
 | Family Literacy Day Celebration | Dartmouth |
 | Family Matters, The Annapolis County Family Resource Centre | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Family Place Resource Centre | New Waterford |
| Family Pop-up Play Days | Kings County (NS) |
 | Family Resource Centre of West Hants, Programs & Services | Windsor |
| Family Turf Time, Family Turf | West Hants |
| Family Welcome Spring Event | Kings County (NS) |
 | Fancy Lake Provincial Park | Conquerall Mills |
 | Fanning Education Centre | Hazel Hill |
 | Fanning Fitness Centre | Hazel Hill |
 | Farm Equipment Museum | Bible Hill |
| Farm Equipment Museum, Truro | Bible Hill |
 | Farnham Mill Rugby Park | Brookside (Colchester Co.) |
 | Fast Go Karts | Sydney |
 | Father Christmas Festival of Mahone Bay | Mahone Bay |
 | Father’s Day Show & Shine Car Show | Dayspring |
 | Faye's Yoga | Baddeck |
| Federal Grants | Atlantic Canada |
 | Feis Mhabu | Mabou |
 | Felix Marchand Education Centre | Louisdale |
 | Fellowship #112 | Bible Hill |
 | Fellowship Baptist Church | Melvern Square |
 | Female Self Defense and Taekwon-Do | Canning |
 | Fencing Association of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Ferrisview Elementary | North Sydney |
 | Festival acadien de Petit de Grat | Richmond County |
 | Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre | Antigonish, NS |
 | Festival de L'Escaouette | Cheticamp |
 | Festival of Dance Annapolis Royal, FODAR | Annapolis Royal |
 | Festival of the Strait | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Festival of Trees | St. Peter's |
 | Festival on the Lake | Sampsonville |
| Fibre Arts Friends | Joggins |
 | Fidelis House Society | Kentville |
 | Field Hockey Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Fieldwood Heritage Society | Canning |
 | Figures Fun Fitness for Her | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Financial Workshop Series | Bridgewater |
 | Fine art, classes and workshops, Windsong Studio & Gallery | Aylesford |
 | Firefighters’ Museum of Nova Scotia | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Firehall Fields | Aylesford |
 | First Aid & CPR | Kentville |
 | First Aid/CPR Training, Canadian Red Cross | Truro |
 | First Baptist Church | Truro |
 | First Baptist Church (Amherst) | Amherst |
 | First Baptist Girl's Choir, FBGC | Truro |
 | First Cornwallis Baptist Church | Canard |
 | First Kicks Soccer, Harmony Park | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | First Lake Glen Slauenwhite Trail, Friends of First Lake Society | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | First Lake Trout Fishing Derby | Lequille |
 | First South United Church | First South |
 | First United Baptist Church | Annapolis Royal |
 | First United Church ~ Truro | Truro |
 | First United Church Hall | Louisbourg |
 | Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic | Lunenburg |
 | Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, and Wharf | Lunenburg |
 | Fisherman's Cove - Bus Trips | Bridgewater |
 | Fisherman's Cove RV & Campground | Hunts Point |
 | Fishermens' Memorial, Lunenburg Seamen’s Service | Lunenburg |
 | Fishermen's Memorial Hospital Auxiliary | Lunenburg |
 | Fishing Cove Campground | Pleasant Bay |
 | Fishing Cove Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Fit As A Fiddle, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Fit Folks | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Fit for Life | Sydney |
| Fitness, Boot Camp | Port Williams |
| Fitness Bootcamp, Bootcamp | Port Williams |
 | Fitness Centre, at Shelburne Regional High School | Shelburne County |
 | Fitness Classes, Absolute Health Club | New Minas |
 | Fitness Classes, Fundy YMCA | Cornwallis Park |
 | Fitness Classes, Paradise Active Healthy Living Society | Paradise |
 | Fitness Classes for Seniors | Bridgewater |
 | Fitness Programs, Affordable Fitness With Al Mumford | Kentville |
 | Fitness Programs, Fitness Junkies | Windsor |
| Fitness with Suzi Online! COVID-19 | Kentville |
 | Fitzpatrick Mountain Trail, Cape to Cape Trail | Millsville |
| Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust | Halifax Peninsula |
 | Five Islands Athletic Association | Five Islands |
 | Five Islands Bazaar, Seasonal Group | Five Islands |
 | Five Islands Lighthouse Park | Lower Five Islands |
 | Five Islands Ocean Resort & RV Campground, Best View of the World's Highest Tides! | Lower Five Islands |
 | Five Islands Outdoor Rink | Five Islands |
 | Five Islands Provincial Park | Five Islands |
 | Five Islands Provincial Park Trail: Economy Mountain Trail | Five Islands |
 | Five Islands Provincial Park Trail: Red Head Trail | Five Islands |
 | Five Islands Provincial Park: Estuary Trail | Five Islands |
 | Flat Track Roller Derby (ages 18 yrs and older), Roller Derby Skaters and Officials | Windsor |
 | Flatline MMA & Athletics | Bridgewater |
 | Fleetview Trail | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Fleur de Lis Seniors | Richmond County |
 | Flex and Flow Fitness Classes | Berwick |
 | Floor Curling | Bridgewater |
 | Floor Hockey - Competitive | Kentville |
 | Floor Hockey - Recreational | Kentville |
 | Floral Design Class | Kentville |
 | Floral Heights Soccer Fields, Walking Track & Playground | Howie Centre |
 | Florence Elementary | Florence |
 | Florence Public Library and C@P site | Bras d'Or |
 | Flow Yoga | St Anns |
 | Flower Design Party | Bridgewater |
| Flowing Tide Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga Classes all levels | Bear River |
 | Flowyoga and Chair Yoga in Mahone Bay | Mahone Bay |
 | Flying Squirrel Adventures, All Ages Nature Program in the Annapolis Valley | Kentville |
| Flying Squirrel Adventures, Free nature outings for people ages 2 to 102 | Kings County (NS) |
 | Foot Care Clinics | Liverpool |
| Football Cape Breton | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Football Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Forchu River Trail | Hebron |
 | Forest Glade Community Hall | Forest Glade |
 | Forest Glen Bible Camp | Forest Glen (Colchester Co.) |
 | Forest Heights Community School, South Shore Regional Centre for Education | Chester Basin |
 | Forest Lakes Country Club | Ardoise |
 | Forest Ridge Academy, Elementary School | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Forest Ridge Academy, Parent Support Group | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Forester's Hall | Clementsvale |
 | Foresthill Walkway | Valley |
 | Forever Green Country Campground | Black Rock (Kings Co.) |
 | Forrester School of Celtic Dance | Sydney |
 | Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada, Parks Canada | Annapolis Royal |
 | Fort Creek Park | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Fort Edward National Historic Site of Canada, Parks Canada | Windsor |
 | Fort Point Beach | LaHave |
 | Fort Point Lighthouse Park | Liverpool |
 | Fort Point Museum | LaHave |
 | Fort Point Museum Flag Rally, Canada 150 | Lunenburg County |
 | Fort Point Trail | Guysborough |
 | Fort Sackville Walkway | Bedford (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Fort St. Louis, National Historic Site | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Fort View Golf Course, Golfing in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia | Annapolis Royal |
 | Forties Community Centre, Forties Community Centre | New Ross |
 | Forties Garden Club | Forties |
 | Fortress Seniors Club | Louisbourg |
 | Foster Avenue Playground & Basketball Courts | Stellarton |
 | Foundations for Learning | Truro |
 | Foundry Sports Field, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Hantsport |
 | Four Fathers Memorial Public Library | Amherst |
 | Four Seasons Trail, at Forest Heights Community School | Chester Basin |
 | Four Valleys Fire Department | Maryvale, Antigonish County |
 | Fourchu Funday | Fourchu |
 | Four-cross (4X) Mountain Bike Downhill Track | Kentville |
 | Fox Brook Community Hall | Fox Brook |
 | Fox Cove/Capelin Cove Trail | Framboise |
 | Fox Harbour Provincial Park | Wallace |
 | Fox Harb'r Golf Resort & Spa | Wallace |
 | Fox Hill Community Park | North Kentville |
 | Fox Hollow Golf Club | Stewiacke |
 | Fox Island Beach | Fox Island Main |
 | Fox Mountain Bluegrass Festival | Aylesford |
 | Fox Mountain Camping Park | Aylesford |
 | Fox Mountain Country Music Festival | Aylesford |
 | Fox Point Inn, Accommodations and Bi Weekly Dining | Fox River |
 | Fox Point Lookoff and Trail | Fox River |
 | FPW Fire Brigade | Port Greville |
 | FrameWork Cycle and Fitness | Sydney |
 | Franey Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Freda's Beach | Chester |
 | Freddy's Beach | Lockeport |
 | FREE Canoe/Kayak Loan Program | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Free Coaching Courses, Coach NS | Nova Scotia |
| Free Equipment Load Program, Skis | West Hants |
| FREE Skating, Free Pride | West Hants |
| FREE Skating, Kingston Credit Union Centre | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Free Skating, Skating | West Hants |
 | Free Snow Shoe Rentals, Borrow a pair of snow shoes and hit the trails this winter | Digby (Town) |
 | Free Spirit Therapeutic Riding Association, FSTRA | Aylesford |
 | FREE Yoga in the Park | Wolfville |
 | Freedom Canoe & Kayak | Granton |
 | Freewheeling Adventures | The Lodge |
 | French Basin Trail | Annapolis Royal |
 | French Cross Park | Morden |
 | French Lake, Boat Launch and Beach Area | East Pubnico |
 | Frenchie's Ballfield | Eskasoni |
 | Fresh Air Films | Bridgewater |
 | Freshwater Lake Look-off | Ingonish Beach |
 | Freshwater Lake Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Friday Afternoon Market In The Park, Lockeport | Lockeport |
 | Friday Night Music, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 21 | Annapolis Royal |
 | Friendly Breezes Stables | Antigonish, NS |
 | Friends of Crescent Beach, Green Bay and Area Society | Crescent Beach |
 | Friends of Ellenwood Park, Ellenwood Provincial Park | Deerfield |
| Friends of First Lake Society | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Friends of Harmony Park Society, Harmony Park | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Friends of Keji Cooperating Association, Volunteering | Maitland Bridge |
| Friends of McNabs Island Society | Mainland Halifax |
 | Friends of Nature Conservation Society | Chester |
 | Friends of Neville Park, Neville Park | Whitney Pier |
 | Friends of Oak Island Society | Western Shore |
| Friends of Point Prim | Bayview |
 | Friends of the Hank Snow Soceity | Liverpool |
 | Friends of the Pugwash Estuary | Pugwash |
 | Friends of the Pugwash Estuary (FOPE), Peace Trail and Estuary House Trail | Pugwash Junction |
 | Friends of the Queens County Museum | Liverpool |
 | Friends of the South Shore Regional Library | Bridgewater |
 | Friendship Corner | Antigonish, NS |
 | Frog Pond | Armdale (Mainland Halifax) |
 | Frost Park | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Frozen Favorites | Liverpool |
 | Full Circle Festival, Avon River Heritage Society | Avondale |
| Full Moonlight Haunted Walk, Walk | West Hants |
 | Fun Activities & Apple Upick, Willowbank Farm | Port Williams |
 | Fundamental Movement Skills | Richmond County |
| FUNdamentals | Nova Scotia |
 | Fundy Centennial Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Hantsport |
 | Fundy Community & Recreation Club | Youngs Cove |
 | Fundy Discovery Site | Lower Truro |
 | Fundy Female Leadership Network, FFLN | Fundy Region |
 | Fundy Film Society | Wolfville |
 | Fundy Geological Museum | Parrsboro |
| Fundy Geological Museum, Dino Garden Workshop | Parrsboro |
 | Fundy Hall | Port Lorne |
 | Fundy Interchurch Food Bank | Kentville |
 | Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy, (FORCE) | Parrsboro |
| Fundy Scoops | North River (Colchester Co.) |
| Fundy Shore Winter Carnival | Cumberland County |
 | Fundy Shore Youth Archers | Parrsboro |
 | Fundy Squares, Square Dance Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Fundy Thread and Thimble Club | Parkers Cove |
 | Fundy Tidal Bore Adventures | Green Oaks |
 | Fundy Tidal Interpretive Centre | East Hants |
 | Fundy Trail Campground & Cottages | Granville Ferry |
 | Fundy Trail Snowmobile and Recreation Club | Folly Lake |
 | Fundy Treasures Gifts and Tours | Joggins |
 | Fundy View Community Centre | Hall's Harbour |
 | Fundy View Trail | Freeport |
 | Fundy YMCA | Cornwallis Park |
 | Fundy YMCA, Aquatics | Cornwallis Park |
 | Fundy YMCA, Volunteer | Cornwallis Park |
 | Fundy Youth Soccer Club | Amherst |
 | Funtime Kindergarten | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Funtopia Indoor Playground | Stellarton |
| Fused Glass Workshop | Hantsport |
 | Futureworx, Careerworks Nova | Central Colchester |
 | G. R. Saunders Elementary School | Stellarton |
 | G. R. Saunders Elementary School Field | Stellarton |
 | Gab and Grub Social Group | New Minas |
 | Gabarus Volunteer Fire Department | Gabarus |
 | Gables Lodge Long Term Care Centre, Gables Lodge Recreation Services | Amherst |
 | Gaeilge sa Ghleann, Irish Language classes | Annapolis County |
| Gaetz Brook Greenway | Gaetz Brook |
 | Gaff Point Hiking Trail | Kingsburg |
 | Gairloch Picnic & Recreation Park | Lansdowne |
 | Gallery 215, Selma Community Centre | Maitland |
 | Games Night | Kentville |
 | Garden and Labyrinth, Tangled Garden | Grand Pré |
 | Garden of Eden Ballfield / Basketball Court | Garden of Eden |
 | Garden of Eden Community Centre | Garden of Eden |
 | Gardiner Mines Community Hall | Gardiner Mines |
 | Garika Park | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Gaspereau United Baptist Church | Gaspereau |
 | Gaspereau Valley Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Gaspereau |
 | Gaston LeBlanc Memorial Ballfield | Janvrin Harbour |
 | Gates U-Pick | Port Williams |
 | Gateway Baseball Field and Running Track | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Gathering & reunion of the Hatts/Hutts family heritage, Connect 150 | Lunenburg County |
 | Gathering of the Clans | Pugwash |
 | Gays River United Church | Gays River |
 | Geizer Hill Trail, Halifax North West Trails Association | Mainland Halifax |
| Gender Equity in Program Registration | Kentville |
| Gender Equity Policies and By-laws | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | General Grant, The Municipality of West Hants | West Hants |
 | Gentle Yoga | Big Bras d'Or |
 | Gentle Yoga for Seniors | Richmond County |
| Geocaching, Geocaching | West Hants |
 | Geocaching, GPS Loan Program | West Hants |
 | Geocaching, Noggins Corner Farm Market | Greenwich |
| Geocaching in Nova Scotia Parks- Passport Program, Nova Scotia Provincial Parks | Nova Scotia |
 | George D. Lewis School | Louisbourg |
 | German Band Concert | Lunenburg |
 | German Canadian Cultural Association of Lunenburg County | Bridgewater |
| Get Moving with MODL Walking Challenge | |
 | Ghost Town | Annapolis Royal |
 | Gibson Woods & District Community Centre | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Gibson Woods United Baptist Church | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Gillis Mountain Trail Rides | Broad Cove |
| Girl Guide Programs, Nova Scotia Council, West Hants Region | Windsor |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Wilmot |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Aylesford |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Coldbrook |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Kentville |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Gaspereau |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | St. Croix |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Hantsport |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | New Minas |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Canning |
 | Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Girl Guides, Glace Bay | Glace Bay |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Berwick |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Wilmot |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Aylesford |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Coldbrook |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Kentville |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Gaspereau |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Windsor Forks |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | New Minas |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Canning |
 | Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Aylesford |
 | Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Kentville |
 | Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Gaspereau |
 | Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Greenwich |
 | Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Windsor Forks |
 | Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Canning |
 | Girl Guides, Pathfinders (13-14) | Berwick |
 | Girl Guides, Rangers (15-17) | Aylesford |
 | Girl Guides, Rangers (15-17) | Kentville |
 | Girl Guides, Rangers (15-17) | Gaspereau |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Berwick |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Wilmot |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Aylesford |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Coldbrook |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Kentville |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Gaspereau |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Hantsport |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Canning |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | New Minas |
 | Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Girl Guides, Yarmouth County | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Girl Guides of Canada, Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
| Girl Guides of Canada, Harbourside Area | South Shore Region |
 | Girl Guides of Canada, Hubbards | Hubbards |
 | Girl Guides of Canada, Liverpool | Liverpool |
 | Girl Guides of Canada, Lunenburg | Lunenburg |
 | Girl Guides of Canada, Valley Region | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Girl Guides of Canada, Western Shore | Western Shore |
 | GIRL POWER Summer Day Camp* Because every girl deserves to go to camp!, Central Nova Women's Resource Centre | Truro |
 | Girls Hockey Basics | Bridgewater |
 | Girls Night Out, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
| Girls Only Running Program, Kids' Run Club/Doctors Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
 | Girls Winter Adventure Club, An afterschool program for KCA girls grades 6-8 | Kentville |
 | Gittens Lodge | Manganese Mines |
| Glace Bay Baseball Fields & Outdoor Space | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay Elementary School | Glace Bay |
| Glace Bay Glee | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay High School | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay Minor Baseball | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay Minor Basketball | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay Minor Hockey Association | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay Public Library | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay Soccer | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay Youth Health Centre | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay Y's Mens Club, Town Centre Hall / Bowling Lanes | Glace Bay |
 | Glasgow Head Beach | Canso |
 | Glasgow Lakes Look-off | Ingonish |
 | Glasgow Square Theatre | New Glasgow |
 | Glen Allan Park | Bridgewater |
 | Glen Lovat Golf Club | New Glasgow |
 | Glencoe Day | Glencoe Mills |
 | Glencoe Station Recreation Centre | Glencoe Station |
 | Glendale Ceilidh Days | Glendale |
 | Glendale Community Hall | Glendale |
 | Glengarry Community Center | Glengarry Station |
| Glenwood Drive Community Garden | Truro |
 | Glenwood Provincial Park | Glenwood |
 | Global Citizenship- Free Classroom-Ready Workshop (Grades 9-12), ACT 4 Global Change- Project Funding by Global Affairs Canada | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Glooscap Curling Club | Kentville |
 | Glooscap Curling Club, Facility Rental | Kentville |
 | Glooscap District Arena | Canning |
 | Glooscap Elementary After School Program, Glooscap Elementary School | Canning |
 | Glooscap Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Canning |
 | Glooscap First Nation Band Office | Glooscap First Nation / Pesikitk' |
 | Glooscap First Nation Health and Healing Centre | Glooscap First Nation / Pesikitk' |
 | Glooscap Heritage Archers Association | Newport Station |
 | Glooscap Nature Trail | Glooscap First Nation / Pesikitk' |
 | Glooscap Park and Campground | Parrsboro |
 | GO (Girls Only) Program – North of Smokey | Ingonish |
 | Goat Island Walking Trail | Eskasoni |
 | GO-Girls Only Program – Wagmatcookewey School | Wagmatcook |
 | Gold Mines Trail, Brookfield Mines Trail Association | North Brookfield |
 | Gold River Marina | Chester Basin |
| Golden Age Auto Club | Truro |
 | Good Beginnings | Blockhouse |
 | Good Neighbour Club, Centreville Community Hall | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Good Sheppard Hall | Larry's River |
 | Goodlife Fitness Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
 | Goodlife Fitness Truro | Truro |
 | Goodman Rotary Park | New Glasgow |
 | Goodtime Seniors' Dance Club, Branch #26 | Truro |
 | Goodwill Club of Barrington | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Gordon Hughes Tennis Club, Windsor Tennis Club | Windsor |
 | Goshen 4-H Club | Goshen |
 | Goshen Community Centre | Goshen |
 | Goshen Fitness Centre | Goshen |
 | Gospel Hall | Truro |
 | Goudey Park and Playground | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Grace Arts Centre | Tatamagouche |
 | Grace Baptist Church | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Grace Baptist Church (Truro) | Truro |
 | Gracie-Barra Jiu-Jitsu and MMA Club | Truro |
 | Grafton Community Centre | Grafton |
 | Graham's Park, Shelburne Splash Pad | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Grand Lake Yacht Club, Sail Canada | Enfield (HRM) |
 | Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, Annapolis Royal Masonic Lodge No. 33 | Annapolis Royal |
 | Grand Mira 4-H | Grand Mira North |
 | Grand Narrows Waterfront Development Society | Grand Narrows |
 | Grand River Days | Grand River |
 | Grand River Seniors Club | Richmond County |
 | Grandona Legion Branch 124 | Iona |
 | Grand-Pré Acadian Days | Grand Pré |
 | Grand-Pré National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Grand Pré |
 | Grant Potter Memorial Park | Annapolis Royal |
| Grant School of Highland Dance | Antigonish, NS |
 | Grants, Town of Windsor | Windsor |
 | Granville Centre Community Hall | Granville Centre |
 | Granville Centre United Baptist Church | Granville Centre |
 | Granville Ferry Community Hall | Granville Ferry |
 | Granville Ferry United Baptist Church | Granville Ferry |
 | Granville Green | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Grassy Island Trail | Canso |
 | Graves Island Provincial Park | East Chester |
 | Graves Island Provincial Park, Trails | East Chester |
 | Graves Island Show 'n Shine | Chester |
 | Great Scarecrow Festival and Antique Fair | Mahone Bay |
 | Great Village and District Volunteer Fire Brigade | Great Village |
 | Great Village Community Association | Great Village |
 | Great Village Elementary School | Great Village |
 | Great Village Legion, Branch #72 | Great Village |
 | Green Bay Beach | Petite Riviere |
 | Green Bay/Broad Cove Trail | Green Bay |
 | Green Cove Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Green Hills Walking Trail | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Green Lotus Yoga and Wellness | Sydney |
 | Greenfield and District Fire Department, Auxillary | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
 | Greenfield Elementary | New Waterford |
 | Greenfield Elementary, South Shore Regional School Board | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
 | Greenfield Fire Department | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
 | Greenfield Golf | Truro |
 | Greenfield Oldsters Club | Melrose |
 | Greenfield Recreation Association, Greenfield Recreation Centre | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
 | Greenfield United Church | Greenfield |
 | Greenfield Veterans Memorial Park | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
 | Greenhill Provincial Park & Trail | Greenhill |
 | Greenhill Senior Citizens Club | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Greenvale Falls | Greenvale |
 | Greenville Community Centre | Greenville |
 | Greenwich Fire Department | Greenwich |
 | Greenwich Fire Department, Hall Rental | Greenwich |
 | Greenwood Archery Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Curling Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | Greenwood Golf Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | Greenwood Military Aviation Museum | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Minor Basketball | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Minor Basketball Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Multisport Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | Greenwood Running Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Greenwood Skating Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | Greyhound Pets of Atlantic Canada, GPAC | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | Grinder's Square All-Wheels Family Park | Bridgewater |
 | Griselda Manning Dance & Movement | Scotsburn |
 | Groundswell - Rentals | D'Escousse |
 | Groves Point Provincial Park | Groves Point |
 | Growing Green Festival | Bridgewater |
| Guided Hikes | Kings County (NS) |
| Guided HIkes, Hikes | |
| Guided Learn to Hike Program, Hike Program | West Hants |
 | Guided Snowshoe Hikes | Lunenburg County |
| Guidelines for Accessible Recreation Report and LCLC Audit | South Shore Region |
| Guidelines for Reopening BC’s Swimming Pools and Waterfronts | |
 | Guiding Light Baptist Church | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Guitar Lessons | Lockeport |
 | Gulf Shore Campground | Gulf Shore |
 | Gulf Shore Provincial Park | Gulf Shore |
 | Gull Cove Trail Society, Hiking Trail | Gabarus |
 | Gull Rock Lighthouse | Lockeport |
 | Gulliver's Cove Trails, High Cliff look off | Gulliver's Cove |
 | Gully Lake Trail System | Kemptown |
 | Gully Lake Trail System: Earltown Lake and Portage Trail | Earltown |
 | Gully Lake Trail System: Gully Lake Trail | Kemptown |
 | Gully Lake Trail System: Juniper Head Trail | Pictou County |
 | Gully Lake Trail System: Rogart Mountain Trail | Earltown |
 | Gully Lake Trail System: Sandy Cope Trail | Earltown |
 | Gully Lake Trail System: Willard Kitchener MacDonald Trail | Kemptown |
 | Gully Lake Trail System: Yellow Birch Trail | Earltown |
 | Gutsy Walk for Crohn's and Colitis | Bridgewater |
 | Guysborough Amateur Athletic Association | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Ceilidh Concert Series | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough County 55+ Games | Guysborough County |
 | Guysborough County Adult Learning Association | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough County Heritage Association | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough County Kids First Family Resource Centre | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough County Trails Association | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Farmers' Market | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Historical Society | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Legion Hall | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Minor Soccer Program | Guysborough County |
 | Guysborough Municipal Recreation Department | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Nature Trail | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Taekwondo Classes, with Morgan MacPherson | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Tennis Courts | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough to Salmon River Bridge Trail | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Waterfront Marina Wharf | Guysborough |
 | Guysborough Youth Health and Services Centre | Guysborough |
 | Gymnasium, Berwick & District School | Berwick |
 | Gymnasium, Central Kings Rural High School | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Gymnasium, Kingston & District School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Gymnasium, Lockeport Regional High School | Lockeport |
 | Gymnastics Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | H & R School Of Music | New Glasgow |
 | H. Douglas Boyce Village Hall, Village of Bible Hill | Bible Hill |
 | Habitat For Humanity, Annapolis Valley Chapter | Kentville |
 | Habitation New Horizons Club | Port Wade |
 | Hachikin Judo | Glace Bay |
 | Haley Street Adult Services Centre Society | North Sydney |
 | Halfmoon Park | Valley |
 | Haliburton Garden Club | Falmouth |
 | Haliburton House Museum | Windsor |
 | Halifax & Southwestern Railway Museum | Lunenburg |
| Halifax Nordic Ski Club | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Halifax North West Trails Association | Mainland Halifax |
| Halifax Recreation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Halifax Regional Trails Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Halifax Urban Greenway Association | Mainland Halifax |
 | Halifax Waterfront Trail | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Halifax West KOA | Upper Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Hall's Harbour Baptist Church | Hall's Harbour |
 | Hall's Harbour Eco Trails | Hall's Harbour |
 | Hall's Harbour Volunteer Fire Department | Hall's Harbour |
| Hamilton Farms Sleigh & Wagon Rides | Lower Onslow |
 | Hampton Lighthouse and Historical Society | Hampton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Hampton Social & Recreation Society | Hampton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Handy Hands 4-H Club | New Ross |
 | Hank Snow Home Town Museum, Annual Hank Snow Tribute (Music Festival) | Liverpool |
| Hank Snow Home Town Museum, BBQ and Jam Sessions | Region of Queens Municipality |
 | Hants County Exhibition | West Hants |
 | Hants County Mud Runners 26th Annual 4x4 Race Weekend | East Hants |
 | Hants County Seniors Safety Association | Windsor |
 | Hants Health & Wellness Team, Nova Scotia Health Authority | Windsor |
 | Hants Learning Network Association | West Hants |
 | Hants North Baseball Association, Minor Teams | Hants Border |
 | Hants Seniors Games, West Hants Parks and Recreation | West Hants |
 | Hants Shore Karate Club | Centre Burlington |
 | Hants Snow Dusters | Falmouth |
 | Hants West Wildlife Association | Upper Falmouth |
 | Hantsport & Area Historical Society | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport and District Lions Club | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Baptist Church | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Fire Department | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Fire Department, Hall Rental | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Harvest Fest | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Memorial Community Centre | Hantsport |
| Hantsport Minor Basketball | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Music Fest | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Seniors/Elders Club | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Soccer Association | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Soccer Club | Hantsport |
 | Hantsport Winter Carnival | Hantsport |
| Hantsport Winter Carnival 2020 | |
 | Happy Community Project - West Hants, A connected community is a happy community. Be part of the action! | Windsor |
 | Harbour Authority of Ballantynes Cove | Ballantynes Cove |
| Harbour Authority of Louisbourg | Louisbourg |
 | Harbour Authority of Pictou Landing | Pictou Landing |
 | Harbour Fire Department | North East Harbour |
 | Harbour Fire Department Inc, North East / North West Harbour Fire Hall | North East Harbour |
 | Harbour Light Campground | Braeshore |
 | Harbour Light Pentecostal Church | East Green Harbour |
 | Harbour View Haven | Lunenburg |
 | Harbourfest | Lennox Passage |
 | Harbourside Commercial Park Walking/Running Track | Sydney |
 | Harbourside Elementary | Sydney |
 | Harbourview Community Centre | New Harbour |
 | Harbourville Community Hall, Harbourville Restoration Society | Harbourville |
 | Harbourville Restoration Society | Harbourville |
 | Hardwood Lake Girl Guide Camp | Lake Paul |
 | Harmony Bazaar Festival of Women & Song | Lockeport |
 | Harmony Hall, Harmony Community Association | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Harmony Health Centre Cooperative Ltd. | Bridgewater |
 | Harmony Heights Elementary School | Salmon River (Colchester Co.) |
 | Harmony Park | Summerville (West Hants) |
| Harmony Ridge 4-H | Colchester County |
 | Harmony United Baptist Church | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Hartlin Trail | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Harvest House Community Outreach of Windsor | Windsor |
| Harvest Moon Trailway, Destination Trails Nova Scotia | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Hatha Yoga, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Haunted Hikes | Ingonish Beach |
 | Havelock Playground | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Havill Family Park | New Glasgow |
 | Havre Boucher and Area Age to Perfection 50 Plus Club | Havre Boucher |
 | Havre Boucher Baseball Field | Havre Boucher |
 | Havre Boucher Community Centre | Havre Boucher |
 | Havre Boucher Minor Ball | Havre Boucher |
| Havre Boucher Minor Soccer Association | Havre Boucher |
 | Havre Boucher TaeKwonDo | Havre Boucher |
 | Havre Boucher Wharf | Havre Boucher |
 | Hayes Community Park | Coldbrook |
 | HB Studios Sports Centre, South Shore Fieldhouse Society | Bridgewater |
 | Head of the Bay Seniors Club | Richmond County |
| Healing Through Horses | Brookfield |
| Health Canada | Atlantic Canada |
 | Health Services Foundation of the South Shore | Bridgewater |
| Health, Fitness & Yoga with Lola Sears | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Healthier Home for a Healthier You Webinar Series, This webinar series presented by Health Canada will help you identify and reduce environmental health hazards and maintain a healthy home. | Nova Scotia |
| Healthy Active Aging Fund | West Hants |
| Healthy Active Aging Fund, West Hants Regional Municipality | |
 | Healthy Strides Walking Club | Bridgewater |
 | Heart & Stroke, Life. We don't want you to miss it. | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Heart and Stroke Foundation - Stroke Month | Colchester County |
 | Heart of the Valley Century Ride | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Heart of the Valley Festival | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Heart&Stroke Walkabout | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
| Hearthstone Riding Arena | West River Station |
 | Heartland Tour | Sydney |
 | HeartWood, Centre for Community Youth Development | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Heat Volleyball Club | East Hants |
 | Heather Beach Provincial Park | Port Howe |
 | Heather Bowling Lanes | New Glasgow |
 | Heather Club 60 | Heatherton |
 | Heatherton Development Cultural & Wellness Association | Heatherton |
| Hebb's Cross Fire Department | Hebbs Cross |
 | Hebb's Landing Park and Boat Launch | Upper Granville |
 | Hebbville Academy, South Shore Regional School Board | Hebbville |
 | Hebbville Fire Department | Hebbville |
 | Hebbville Junior Fire Department | Hebbville |
 | Hebron Community Playground | Hebron |
 | Hebron Recreation Ballfields | Hebron |
 | Hebron Recreation Complex | Hebron |
 | Hebron Recreation Playground, Green Gym | Hebron |
 | Hebron Tennis Courts | Hebron |
 | Hector Arena | Pictou |
 | Hector Quay Visitors Marina | Pictou |
 | Helen Ghent Tennis Courts | Lockeport |
 | Hemford & District Fire Department | Hemford |
 | Hemlock Ravine Park | |
 | Hemlock Ravine Park Trails, Halifax North West Trails Association | Mainland Halifax |
 | Herb Peppard Park | Truro |
 | Heritage Hall, Coldbrook Community Association | Coldbrook |
 | Heritage Models Museum | River Hebert |
 | Heritage Park classes, workshops, lesson | Membertou |
 | Heroes and Adventurers | Truro |
| HI Canada - Atlantic Region, Wentworth West Hiking Trail System | |
 | Hibernia Campground | Hibernia |
 | Hibernia Golden Age Club | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Hidden Hilltop Family Campground | Glenholme |
 | Hide away Camp Ground | South Harbour |
| High Five | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | High School Soccer Field, Barrington Municipal High School | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | High Tide Festival | Harbourville |
| High Tides Arts & Community Centre, Community Centre, Arts Centre & Theatre | East Hants |
 | Highbury Education Centre | New Minas |
 | Highbury Gardens Campground and RV Park | Kentville |
 | Highland Arts Theatre | Sydney |
 | Highland Bow & Arrow, Archery on the Cabot Trail | Skir Dhu |
 | Highland Community Residential Services | Stellarton |
| Highland Derby Dolls | New Glasgow |
 | Highland District Soccer Association | Stellarton |
 | Highland Fling | Amherst |
 | Highland Links Golf Course | Ingonish |
| Highland Region | Antigonish, NS |
 | Highland Riding Club | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Highland Sports Club | Cheticamp |
| Highland Tennis Association | Pictou |
 | Highland Touch Football League | Antigonish, NS |
 | Highland View Snowmobile Rentals | Baddeck |
 | Highlander Curling Club, St. Andrews | St. Andrews |
 | Highlander Strength & Fitness | New Minas |
| Highlands Wrestling Club | Cape North |
| Hike for Hospice | Kentville |
| Hike Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Hike Nova Scotia Hiker Badge Challenge: Municipality of Barrington, Lobster Captial of Canada Hiker Challenge | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Hike NS Fall Guided Hike Series | Nova Scotia |
 | Hike the Highlands Festival | Ingonish |
 | Hiking & Snowshoe Trail, on First Lake | Lequille |
 | Hilden Community Association | Hilden |
 | Hilden Elementary School | Hilden |
 | Hilden Garden Club | Hilden |
 | Hilden Recreation Association | Hilden |
 | Hilden Recreation Park | Hilden |
 | Hilden United Church | Hilden |
 | Hill N'Dale 4-H Club | Wileville |
 | Hillbilly Golf | Bridgewater |
 | Hillcrest Academy, Tri-County Regional Regional Centre For Education | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Hillcrest Academy Physical Education, Tri-County Regional School Board | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Hillcrest Academy School Support Group, Tri-County Regional School Board | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Hillsborough-Glendyer Hall | Inverness |
 | Hillsburgh United Church | Bear River |
 | Hillside Pines Home for Special Care | Bridgewater |
 | Hillsview Acres Home for Special Care | Middlefield |
 | Hinchinbrook Farm Society, Therapeutic Riding Facility, Blockhouse | Blockhouse |
 | Hinkley’s Falls | Scotsburn |
 | Hips & Knees Exercise Program | Liverpool |
 | Hipson Creek Stone Bridge & Lost to the Sea Memorial | East Pubnico |
 | Hiram Lodge 12, Freemasons Lodge | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Hirtle's Beach | Kingsburg |
 | Historic Gardens | Annapolis Royal |
| Historic Wolfville Walking Tour | Wolfville |
 | Hi-Way Pentecostal Tabernacle | Parrsboro |
 | HI-Wentworth Hostel and Trails, Hosteling International- Wentworth | Wentworth |
 | HM MacDonald Elementary School | Maryvale, Antigonish County |
 | HMCC Community Pool, Hantsport Memorial Community Centre | Hantsport |
 | HMCC Summer Day Camps, Hantsport Memorial Community Centre | Hantsport |
 | HNATIUK's Gun Range Parties, Scotia Gun Club Indoor Shooting | East Hants |
 | Hnatiuk's Training Center | Shubenacadie East |
 | Hobarts Beach, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Hockey Heritage Centre, Haliburton House | Windsor |
 | Hockey Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Holiday Heroes Event, Truro Police Service | Truro |
 | Holistic & Wellness Fair | Greenwich |
 | Holy Cross Anglican Church, Anglican Parish of Lockeport and Barrington | Lockeport |
 | Holy Cross Anglican Church Women | Lockeport |
 | Holy Cross Park | Glace Bay |
 | Holy Family Church of All Saints Parish, Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth | Amherst |
 | Holy Trinity ACW Jordan Falls | Jordan Falls |
 | Holy Trinity Anglican Church | Middleton |
 | Holy Trinity Anglican Church | Bridgewater |
 | Holy Trinity Anglican Church | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall | Jordan Falls |
 | Holywell Park | Bible Hill |
 | Home & School, Brooklyn District Elementary School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Home & School, West Hants Middle School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Home & School, Windsor Forks Elementary | Windsor Forks |
 | Homeless Animal Rescue Team, HART | Aylesford |
| Hoopla, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Hope Chest Breast Cancer Support Group | Truro |
 | Hopewell Heritage Foot Bridge Nature Trail | Hopewell |
 | Horseplay Stables | Brookfield |
 | Horton 4-H Club | Grand Pré |
 | Horton High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Greenwich |
 | Housing NS, NS Housing Authority | Amherst |
| How to Sanitize Playground Equipment in a COVID-19 World, from the Canadian Playground Safety Institute (CPSI) | |
 | Hub Cycle Spokebenders Cycling Club | Truro |
 | Hubbards & Area Business Association | Hubbards |
 | Hubbards Area Lions Club | Fox Point |
 | Hubbards Beach | Hubbards |
 | Hubbards Beach Campground | Hubbards |
 | Hubbards Community Waterfront Association, HCWA | Hubbards |
 | Hubbards Farmers' Market, Hubbards Barn & Community Park | Hubbards |
 | Hubbards Fire Department | Hubbards |
 | Hubbards Provincial Park | Hubbards |
 | Hubbards Sailing Club | Hubbards |
 | Hublete's Hockey | Truro |
 | Hubtown Boxing, Truro Amateur Boxing Club | Truro |
| Hubtown Theatre | Truro |
 | Hubtown Youth Fun Run | Bible Hill |
 | Hughes' Tennis Courts, King's-Edgehill School | Windsor |
 | Humans vs. Zombies, Zombie Tag | Chester |
 | Hunt Indoor Gun Range | Truro |
 | Hunt's Point Beach | Hunts Point |
 | Hyclass Ocean Campground | Havre Boucher |
 | I Feel Great Yoga | Sydney |
 | I O D E Gorham Chapter | Liverpool |
| I.Q. Hockey Power Skate Program | Springhill |
| Ice Cream Fundraiser, LaHave and District Fire Department Auxiliary | Dublin Shore |
 | iFit Centre | Arichat |
| Image Makers Photography Club | Truro |
 | IMI Fitness with Crystal Mills, Zumba, Bootcamps and Pound | Truro |
 | Immaculate Conception Church Hall | Main-a-Dieu |
 | Immaculate Conception Parish | Truro |
 | Immaculate Conception Parish Hall | West Lake Ainslie |
 | Immanuel Baptist Church | Truro |
 | Immanuel United Church | Amherst |
 | Indian Beach Community Society | North Sydney |
 | Indian Brook Archers | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Indian Falls Park | Newburne |
 | Indian Harbour Lake & Jordanville Community Centre | Indian Harbour Lake |
 | Indian Path Common Hiking Trails | Indian Path |
 | Indian Point Fire Department | Indian Point |
 | Indian Point Yacht Club | Mahone Bay |
 | Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Atlantic Region Office | Amherst |
| Indoor and Outdoor Activities: COVID-19 | Nova Scotia |
 | Indoor Floor Shuffleboard | Berwick |
 | Indoor Golf | Glace Bay |
 | Indoor Pickleball | Kentville |
 | Indoor Soccer, Annapolis Royal Recreation | Annapolis Royal |
| Indoor Soccer, Soccer | West Hants |
 | Indoor Soccer (ages 3 - 4), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
| Indoor Soccer (ages 5 - 6), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Indoor Soccer (ages 7 and up), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Indoor Walking | Berwick |
 | Indoor Walking - Free! | Windsor |
 | Indoor Walking / Parent & Tot Time | Kentville |
 | Indoor Walking at the Hub Gym -Winter 2022 | Annapolis Royal |
 | Indoor Walking Group, Port Williams Recreation Programs | Port Williams |
| Infinity Floorball | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Inglewood Community Hall | Bridgetown |
 | Inglewood United Baptist Church | Bridgetown |
 | Inglisville Baptist Church | Inglisville |
 | Inglisville Community Hall | Inglisville |
| Ingomar / Roseway Fire Department | Ingomar |
 | Ingomar Community Hall | Ingomar |
 | Ingonish Beach | Ingonish Beach |
 | Ingonish Chapter IODE | Victoria County |
 | Ingonish Triathlon | Ingonish |
 | Ingonish Whale Watching | Ingonish Beach |
 | Inner Sun Yoga Centre, Mindfulness Teacher training and personal enhancement program | Blockhouse |
 | Instructional & Scrimmage Basketball | Bridgewater |
 | Integrity Cheer Empire Allstar Cheerleading &Tumbling | West Hants |
 | Intermediate Ukulele | Bridgewater |
 | International Café | Kentville |
 | Intro to Digital Photography | Bridgewater |
 | Intro to Fencing | Bridgewater |
| Intro to Geocaching, Geocaching | |
 | Intro to Sailing | Mahone Bay |
 | Intro to Short Track Speed Skating | Bridgewater |
 | Introduction to Broomball (Ages 4-9), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Introduction to Gymnastics (ages 6 and up), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Inverness Beach | Inverness |
 | Inverness Capers Snowmobile Club | Inverness |
 | Inverness Country Centre for the Arts | Inverness |
 | Inverness County Department of Recreation and Community Wellness | Port Hood |
 | Inverness Curling Club | Inverness |
 | Inverness Education Centre Academy | Inverness |
 | Inverness Fire Hall | Inverness |
 | Inverness Gathering | Inverness |
 | Inverness Minor Baseball | Inverness |
 | Inverness Minor Hockey Association | Inverness |
 | Inverness Playground & Rereation Association | Inverness |
 | Inverness Raceway | Inverness |
 | Inverness Shean Trail Association | Inverness |
 | Inverness Swim Program | Inverness |
 | IODE Boscawen Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire | Lunenburg |
 | IODE Colchester Chapter | Colchester County |
 | Irish Cove Provincial Park | Irish Cove |
 | Irishmans Road Recreation Site and Trails, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Newport Station |
 | Isaac's Harbour Medical Centre | Isaac's Harbour |
 | Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre | Springhill |
 | iShape Fitness | Port Hood |
 | Island & Barrington Passage Volunteer Fire Department | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Island & Barrington Passage Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Centreville (Shelburne Co.) |
 | Island Green Golf Club | North Alton |
 | Island Martial Arts, Sydney | Sydney |
 | Island Steppers | Richmond County |
 | Island View Park | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Islands & District Fire Department | Surettes Island |
 | Isle Madame ATV Riders & Trails | Richmond County |
 | Isle Madame Bluegrass and Old Time Country Music Festival | Richmond County |
 | Isle Madame Boat Club | Arichat |
 | Isle Madame Mariners Baseball Club | Richmond County |
 | Isle Madame Minor Baseball | Richmond County |
 | Isle Madame New Horizons Seniors Club | Richmond County |
 | Isle Royale ATV Club | Sydney |
 | Italy Cross Middlewood & District Fire Department | Italy Cross |
 | Italy Cross/Middlewood Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Italy Cross |
 | Ivor MacDonald Memorial Aena | Thorburn |
 | IWK Pediatric Rehabilitation Service Equipment Loan Program | Halifax Peninsula |
 | Iyengar Yoga | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Library, Western Counties Regional Library | Yarmouth (town) |
 | J. C. Williams Dory Shop | Shelburne (town of) |
 | J.D. Shatford Memorial Public Library | Hubbards |
 | Jack Pine Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Jack-O-Lantern Parade | Hebron |
 | Jam Sessions, Avondale Community Hall | Avondale |
 | Jam Sessions, Brickton Community Hall | Brickton |
 | Jam Sessions, Bridgetown Fire Hall | Bridgetown |
 | Jam Sessions, Ellershouse Community Hall | Ellershouse |
 | Jam Sessions, Falmouth Community Hall | Falmouth |
 | Jam Sessions, Fundy Community & Recreation Club | Youngs Cove |
 | Jam Sessions, Fundy Hall | Port Lorne |
 | Jam Sessions, Harmony Community Hall | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Jam Sessions, Litchfield-Delaps Cove Community Hall | Litchfield |
 | Jam Sessions, Louis Millett Community Complex | New Minas |
 | Jam Sessions, Newport Corner Community Hall | Newport Corner |
 | Jam Sessions, Parker Hall | Victoria Vale |
 | Jam Sessions, Port George Recreation Centre | Port George |
 | Jam Sessions, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 06 | Kentville |
 | Jam Sessions, Three Mile Plains Community Hall | Three Mile Plains |
 | Jam Sessions, West Hants Ground Search and Rescue | Mount Denson |
 | Jam Sessions, Wilmot Community Centre | Wilmot |
 | James House Museum, Bridgetown and Area Historical Society | Bridgetown |
 | Jamieson's Music Studio | Antigonish, NS |
 | Jane Norman College, Institute for Human Services Education | Truro |
 | Janet Smith Memorial Soccer Field | Hebron |
 | Janvrin's Island Seniors 55+ | Richmond County |
 | Janvrin's Island Sports & Recreation | Richmond County |
 | Japan Karate Association, Truro Shotokan Karate | Truro |
 | Jason Doiron-Tae Kwon Do | Richmond County |
 | JC's Tae Kwon Do | Amherst |
 | Jehovah's Witnesses | Barrington Passage |
 | JEN Yoga | Bible Hill |
 | Jessica LeBlanc-Boot Camp/Kettlebell | Richmond County |
 | Jeux de l'Acadie | Richmond County |
 | Jigging Cove Trail | Neils Harbour |
 | Jitney Trail, Pictou Waterfront | Pictou |
 | Jitney Trail - River John to Pictou | River John |
 | Joe Earle Victoria Day Road Races | Trenton |
 | Joe Pops Images | Richmond County |
 | Joe Wadden Track | Donkin |
 | Joggins Fire Department | Joggins |
| Joggins Fossil Cliffs | River Hebert/Joggins Area |
 | Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site, ...and Centre! | Joggins |
 | Joggins Legion, Branch #4 | Joggins |
 | Joggins New Horizons Club | Joggins |
 | John B Trail | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | John Bernard Croak Memorial Park | Glace Bay |
 | John Bernard Croak V.C. | Glace Bay |
 | John Calvin Christian Reformed Church | Truro |
 | John Chisholm Memorial Recreation Field | Pictou |
 | John Hecimovich Memorial Playground & Basketball Court | Springville |
 | John J. Nugent Firemen's Club | Sydney Mines |
 | John P. Gammon Recreation and Community Center, Scotsburn Recreation Club | Scotsburn |
 | Johnny Cremo Memorial Fitness Centre | We'koqma'q |
| Johnny Miles Festival | Sydney Mines |
 | Johnny Miles Memorial Trail | New Glasgow |
| Johnny Miles Running Event Weekend | New Glasgow |
 | John's Cove Beach | Cape Forchu |
 | Johnstown Milling Frolic & Strawberry Festival | Johnstown |
 | Join a Walk Group in Annapolis Valley!, Berwick | Annapolis County |
 | Join a Walk Group in Bedford! | Bedford (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Join a Walk Group in Sackville!, Sackville Greenway | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Join a Walk Group in Sydney!, Open Hearth Park | Sydney |
 | Join a Walk Group in Tantallon!, Tantallon / St Margaret's Bay | Tantallon |
 | Join a Walk Group in Trenton!, Pictou County | Trenton |
 | Join a Walk Group in Truro!, Cobequid Trail | Truro and Area |
 | Join a Walk Group in Windsor! | Windsor |
 | Jolly Ponoquers Plus 50 Club | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
 | Jolly Worker's Breakfast | Black Rock (Kings Co.) |
 | Jones Gym | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Jordan Bay Community Hall | Jordan Bay |
 | Jordan Falls Baptist Church | Jordan Falls |
 | Jordan Falls Rebekah's Lodge #127 | Jordan Falls |
 | Jordan Fire Department | Jordan Falls |
 | Jordan Lodge, I.O.O.F. #154 | Jordan Falls |
 | Jordan River Trail | Shelburne County |
 | Joseph et Marie Dugas Park | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
 | Joy Laking Gallery | Bass River |
 | Joyful Journeys | Jersey Cove |
 | Joyful Yoga | Truro |
 | Jr. Lighthouse Keepers | Jordan Falls |
| JStrong Fund | Yarmouth County |
 | Jubilee Elementary | Sydney Mines |
 | Jubilee Park (Queen Elizabeth II) | Bridgetown |
 | Jubilee Park and Playground, Outdoor Playground and short walking trails | Mahone Bay |
 | Judique Army Cadet Corp | Judique |
 | Judique Community Centre | Judique |
 | Judique Fire Hall | Judique |
 | Judique Flyer Trail Association, The | Inverness County |
 | Judique on the Floor Days | Judique |
 | Judique Recreation Association | Judique |
 | Judique Storytellers Gallery/ Historical Society | Judique |
 | Judo Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Jump 2 It Trampoline Club, Gymnastics Nova Scotia | East Hants |
| Jumpstart, Annapolis / Digby | Annapolis County |
| Jumpstart, Kings / West Hants Chapter | Kings County (NS) |
| Jumpstart, Volunteer | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Jumpstart Day | Cookville |
| Jumpstart Funding | |
 | Junction Road Elementary School | Springhill |
 | Junior Achievement of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Junior Sail Program, Chester Yacht Club | Chester |
 | Juniper Head Trail | Dalhousie (Pictou Co.) |
 | Juniper Hollow Golf | Sydney |
| Juniper House, South West Nova Transition House Association | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Kaizer Meadow Wind Turbine Campsite | Chester |
 | Kalapa Valley | Ingonish |
 | Kanokai Judo Club | New Glasgow |
 | Karate Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Karen's Aerobics for Women | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Kavanaugh Lake Trail | Dover |
 | Kayak Cape Breton | West Bay |
 | Kayak Loan Program | Kings County (NS) |
| Kayak Loan Program, Loan Program | West Hants |
| Kayaking, Kayaking Adventures | West Hants |
 | Kayaking for Beginners (18+) | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Ke’ Milita’nej Playground, Glooscap First Nation | Glooscap First Nation / Pesikitk' |
 | Kearney Lake Trail | Bedford (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Kearney Lake Trails, Halifax North West Trails Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Keating Centre - Auxiliary Rink, St.FX University | Antigonish, NS |
 | Keating Centre - Main Rink, St.FX University | Antigonish, NS |
 | Keating Wellness Centre, StFX University | Antigonish, NS |
 | Kedge Weavers Guild | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Keji Multisport Triathlon, Keji Women's Triathlon, Keji Women's Multisport & Culture Workshops, Mixed Team Triathlon Relays | Kejimkujik National Park |
 | Kejimkujik, National Park and National Historic Site | Queens County (NS) |
 | Kejimkujik, Seaside | Port Joli |
 | Kempt Community Hall | Kempt |
 | Kempt Quarry Recreation Site, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Kempt Shore |
 | Kempt Sewing Circle | Kempt |
 | Kempt Shore Music Gala Campout & Dance, Kempt Shore Ocean View Campground | Kempt Shore |
 | Kempt Shore Ocean View Campground, Nature at it's BEST! | Kempt Shore |
 | Kempt United Baptist Church | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Kemptown Playground and Sport Court | Kemptown |
 | Kemptville & District Fire Department | Kemptville |
 | Ken Sen Kan Karate, Martial Arts | East Hants |
 | Kennetcook Braves Intermediate Baseball, Men's Baseball | East Hants |
 | Kennington Cove | Louisbourg |
| Kenomee Trail Society | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System: Cobequid Escarpment Trail | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System: Devil's Bend Trail | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System: Economy Falls Trail | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System: Kenomee Canyon Trail | Economy |
 | Kensington Playground & Picnic Grounds | Stellarton |
 | Kentville & District Kinette Club | Kentville |
 | Kentville & District Kinsmen Club | Kentville |
 | Kentville Bike Week | Kentville |
 | Kentville Canada Cup | |
 | Kentville Centennial Arena | Kentville |
 | Kentville Christian Reformed Church | Canard |
 | Kentville Community Yoga | Kentville |
| Kentville Equipment Loan Program - COVID-19 | Kentville |
 | Kentville Farmers Market | Kentville |
 | Kentville Lions Club | Kentville |
 | Kentville Marlins Swim Team | Kentville |
 | Kentville Migratory Bird Sanctuary | Kentville |
 | Kentville Minor Baseball, Wildcats | Kentville |
 | Kentville Minor Lacrosse Association | Kentville |
 | Kentville Multicultural Fair | Kentville |
 | Kentville New Horizons Club for Seniors | Kentville |
 | Kentville Outdoor Track | Kentville |
 | Kentville Parks & Recreation | Kentville |
 | Kentville Photography Club & Darkroom, The Photo Gym | Kentville |
 | Kentville Pumpkin People Festival, Harvest Festival | Kentville |
 | Kentville Ravine Trail, Agricultural Research Station Nature Trail | Kentville |
 | Kentville Recreation Centre | Kentville |
 | Kentville Senior Baseball, Kentville Wildcats | Kentville |
 | Kentville Silver Gliders Skating Club | Kentville |
 | Kentville Skatepark | Kentville |
 | Kentville Skatepark Association | Kentville |
 | Kentville Summer Camps & Programs | Kentville |
 | Kentville Trail System, Rails-To-Trails | Kentville |
 | Kentville United Baptist Church | Kentville |
 | Kentville Volunteer Fire Department | Kentville |
 | Kentville Volunteer Fire Department, Facility Rental | Kentville |
 | Kentville Volunteer Fire Department Museum | Kentville |
 | Ken-Wo Duplicate Bridge Club | Port Williams |
 | Ken-wo Golf Club | New Minas |
 | Kenzieville Community Center | Kenzieville |
 | Keppoch Mountain | Antigonish County |
| Kettlebell Krushers Fitness | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Kicking it With Karla!, Line Dancing Classes | Truro |
 | Kids Beginner Karate, Young's Uechi-Ryu Karate & Fitness | New Minas |
 | Kids Discovery Camps, Scotia Pool and NSAC Langille Athletic Centre | Bible Hill |
 | Kid's Fair Play FUNd, Shelburne County | Shelburne County |
 | Kids First Fund, Municipality of the District of Argyle | Tusket |
 | Kids in Motion Recreational Skating Program | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Kids Intermediate Karate, Young's Uechi-Ryu Karate & Fitness | New Minas |
 | Kids Intro to Karate, Young's Uechi-Ryu Karate & Fitness | New Minas |
| Kids Run Club, Doctors Nova Scotia Healthy Tomorrow Foundation | Nova Scotia |
| KidSport | Cape Breton |
| Kidsport Funding | Fundy Region |
 | KidSport™, Annapolis / Digby | Annapolis County |
 | KidSport™, Kings / West Hants | Kings County (NS) |
 | KidSport™, Lunenburg County | Lunenburg County |
 | KidSport™, Queens County | Queens County (NS) |
 | KidSport™, Shelburne County | Shelburne County |
 | KidSport™, Yarmouth County | Tusket |
 | Kidzact | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Killiam's Wharf Bandstand and Gazebo | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Kindermusik | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Kindermusik with Natalie | Sydney |
 | Kindermusik with Ria | New Minas |
 | Kinderskills, Acadia Kinesiology Department | Wolfville |
 | Kinette Club of New Glasgow | Stellarton |
 | Kin-Excel Fitness Centre | St. Peter's |
 | King Pin Bowling | Amherst |
 | King Street Community Garden | Truro |
 | King Street Court, Bandstand and Dock | Bridgewater |
 | King Street Family Resource, a site of the South Shore Family Resource Association | Shelburne (town of) |
 | King Street Soccer Field | Truro |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses | Liverpool |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness (Amherst) | Amherst |
| Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness (Shubenacadie East) | Shubenacadie East |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness (Tatamagouche) | Tatamagouche |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness (Truro) | Truro |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses | Waterville |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses | Kentville |
| Kings - Kikima Grannies | Kings County (NS) |
| Kings 55+ Games | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kings Archers Club, Annapolis Valley Shooting Sports Club | White Rock |
| Kings Community Action Group on Gambling | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kings Community Concert Band, Concert Band Music | Greenwich |
 | Kings County Academy, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Kentville |
 | Kings County Adult High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | New Minas |
 | Kings County Amateur Radio Club | Kentville |
 | Kings County Aquatic Program Drop-In Swims | Waterville |
| Kings County Challenger Baseball | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kings County Family Resource Centre | Kentville |
| Kings County Mobile Summer Day Camp | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kings County Museum, Kings Historical Society (The) | Kentville |
 | Kings County Photo Club | Kentville |
 | Kings County Recreation Services | Coldbrook |
| Kings County Senior's Social and Bingo | |
 | Kings County Squash Club | Kentville |
 | Kings County Wildlife Association | Kings County (NS) |
 | King's Film Society | Annapolis Royal |
 | Kings Mutual Century Centre, Appledome | Berwick |
 | King's Orange Rangers | Liverpool |
 | Kings Presbyterian Church | New Minas |
 | Kings Special Olympics | Kings County (NS) |
 | King's Theatre | Annapolis Royal |
 | Kings Volunteer Resource Centre | New Minas |
 | Kings West Soccer Club | Kentville |
 | King's-Edgehill School | Windsor |
 | Kingston & District Home & School Association | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston & District School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Area Seniors Association, KASA | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Credit Union Centre, March Break Free Skating | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston District Fire Department | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston District Fire Department, Auxiliary | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston District Fire Department, Hall Rental | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Lions Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston March Break Day Camp | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Steer BBQ & Village Fair | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Summer Day Camp | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston United Baptist Church | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston United Church | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Walks Group | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston/Greenwood Minor Baseball, Titans | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston/Greenwood Soccer Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingsway Assembly | North Kentville |
 | Kingswood Camp | Aylesford |
 | Kinsmen Athletic Field | Bridgewater |
 | Kinsmen Ballfield | New Glasgow |
 | Kinsmen Building | Pictou |
 | Kinsmen Club | Wilmot |
 | Kinsmen Club of Bible Hill, Serving the Community's Greatest Need | Bible Hill |
 | Kinsmen Club of Liverpool | Liverpool |
| Kinsmen Club of New Glasgow | New Glasgow |
| Kinsmen Club of New Glasgow | New Glasgow |
| Kinsmen Club of New Glasgow | New Glasgow |
 | Kinsmen Power Skating Program | New Glasgow |
 | Kiwanis Club of Bluenose Golden K | Bridgewater |
 | Kiwanis Club of Liverpool | Liverpool |
 | Kiwanis Park | Truro |
 | Kiwanis Pool | Sydney |
 | Kiwi Kaboodle Tours & Travel | Mahone Bay |
 | Klahanie Kamping | Aylesford |
 | Kluskap Ridge Campground | Englishtown |
 | Knaut-Rhuland House Museum | Lunenburg |
 | Knights of Columbus, Bridgewater Council 6417 | Bridgewater |
 | Knights Of Columbus, Springhill | Springhill |
 | Knights of Columbus Council, Immaculate Conception Church | Colchester County |
 | Knights of Columbus Council 2181 | Yarmouth (town) |
| Knights of Columbus New Glasgow Council #1667 | New Glasgow |
| Knights of Columbus, Pictou Council # 8608 | Pictou |
 | Knights of Pythias, Chignecto Lodge #11 | Amherst |
 | Knights of Pythias Lodge#26 | Oxford |
 | Knox United Church | Brookfield |
 | Krymsun Farm Herb Best Quarter Horses | New Glasgow |
 | Kundalini Yoga-Bev Brayson | Baddeck |
 | Kung Fu, Vo Thuat Co Truyen | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | L. E. Shaw Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Avonport |
 | La Leche League, Breast Feeding Support Group | Bridgewater |
 | La Leche League-Windsor | Windsor |
 | La Picasse Centre Communautaire Culturel | Petit-de-Grat |
 | La Pirouette | Richmond County |
 | La Societe Historique Acadienne de Pubnico-Ouest, Acadian Historical Society of West Pubnico | West Pubnico |
 | Lacrosse Nova Scoita | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Ladies Auxiliary, New Minas Fire Department | New Minas |
 | LADIES ONLY 8-Ball Pool, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 22 | Bear River |
 | Lahave & District Fire Department | LaHave |
 | Lahave & District Fire Department Auxiliary | LaHave |
| LaHave and District Fire Department Auxiliary, Fundraiser | LaHave |
 | Lahave Ballfields | Bridgewater |
 | Lahave Islands Marine Museum, Lahave Islands Marine Museum Society | LaHave Islands |
 | LaHave Islands Marine Museum---history of the in-shore fisheries and life on the LaHave Islands in Nova Scotia, Canada | LaHave Islands |
 | LaHave River Campground, Come camp and reconnect at the LaHave River Campground! | Newburne |
 | LaHave River Ramblers, Square Dancing Club | Wileville |
 | LaHave River Salmon Association | Bridgewater |
 | LaHave River Salmon Association, Beginner Fly Casting Schools | Bridgewater |
 | LaHave River Trail | Lunenburg County |
 | Lahave River Trail, Association | Lunenburg County |
 | LaHave River Watershed Enhancement Foundation | Bridgewater |
 | LaHave River Yacht Club | West LaHave |
 | LaHave Street Sportsfield | Bridgewater |
 | Lake Ainslie Fireman's Ceilidh Days | Scotsville |
| Lake Ainslie Trail Committee | Inverness County |
 | Lake Ainslie Volunteer Fire Department | Scotsville |
 | Lake George Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Lake George (Kings Co.) |
 | Lake Milo Aquatic Club | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Lake O’Law Provincial Park | North East Margaree |
 | Lake Paul & Lake George Community Centre | Lake Paul |
 | Lake Pleasant Campers Club | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Lake Rossignol - Mersey River to Shelburne River | South Shore Region |
 | Lake Vaughan Fire Department | Tusket |
 | Lakes and District Volunteer Fire Department | Lake George (Yar. Co.) |
 | Lakeshore Curling Club | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Lakeside & Area Seniors Club | Richmond County |
 | Lakeview Trail | Spryfield (Mainland Halifax) |
 | Lakeview Treasures Campground and RV Park | Louisbourg |
 | Lakeville Community Centre | Lakeville |
 | Lakeville Women's Institute | Lakeville |
| Lambert Todd Days Festival, Lambert Todd Days Society | Reserve Mines |
 | Lanark Community Hall | Lanark |
 | Land of Evangeline Camping Resort | Grand Pré |
 | Lanes at Membertou | Membertou |
 | Langille Athletic Centre | Bible Hill |
 | Langille's Tae Kwon Do | Truro |
 | Lapland & District Fire Department | Lapland |
 | Lapland & District Fire Department Auxiliary | Lapland |
 | Lapland 4-H Club | Lapland |
 | Larade's Tae Kwon Do | Richmond County |
 | Larade's TaeKwonDo, Martial Arts / Self Defense TaeKwonDo School | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
| L'Arche Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
 | L'Ardoise Acadian Festival | L'Ardoise |
 | L'Ardoise Adult Recreation | L'Ardoise |
 | L'Ardoise Baseball/Softball Field | L'Ardoise |
 | L'Ardoise Jolly Club | L'Ardoise |
 | Larry’s River Community Centre | Larry's River |
 | Larry's River Wharf | Larry's River |
 | Laurel Hill Cemetery Company | Port Mouton |
 | Laurie Peace Park | New Glasgow |
 | Laurie Saulnier Memorial Trail, Hants West Wildlife Association | Upper Falmouth |
 | Lawn Bowls Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Lawrence House Provincial Museum | Lunenburg County |
 | Lawrencetown & District Lions Club | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown & District Volunteer Fire Department | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown and Area Seniors Association, LASA | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown Beach Provincial Park | East Lawrencetown |
 | Lawrencetown Consolidated School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown Education Centre, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown Exhibition Youth Arena | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown United Baptist Church | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lazy Bay Trail, Wallace Bay Trail | Malagash |
 | Lazy Head Trail | Canso |
 | Le Buttereau Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Le Chemin du Buttereau | Pleasant Bay |
 | Le Club des Acadiens Seniors Wedgeport | Wedgeport |
 | Le Club Kinsmen de Cheticamp | Cheticamp |
 | Le Gabrielle Tournament | Cheticamp |
 | Le Jardin des Petits | Tusket |
 | Le Portage Golf Club | Cheticamp |
 | Le Vieux Chemin du Cap-Rouge Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Le Village historique acadien de la Nouvelle-Écosse | Lower West Pubnico |
 | Learn to Curl, Berwick Curling Club | Berwick |
 | Learn to Curl, Glooscap Curling Club | Kentville |
 | Learn to Graft your own Fruit Trees | |
| Learn to Ride Youth Mountain Bike, Youth Mountain Bike | West Hants |
 | Learn to Run 2019 | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Learn to Run Program, Learn to Run Program | West Hants |
 | Learn to Sail Summer Program | Albert Bridge |
 | Learn To Skate (Ages 3 - 6 and 7 & up), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Learn to Skate Eskasoni | Eskasoni |
 | Learn to Swim | Eskasoni |
| Leave No Trace | Canada |
 | Leeside Transition House Day Camp | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Legacy Equestrian Centre | New Germany |
| Legends Gaming Centre | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Legge Health Clinic | Truro |
 | Leicester Volunteer Fire Department | East Leicester |
 | Leif Ericson Park, Trails | Cape Forchu |
 | Leisure & Active Recreation for Kids, LARK | Pictou County |
 | Lennox Passage Provincial Park | Lennox Passage |
 | Lennox Passage Yacht Club | D'Escousse |
 | LeNoir Landing | Arichat |
 | Leo Blair Memorial Ballfields, North River Ballfields | North River (Colchester Co.) |
 | Leo Fahey Way Recreation Building, Stellarite Seniors Building | Stellarton |
 | Les Amis du Plein Air, Le Nique Nature Bookstore | Cheticamp |
 | Les Jeux de l'Acadie | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Les pieds au vol | Richmond County |
| Let Abilities Work Partnership Society | Pictou County |
 | Let's Get Up and Move, Kings County Family Resource Centre | Kentville |
 | Life Cycle | Kentville |
 | Life.School.House., Annapolis Valley | Clarence |
 | Life.School.House., Folk School | Clarence |
 | Lifesaving Course, Bronze Cross | Lunenburg |
 | Lifesaving Course, Bronze Medallion & CPR "B" | Bridgewater |
 | Lifesaving Society, Nova Scotia Branch | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Lighthouse Community Church, The Apostolic Church In Canada | Bridgewater |
 | Lighthouse Day | Richmond County |
 | Lighthouse Foodbank | Chester |
| Lights Along the Shore, Annual Lighthouse Festival | South Shore Region |
 | Lillian Allbon Animal Shelter | Cumberland County |
 | Lillian Benham Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Lockeport |
 | Limitless Dance Company | Brookfield |
 | Linacy Fire Hall and Community Centre | Linacy |
 | Lincolnville Community Hall | Lincolnville |
 | Linda Bryden Yoga | Iona |
| Linden 4-H Club | Cumberland County |
 | Lingan Golf Club | Sydney |
| Lingan Heritage Society | Lingan |
 | Linwood Beach | Linwood |
 | Linwood Community Centre | Linwood |
| Linwood Community Picnic Area | Linwood |
 | Linwood Harbour Campground | Havre Boucher |
 | Linwood Heritage Nature Trail | Linwood |
| Linwood Recreation | Linwood |
 | Lionel's Golf | New Waterford |
| Lions Club, Chester Basin / New Ross / Chester Area | Chester Basin |
 | Liscomb Legion Hall | Spanish Ship Bay |
 | Liscomb River Trail System | Liscomb River Wilderness Area |
 | Liscombe Lodge | Liscomb Mills |
| Lismore & District Community Centre | Lismore |
 | Lismore Loop Waking Path & Beach/Park | Lismore |
 | Litchfield-Delaps Cove Community Hall | Litchfield |
 | Literacy Mile, Valley Community Learning Association | Kentville |
 | Litters n' Critters, Dog Rescue Society | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Little Anse Hawks Baseball Club | Richmond County |
 | Little Anse Sampsons Cove Social Action Centre | Little Anse |
 | Little Eagles Daycare Centre | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Little Harbour & Area Fire Department | Sable River |
 | Little Harbour Community Centre | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
 | Little Harbour Fire Dept/Hall | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
 | Little Harbour Recreation Association, Little Harbour Community Hall | Sable River |
 | Little Harbour to Tor Bay Trail | Larry's River |
 | Little Harbour Walking Biking Trail Society | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
 | Little Lake Family Campground Ltd. | Centre |
 | Little Liscomb Wharf | Liscomb |
| Little Moe's K9 Academy | Bible Hill |
 | Little Narrows Community Centre | Little Narrows |
 | Little Putt Miniature Golf Ltd | Sydney |
 | Little Ray's Reptile Zoo, Little Ray's Nova Scotia *Museum Natural History | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Little School Museum | Lockeport |
 | Little White Schoolhouse Museum | Truro |
 | Liverpool Adventure Outfitters | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Baby Talk | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Curling Club | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Fire Fighters Association | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool International Theatre Festival | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool International Ukulele Ceilidh | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Junior Curling, Liverpool Junior & Light Rock Curling | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Lions Club | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Priva-Cheer Club | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Liverpool Regional High School, South Shore Regional School Board | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Tennis Club | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Ukulele Ceilidh Society | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool United Baptist Church | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Women's Hockey, Lady Cougars | Liverpool |
 | Living Earth Council | Central Colchester |
 | Living Word Fellowship | Bridgetown |
 | Livingstone Cove Beach | Livingstone Cove |
 | Livingstone Cove Wharf, Park & Beach | Livingstone Cove |
 | Lloyd Memorial Centre | Kingsport |
 | l'nu kamakn - Snowboarding | Ben Eoin |
 | Local Senior Games 55 or Better, Fun, Fitness, Friendship | Central Colchester |
 | Loch Lomond RV Park | Cumberland County |
 | Lochaber Community Development Association | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
 | Lochiel Lake Provincial Park | Lochiel Lake |
 | Lockeport & Area July 1 Celebrations, Lockeport & Area July 1 Committee | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport & Area Medical First Responders | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport & Area Minor Ball Association (LAMBA) | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Area Preschool | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Cemetery Committee | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Community Access Program, Lillian Benham Library | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Cottages & Campgrounds | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Dory Club | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Elementary School, Tri-County Regional School Board | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Harbour Authority, North Government Wharf, South Government Wharf, West Government Wharf | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Independent Baptist Church | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Legion Branch #80 | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Lions Club | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Loop Business Association | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Minor Ball Bingo | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Recreation Centre, Community Centre | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Regional High School, Community Garden | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Regional High School, Tri-County Regional School Board | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Sea Derby, Lockeport Sea Derby Association | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport United Baptist Church | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Youth Soccer, Minor Soccer | Lockeport |
 | Locker Room Health and Fitness Club, Windsor Gym | Windsor |
 | Locke's Island Birding & Hiking Tours | Lockeport |
 | Lockhart Ryan Memorial Park, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Lockhartville Community Hall | Lockhartville |
 | Londonderry Community Centre and Ballfield | Londonderry |
 | Londonderry Community Church, Thirsty Church | Londonderry |
 | Londonderry Community Council Association | Bass River |
 | Londonderry Playforest | Londonderry |
 | Londonderry Provincial Park | Londonderry |
 | Lone Shieling Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Long Lake Camp, Long Lake Baptist Youth Camp | Waterloo |
| Long Lake Loggers Association | East Hants |
 | Long Lake Provincial Park | Spryfield (Mainland Halifax) |
 | Long Lake Provincial Park Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Long Point Provincial Park | Creignish |
 | Long Pond Heritage Hockey Classic | Windsor |
| Longhill Road | |
 | Lonnie Milne Memorial Park | New Minas |
 | Look Off Family Camping Park | Canning |
 | Loon Lake Non-Motorized Boat Launch | Lake Paul |
 | Lord Amherst Chapter IODE, "One in Many, All in One" | Amherst |
 | Lordly House Museum, Lordly Park | Chester |
 | Lorne Community Centre "The Hall" | Lorne |
 | Lost to the Sea Memorial | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Louis Head Beach | Louis Head |
 | Louis Head Beach Campground | West Middle Sable |
 | Louis Millett Community Complex | New Minas |
 | Louisa Gardens | Sydney |
| Louisbourg and Area Celebration Society | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Basketball/Tennis Court & Skateboard Area, Louisbourg Tennis Club | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Crab Festival | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Lighthouse Trail, Coastal Connections Trail Association | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Little League Field | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Old Town Trail | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Playground | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Playhouse | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Road Race Society | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Scuba Services | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Volunteer Ambulance Association | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Volunteer Fire Department | Louisbourg |
 | Louisdale Baseball Field | Louisdale |
 | Louisdale Girl Guides | Louisdale |
 | Louisdale Lion's Club | Louisdale |
 | Louisdale Tennis Courts | Louisdale |
 | Louise Dixon-Zumba | Richmond County |
 | LOVE Program | Membertou |
 | Low Impact Exercise, Christian Fellowship Centre | Wilmot |
 | Lower East Pubnico Wharf | Lower East Pubnico |
 | Lower Granville Community Hall | Port Royal (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lower Ohio Ball Field | Lower Ohio |
 | Lower Ohio Recreation Centre, Ohio Recreation Association | Lower Ohio |
 | Lower Onslow Community Centre | Lower Onslow |
 | Lower South River Ball Fields | Lower South River |
 | Lower South River Community Centre | Lower South River |
 | Lower Truro Playground | Lower Truro |
 | Lowland Cove | Meat Cove |
 | Loyalist Trail Park | Stormont |
| Lucasville Greenway Society | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Lumberjacks Junior "A" Hockey Club | Bridgewater |
 | Lumière Arts Festival | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Lumsden Pond Provincial Park, Provincial Day-Use Park | Black River (Kings Co.) |
 | Lunch and Learn | East Sable River |
 | Lunchtime Guided Walks | Kentville |
 | Lundy Fire Tower Trail | Larry's River |
 | Lunenburg 5k Road Race, The Muffin Run | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Academy | Lunenburg |
| Lunenburg Academy of Music Performance, LAMP | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Aikikai | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg and District Fire Department, District 1 & 2 Fire Department | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg and District Fire Department - Junior Firefighter Program, District 1 & 2 Fire Department | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Art Gallery | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Art Gallery, Canada 150 | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Back Harbour Trail | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Board of Trade | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Board of Trade Campground | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Centre, Pickleball | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Christmas Dinner | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, 400 M Track, Softball Field, Soccer Field | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Badminton | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Fitness Classes | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Seniors Fitness Classes | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Walkin' In The Mornin' | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Weight Training | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Yoga Beginner | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg County 4-H Council | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg County Adult Learning Opportunities, Adult Learning Opportunities | Bridgewater |
| Lunenburg County Amateur Radio Club | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg County Community Health Board | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg County Crime Prevention Association | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg County Crime Stoppers | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg County Film Series | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Film Series, http://www.lunenburgfilms.com/wp/ | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Flight School | Newburne |
 | Lunenburg County Foster Parent Association | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Gentlemen's Slo-Pitch League | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Ground Search and Rescue | Pine Grove |
| Lunenburg County Hikers, Hike for Life | Lunenburg County |
| Lunenburg County Hikers, Hiking Club | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg County Historical Society, Fort Point Museum | LaHave |
 | Lunenburg County King Street YMCA Youth Centre | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre, LCLC | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Mountain Bike Association | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County SPCA | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA Adult Wellness Programs | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA Child Care & Afterschool Programs | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA Fun Run | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA-High Street Youth Programs | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg Curling Club | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg District Office - Department of Community Services | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg District Office - Department of Community Services, Volunteer Driver Program | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg Dog Park, Lunenburg Dog Park Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Farmers Market | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Festival of Crafts | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival, Lunenburg Folk Harbour Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Foundation for the Arts - LFA | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Front Harbour Trail | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Heritage Bandstand | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Heritage Fishing Tours, Harbour Star (Harbour Tours) | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Heritage House Tour, Lunenburg Heritage Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Heritage Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Karate “Uechi-Ryu” | |
 | Lunenburg Marina, Marina Wharf | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Ocean Adventures | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Opera House, Theatre | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Outdoor Basketball Court | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Paddling Adventours and Rentals | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg Photo Club | Lunenburg |
| Lunenburg Queens Recreation Coordinators Directors Association, LQ | South Shore Region |
 | Lunenburg Queens Volunteer Partnership | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg Remembrance Day Service | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Rod & Gun Club | Riverport |
 | Lunenburg Rowing Club | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg Skate Park | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Skating Club | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Softball Field | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Street Festival & Art Walk | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Swimming Pool, Lunenburg & District Swimming Pool Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Tennis Club | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Walking Tours | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg War Memorial Arena | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg War Memorial Arena, Hockey | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg War Memorial Arena, Public Skating | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Whale Watching Tours | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Wooden Boat Reunion | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Yacht Club | Lunenburg |
| Lunenburg Yacht Club Celebrates Canada Day !, Canada 150 | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg/Queens Parkinson's Support Group, Parkinson Society Bridgewater Chapter | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg’s Birthday Celebrations | Lunenburg |
 | Lung Association of Nova Scotia, Lunenburg District | Lunenburg |
 | Lutheran Camp Mush-A-Mush | Middle New Cornwall |
 | Lynx Volleyball Club | Truro |
 | Lyons Brook Community Hall | Lyons Brook |
 | Lyons Brook Recreation Association Betsey Park | Lyons Brook |
 | Mabou Ceilidh | Mabou |
 | Mabou Community Playground | Mabou |
 | Mabou Marina | Mabou |
 | Mabou Minor Hockey | Mabou |
 | Mabou Rec Soccer | Southwest Mabou |
 | Mabou Rivers Trail Association | West Mabou |
 | Mabou Sailing and Boating Club, Learn to sail in the protected waters of Mabou Harbour | Mabou |
 | Mabou Swim Program | Port Hood |
 | MacArhur School of Dance | Sydney |
 | MacAskill House Museum | St. Peter's |
 | Maccan Tidal Wetlands Park | Maccan |
 | MacCormack Provincial Park | Iona |
 | Macdonald Museum | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | MacElmons Pond Provincial Park | Debert |
 | MacIntosh Brook Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | MacKay Brook Falls | Scotsburn |
 | MacKays Wild Outdoor Adventures, Outdoor Equipment Store | Truro |
 | MacKinnon Walking Track | New Waterford |
 | MacLellan's Brook Community Center & Playground | McLellans Brook |
 | MacLeod School of Highland Dance | Antigonish, NS |
 | MacPherson's Mills Community Hall | McPhersons Mills |
 | MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers), Lunenburg - Queens Chapter | Bridgewater |
 | MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Yarmouth County | Yarmouth (town) |
 | MADD Colchester, MADD Canada | Truro |
 | MADD Cumberland-Tantramar, MADD Canada | Amherst |
 | Maggie's Place (Cumberland County) | Amherst |
 | Maggie's Place (South Colchester), Stewiacke Play Group | Stewiacke |
 | Maggie's Place Family Resource Centre (Colchester County) | Truro |
 | Mahone Bay and Area Swimming Pool, Mahone Bay & Area Swimming Pool Society | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay and District Fire Department | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Area Farmer's Market | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Centre | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Centre, 2nd Floor Gallery | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Centre, Badminton | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Centre, CentreFit Gym | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Centre, Life Drawing | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Centre, Lifewriting | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Centre, Memory Café | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Centre, Printmakers | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Centre, Seniors Luncheon | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Legion Swing Band | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Meditation Centre | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Museum, Mahone Bay Founders Society | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Quilters Guild | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Rock Camp | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahone Bay Tennis Club | Mahone Bay |
 | Mahoney’s Beach Trail | Mahoney's Beach |
 | Mahoney's Beach | Mahoney's Beach |
 | Main-a-Dieu Library | Main-a-Dieu |
 | Mainland Commons Loop | Clayton Park (Mainland Halifax) |
 | Mainland North Trail | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Maitland & District Recreation Community Centre | Maitland |
 | Maitland Bridge Community Hall | Maitland Bridge |
 | Making Tracks, Active Transportation Safety Training | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Making Tracks ( Scooter & Skateboard ) | |
 | Malagash Area Heritage Association, Community Centre | Malagash |
 | Malagash Bible Camp | Malagash |
 | Malagash Legion, Branch #97 | Malagash Mine |
 | Malagash Meadows Horse Farm | Tatamagouche |
 | Malagash Salt Miners' Museum | Malagash |
 | Malcolm Munroe Jr. High | Sydney River |
 | Malignant Cove Beach | Malignant Cove |
 | Maltby Stables | Amherst |
 | MAMBEC- Martial Art Mind Body Education Centre, Strides Health & Fitness Club | Enfield (HRM) |
 | MAPANNAPOLIS, Mapping our stories & Discovering ourselves | Annapolis County |
 | Maple Grove Education Centre, Tri-County Regional School Board | Hebron |
 | Maple Grove Soccer Field, Maple Grove Education Centre | Hebron |
 | Maplefest | Milford |
 | Maplewood Maple Syrup & Christmas Tree Farm | Maplewood |
 | Maplewood-Colchester Ranger Unit, Everything she wants to be | Valley |
| Marathon of Respect and Equality, MORE Run | Pictou County |
 | Marble Mountain Family Weekend | Marble Mountain |
| MARC | Lunenburg County |
 | March Break 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament! | Annapolis Royal |
 | March Break Activities 2020, Windsor Recreation | Windsor |
 | March Break Camp, Canning Recreation | Canning |
 | March Break Camp, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | March Break Camp, Port Williams Recreation Programs | Port Williams |
| March Break Camp - West Hants Regional Municipality, March Break Camp 2022 | West Hants |
 | March Break Camps, Spring Break, Multi sport, Daycamp, Acadia Day Camps | Wolfville |
 | March Break in Kentville | Kentville |
| March Break Play Days | Kings County (NS) |
| Marconi Trailblazers | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Margaree Harbour | Margaree |
 | Margaree Highland Games | Margaree Valley |
 | Margaree Highlands Snowmobile Club | Margaree |
 | Margaree-Cheticamp Volleyball Club | Margaree |
 | Margaret Fawcett Norrie Heritage Centre | Tatamagouche |
 | Margaret Hennigar Public Library | Bridgewater |
 | Margaretsville and District Volunteer Fire Department | Margaretsville |
 | Margaretsville Baptist Church | Margaretsville |
 | Margaretsville Community Hall | Margaretsville |
 | Margaretsville Lighthouse | Margaretsville |
 | Margaretsville United Church | Margaretsville |
 | Marie Joseph Provincial Park | Marie Joseph |
 | Marie Joseph Wharf | Marie Joseph |
 | Marie Peeples Park | Pirate Harbour |
 | Marigold Cultural Centre | Truro |
 | Marigold Guild of Needle Arts, A Chapter of the Embroiderers' Association of Canada/Association canadienne de broderie | Truro |
 | Marine Riders ATV Club | Lake Echo |
 | Mariners Baseball Field | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Marion Bridge 10km Road Race | Marion Bridge |
 | Marion Bridge Basketball/Tennis Court | Marion Bridge |
 | Marion Bridge Elementary School | Marion Bridge |
 | Marion Bridge Fire Hall | Marion Bridge |
 | Marion Bridge Recreation Centre | Marion Bridge |
 | Marion Bridge Tennis Program | Louisbourg |
| Marion Bridge Volunteer Fire Department | Marion Bridge |
 | Mariposa East Skating Centre | New Glasgow |
 | Maritime Concert Opera Society | Lunenburg |
 | Maritime Fiddlers Association | Falmouth |
 | Maritime Fiddlers Association, Lunenburg County Fiddler's Club | Bridgewater |
 | Maritime Inn Fitness Centre | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Maritime Mosaic | Amherst |
 | Maritime Paint Horse Club, MPHC | Amherst |
 | Maritime Rabbit Breeders Association, MRBA | Nova Scotia |
 | Maritime Race Weekend | Eastern Passage |
 | Maritime Truck & Tractor Pull Association | James River, Antigonish County |
 | Marmac Athletics | Truro |
 | Martell-Richard Marathon | Richmond County |
 | Martha Hollett Memorial Library | Sydney Mines |
 | Martime Barrel Racing Association, MBRA | Tatamagouche |
 | Martime Motorcycling Touring Association, MMTA | Timberlea |
 | Martinique Beach Provincial Park | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | Martin's River Fire Department | Martins River |
 | Martin's River Fire Department, Martin's River Fire Department Auxiliary | Martins River |
 | Martock Ski Race Club | Martock |
 | Mary Ann's Personal Fitness | Bridgewater |
 | Maryvale Community Hall | Maryvale, Antigonish County |
 | Masonic Alexandra Lodge #87 | Amherst |
 | Masonic Hall | Baddeck |
 | Masonic Lodge 67, The Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia- Minas #67 | Parrsboro |
 | Mason's Beach | Masons Beach |
| Masstown Community Association | Colchester County |
 | Masstown United Church, Upper Londonderry Pastoral Charge | Masstown |
 | Mastodon Ridge, Visitor Information Centre/ Winding River Art Gallery | Stewiacke |
 | Mastodon Trail, Carroll's Corner Community Centre | Carroll's Corner |
 | Mat Monsters, Abhaya Mixed Martial Arts | Greenwich |
 | Mavillette Beach Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Mavillette |
| Mayors Challenge Curling Funspiel | Brookfield |
 | McCulloch Education Centre | Pictou |
 | McCulloch House Museum & Geneology Centre, Hector Exhibit Centre & Archives | Pictou |
 | McCulloch United Church | Truro |
 | McCully Pastoral Charge | Nappan |
 | McDade Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Hantsport |
 | McDonald Sports Park Trail | Waverley (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | McInnis Quarter Horses | Chelsea |
 | McIntosh Run Community Trail | Spryfield (Mainland Halifax) |
 | McIntosh Run Singletrack Trail System | Spryfield (Mainland Halifax) |
| McIntosh Run Watershed Association | Spryfield (Mainland Halifax) |
 | McKay Memorial Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Shelburne (town of) |
 | McKinnon Dance | Pine Grove |
 | McMaster Mill Historic Park | Rockville Notch |
 | McNabs and Lawlor Islands Provincial Park | Mainland Halifax |
 | McPherson Mills Trail | McPhersons Mills |
 | Me Time | Baddeck |
 | Meadow Pond Park | Liverpool |
 | Meadow Pond Walking Trail | Liverpool |
 | Meadowfields Community School, Tri-County Regional Centre for Education | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Meadowfields Soccer Field, Meadowfields Community School | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Meadowland Outdoor Rink and Park | Bible Hill |
 | Meadowview Community Centre, Meadowview Development Association | Meadowview |
 | Meadowville & Poplar Hill Community Hall | Meadowville |
 | Meals on Wheels | Liverpool |
 | Meals On Wheels, Meal Delivery | Bridgewater |
| Meander Waterfall Hike, Waterfall Hike | West Hants |
 | Meat Cove Community Centre | Meat Cove |
 | Mechanics Lodge No. 78 | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Medway Area Communities Association | Port Medway |
 | Medway Area Heritage Society | Port Medway |
 | Medway River Salmon Association | Mill Village |
 | Melanson Settlement National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Port Royal (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Melanson Taekwon-Do | New Minas |
 | Melbourne Community Centre | Arcadia |
 | Melmerby Beach Provincial Park | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
 | Melvern Square Community Centre | Melvern Square |
 | Melville-Seafoam Community Hall | Melville |
 | Membertou Annual Pow Wow | Membertou |
 | Membertou Band Council | Membertou |
 | Membertou Baseball Field | Membertou |
 | Membertou Basketball Courts | Membertou |
 | Membertou Elementary | Membertou |
 | Membertou Entrepreneur Centre | Membertou |
 | Membertou Football/Soccer Field | Membertou |
 | Membertou Sport and Wellness Center, YMCA Membertou Branch | Membertou |
 | Membertou Trail | Annapolis Royal |
 | Membertou Walking Track | Membertou |
 | Membertou Wellness Home, Health Centre | Membertou |
 | Membertou Youth Centre, Membertou C@P Site | Membertou |
 | Membertou Youth Council Coordinator | Membertou |
 | Membertou Youth Hunt Coordinator | Membertou |
 | Membertou-Youth Hunts | Membertou |
 | Memorial High School Vocational Technical Education | Sydney Mines |
 | Memorial Park | Kentville |
 | Memorial Park, Outdoor Pool | Kentville |
 | Memory Lane Railway Museum | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Men’s Drop-in Basketball | Mahone Bay |
 | Men's Basketball Program | Baddeck |
 | Men's Bowling League | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Men's Health Centre Guysborough | Guysborough |
 | Men's Pick up Hockey | Sherose Island |
 | Mental Wellness Peer Support Group, Lead with your Heart | Truro |
 | Merigomish & District Vol. Fire Dept/Hall | Lower Barney's River |
 | Merigomish and Area Recreation and Social Association, MARSA | Merigomish |
 | Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre, MIPAC | Windsor |
 | Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia | Windsor |
 | Mersey Heritage Society | Liverpool |
 | Mersey River: Milton to Liverpool | South Shore Region |
 | Mersey Road Paintball | East River |
 | Mersey Skatepark, Queens County Skatepark Association | Liverpool |
| Mersey Skatepark - GRAND OPENING | Region of Queens Municipality |
 | Meteghan Family Fun Park, Saulnierville Drugstore Playground | Meteghan |
 | Michael Milburn Tai Chi | Main-a-Dieu |
 | Michael Wayne Rec Centre | Pictou Landing |
 | Michelin Athletic & Social Club | Granton |
 | Michelin Athletic & Social Club Ballfield | Granton |
 | Michelin Social & Athletic Club of Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
 | Mickey Hill Provincial Park, Provincial Day-Use Park | Graywood |
 | MicMac Rod and Gun Club | Wentzells Lake |
 | Middle & Upper Ohio Community Hall & Fire Department, Ohio Fire Department | Middle Ohio |
 | Middle Head Hiking Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Middle River Community Hall | Middle River |
 | Middle River Consolidated School | Baddeck |
 | Middle Stewiacke Mud Slingers | Middle Stewiacke |
 | Middle Stewiacke Recreation Centre, MSRA | Middle Stewiacke |
 | Middle Stewiacke United Church | Middle Stewiacke |
 | Middleton & District Arena | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton & District Lions Club | Nictaux |
 | Middleton & District Minor Hockey, Mustangs | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton & District Minor Soccer | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton & District Pool | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Baptist Church | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Community Badminton, MRHS Middleton Badminton | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Community Hall Association | Tatamagouche |
 | Middleton Curling Club | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Family Fun Run | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Fire Department | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Heart Run | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Missiles Swim Team | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Recreation & Community Development | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Regional High School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Middleton Soccer Summer Club | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middletown Road Trail | Guysborough County |
 | Middlewood United Church, Petite Riviere Pastoral Charge | Middlewood |
 | Middlewood United Church Sewing Circle | Middlewood |
| Mid-Valley ATV Club | Wilmot |
 | Midville & District Fire Department | Midville Branch |
| Mi'Kmaq Warriors Junior A Lacrosse | Colchester County |
 | Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey School Trail | Potlotek |
| Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre | Halifax Peninsula |
 | Mi'kmaw Surf Camp, Unama'ki Surf Festival | Point Michaud |
 | Mi'kmawey Debert Interpretive Trail | Debert |
 | Mi'kmawey School | Potlotek |
 | Milford Community Hall | Milford |
 | Milford House | South Milford |
 | Milford House, Facility Rental | South Milford |
 | Mill Brook Community Hall | Millbrook |
 | Mill Run Trail, Halifax North West Trails Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Millbrook 3D Shooters Association, Archery | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Ballfield | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Community Hall | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Cultural & Heritage Centre | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Early Education Centre | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook First Nation | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Fitness Centre | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Gym | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Playground - Fern Dr | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Playground - Glooscap Dr | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Powwow Grounds | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millbrook Senior's Centre | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Millennium Trail, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Miller Point Peace Park, Trails | Dayspring |
 | Millville Community Centre | Millville (CBRM) |
 | Millville Community Hall | Millville (Kings Co.) |
 | Milne Avenue Park | New Minas |
 | Milton Baptist Church | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Milton Baptist Church Ladies Auxiliary | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Milton Canoe & Camera Club | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Milton Centennial Pool | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Milton Christian Church, Disciples of Christ | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Milton Christian Church - Christian Women's Fellowship | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Milton Clock Tower Park | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Milton Community Association | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Minas View Golf Links | Cambridge (West Hants) |
 | Mindfulness Yoga discounted spots for the 4 next qualified students, Teacher Training and Practice Enhancement | Wolfville |
 | Miner's Marsh Walking Trail | Kentville |
 | Mini Trail (Lakevale) Community Centre | Lakevale |
 | Mini Volleyball | Bridgewater |
 | Minudie Heritage Association Office | River Hebert |
 | Mira Boat Club | Albert Bridge |
 | Mira Ferry Community Fair | Albert Bridge |
 | Mira Gut Beach | Mira Gut |
 | Mira River Provincial Park | Albert Bridge |
 | Mira Seniors & Pensioners Club | Marion Bridge |
 | Miriam Hunt Park | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Mission Planet Earth: A Stronach Park Adventure | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Mixed Dart League | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Mobility Health & Fitness, New Glasgow | New Glasgow |
 | MODL Winter Equipment Loan | Lunenburg County |
 | Mom & Tot Yoga | Port Williams |
 | Moms & Tots, Salvation Army Community Church | Kentville |
 | Moms in Motion | Kentville |
 | Monastery Ballfield | Monastery, Antigonish County |
 | Monday Night Zumba | Port Williams |
 | Monique's Yoga | Pubnico |
 | Monks Head Beach | Monks Head |
 | Monsignor Donnelly Hall | Monastery, Antigonish County |
 | Monster Mash - 750 M Kids Fun Run | |
 | Monthly Breakfast, Berwick & District Lions Club | Berwick |
 | Monthly Breakfast, Ellershouse Community Hall | Ellershouse |
 | Monthly Breakfast, Felker Hall Community Centre | Cornwallis Park |
 | Monthly Breakfast, Port George Regional Recreation Centre | Port George |
 | MoonCoast Yoga | Berwick |
 | Moonlit Snowshoe Hike | Gaspereau |
 | Morden Community Association (The) | Morden |
 | Morden Community Centre | Morden |
 | Morris Lane Beach | Eskasoni |
 | Morristown Baptist Church, Place of Worship | Morristown (Kings Co.) |
 | Morristown Community Centre | Morristown (Kings Co.) |
 | Moschelle Community Hall | Moschelle |
 | Motorcycle Club | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Mount Carmel Centre | New Waterford |
 | Mount Denson Baptist Church | Mount Denson |
 | Mount Denson Community Hall, Programs and Hall Rental | Mount Denson |
 | Mount Denson Garden Club | Mount Denson |
 | Mount Rose Baptist Church | Mount Rose |
 | Mount Rose Community Hall | Mount Rose |
 | Mountain Equipment Co-op, MEC Events | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Mountain Golf and Country Club | East Mountain |
 | Mountain Top Cottages & Campground | Parkers Cove |
 | Mountainview | Howie Centre |
| Move Together - West Hants Regional Municipality, Move Together | West Hants |
 | Movie Nights in the Park | Kentville |
 | Moxham Fitness Centre Limited | Sydney |
 | Mrs. Pugsley's Emporium Inc. | Amherst |
 | Mud Creek Days, Celebrate Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Muise Taekwon-Do | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Mukashi School of Karate, Chito Ryu Karate | Brooklyn (Yar. Co.) |
 | Mulgrave Community Pool | Mulgrave |
 | Mulgrave Library, RSpace | Mulgrave |
 | Mulgrave Memorial Education Centre | Mulgrave |
 | Mulgrave Recreation Department | Mulgrave |
 | Mulgrave Road Theatre | Guysborough |
| Mulgrave Soccer | Mulgrave |
 | Mulgrave Youth Center | Mulgrave |
 | Multicultural Association of Colchester | Truro |
 | Multicultural Association of Pictou County | New Glasgow |
| Multicultural Colour Festival | Amherst and Area |
 | Municipal Activity Recreation Complex, MARC | Dayspring |
 | Municipality of Barrington Equipment Loan Program | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Municipality Of Chester: Summer Programs Ages 3-7 | Chester |
 | Municipality of Clare Recreation Department | Little Brook |
 | Municipality of Cumberland | Cumberland County |
 | Municipality of Cumberland - Recreation | Parrsboro |
| Municipality of East Hants, Recreation and Culture | Elmsdale |
 | Municipality of the County of Annapolis - Recreation | Bridgetown |
 | Municipality of the County of Colchester - Recreation, Colchester Recreation | Colchester County |
| Municipality of the County of Colchester - Recreation, Stay at Home Activities | Central Colchester |
 | Municipality of the County of Richmond | Arichat |
 | Municipality of the County of Victoria | Baddeck |
 | Municipality of the District of Argyle - Municipalité d'Argyle, Argyle Recreation Department - Département des loisirs d'Argyle | Tusket |
 | Municipality of the District of Chester, Chester Municipal Recreation and Parks | Chester |
 | Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, District of Lunenburg Recreation | Cookville |
 | Municipality of the District of Shelburne, Recreation & Parks | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Municipality of the District of Shelburne Outdoor Movie Night | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Municipality of West Hants Community Trails Program, West Hants Parks and Recreation | West Hants |
 | Munro Park | North Sydney |
 | Munroe Avenue Playground | New Glasgow |
 | Murdoch Park | New Glasgow |
 | Murphy's Camping on the Ocean | Tangier |
 | Murphy's Pond Beach | Port Hood |
 | Muscular Dystrophy Canada, South Shore Chapter | South Shore Region |
 | Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos & Research Center, Acadian Museum and research center | West Pubnico |
 | Museum, Willowbank Upick Farm | Port Williams |
 | Museum-Ottawa House By-the-Sea Museum and Parrsborough Shore Historical Society | Parrsboro |
 | Mush-a-Mush Beach Park, Mushamush Beach Park | Sweetland |
 | Music and events at the "O" - Oqwa'titek Amphitheatre | Annapolis Royal |
 | Music at End of the Line Restaurant & Pub | Bridgetown |
 | Music at Kings Arms Pub | Kentville |
 | Music at Paddy's Pub | Kentville |
 | Music at the Oqwa'titek Amphitheater | Annapolis Royal |
 | Music at The Union Street | Berwick |
 | Music Camp on the Canal | St. Peter's |
 | Music for Young Children | Kentville |
 | Music Jam, Cambridge Community Centre | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Music Jam, Windermere Community Hall | Windermere |
 | Music Jamboree | Bible Hill |
| Music Lessons | Bridgewater |
 | Music Lessons, C Guitars Plus | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Music Lessons - Private and Group Instruction, Debbie Mailman, B.Mus.Ed | Kentville |
 | Musique Royale | Lunenburg |
| Musique Royale, Festival of Musique across Historic Nova Scotia | Lunenburg |
| Musquodoboit Trailways Association | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | My Yoga Space | Kentville |
 | Myettes Beach | Tracadie |
 | N.E. Margaree Vol. Fire Dept. Fun Days | North East Margaree |
 | NADACA, Native Alcohol And Drug Abuse Counselling Association | Eskasoni |
 | Nakile Home For Special Care | Glenwood |
 | Namaste Esperanza | Woodville (West Hants) |
 | Nancy Avenue Park | Salmon River (Colchester Co.) |
 | Nancy Chiasson Yoga | Baddeck |
 | Nan's Rock Shop and Spiritual Centre | Wilmot |
| National Aboriginal Day | |
 | National Coaches Week, #ThanksCoach | Nova Scotia |
 | National Historic District Tours | Annapolis Royal |
 | National Indigenous People's Day, Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
 | Native Council of Nova Scotia, Child Help Initiative Program (CHIP) | Liverpool |
 | Native Council of Nova Scotia, Lunenburg County, Zone 5 | Bridgewater |
 | Native Council of NS | Truro |
 | Naturally Active for Life Victoria County (Est. 2011), Victoria County Physical Activity Strategy | Victoria County |
 | Nature Adventures for Kids | Burlington (Kings Co.) |
 | Nature Connections Youth and Family Camps, Nature Connections Overnight Camp | New Germany |
 | Nature's Point of View Outdoor Adventures | New Cornwall |
 | Navy League of Canada Chester Branch | Chester |
 | Neil’s Harbour and New Haven Multi-use Pad & Comfort Station | Neils Harbour |
 | Neil's Harbour Green Gym | Neils Harbour |
 | Neil's Harbour/New Haven Volunteer Fire Department | Neils Harbour |
 | Nelson Memorial Park | Tatamagouche |
 | Neville Park Skateboard Park | Sydney |
 | New Annan Heritage Association | Tatamagouche |
 | New Beginnings Center | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | New Beginnings Health and Fitness | Bible Hill |
 | New Caledonian Curling Club | Pictou |
 | New Chester Community Club | New Chester |
 | New Covenant Community Church | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | New Germany and Area Lions Club | New Germany |
 | New Germany Area Promotion Society | New Germany |
 | New Germany Elementary, South Shore Regional School Board | New Germany |
 | New Germany Rural High School, South Shore Regional School Board | New Germany |
 | New Germany Volunteer Fire Department | New Germany |
 | New Glasgow 50 Plus Club | New Glasgow |
 | New Glasgow African Nova Scotian Community Development | New Glasgow |
 | New Glasgow Dirtbike/Skateboard Park | New Glasgow |
 | New Glasgow Fire Department & Hall | New Glasgow |
 | New Glasgow Karate Club | New Glasgow |
 | New Glasgow Kinsmen Minor Baseball Program | New Glasgow |
 | New Glasgow Public Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | New Glasgow |
 | New Glasgow Riverfront Gazebo | New Glasgow |
 | New Glasgow's Art at Night | New Glasgow |
| New Harbour & Area Fitness Centre | New Harbour |
 | New Harbour Beach | New Harbour |
 | New Harbour Wharf | Larry's River |
 | New Hope Community Church Youth Group | Western Shore |
 | New Hope Feral/Stray Cat Rescue | Lockeport |
 | New Hope Wesleyan Church | Kentville |
 | New Horizons Band of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | New Horizons Centre | Bear River |
 | New Horizons Club Building | Arichat |
| New Horizons for Seniors Program, Employment and Social Development Canada | Prince Edward Island |
 | New Minas and District Lions Club | New Minas |
 | New Minas Baptist Church | New Minas |
 | New Minas Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | New Minas |
 | New Minas Fire Department | New Minas |
 | New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | New Minas Rotary Parade of Lights | |
 | New Minas Seventh-day Adventist Church | New Minas |
 | New Minas Soccer Club | New Minas |
 | New Ross Community Fair, New Ross Farmers Association | New Ross |
 | New Ross Consolidated School, South Shore Regional School Board | New Ross |
 | New Ross Family Resource Centre, New Ross Recreation Complex | New Ross |
 | New Ross Fire Department, New Ross Firefighters Auxiliary | New Ross |
 | New Ross Golden Age Club | New Ross |
 | New Ross Historical Society | New Ross |
 | New Ross Lions Park Trail | New Ross |
 | New Ross Regional Development Society | New Ross |
 | New Ross Volunteer Fire Department | New Ross |
 | New Waterford Adult Badminton Club | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford and District Community Centre | New Waterford |
| New Waterford Fields & Outdoor Space | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Minor Baseball | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Minor Hockey Association | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Minor Soccer | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Multipurpose Field | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Pics SC | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Public Library | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Skating Club, CanSkate | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Tennis Club | New Waterford |
 | New Winter classes, Inner Sun Yoga | Wolfville |
 | New Year’s Day Levee | Lunenburg |
 | New Year's Eve on the Town! | Truro |
 | Newcombville Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Newcombville |
 | Newcomers Welcome Event | Lunenburg |
 | Newellton Community Hall | Newellton |
 | Newport & District Rink, Stadium in Hants County | Newport Corner |
 | Newport Baptist Church | Scotch Village |
 | Newport Corner Community Hall | Newport Corner |
 | Newport Station Community Hall | Newport Station |
 | Newport United Church, Newport Pastoral Charge | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Nia Dance | Mahone Bay |
 | Nicholsville Community Hall, Nicholsville Community Club | Nicholsville |
 | Nicholsville Garden Club | Nicholsville |
 | Nicholsville Rugrats | Nicholsville |
 | Nicolas Denys Days | St. Peter's |
 | Nictaux & District Volunteer Fire Department | Nictaux |
 | Nictaux Baptist Church, Christian Family Centre | Nictaux |
 | Nictaux Scotney Pathway | Nictaux |
 | NILU gym & fitness centre | Chester |
 | NILU Gym & Fitness Centre | Chester |
 | Nimrods Campground, St. Mary's Fish & Game Association | Sherbrooke |
 | Nine Mile River Trails | Enfield (East Hants) |
 | NKEC Climbs!, Northeast Kings Education Centre | Canning |
 | Noel Road Jays Intermediate, Men's Baseball | East Hants |
 | NON-LEAD Hunting & Angling (in cooperation with CWRC & others), Non-Lead Ammunition & Tackle Exchange & Education Program* there is no known "safe" level of lead | Brookfield |
| Nordic Pole Walking Nova Scotia, ...a better way to walk. | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nordic Walking Pole Equipment Loan Program | |
 | Nordic Walking Poles for Loan, Kentville Parks and Recreation Equipment Loan Program | Kentville |
 | North Alton Baptist Church | North Alton |
 | North Alton Community Hall, North Alton Community Hall Association | North Alton |
 | North Avenue Playground | North Kentville |
 | North Bay Beach | Ingonish Beach |
 | North Brookfield United Baptist Church, North Queens Baptist Pastorate | North Brookfield |
 | North Colchester River Restoration Project, North Colchester River Restoration Association | Tatamagouche |
 | North Cumberland Historical Society | Pugwash |
 | North End Recreation Centre | New Glasgow |
 | North Granite Ridge Trail | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | North Highlands Elementary School | Aspy Bay |
 | North Highlands Museum and Cultural Centre | Cape North |
 | North Highlands Nordic Ski Club | Cape North |
 | North Highlands Orchard Project | Bay St. Lawrence |
 | North Hills Museum, Annapolis Heritage Society | Granville Ferry |
 | North Inverness Recreation Association | Cheticamp |
 | North Isle Madame Recreation Association | Richmond County |
 | North Isle Madame Seniors Club | Richmond County |
 | North King Street Park | Bridgewater |
 | North Kingston Community Hall, Multi-Additiction Centre Society | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | North Mountain Cultural & Recreation Association | Marble Mountain |
 | North Mountain Gun Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | North Mountain Market, Seasonal Farmers Market | Harbourville |
 | North Mountain United Tapestry Cultural and Heritage Society | Harbourville |
 | North Nova Education Centre | New Glasgow |
 | North of Smokey Activities Committee | Ingonish |
 | North of Smokey Safer Communities Crime Prevention Committee | Cape Smokey |
 | North Queens Aquatic Centre | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | North Queens Board of Trade | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | North Queens Community School, South Shore Regional School Board | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | North Queens Heritage Society, North Queens Heritage House Museum | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | North Queens Nursing Home Inc. | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | North River Community Hall | Baddeck |
 | North River Community Hall | North River |
 | North River Community Rink | North River |
 | North River Elementary School | North River (Colchester Co.) |
 | North River Kayak Tours | North River Bridge |
 | North River Playground | North River Bridge |
 | North River Provincial Park and Falls | North River Bridge |
 | North River United Church | North River (Colchester Co.) |
| North Shore 4-H | Tatamagouche |
 | North Shore ATV Club | Kemptown |
 | North Shore Bavarian Society, Atlantic Canada's Largest Annual Oktoberfest | North Shore |
 | North Shore Christian Fellowship | Tatamagouche |
 | North Shore Fire Hall | Cape George |
 | North Shore Recreation Centre | Tatamagouche |
 | North Shore Recreation Centre Yoga | Tatamagouche |
 | North Shore Snowmobile Club | Colchester County |
 | North Street Basketball & Tennis Courts, (CEC Courts) | Truro |
| North Sydney Fields & Outdoor Space | North Sydney |
 | North Sydney Fire & Rescue | North Sydney |
 | North Sydney Garden Club | North Sydney |
| North Sydney Minor Baseball | North Sydney |
 | North Sydney Youth Health Centre | North Sydney |
 | Northeast Kings Education Centre, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Canning |
 | Northeast Point Beach, Causeway Beach | Cape Sable Island |
| Northern Nova Soccer Club | Pictou County |
 | Northern Region Respite Services | New Glasgow |
 | Northern Victoria Community Centre | Cape North |
 | Northern Yacht Club | North Sydney |
 | Northfield & District Fire Department | West Northfield |
 | Northport Beach Provincial Park | Northport |
 | Northport Consolidated Elementary School | Northport |
 | Northshore Adventure Club, Orienteering Club | Pugwash |
 | Northside Adult Education Center | Sydney Mines |
 | Northside Blades Speed Skating Club | North Sydney |
 | Northside Community Pool | Sydney Mines |
 | Northside Dance Unlimited | Florence |
 | Northside District Minor Hockey | North Sydney |
 | Northside FSC | North Sydney |
 | Northside Soccer | North Sydney |
 | Northumberland Arts Council Fraser Cultural Centre | Tatamagouche |
 | Northumberland Community Curling Club | Pugwash |
 | Northumberland Congregation of the Church of God | Barrachois (Colchester Co.) |
| Northumberland Karate Club | Trenton |
 | Northumberland Links | Pugwash |
 | Northumberland Regional High School | Westville |
 | Northumberland Strait Shooters Archery Club, NSSAC | Westville |
 | Northumberland Strait Shooters Archery Club, Para-Archers Group | Westville |
 | Northumberland Tennis & Pickleball Association, NTPA | Pugwash |
 | Northville Farm Heritage Centre, NFHC | Billtown |
| Not Since Moses Run | Five Islands |
 | Nova Dance Studio | Bridgewater |
| Nova Scotia 55 Plus Games | Nova Scotia |
| Nova Scotia 55+ Games 2017 | Lunenburg County |
 | Nova Scotia Amateur Body Building Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Amateur Diving Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Nova Scotia Ball Hockey Association | Halifax Peninsula |
 | Nova Scotia Boat Racers Association | Barrington |
 | Nova Scotia Challenger Baseball, Truro Challengers Baseball League | Truro |
 | Nova Scotia Clydesdale Club | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Nova Scotia Communities, Culture and Heritage, Community, Sport and Recreation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Community College - NSCC | Bridgewater |
 | Nova Scotia Community College - NSCC, Burridge Campus | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Nova Scotia Community College - NSCC, Shelburne Campus | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Nova Scotia Community College Cumberland Campus | Springhill |
 | Nova Scotia Community College Truro Campus | Truro |
 | Nova Scotia Council Scouts Canada, Mush-A-Mush Scout Camp | Sweetland |
| Nova Scotia Cricket Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers Association, Colchester Area & Board | Bedford (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Nova Scotia Curling Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Department of Communities Culture and Heritage, Communities Sport and Recreation Division - Regional Office | Kentville |
 | Nova Scotia Disc Sport Society, DiscNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Driving Society | Princeport (Colchester Co.) |
 | Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services, Tri County Region | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services, Yarmouth site | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival | Amherst |
 | Nova Scotia Fitness Association, NSFA | Halifax Peninsula |
 | Nova Scotia Folk Art Festival | Lunenburg |
 | Nova Scotia Freemasons, Harmony Lodge No. 52 | Aylesford |
 | Nova Scotia Freemasons, Kentville Lodge No. 58 | Kentville |
 | Nova Scotia Freemasons, Poyntz Lodge No.44 | Hants Border |
 | Nova Scotia Freemasons, The Keith No. 16 | Bear River |
 | Nova Scotia Freemasons, The Shore Lodge #134 | Windsor |
 | Nova Scotia Freemasons, Valley Lodge No. 90 | Berwick |
 | Nova Scotia Freemasons, Welsford Lodge No. 26 | Windsor |
 | Nova Scotia Golden Retriever Rescue, NSGRR | Truro |
 | Nova Scotia Golf Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Guides Association | Hibernia |
 | Nova Scotia Highlander Regimental Museum | Amherst |
| Nova Scotia Horseshoe Players Association, Horseshoe Canada | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia International Student Program | Truro |
| Nova Scotia Migration Count | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Nova Scotia Native Women's Association | Truro |
 | Nova Scotia Off Road Riders Association, NSORRA | New Minas |
 | Nova Scotia Outdoor Network, Get the inside on the outside | Nova Scotia |
 | Nova Scotia Outdoor Network, Get the inside on the outside | Halifax Peninsula |
| Nova Scotia Pickleball Association | Nova Scotia |
 | Nova Scotia Pony Club | East Hants |
 | Nova Scotia Powerlifting Association | Sydney |
 | Nova Scotia Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Nova Scotia Rifle Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Rock Garden Club, Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society | Truro |
 | Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia SPCA, Kings County | Waterville |
 | Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Table Tennis | Dartmouth |
 | Nova Scotia Trails Federation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Visitor Information Centre, Amherst/NB Border | Amherst |
| Nova Scotia Walk Days | Halifax Peninsula |
 | Nova Scotia Water Ski Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Nova Scotia Wildlife Carvers and Artists Association | Burnside (Dartmouth) |
 | Nova Scotia Works, Barrington Office | Barrington Passage |
 | Nova Scotia Works, CANSA | Amherst |
 | Nova Scotia Youth Snowmobilers, NSYS | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Nova Sporting Clays | Gays River |
 | NovaShores Adventures | Advocate Harbour |
 | NovaStrong Ultimate Obstacle Adventures, Atlantic Canada's Largest Obstacle Course | East Hants |
 | NovelTea Bookstore Cafe, Events | Truro |
| NS Open Farm Day 2019 | Nova Scotia |
 | NSCC Tourism Annual Kentville Pumpkin Walk | Kentville |
| NSConnect.ca | Nova Scotia |
 | NSPEC Complex, A Community, Agriculture, and Entertainment Complex in the Heart of Colchester County | Bible Hill |
 | Nukumi & Fire– A Mi'kmaw Legend: A Glooscap First Nation Adventure | Hantsport |
| Numbers 2 Know Drop In, Heart & Stroke Foundation | |
 | Nutrition and Healthy Eating for Older Adults, Tips & Tricks Workshops | West Hants |
 | Oak Island Resort & Conference Centre | Western Shore |
 | Oakdene Centre | Bear River |
 | Oakdene Days | Kentville |
 | Oakdene Park, Playground | Kentville |
 | Oakdene Park, Soccer Fields | Kentville |
 | Oakhill & District Fire Department | Oakhill |
 | Oakhill Pines Campground | Oakhill |
 | Oakland Drive Park | Lower Onslow |
 | Oaklawn Farm Zoo | Aylesford |
 | Oakley Stables | Chester Grant |
 | Oasis Community Church | Windsor |
 | Ocean Breeze 4-H Club | Chester Basin |
 | Ocean Lanes Bowling | Tatamagouche |
 | Ocean Swells Community Centre, Ocean Swells Community Association | Northwest Cove |
 | Ocean View Children's Centre | Hubbards |
 | Oceanview Education Centre | Glace Bay |
 | Odd Fellows Tatamagouche, (Liberty Lodge #120) | Tatamagouche |
 | O'Dell House Museum, Annapolis Heritage Society | Annapolis Royal |
 | Ogden to Salmon River Lake Trail | Ogden |
 | Oickle Memorial Darts | Liverpool |
 | Old Barns United Church | Old Barns |
 | Old CNR Walking Trail, Town of Lockeport | Lockeport |
 | Old Coach Road Trail, Halifax North West Trails Association | Mainland Halifax |
 | Old Foster Trail | Stellarton |
 | Old Holy Trinity Church | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Old Meeting House Museum | Barrington |
 | Old Mill Trail | South Farmington |
 | Old Shipyard Beach Campground | Spencers Island |
 | Old St. Edward's Loyalist Church Museum | Clementsport |
 | Old St. Margaret's Bay Road | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Old Station Stables | Frankville |
 | Older Adult Fitness | Kentville |
 | Older Adult Fitness | Wolfville |
 | Older Adult Fitness | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | On Tap, Dance Classes | Lunenburg |
 | One- Time Funding Opportunities Grants, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
| O'Neill Flute Studio, Classical & Irish Flute & Whistle Lessons | Armdale (Mainland Halifax) |
| Online Fun for Seniors | Antigonish County |
| Online Learning Resources | Antigonish County |
| Online Physical Activity Resources | Antigonish County |
| Online Resources For Kids, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
| Onslow-Belmont 4-H | Colchester County |
 | Ontree Fun & Adventure Park | Martock |
 | Open Arms | Kentville |
 | Open Arms Church | Parrsboro |
 | Open Arms Drop In | Berwick |
 | Open Farm Day | Lunenburg County |
 | Open Farm Day Nova Scotia, The Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture- NSFA | Fundy Region |
 | Open Farm Day/ Cochrane Family Farms, A Project of Atlantic Farmers | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Open Gym @ NKEC | Canning |
 | Open Gym Youth Drop-In | Kentville |
 | Open Gyms, Municipality of Kings Recreation | Kings County (NS) |
 | Open Hearth Park | Sydney |
 | Open Mic, Capitol Pub | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Operating Engineers Training Institute of Nova Scotia, Training for the Future | Falmouth |
 | Operation Cat S.N.I.P. Yarmouth | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Opportunity Farm | Onslow Mountain |
 | Opportunity Pony Club | Truro |
 | Orchard Valley United Church | New Minas |
 | Order of the Eastern Star #70 | Lockeport |
 | O'Regan's Subaru Outdoor Pool | Bridgewater |
 | Orienteering Association of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Osborne Baptist Church | Osborne Harbour |
 | OSPREY 5K RUN/WALK | Riverport |
 | Osprey Arts Centre, Performing Arts Theatre & Lobby Gallery | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Osprey Ridge Golf Club | Pine Grove |
 | Osprey Shores Golf Resort | Guysborough |
 | Ouest-Ville Perennials | West Pubnico |
 | Our House Youth Wellness Centre, Shelburne County Youth Health & Support Association | Shelburne (town of) |
| Our Parkinson's Journey with Friends | Clayton Park (Mainland Halifax) |
 | Our Senior Services, Shelburne County Senior Saftey & Service (Barrington Location) | Barrington |
 | Our Senior Services, Shelburne County Senior Saftey & Service (Shelburne Location) | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Outdoor Basketball | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Outdoor Council of Canada - COVID 19 Guidelines for Led Outdoor Activity | Nova Scotia |
 | Outdoor Courts, Three Mile Plains District School | Three Mile Plains |
 | Outdoor Courts, West Hants Middle School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Outdoor Courts, Windsor Forks District School | Windsor Forks |
 | Outdoor Ice Rink | Annapolis Royal |
 | Outdoor Ice Rink, Coldrook & District Lions Club | Coldbrook |
 | Outdoor Ice Rink, Kingston Tennis Courts | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Outdoor Pickleball | Kentville |
 | Outdoor Rink, Falmouth District School | Falmouth |
| Outdoor Skating, Memorial Park, Miner's Marsh, Oakdene Park | Kentville |
 | Outdoor Skating on Stronach Park Duck Pond | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Outdoor Skating Pond, Port Williams Recreation | Port Williams |
 | Outdoor Skills Demonstration | Dayspring |
 | Outdoor Track, Central Kings Rural High School | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Ovens Natural Park | Riverport |
 | Ovens Natural Park, Family Campground | Riverport |
 | Over 40 Men's Basketball at BMHS | Barrington |
 | Overeaters Anonymous Truro Group #23011 | Truro |
 | Overton Field | Overton |
 | Oxford & Area Minor Baseball | Oxford |
 | Oxford & Area Skating Club | Oxford |
 | Oxford Area Lions Club, Charity in Oxford | Oxford |
 | Oxford Arena | Oxford |
 | Oxford Baptist Church | Oxford |
 | Oxford Capitol Theatre | Oxford |
 | Oxford Church of Nazarene, Oxford Church of the Nazarene | Oxford |
 | Oxford Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) | Oxford |
 | Oxford Gospel Hall | Oxford |
 | Oxford Historical Society | Oxford |
 | Oxford Legion, Branch #36 | Oxford |
 | Oxford Lionettes | Oxford |
 | Oxford Mainstreet Music Society | Oxford |
 | Oxford Pioneer Heritage Club | Oxford |
| Oxford Pioneer Heritage Club | Oxford |
 | Oxford Riverside Gallery | Oxford |
 | Oxford Volunteer Fire Department | Oxford |
 | Oxner's Beach | Lower LaHave |
| Paddle Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
 | Paddle Camp | Kings County (NS) |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Index Map | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Notes | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 1: Big Mushamush Lake | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 10: Shingle Lake | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 11: Ten Mile Lake | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 2: Card Lake | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 3: Christopher Lakes | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 4: Dauphinees Mill Lake | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 5: Lake Rossignol | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 6: McGowan Lake / Dean Lake | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 7: Molega Lake | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 8: Ponhook Lake | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 9: Seven Mile Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Routes: Additional lake suggestions | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Notes | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 1: Aspotogan | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 10: Ragged Harbour | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 11: Tancook Islands | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 2: Blue Rocks | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 3: Chester Islands | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 4: LaHave Islands | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 5: Lunenburg | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 6: Mahone Bay (Indian Point area) | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 7: Medway Harbour | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 8-1: Port Joli Harbour | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 8-2: Kejimkujik Seaside | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 9: Port Mouton | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Notes | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 1-1: Lahave River | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 1-2: Lahave River | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 2: North Branch LaHave | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 3: West Branch LaHave | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 4-1: Medway River (McGowan Lake to South Brookfield) | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 4-2: Medway River (Greenfield to below Bangs Falls) | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 4-3: Medway River (Buggy Hole to Mill Village) | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 5-1: The Mersey River (Kejimkujik Lake to Lake Rossignol) | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 5-2: The Mersey River (Lake Rossignol to Liverpool) | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 6: The Petite River | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 7: The Pleasant River | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 8: The Lower Shelburne River | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 9: The Wild Cat River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route: Additional River Suggestions | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Wilderness Ethics | South Shore Region |
 | Paddle South Canoe and Kayak Rentals | Mahone Bay |
 | PaddleDog Kayak Tours | Baddeck |
 | Paint Club | Stewiacke |
 | Paint the Town, 21st Annual Outdoor Painting Festival | Annapolis Royal |
 | Pajo's Bowling, Lunenburg Bowling Alley, Pajo's Investments Inc. | Lunenburg |
 | Paq'tnkek First Nation | Afton, Antigonish County |
 | Paradise Active Healthy Living Society, PAHLS | Paradise |
 | Paradise Community Hall | Paradise |
 | Paradise United Baptist Church | West Paradise |
 | Paragon Golf and Country Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Parc de nos Ancêtres | Larry's River |
 | Par-en-Bas Track | Tusket |
 | Parent & Tot Swim Lessons | Bridgewater |
 | Parent and Tot Playgroup | Berwick |
 | Parent and Tot Playgroup, South Shore Family Resource Association | Lunenburg County |
 | Parent Club, Kings County Family Resource Centre | Kentville |
 | Parent Support Group, Three Mile Plains District School | Three Mile Plains |
 | Parents Agaisnt Drugs Walk | Eskasoni |
 | Parents and Tots Gym time at Ecole Pubnico-Ouest | Middle West Pubnico |
 | Parents of Wickwire | Liverpool |
 | Parents' Place, Yarmouth Family Resource Centre | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Parents Place Community Garden | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Parish of St James Anglican Church | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Park Falls | Sutherland's River |
 | Park View Education Centre, South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
 | Park Your Paws, Daycare/Boarding/Cattery/Training | Amherst |
 | Park, Playground and Trail Maintenance and Development, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
 | Parkdale/Maplewood Community Hall, Association | Maplewood |
 | Parkdale/Maplewood Emmanuel Baptist Church | Parkdale |
 | Parkdale-Maplewood Community Museum | Barss Corner |
 | Parker Hall | Victoria Vale |
 | Parker's Cove Baptist Church | |
 | Parkinson Canada- Atlantic | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Parkinson SuperWalk | Berwick |
 | Parkinson's Society Nova Scotia | Central Region |
 | Parks Canada BioBlitz, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site | Maitland Bridge |
 | Paroisse Ste-Agnés | Quinan |
 | Parrsboro & Area Harbour Commission | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro & Area Skating Club, Lion's Recreation Centre | Parrsboro |
| Parrsboro 10 Days in October | Parrsboro |
| Parrsboro and Area Food Bank | Parrsboro and Area |
 | Parrsboro Boat Adventures | Parrsboro |
| Parrsboro Christmas Tree Lighting | Parrsboro and Area |
| Parrsboro Community Radio, CICR 99.1 FM, Radio | Parrsboro |
| Parrsboro Creative | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Cyclefit | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Evening Basketball, Co-ed | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Evening Volleyball, Co-ed | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) ; Pathfinders (12-14) | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Golf Club | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Head Start Program | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Home and School Association, Parrsboro Regional Elementary | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Legion Branch #45 | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Library | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Lions Arena and Recreation Centre | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Lions Club | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Marine Terminal | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Outdoor Basketball Courts | Parrsboro |
| Parrsboro Playgrounds | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Radio Society | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Regional Elementary School | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Regional High School | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Schools Soccer Fields | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Tennis Courts | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro United Baptist Church | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Visitor Information Centre | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Volunteer Fire Department | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Walking Club | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Youth Town Council | Parrsboro |
 | Partridge Island Lookoff and Hiking Trail | Parrsboro |
 | Passchendaele Golf Course | Glace Bay |
 | Pat Mahaney Bike Trail | Bible Hill |
 | Patchwork Pals Quilters Guild of Sainte-Anne-du-Ruisseau | Ste. Anne du Ruisseau |
 | Pathways Yoga | Guysborough |
 | Patnic Avenue Ball Field & Walking Track | Sydney |
 | Patricia Fricker Fitness | Neils Harbour |
 | Patsy MacKenzie Yoga | Big Bras d'Or |
 | Patterson Wharf Park | Tatamagouche |
| Peaceful River Campground | River John |
 | Pearl Chapter No. 71, Order of the Eastern Star | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Pearl Theatre | Lunenburg |
| Pearle Vision, 5km, 10km or walk | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Pedal & Sea Adventures, Bike Tours | Black Point (HRM) |
| Pedallers by the Bay, Bicycle rental | Baddeck |
| Pedometers for Loan, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Pembroke Community Hall | Pembroke |
| Penhorn Lake Area Trails Association | Dartmouth |
 | Penny Lane Enterprises | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Pentz Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | LaHave |
 | People First Nova Scotia, PFNS | Nova Scotia |
 | PeopleWorx | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Pereaux Baptist Church | Canning |
 | Perry's Gym & Fitness Centre | Glace Bay |
 | Personal Development Workshops, Valley Community Learning Association | Kentville |
 | PET Projects Society, Beulah Burman Memorial Animal Shelter | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Peter Connell Memorial Park | Berwick |
 | Petersfield Provincial Park | Westmount |
 | Petit de Grat Ballfield | Petit-de-Grat |
| Petit de Grat Library | Petit-de-Grat |
 | Petit de Grat Little League Baseball Field | Petit-de-Grat |
 | Petit de Grat Red Caps Baseball Club | Richmond County |
 | Petit de Grat Tennis Courts | Petit-de-Grat |
 | Petite Rivière Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Petite Riviere |
 | Petite Riviere Volunteer Fire Department | Petite Riviere |
 | PFD & Life Jacket Loan Program, Canadian Red Cross | Kentville |
 | PFD Loan-Out Program | Annapolis County |
 | Phalen's Road Baseball FIeld | Glace Bay |
 | PHAST Swim Team, Port Hawkesbury Antigonish Swim Team | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Phillips and Chestnut - Onslow Historic Lumber, Classes | Truro |
 | Phoebe Lane to Falcon Road Trail | Valley |
| Photography 101 : Autumn Photo Walks | West Hants |
 | Piano and Violin Lessons, Annapolis Valley Music | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Piau's Walk | Belliveau's Cove |
 | PiCCoLA, Pictou County Continuous Learning Association | Pictou |
 | Pick up Basketball at Barrington Municipal High School | Barrington Passage |
 | Pickleball | Annapolis Royal |
 | Pickleball | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Pickleball, Liverpool Pickleball | Liverpool |
 | Pickleball, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Pickleball Drop-in Program, SRHS Community Use | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Pickup Hockey | Springhill |
 | Picnic in the Park, Family Fun for Free -- live music from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Tuesdays in July and August, Lordly Park, Chester | Chester |
 | Pictou Academy | Pictou |
 | Pictou and Area Garden Club | Pictou |
 | Pictou and Area Lions Club | Pictou |
 | Pictou Campus Gym, Nova Scotia Community College | Stellarton |
 | Pictou Community New Horizon's 50+ Club | Pictou |
| Pictou County 4-H | Pictou County |
 | Pictou County Basketball Association, Lightning Basketball | New Glasgow |
| Pictou County Bike Week | Pictou County |
| Pictou County Children with Autism Association | Stellarton |
| Pictou County Council of Seniors | Pictou County |
 | Pictou County Cycle Ltd. & Bike Club | New Glasgow |
 | Pictou County Early Intervention Association | Pictou County |
 | Pictou County Gymnastics Club | New Glasgow |
| Pictou County Invasion Volleyball Association | Pictou County |
 | Pictou County Kids First Family Resource Centre | New Glasgow |
 | Pictou County Ladies Fastpitch League | Pictou |
| Pictou County Light Horse Club | Westville |
| Pictou County Light Horse Club Facilities | Pictou |
 | Pictou County Mariners | Pictou |
 | Pictou County Military Association Rifle Range | Stellarton |
| Pictou County Minor Hockey Association | Pictou County |
| Pictou County Paddle & Oar | Stellarton |
| Pictou County Partners For Children, Youth, and Families | Pictou County |
| Pictou County Rainbow Community | Pictou County |
 | Pictou County Recreation | Pictou |
 | Pictou County Recreation & Athletics Society | Stellarton |
| Pictou County Rivers Association, Children's Fisherama | Trenton |
 | Pictou County Roots for Youth Society | New Glasgow |
 | Pictou County Rugby Club | New Glasgow |
 | Pictou County Seniors Festival | Trenton |
| Pictou County Special Olympics | New Glasgow |
 | Pictou County Sports Heritage Hall of Fame | New Glasgow |
 | Pictou County Squash Courts | Stellarton |
| Pictou County Trails Association | Pictou |
 | Pictou County Trap & Skeet Club Shooting Range & Sporting Clay | Stellarton |
 | Pictou County Wellness Centre | New Glasgow |
 | Pictou County Yoga, Stellarton | Stellarton |
 | Pictou District Girl Guides, Girl Guides Of Canada | Pictou |
 | Pictou Exhibition Grounds | Pictou |
 | Pictou Fire Hall | Pictou |
 | Pictou Fisheries Training Pool, Pictou Recreation Aquatics | Pictou |
 | Pictou Gentlemen's Slowpitch League | Pictou |
 | Pictou Historical Photograph Society | Pictou |
 | Pictou Island Beach | Caribou |
 | Pictou Island Fire Hall and Community Centre | Pictou Island |
 | Pictou Landing Basketball Court | Pictou Landing |
 | Pictou Landing Fire Dept/Hall | Pictou Landing |
 | Pictou Landing First Nation | Pictou Landing |
| Pictou Landing First Nation Pow wow | Pictou Landing |
 | Pictou Landing First Nation Tennis Courts | Pictou Landing |
 | Pictou Landing Playground | Pictou Landing |
 | Pictou Landing School - Nature Based Playground | Pictou Landing |
 | Pictou Marina | Pictou |
| Pictou Minor Hockey | Pictou |
 | Pictou Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Pictou |
 | Pictou Recreation & Parks | Pictou |
 | Pictou Recreation and Parks - Staying Active from Home | Pictou County |
 | Pictou Recreation Day Camps | Pictou |
 | Pictou Road Ballfield, Valley Ballfield | Valley |
| Pictou Rotary Club | Pictou |
| Pictou Soccer Club | Pictou |
 | Pictou Volunteer Fire Department | Pictou |
 | Pictou Yacht Club | Pictou |
| Pictou-North Colchester Exhibition | Pictou County |
 | Pier B Marina | Pictou |
 | Pier C - Pictou Wharf (with the building) | Pictou |
| Pig Roast at Lordly Park, Chester | Chester |
 | Pine Grove Archery Club | Pine Grove |
 | Pine Grove Outdoor Play Park Volunteer Day, Canada 150 | Wileville |
 | Pine Grove Park, Walking Trails | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Pine Grove Stable | Blockhouse |
 | Pine Ridge Middle School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Pine Street Playground | Pictou |
 | Pinecrest Park and Playground | Bridgewater |
 | Pinegrove Outdoor Play Park Volunteer Day, To celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Canada, give back to your community by volunteering! | Pine Grove |
 | Pinehurst Community Hall | New Germany |
 | Pinehurst Rebekah Lodge #95 | Liverpool |
 | Pins & Needles, Centreville Community Hall | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Pins Bowling | Antigonish, NS |
 | Pioneer Ballfield | Westville |
 | Pioneer Coal Athletics Field | Stellarton |
 | Pioneer Memorial Park | Sherbrooke |
 | Pioneer Trail | New Glasgow |
 | Pirate Harbour Wharf | Pirate Harbour |
 | Pisiquid Canoe Club | Windsor |
 | Pitt St. Walking Track | Sydney Mines |
 | Place des arts Pere Anselme Chaisson | Cheticamp |
 | Plant to Plate Community Garden | Liverpool |
 | Plantation Campground (The) | Berwick |
 | Platinum Fitness | Glace Bay |
 | Play Group | Port Williams |
 | Play Group Plus, Kings County Family Resource Centre | Kentville |
| Play the Pros! Society | Westville |
 | Playboxes | Kentville |
 | Playful Pals Playgroup, Kings County Family Resource Centre | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Playground, Balsor Drive | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Playground, Glooscap Elementary School | Canning |
 | Playground, Kingston & District School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Playground, Mathews Lane | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Playground, Memorial Park | Kentville |
 | Playground, Oakwood Drive | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Playground, St. Mary's Elementary School | Aylesford |
 | Playground, Townsend Street | Lunenburg |
 | Playground, Victoria Road | Lunenburg |
 | Playground, Westwood Street | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Playground - Arichat | Arichat |
 | Playground #1 | Wagmatcook |
 | Playground #2 | Wagmatcook |
 | Playground, Medway Street, 250th Anniversary Park | Lunenburg |
 | Playgrounds, Brooklyn District Elementary School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Playgrounds, Falmouth District School | Falmouth |
 | Playgrounds, Three Mile Plains District School | Three Mile Plains |
 | Playgrounds, Windsor Forks District Elementary School | Windsor Forks |
 | Playgrounds, Outdoor Courts & Sports Field, Windsor Elementary School | Windsor |
| Playgroup Activity For Bigs & Littles, Activity | West Hants |
 | Playgroups | Bridgewater |
 | Playing with Clay Workshops | Mahone Bay |
 | Pleasant Bay School | Pleasant Bay |
 | Pleasant Paddling | Blue Rocks |
 | Pleasant River Community Club | Pleasant River |
 | Pleasant River Community Hall | Pleasant River |
| Pleasant St Playground | Truro |
 | Pleasant Valley Motocross, Pleasant Valley MX Race Track | Brookfield |
 | Pleasantville & District Fire Department | Pleasantville |
 | Pleasantville & District Fire Department, Auxiliary | Pleasantville |
| Plein Air Artists Annapolis Valley | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Plymouth Community and Recreation Association | Plymouth (Pictou Co.) |
| Plymouth Equestrian Center | Plymouth (Pictou Co.) |
 | Plymouth Fire Dept/Hall | Plymouth (Pictou Co.) |
 | Plymouth Multi-purpose Court | Plymouth (Yar. Co.) |
 | Plymouth School | Plymouth (Yar. Co.) |
 | Plymouth School Gymnasium | Plymouth (Yar. Co.) |
| Poetry at Large (Poetry Festival), Oxford Celebrates Poetry Month | Oxford |
 | Point Michaud Beach Provincial Park | Point Michaud |
 | Point Prim Lighthouse | Municipality of the District of Digby |
 | Police Boys and Girls Club | Glace Bay |
 | Pomquet Beach Provincial Park | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Pomquet Fire Department | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Pomquet Fire Department Ballfield | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Pomquet Historical Society | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Pomquet Minor Ball | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Pondville Beach Provincial Park | Arichat |
 | Ponhook Lodge Campground | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
 | Pont du Marais | Lower West Pubnico |
 | Pool, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 06 | Kentville |
 | Popcorn Parties, Cineplex Cinemas New Minas | New Minas |
 | Poplar Grove Community Hall | Poplar Grove |
 | Poplar Street Basketball Court | Stellarton |
 | Pork Roast Supper - Take Out Only, Fundraiser | Lunenburg County |
 | Port Bickerton Coast Guard Wharf | Port Bickerton |
 | Port Bickerton Community Centre | Port Bickerton |
 | Port Bickerton East Wharf | Port Bickerton |
 | Port Bickerton Lighthouse Beach Trail & Museum | Port Bickerton |
 | Port Clyde Trail | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Port Clyde United Church, Clyde Carleton Pastoral Charge | Port Clyde |
 | Port Clyde Volunteer Fire Department | Port Clyde |
 | Port Clyde Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Port Clyde |
 | Port Felix Parish Hall | Queensport |
 | Port Felix Wharf | Port Felix |
 | Port George Bluegrass Festival | Port George |
 | Port George Country Jamboree | Port George |
 | Port George Regional Recreation Centre | Port George |
 | Port Hastings Fire Hall | Port Hastings |
 | Port Hastings Historical Society | Port Hastings |
 | Port Hastings Volunteer Fire Department | Port Hastings |
| Port Hawkesbury Antigonish Swim Team | Antigonish, NS |
 | Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
| Port Hawkesbury Girl Guide Association | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Port Hawkesbury Highland Dance Association | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Port Hawkesbury Judo Club | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Port Hawkesbury Library, Eastern Counties Regional Library | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Port Hawkesbury Rotary Club | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Port Hilford Beach | Port Hilford |
 | Port Hood Ball Field | Port Hood |
 | Port Hood Community Playground & Gazebo | Port Hood |
 | Port Hood Lobster Picnic | Port Hood |
 | Port Hood Minor Baseball | Port Hood |
 | Port Hood Station Provincial Park | Port Hood |
 | Port Joli Beach | Port Joli |
 | Port Joli Community Association, Port Joli Community Hall | Port Joli |
 | Port L'Hebert Provincial Park, Trail | Granite Village |
 | Port Lorne & District Volunteer Fire Department | Paradise |
 | Port Lorne & District Volunteer Fire Department, Hall Rental | Paradise |
 | Port Lorne Heritage Days | Port Lorne |
 | Port Lorne United Baptist Church | Port Lorne |
 | Port Maitland Beach Provincial Park | Port Maitland |
 | Port Maitland Family Beach Party, Yarmouth Recreation's Annual Beach Party | Port Maitland |
 | Port Maitland Volunteer Fire Department | Port Maitland |
 | Port Medway Fire Department | Port Medway |
 | Port Medway Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Port Medway |
 | Port Medway Lighthouse Park | Port Medway |
 | Port Medway Parents & Tots | Port Medway |
 | Port Medway Readers’ Festival | Port Medway |
 | Port Morien Baseball Field, Soccer Field and Walking Track | Port Morien |
 | Port of Shelburne | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Port of Yarmouth | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Port Saxon Leisure Hour Club | Port Saxon |
 | Port Shoreham Beach Provincial Park | Port Shoreham |
 | Port Williams and District Lions Club | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Community Centre, Village of Port Williams | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Community Park, Village of Port Williams | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Days, Village of Port Williams | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Fire Department | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Fire Department, Fire Prevention Open House | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Recreation Advisory Committee | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Santa Breakfast, Santa Breakfast | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Soccer Association | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams Summer Camp, Village of Port Williams Recreation Department | Port Williams |
 | Port Williams United Baptist Church | Port Williams |
 | Portal Youth Centre | Kentville |
| Portaupique Community Centre | Portapique |
 | Porter's Equine Centre | Stewiacke |
 | Porter's Lake And Myra Road Wilderness Area Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Portrait Photography | Bridgewater |
 | Port-Royal National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Port Royal (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Positive Parenthood - Prenatal Series, What you give energy to creates life | |
 | Postpartum Mental Health and Wellness, For new moms experiencing or at risk of experiencing postpartum mental health challenges | Berwick |
 | Potlotek Daycare | Potlotek |
 | Potlotek Education Office | Potlotek |
 | Potlotek First Nation - Administration Office | Potlotek |
 | Potlotek Health Centre | Potlotek |
 | Potlotek Multi Purpose Court | Potlotek |
 | Potlotek Walking Track | Potlotek |
 | Potlotek's 19th Annual Father's Day Fishing Weekend | Potlotek |
 | Pottery Classes | Hall's Harbour |
 | Pow Wow Grounds Track | Eskasoni |
 | Powell's Point Provincial Park Beach | Pictou Landing |
| Power-Hour Fitness, Online Fitness Services | Annapolis Royal |
 | Preschool Playground, Nova Scotia Community College - NSCC | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Prescott House Museum | Starr's Point |
 | Pre-Teen Dances, Ardoise Community Recreation Centre | Ardoise |
 | Primetimers | Bridgewater |
 | Prince of Wales Historic Dancers | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Prince of Wales Lodge (Masonic) | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Pringle Mountain Trail | The Points West Bay |
 | Private / Semi Private Swimming Lessons | Sherose Island |
 | Private Parties, Cadance Academy | New Minas |
 | Privateer Days, Privateer Days Commission | Liverpool |
 | Privateer Farmer's Market | Liverpool |
 | Privateer Park | Liverpool |
 | PRO Kids, Municipality of the District of Chester | Chester |
| PRO Kids, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg | Lunenburg County |
 | PRO Kids, Town of Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
 | PROBUS Club of Annapolis Valley, Retiree Social Club | Kentville |
| Promoting Positive Behaviors in Teens Course | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Provincial Volunteer Week, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg | Bridgewater |
 | Provincial Water Polo Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Public Skating, Bridgetown & District Memorial Arena | Bridgetown |
 | Public Skating, Kentville Centennial Arena | Kentville |
 | Public Skating, Kings Mutual Century Centre | Berwick |
 | Pubnico & Area Lions Club | East Pubnico |
 | Pubnico Branch Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Pubnico |
 | Pubnico Point Trail | Lower West Pubnico |
 | Pubnico Point Wind Farm | Lower West Pubnico |
 | Pubnico South Ballfield | Lower West Pubnico |
| Pubnico Walkers, Pubnico Walking Group | West Pubnico |
 | Pugwash Disc Golf | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash District High School | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Farmers Market | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Fire Department | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Ground Search & Rescue | Pugwash |
| Pugwash Harbour Fest | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Junction Cumberland City Gospel Hall | Pugwash Junction |
 | Pugwash Legion, Branch #60 | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Library | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Memorial Baptist Church | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Peace Trail, Peace Trail | Cumberland County |
 | Pugwash Salt Express, Pugwash Link to the Trans Canada Trail | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Visitor Information Centre | Pugwash |
 | Pugwash Yacht Club | Pugwash |
 | Pumpkin Pacer 5K, Hantsport Harvest Fest | Hantsport |
 | PürTherapy Wellness Centre | Yarmouth (town) |
 | QCCR, Queens County Community Radio | Liverpool |
 | Qigong, Avondale Community Hall | Avondale |
 | Quai Mattieu Boardwalk | Cheticamp |
 | Quarry Branch Trail, 3.4 km Rails to Trails link from Wallace to the Trans Canda Trail | Wallace |
 | Queen Elizabeth Park | Glace Bay |
 | Queen of Hearts Dory Club | Cape Sable Island |
 | Queens Adult High School, South Shore Innovative Learning Centre | Liverpool |
 | Queens Archery, Queens Archers | Liverpool |
 | Queens Arts Council Society, Queens Arts Council | Liverpool |
 | Queens Association for Supported Living, QASL | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Queens Association for Supported Living, Vocational and Residential Services | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Queens Club Sixty Plus | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Queens Community Health Board | Liverpool |
 | Queens County ATV Association | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Blades | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Children's Society | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Fair | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Queens County Fair Association | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Queens County Farmers' Market | Queens County (NS) |
 | Queens County Fish & Game Association | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Food Bank | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Ground Search & Rescue, QGSAR | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Ground Search & Rescue, Ladies Auxiliary | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Historical Society | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Minor Hockey Association | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Minor Soccer Association | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Museum | Liverpool |
 | Queens County Music Festival | Liverpool |
 | Queens County SPCA | Liverpool |
 | Queens Early Childhood Development Association | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Queens Family Resource Centre, South Shore Family Resource Association | Liverpool |
 | Queens Garden Club | Liverpool |
 | Queens General Hospital Auxiliary | Liverpool |
 | Queens Learning Network | Liverpool |
 | Queens Manor | Liverpool |
 | Queens Manor Auxiliary | Liverpool |
 | Queens Place Emera Centre | Liverpool |
 | Queens Rails to Trails | Liverpool |
 | Queens Rails to Trails, Association | Liverpool |
 | Queensland Beach | Hubbards |
 | Queensport & Area Fitness Centre | Queensport |
 | Queensport Beach | Queensport |
 | Queensport Road Trail | Queensport |
| Queensport Wharf | Peas Brook |
 | Quick As A Wink Theatre Society | Windsor |
 | Quick As A Wink Theatre Society, Community Partnership and Pay It Forward | Windsor |
 | Quick As A Wink Theatre Society, Youth Summer Theatre Camps | Windsor |
 | Quinan & District Volunteer Fire Department | Quinan |
 | Quinan Multi-Purpose Court | Quinan |
 | Race on the River Dragon Boat Festival | New Glasgow |
 | Race the Cape | St. Peter's |
| Racquetball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Ragged Islands Chapter IODE | Lockeport |
 | Ragged Islands Historical Society | Lockeport |
 | Raina McDonald - Artist + Yoga Instructor | Pictou |
 | Rainbow Riders Gymnastics and Trampoline Club, gymnastics and tumbling program | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Rainforth Park | Berwick |
 | Rankin School of the Narrows | Iona |
| Rath Eastlink Community Centre | Truro Heights |
 | Rath Eastlink Community Centre, RECC | Truro and Area |
 | Raven Haven Beachside Family Park | West Springhill |
 | Raven Haven Family Fun Day, Raven Haven Beachside Family Park | West Springhill |
 | Ravenwood Baseball Field | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | RayPort Campground | Martins River |
| RBC Learn to Play Project Grant | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | RCAFA 105 Cumberland Wing, Royal Canadian Air Force Association | Amherst |
| RCMP Youth Advisory Committee | Kings County (NS) |
 | Reaching Strides Equestrian Centre | Port Hood |
 | Rebekah Music Hall | Bear River |
| Reboot at Kingston United Baptist Church, A 7-week journey of building hope, opening minds, and gaining new ground. Let us rethink and revisit Christian faith | |
| Re-Connecting with Nature Workshop Series | Halifax Peninsula |
 | Recreation Centre, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Recreation Facility Association of Nova Scotia, RFANS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Recreation Group During Covid-19, Covid-19 | West Hants |
 | Recreation In-Kind Grant, West Hants Parks and Recreation | West Hants |
 | Recreation Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Recreation Resource for at Home Activities - Covid-19 | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Recreational Co-ed Indoor Soccer | Kentville |
 | Rec's In The House | |
| Red Bear Connects - Free Voice Mail, Resources, Information, Friendly Listening, Navigation, Peer Support, Referrals, Serving people experiencing poverty in Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
| Red Bear Healing Home, Red Bear Connects Voice Mail Program; Information, Referrals, Resources, and Peer Support | Nova Scotia |
 | Red Clay Economy | Upper Economy |
 | Red Cross Babysitting Course (ages 11 and up), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Red Knights Motorcycle Club | Great Village |
 | Red Sky Gallery | Antigonish, NS |
 | Redcliff Middle School | Valley |
 | Redwood Stables | Blacketts Lake |
 | Refresh Annapolis Valley Creative Computing | Wolfville |
 | Region 6 Solid Waste Management | Mahone Bay |
 | Region of Queens Municipality, Region of Queens Recreation and Community Facilities | Liverpool |
 | Reimer Gardens U-Pick | Waterville |
 | Reindeer Dash, 2 and 5 km fun run | Barrington |
 | Relay for Life, Canadian Cancer Society | Kentville |
 | Relay for Life, Relay For Life 2015 in Chester | Chester |
 | Remember Adventures | Tatamagouche |
 | Remembrance Day Observance, Village of Port Williams | Port Williams |
 | Rendez-Vous Tall Ships Regetta Outport Visit | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Renfrew Camping | East Hants |
 | Renfrew Strength and Conditioning Center | Elmsdale |
 | Rental, Storm Warning Paintball | Steam Mill |
 | Reserve Mines Pensioners Club | Reserve Mines |
 | Reservoir Park Bike Trails, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Return from the Apocalypse: A Chute Park Adventure | Berwick |
 | Rhododendron Sunday | Kentville |
 | RHUMB LINE BICYCLE SHOP, Bike Repairs. Bicycle Rentals. Athletic & Handmade Retail. New Bikes. Used Bikes. Local Guided Tours. | Lunenburg |
 | Richard Swain Soccer Field | Barrington Passage |
 | Richmond Amateur Baseball Association | Richmond County |
 | Richmond Arena | Louisdale |
 | Richmond Cheer | Richmond County |
 | Richmond County 4-H Leaders Council | Richmond County |
 | Richmond County Early Childhood Education Association | D'Escousse |
 | Richmond County Seniors Council | Richmond County |
| Richmond County Summer Recreation Programs | Richmond County |
 | Richmond County Surf School | Lower L'Ardoise |
 | Richmond Education Centre/Academy | Louisdale |
 | Richmond MacAdian Ceilidh Dancers | Richmond County |
| Richmond Minor Baseball | Richmond County |
 | Richmond Rize Volleyball | Richmond County |
 | Richmond Skating Club | Richmond County |
 | Rick Crowe Memorial Ball Field | Stellarton |
 | Ricky Hunter Memorial Hockey | Parrsboro |
 | Ricky Sutherland Memorial Ballfield | Pictou |
 | Ride The Wave Summer Program | Southwest Mabou |
 | Ride, Don't Hide | |
 | Ring 73 | Glace Bay |
 | Ringette Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Riptide Rollers | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| RISE : Art on the Adventure Trail | Lunenburg County |
 | Rising Sun 4-H | Albert Bridge |
 | Rissers Beach Provincial Park | Petite Riviere |
 | River Bourgeois 4-H Club | River Bourgeois |
 | River Bourgeois 50+ Seniors Club Building | River Bourgeois |
 | River Bourgeois Community Festival | River Bourgeois |
 | River Bourgeois Softball Field | River Bourgeois |
 | River Bourgeois Tennis Courts | River Bourgeois |
| River Breeze Farm, Baby Animal Festival | Central North River |
 | River Center Ministries | Windsor |
 | River Centre Driving Range | Port Hood |
 | River Hebert District Elementary School | River Hebert |
 | River Hebert District High School | River Hebert |
 | River Hebert Fire Department | River Hebert |
 | River Hebert Gospel Hall | River Hebert |
 | River Hebert Legion, Branch #14 | River Hebert |
 | River Hebert Miners Memorial Museum | River Hebert |
 | River Hebert Public Library | River Hebert |
 | River Hebert Tidal Bore Park | River Hebert |
| River Hebert/Joggins and Area Development Association | River Hebert/Joggins Area |
 | River Hills Golf & Country Club | Clyde River |
 | River Hills Sport & Recreation Society | Clyde River |
 | River John Fire Dept/Hall | River John |
 | River John Lions Club Childrens Park | River John |
 | River John Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | River John |
 | River John Remembrance Gardens Trail | River John |
 | River Oaks Golf Club | Meaghers Grant |
 | River Ridge Common | Pinehurst |
 | River Ridge Common, Trails | Pinehurst |
 | River Route 1: Broad River to Summerville Beach | South Shore Region |
 | River Ryan Campground | River Ryan |
 | River Street Playground / Basketball Court | Stellarton |
| River Talkers Toastmasters Club | |
 | River Valley Equestrian Centre | Margaree |
 | RiverBreeze Farm & CornMaze | Upper Onslow |
 | Riverdale Community Center | Lower River Inhabitants |
 | Riverdale R.V. Park | Louisbourg |
 | Riverdale Softball Field | Lower River Inhabitants |
 | Riverfront Park | Truro |
 | Riverport & District Community Center | Riverport |
 | Riverport & District Fire Department | Riverport |
 | Riverport & District Fire Department, Auxiliary | Riverport |
 | Riverport & District Lions Club | Riverport |
 | Riverport District Board of Trade | Riverport |
 | Riverport Pastoral Charge, Trinity United Church | Rose Bay |
 | Riverside Archers | Richmond County |
 | Riverside Community Hall Association | Colchester County |
 | Riverside Elementary School | Albert Bridge |
 | Riverside International Speedway | Antigonish County |
 | Riverside United Church, Bass River United Church | Bass River |
 | Riverton Community Hall | Stellarton |
 | Riverview Ethnographic Museum | Bear River |
 | Riverview High School | Coxheath |
 | Riverview Park | Bridgewater |
 | Riverview Rural High School Track | Coxheath |
 | Riverview Skating Club | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
| Riverview Soccer | Sydney River |
 | Riverview Youth Health Centre | Coxheath |
| ROADies Summer Drama Camp | Guysborough |
 | Robb's Centennial Complex | Amherst |
 | Robert Brook Group Campground | Ingonish |
 | Robin Foote Elementary | Westmount |
 | Rocco Point Chapelle and Nature Trail | Argyle (Yarmouth Co.) |
 | Roche-St.-Pierre Trail | Comeaus Hill |
| Rock The Hub, Music Festival | Truro |
 | Rocking Horse Ranch | Baddeck |
 | Rockland's Beaches | Rockland |
 | Rocky Mountain Falls Trail | Rocky Mountain |
 | Rocky Shores Seniors Association | New Harbour |
 | Rodd Grand Yarmouth | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Roddie's Square Dance Society | Richmond County |
 | Roger Grovestine Recreation Complex, Town of Shelburne | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Rogers Hill Trail, Cape to Cape Trail | Scotsburn |
 | Ron MacKay Memorial Youth Band Society | Bible Hill |
 | Ronald McDonald Rotary Children's Playground | Amherst |
 | Roods Head Park | Lockeport |
 | Room Rentals, President's Choice Cooking School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Room Rentals, President's Choice Cooking School | New Minas |
 | Roo's Playhouse & Family Adventures | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | Roo's Playhouse & Family Adventures, Parties & Sleepovers | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | Roots to Boots/ Raccines at Bottines | Cheticamp |
 | Rope Skipping Association of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Rosanne Himmelman Cancer Patient Fund, The Rose Fund | Lunenburg County |
 | Rosedale Home for Special Care | New Germany |
 | Rosedale New Horizons Seniors Club | New Germany |
 | Rosevale Par 3 Family Golf Course | Martock |
 | Roseway Beach, Round Bay Beach | Roseway |
 | Roseway Hospital Auxiliary, Volunteer Services | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Roseway Manor Inc., Residents Council | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Roseway River 4-H Club | Shelburne County |
 | Roseway River Trail | Shelburne County |
| Ross Anderson PharmaChoice Teen Centre, Springhill Teen Centre | Springhill |
 | Ross Creek Centre for the Arts | Canning |
 | Ross Farm Museum | New Ross |
 | Ross Ferry Marine Park | Ross Ferry |
 | Ross Thomson House & Store Museum | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Rossignol Surf Shop | White Point |
 | Rotary Center Community Hall | Hebron |
 | Rotary Club of Amherst | Amherst |
 | Rotary Club of Bridgewater & District | Bridgewater |
 | Rotary Club of Kentville | Kentville |
 | Rotary Club of Lunenburg | Lunenburg |
 | Rotary Club of Middleton | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Rotary Club of Truro | Truro |
 | Rotary Club of Windsor | Windsor |
 | Rotary Millenium Park | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Rotary Park Ball Field | Sydney |
 | Round Hill Hall | Round Hill |
| Route 6 Snowmobile Club | Oxford |
 | Row Nova Scotia, Halifax Rowing Club/ North Star Rowing Club | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Rowan's Room Developmental Society, An exceptional place for exceptional people | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Ro-Win-Lea 4-H Club | Cumberland County |
 | Roxbury Road Trail | Roxbury |
 | Roy Maltby Fundy Hockey School | Amherst |
 | Royal Arch Masons, Rossignol Chapter #6 | Liverpool |
 | Royal Canadian Air Cadets 545 Privateer Squadron | Liverpool |
 | Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #24 Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
| Royal Canadian Legion - Br. 17 Springhill, Bingo | Springhill and Area |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 47 | St. Peter's |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 01 | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 06 | Kentville |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 09 | Windsor |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 09, Catering & Rental | Windsor |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 112 | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 112, Hall Rental | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 122 | Clementsport |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 122, Hall Rental | Clementsport |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 21 | Annapolis Royal |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 22 | Bear River |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 33 | Bridgetown |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 33, Hall Rental | Bridgetown |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 69, Ortona Branch | Berwick |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 79 | New Ross |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Br. 98, Alvin H Foster | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 29 Trenton | Trenton |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 35 Ballfield | Westville |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch #038 | Liverpool |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 110 | Lower L'Ardoise |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 144 Western Shore, Ladies Auxiliary, Western Shore Legion Ladies Auxiliary | Western Shore |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 150 | Arichat |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 23 Lunenburg | Lunenburg |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 44 Chester | Chester |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 49 Mahone Bay | Mahone Bay |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 79 New Ross, Ladies Auxiliary, New Ross Legion Ladies Auxiliary | New Ross |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 88 Chester Basin, Ladies Auxiliary, Chester Basin Legion Ladies Auxiliary | Chester Basin |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Everett Branch No. 88 Chester Basin | Chester Basin |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Harding Branch 144 Western Shore | Western Shore |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Branch #45 | Parrsboro |
 | Royal Canadian Legion, A. L. Patterson Branch 87 | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 62 | Louisbourg |
 | Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp 351 Llewellyn | Chester |
 | Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps #62 Niobe | Bridgewater |
 | Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 39 Neptune | Lunenburg |
 | Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, Shelburne | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Royal Cape Breton Yacht Club | Sydney |
 | Royal William Yacht Club | Pictou Landing |
 | Rug Hooking | Kentville |
 | Rug Hooking, Brickton Community Hall | Brickton |
 | Rug Hooking, Windermere Community Hall | Windermere |
 | Rug Hooking Group | Kingsport |
 | Rugby Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Run for the Cure- Eskasoni | Eskasoni |
 | Run Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Run Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Runner's Attic Run Club, FREE RUN GROUP | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Rural Summer Festival | Louisbourg |
 | Rushtons Beach Provincial Park | Marshville |
 | S.M.I.L.E., The Acadia Sensory Motor Instructional Leadership Experience | Wolfville |
 | Sable River Community Garden | East Sable River |
 | Sable River Community Hall | Sable River |
 | Sable River Fire Hall | Sable River |
 | Sable River Foot Bridge Walking Trail | Shelburne County |
 | Sable River Health Matters | East Sable River |
 | Sable River Heritage Committee | Sable River |
 | Sable River Provincial Park, Sable River Picnic Park | Sable River |
 | Sable River Volunteer Fire Department | Sable River |
 | Sable River Women's Fitness & Swim | East Sable River |
 | Sable River Women's Institute | Sable River |
| Sackville Lakes Parks & Trails Association | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Sackville Lakes Provincial Park | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
| Sackville Rivers Association | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Sacred Heart Church, Mission of Immaculate Conception Parish | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | SAERC Daycare | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Safe Haven Animal Rescue | Berwick |
| Safe Sport in Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
 | Sahaja Yoga Meditation | Liverpool |
 | Sail Lunenburg with Star Charters | Lunenburg |
 | Sail Mabou, Waterfront Recreation Centre | Northeast Mabou |
 | Sail Mahone Bay | Mahone Bay |
 | Sail Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Saint Anthony Daniel Ball Field | Sydney |
 | Saint Barnabas Sewing Guild Blandford | Blandford |
 | Saint John's Anglican, Parish of Cornwallis | Port Williams |
 | Saint John's Presbyterian Church of Windsor | Windsor |
 | Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Formerly called Saint Catherine | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Saint Louis Roman Catholic Church | Annapolis Royal |
 | Saint Michael and All Angels Anglican, Parish of Cornwallis | Canning |
| Saint Monica's Womens Guild | Springhill |
 | Saint Ninian Place | Antigonish, NS |
 | Saint Paul's United Church | Maitland Bridge |
 | Saint Thomas' Anglican, Parish of Cornwallis | Kingsport |
 | Salem Ballfield | Greenhill |
 | Salle Père-Maurice-LeBlanc Theatre | Tusket |
 | Salmon Pools Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Salmon River Bridge to Ogden Trail | Salmon River Lake |
 | Salmon River Lake to Moshers Lake Trail | Salmon River Lake |
 | Salsman Provincial Park | Country Harbour Lake |
| Salt and Honey Holistic Health and Wellness, Yoga on the South Shore of Nova Scotia | Mahone Bay |
 | Salt Marsh Boardwalk | Lockeport |
 | Salt Marsh Trail | Cole Harbour (HRM) |
 | Salt Mountain Trail | Whycocomagh |
 | Saltsprings Elementary School | Salt Springs (Pictou Co.) |
 | Saltsprings Provincial Park | Salt Springs (Pictou Co.) |
| Salvation Army (Springhill) | Springhill and Area |
 | Salvation Army Community Church | Bridgetown |
 | Salvation Army Community Church | Kentville |
 | Salvation Army Kettle Campaign, Volunteer | Kings County (NS) |
 | Salvation Army/Hall | Westville |
 | Sample Ball Field Complex, 2 Fields | Stellarton |
 | Sam's Woodland Tours | Upper Branch |
 | Samson Trail | New Glasgow |
 | Samuel Wood Historical Society | Central Woods Harbour |
 | Samuel Wood Museum | Lower Woods Harbour |
 | Sand Castle Art Contest | Pondville |
 | Sand Dollar Beach | Rose Bay |
 | Sand Hills Beach Provincial Park | Villagedale |
 | Sandy Point Lighthouse Beach | Sandy Point |
 | Sandy Point Lighthouse Park & Community Centre | Sandy Point |
 | Sandy Wickens Memorial Arena | Sherose Island |
 | Santa Claus Parade, Once Upon a Lunenburg Christmas, Lunenburg Christmas Craft Fair | Lunenburg |
 | Sara Bonnyman Pottery | Tatamagouche |
 | Sarah Denny Cultural Centre | Eskasoni |
 | Sass Squash | Kentville |
 | Savoy Theatre | Glace Bay |
 | Sawpit Wharf, Sawpit Park | Garden Lots |
| SCANS, Seniors' College Association of Nova Scotia | |
| Scavenger Hunt, Scavenger | West Hants |
 | SCCCC Adult Day/Unit Program, Recreation & Health Services (South Cumberland Community Care Centre) | Parrsboro |
 | Scenic Look Off Park | Halfway Cove |
 | Scenic Walking Tour of Lockeport, Lockeport Walking Trail | Lockeport |
 | Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia, Lunenburg County Chapter | Bridgewater |
 | School Tours, Noggins Corner Farm Market | Greenwich |
 | School Tours/Groups, Willowbank Upick Farm | Port Williams |
 | School Vegetable Garden, Hants Shore Community Health Centre | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | SchoolsPlus | Richmond County |
 | Schooner Curling Club | Sydney |
 | Scotch Village Union Church, Newport Pastoral Charge | Scotch Village |
 | Scotia Ballfield | Trenton |
| Scotia Days | Mulgrave |
 | Scotia Ferry Look Off/Scotia Trail | Mulgrave |
 | Scotia Pine Campground | Hilden |
 | Scotia Pool | Bible Hill |
 | Scotia Sliders Horse Association | Kentville |
 | Scotiabank Bluenose Marathon | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Scotian Bowmen Archery Club | Enfield (HRM) |
 | Scotian Glen Trail | Sutherland's River |
| Scotian Hiker | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Scots Bay Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Scot's Bay |
 | Scotsburn Ballfield | Scotsburn |
 | Scotsburn Elementary School | Scotsburn |
 | Scotsburn Elementary School | Scotsburn |
 | Scotsburn Fire Department | Scotsburn |
 | Scotsburn Recreation Club | Scotsburn |
 | Scotsburn Recreation Playground | Scotsburn |
 | Scott Weeks Sports Complex | New Glasgow |
 | Scottish Ceilidh Dancercise | Bible Hill |
 | Scottish Country Dancing, social dancing of Scotland | Truro and Area |
 | Scott's Bay Community Hall | Scot's Bay |
 | Scouts, Glace Bay | Glace Bay |
 | Scouts Canada | Amherst |
| Scouts Canada | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Scouts Canada, Adventure Starts Here! | Fenwick |
 | Scouts Canada, Adventure Starts Here! | Fenwick |
 | Scouts Canada, Beaver Scouts (5-7) | Berwick |
 | Scouts Canada, Beaver Scouts (5-7) | Aylesford |
 | Scouts Canada, Beaver Scouts (5-7) | Gaspereau |
 | Scouts Canada, Beaver Scouts (5-7) | Falmouth |
 | Scouts Canada, Beaver Scouts (5-7) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Scouts Canada, Beaver Scouts (5-7) Cub Scouts (8-10) Scouts (11-14) Venturer (15-17) Rovers (18-26) | |
 | Scouts Canada, Cub Scouts (8-10) | Berwick |
 | Scouts Canada, Cub Scouts (8-10) | Aylesford |
 | Scouts Canada, Cub Scouts (8-10) | Gaspereau |
 | Scouts Canada, Cub Scouts (8-10) | Falmouth |
 | Scouts Canada, Cub Scouts (8-10) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Scouts Canada, Fun and Adventure for youth ages 5-26! | Amherst |
 | Scouts Canada, Scouts (11-14) | Berwick |
 | Scouts Canada, Scouts (11-14) | Aylesford |
 | Scouts Canada, Scouts (11-14) | Gaspereau |
 | Scouts Canada, Scouts (11-14) | Falmouth |
 | Scouts Canada, Scouts (11-14) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Scouts Canada, Venturer Scouts (14-17) | Berwick |
 | Scouts Canada, Venturer Scouts (14-17) | Aylesford |
 | Scouts Canada, Venturer Scouts (14-17) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Scouts Canada, Yarmouth County/Digby County/Shelburn County | Yarmouth County |
 | Scouts Canada - 1st Chester Basin Group | Chester Basin |
 | Scouts Canada - South Shore Area, 3rd Bridgewater Scout Group | Bridgewater |
 | Sea Cadets – K147 Baddeck | Baddeck |
 | Sea Captain's Walking Tour | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Sea Dog Bike & Kayak Rentals | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Sea Kayaking: Wallace River to Pugwash River | Wallace River |
 | Sea N' Cruise Eco Tours | Lunenburg |
 | Sea to Shore Sea Glass Festival | Kentville |
 | Seabreeze Campground & Cottages | Canso |
 | Seabreeze Rebekah Lodge #24 | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Seacaps Park, The Lighthouse Stage | Lockeport |
 | Seafoam Campground | River John |
 | Seahawks Minor Football Club | Bridgewater |
 | Seal Island Light Museum | Barrington |
 | Seal Island Lighthouse | Seal Island |
 | Sealed Landers Park | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Searidge home foundation drug and alcohol rehab | Annapolis Royal |
 | Seaside A Cappella All Female Show Chorus | Dayspring |
| Seaside Daze | Dominion |
 | Seaside Heritage Center | Cape Sable Island |
 | Seaside Park Playground, Play Park | Lockeport |
 | Seaside Recreation and Community Centre Association, Seaside Centre | Beach Meadows |
 | Seaside Strummers | Liverpool |
 | Seaview Golf & Country Club | North Sydney |
 | Seawall Trail, Seawall Trail Society | Victoria County |
 | Second Peninsula Provincial Park | Second Peninsula |
 | Second Story Women's Centre | Lunenburg |
 | Sedgwick Presbyterian Church | Tatamagouche |
 | Seeking Leaders!, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Senator Ambroise H. Comeau Memorial Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Meteghan |
 | Senior Activity Group | Liverpool |
 | Senior Bowling League | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Senior Card Party | Stewiacke |
 | Senior Chair Yoga | Port Williams |
 | Senior Citizens Shamrock Club | Canso |
 | Senior Fitness Class | Berwick |
 | Senior Fitness Classes | Bible Hill |
 | Senior Residents' Annual Picnic, Village of Kingston | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Senior Safety Program, RCMP Queens Detachment | Mount Pleasant (Queens Co.) |
 | Senior Social | Bible Hill |
 | Senior Wheels Association | Bridgewater |
 | Senior’s Assisted Transportation Program | Liverpool |
 | Senior’s Safety Check In Program | Liverpool |
 | Seniors' Bus Tour 2018 - Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Senior's Bus Trip to Annapolis Royal's Historic Sites, Bus Trip | |
| Seniors Bus Trips | Kings County (NS) |
| Seniors Bus Trips, Senior Trip | West Hants |
 | Seniors' Celebrations in Middleton | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Seniors' College Association of NS (Truro), SCANS | Truro |
 | Seniors Drop-In Centre, Centre Burlington Community Hall | Centre Burlington |
| Seniors Exercise | East Bay |
 | Seniors Kickin` Country, Line Dancing | Ste. Anne du Ruisseau |
 | Senior's Luncheons | North Shore |
 | Seniors Police Academy | Lunenburg County |
 | Seniors Pool, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 22 | Bear River |
 | Sentiers Acadiens de Pomquet (Pomquet Acadian Trails) | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Sentimental Journey Dance with Loren Fevens | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Seton Elementary | North Sydney |
 | Seventh Day Adventist Church | Truro |
 | SHAFT, Super Happy Active Family-fun Time | Kentville |
 | Shag Harbour Baptist Church | Shag Harbour |
 | Shag Harbour Bear Point Fire Department | Shag Harbour |
 | Shag Harbour Bear Point Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Shag Harbour |
 | Shag Harbour Incident Society Museum, UFO Museum | Shag Harbour |
 | Shag Harbour Rock | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Shag Harbour UFO Crash Site | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Shag Harbour UFO Festival | Shag Harbour |
 | SHAID Tree Animal Shelter | Whynotts Settlement |
| Shambala Meditation | Sydney |
 | Shambhala Sun Summer Camp | Tatamagouche |
 | Shamrock Ball Field, Hantsport School | Hantsport |
 | Shand House Museum | Windsor |
 | Shannex Northumberland Hall | Amherst |
 | Shannon River Canoe Access Park | Albany Cross |
 | Shared Use Trail, Kings County Trails Society (in cooperation with Town of Berwick and Village of Kingston) | Kings County (NS) |
| Sharon United Church, Best of Boxwood | Tatamagouche |
 | Shearwater Flyer | Cole Harbour (HRM) |
 | Sheerwood Golf & Country Club | Sherwood |
 | Sheffield Mills Community Hall | Sheffield Mills |
 | Shelburne & Area Chamber of Commerce | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne & Area Minor Baseball | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne & Area Whirligig Society | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne & Area Youth Bowling | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Area Lions Club | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Barrington Developmental Residence | Barrington Passage |
 | Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Beech Street Studios | Lockeport |
 | Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Central Office | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Heritage Hall | Barrington |
 | Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Mayflower Place | Barrington Passage |
 | Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Meals on Wheels | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Shelburne Group Home | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Baptist Church | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Celebrates Christmas | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Community Centre | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne County 4-H Council | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Agricultural Exhibition, Shelburne County Agricultural Exhibition Association | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne County Amateur Radio Club | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne County Archives and Genealogical Society | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne County Arena, Shelburne County Arena Association | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne County Arts Council | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne County ATV Association | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Basketball Association | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Business Development Centre | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne County Community Health Board | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Figure Skating Club | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Fish & Game Association | Barrington |
 | Shelburne County Giant Pumpkin Festival | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Learning Network | Barrington Passage |
 | Shelburne County Lobball Association | Barrington |
 | Shelburne County Lobster Festival | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association | Barrington Passage |
 | Shelburne County Mud Munchers 4x4 Club | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Museum | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne County Retired Teachers Organization | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Senior Connection Line | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Special Olympics | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Tourism Association, Discover Shelburne County | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne County Womens Fishnet, Women supporting women and their families. | Lockeport |
 | Shelburne Curling Centre | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Farmers Market | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Founders' Days | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Harbour Boat Tours | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Harbour Yacht Club, and Marina | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Historical Society | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Karate Club | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Kayak Festival | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne Longboat Society | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne Loyalist Foodbank | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Physiotherapy-Fitness Centre | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Rail Trail | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Re-enactment Association | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Regional High School, Tri-County Regional School Board | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne Regional High School Advisory Council | Shelburne County |
 | Shelburne Sailing School Association | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne United Church Pastoral Charge | Lower Ohio |
 | Shelburne Volunteer Fire Department | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Shelburne's Historic Waterfront - Museums by the Sea | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelby Ranch | Scotsburn |
 | Shepherd's Heart Prayer Centre | Bible Hill |
 | Shepherds Lake Trail | Lincolnville |
 | Sherbrooke Lake United Church Camp | Franey Corner |
 | Sherbrooke Legion Hall | Sherbrooke |
 | Sherbrooke Library | Sherbrooke |
 | Sherbrooke Provincial Park | Sherbrooke |
 | Sherbrooke Village | Sherbrooke |
 | Sherose Island Ball Field | Sherose Island |
 | Sherose Island Disc Golf Course | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Sherose Island Nature Trail, Sherose Island Rocks! | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Sherose Island Playground and Picnic Area | Sherose Island |
 | Sherwood Forest Camping Park | Coldbrook |
 | Sherwood Park Education Centre | Sydney |
 | Shingle Mills Falls Hike | Aylesford |
 | Shinimicas District Fire Department | Shinimicas |
 | Shinimicas Provincial Park | Shinimicas Bridge |
 | Ship Shape Fitness Centre for Women, PACE Programmed Aerobic Circuit Exercise | Lunenburg |
| Ship's Company Theatre | |
 | Ship's Company Theatre, Celebrating 35 years of professional theatre in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia! | Parrsboro |
 | Shipyard Elementary School | Sydney |
 | Shipyard's Landing, The Citizens' Bandstand | Bridgewater |
 | Shoken Defence, MMA & Fitness | Kentville |
 | Shooting Federation of Nova Scotia, SFNS | Dartmouth |
 | Shore Boat View Campgrounds | Rose Bay |
| Shore Drive Community Development, Chair Tai Chi | Port Greville |
| Shore Drive Community Development Association | Port Greville |
 | Shore Riders ATV Club | Chester Basin |
 | Shore Road Trail | Guysborough |
 | Shoreham Village Senior Citizens Association | Chester |
 | Short Line Trail - Colchester County section, Trans Canada Trail | Tatamagouche |
 | Short Line Trail 1 - Scotsburn | Scotsburn |
 | Shortline Cumberland County Section, Shortline Rails to Trails | Cumberland County |
 | Shoto Ryu Jutsu Karate Dojo | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Show Case Dance Studio, Ballet/ Jazz/ Tap | Truro |
 | Showcase Productions Society | Amherst |
| Shubenacadie Hay Days, Car Show | Shubenacadie |
 | Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife Park | Shubenacadie East |
| Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife Park, Wild About Diversity | Shubenacadie |
 | Shubenacadie Wildlife Park: St. Andrew's Marsh Trail | Shubenacadie East |
 | Shubenacadie Wildlife Park: Wetland Trails | Shubenacadie East |
 | Shubie Park | Dartmouth |
 | Shuffleboard Courts | Bridgewater |
 | Shuffleboard Courts | Bridgewater |
 | SHYFT Youth Services Society, SHYFT | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Sierra Drive (Mountbatten) Playground | New Glasgow |
 | Sieur de Mons Boardwalk | Annapolis Royal |
 | Simply Being Yoga, Bridgetown | Bridgetown |
 | Simply Being Yoga, Melvern Square | Melvern Square |
 | Simply For Life | Sydney River |
 | Simpsons Beach | Braeshore |
 | Simpson's Corner Community Hall, Simpson's Corner Community Hall Society | Simpsons Corner |
 | Sinclair Inn Museum, Annapolis Heritage Society | Annapolis Royal |
 | 'Sing-a-long' Karaoke | Truro |
 | Singing With our Lunenburg Neighbours, Connecting with others by singing together | Lunenburg |
 | Sipekne'katik Ballfield | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sipekne'katik Elementary After School Program | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sipekne'katik Elephant Thoughts | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sipekne'katik First Nation, Indian Brook | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sipekne'katik Fitness Centre | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
| Sipekne'katik Head Start | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sipekne'katik Health Centre | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sipekne'katik Multipurpose Centre | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sipekne'katik Playground and Sports Field | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sipekne'katik Pool | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sipekne'katik Youth Recreation Program | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sissiboo Story Book Trail | Weymouth |
 | Sister Catherine Steele Centre Basketball Half Court | Stellarton |
 | Six Mile Brook Trail, Cape to Cape Trail | Six Mile Brook |
| SK8 GR8 Learn to Skate Program | Springhill |
 | Skateboad Park | Glace Bay |
 | SkateCanada Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Ski Ben Eoin, Ski Ben Eoin Snow School | Ben Eoin |
 | Ski Cape Smokey | South Ingonish Harbour |
 | Ski Margaree | Margaree |
 | Ski Martock | Martock |
 | Ski Tuonela | Goose Cove |
 | Ski Wentworth | Wentworth Valley |
 | Skinners Cove Beach | Cape John |
 | Skye River Trail | We'koqma'q |
 | Skyline Trail | French Mountain |
 | SKYWATCH - Summer Solstice, Annapolis Royal Library | Annapolis Royal |
 | Slate Youth Centre, Archway Counselling | Truro |
 | Sledding at Burgher Hill | Kentville |
 | Sledding at Memorial Park | Kentville |
 | Sledge Hockey, Acadia Minor Hockey Association | Kentville |
 | Sleigh and Wagon Rides, Daniel's Northfork Ranch | Billtown |
 | Sloop Cove Beach | Moshers Island |
 | Sluice Point Wharf | Sluice Point |
 | Small World Learning Centre | Bridgewater |
 | Small World Learning Centre, (Pre-School, Afterschool, and Summer Day Camp Programs) | Bridgewater |
 | Smelt Brook Park | Sydney Mines |
 | Smelt Brook Trail | Trenton |
 | Smileys Provincial Park | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Smith School of Highland Dance | Antigonish, NS |
 | Smokey Recreational Society and Outdoor Ice Rink | Ingonish Beach |
 | Smuggler's Cove Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Meteghan |
 | SNL Paintball | Upper North River |
 | Snow Queen Leisure World | Antigonish County |
 | Snow Shoe Loan | Canning |
 | Snowboard Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Snowmobilers Association of Nova Scotia, SANS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Snowpak Dog Sledding Adventures | Riversdale (Colchester Co.) |
 | Snowshoe Hikes! | Lunenburg County |
| Snowshoe Loan Program | Port Williams |
| Snowshoe Loan Program, Snowshoe | |
| Snowshoe Loan Program, Snowshoes | West Hants |
 | Snowshoe Loan Program, West Hants Parks and Recreation | West Hants |
 | Snowshoe Loans | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Snowshoe Rentals, Valley Stove & Cycle Ltd. | Kentville |
 | Snowshoes and Cross Country Ski Loan Program, Snowshoes and Cross Country Ski Loan Program | West Hants |
 | Snowshoes for Loan, Centreville & District Park & Recreation Association | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Snowshoes for Loan, Kentville Parks & Recreation | Kentville |
 | Snowshoes for Loan, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Snowshoes for Loan, Village of Kingston Recreation | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Snowshoes Loan, Kings County Recreation Services | Kings County (NS) |
 | Snowshoes to Rent, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Snowshoes/ Nordic Walking Poles for Loan, Annapolis County Recreation Services | Bridgetown |
 | Sobeys Community Room | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Soccer Cape Breton | Sydney |
 | Soccer Field, Canning Field | Canning |
 | Soccer Fields, Kentville Fields | Kentville |
 | Soccer Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Social Dance, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Social Group for Adults with Autism | Wolfville |
 | Societe acadienne Sainte-Croix | Antigonish County |
 | Société Touristique Bon Temps d'Argyle | Tusket |
 | Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Society of Fibre Arts of the Annapolis River, SOFAAR | Annapolis Royal |
 | Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Joseph's Parish | Bridgewater |
 | Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Norbert's Mission | Lunenburg |
| Society of Tor Bay Acadians | Tor Bay |
 | Softball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Solar Shelter Design | Bridgewater |
 | Somerset & District Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Somerset |
 | Somerset and District Soccer Club | Somerset |
 | Sonora Community Centre | Sherbrooke |
 | Sonora Wharf | Sherbrooke |
 | Sou’West Nova Métis Council | Barrington Passage |
 | Soul Bent Yoga | Aylesford |
| Sound Affects- South West Nova Music Society, supporting youth in music | Argyle (Yarmouth Co.) |
 | South Alton Baptist Church | South Alton |
 | South Alton Community Centre, South Alton Community Association | South Alton |
 | South Berwick Community Centre | South Berwick |
 | South Branch Community Council | Upper Stewiacke |
 | South Brookfield United Baptist Church, North Brookfield Caledonia United Baptist Church Pastorates | South Brookfield |
 | South Colchester Academy | Brookfield |
 | South Colchester Academy Soccer Field and Track | Brookfield |
| South Colchester ATV Club | Brookfield |
 | South Colchester Minor Hockey | Brookfield |
 | South End Kids Community Garden, SHYFT Youth Services | Yarmouth (town) |
 | South End Playground | New Glasgow |
 | South Granite Ridge Trail | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | South Haven Community Hall | South Haven |
 | South Mountain Arm of Gold Community Hall | Georges River |
 | South Mountain Park | South Alton |
| South Nova Tai Chi- Bridgewater, South Nova branch of the Canadian Tai Chi Academy | Bridgewater |
| South Nova Tai Chi- Lunenburg, South Nova branch of the Canadian Tai Chi Academy | Lunenburg |
 | South Ohio Hall | South Ohio |
 | South Queens Chamber of Commerce | Liverpool |
 | South Queens Middle School, South Shore Regional School Board | Liverpool |
 | South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail | Lunenburg County |
 | South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail Association | Lunenburg County |
 | South Shore Bassmasters | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Bluegrass Music Association | New Canada |
 | South Shore Boat Tours | Mahone Bay |
| South Shore Chapter of the Council of Canadians | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Community Justice Society, Restorative Justice | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Disc Golf NS | Dayspring |
 | South Shore District Soccer Association | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Duellists Fencing Club | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Exhibition, The Big Ex | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Family Resource Association | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Flag Football League, SSFFL | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Genealogical Society | Lunenburg |
 | South Shore Genealogical Society, Canada 150 | Lunenburg County |
 | South Shore Health | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore in Motion | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Kennel Club | Lunenburg |
 | South Shore Kennel Club Dog Show, South Shore Kennel Club | Lunenburg |
 | South Shore Kids Triathlon | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Marina | Marriotts Cove |
| South Shore Minor Basketball | South Shore Region |
| South Shore Minor Hockey Association, SSMHA | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Multicultural Association | South Shore Region |
 | South Shore Players | Lunenburg |
 | South Shore Presbytery | Sable River |
 | South Shore Public Libraries, Alean Freeman Library, Greenfield | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
 | South Shore Public Libraries, Lunenburg Library | Lunenburg |
 | South Shore Public Libraries, Margaret Hennigar Public Library, Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Public Libraries, Outreach Services, Mobile Library | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Public Libraries, Thomas H. Raddall Library, Liverpool | Liverpool |
 | South Shore Regional Hospital Auxiliary | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Relay for Life, Canadian Cancer Society | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Remote Control Flying Club | Lunenburg |
 | South Shore Scottish Country Dancers | Mahone Bay |
 | South Shore Seniors Club, Formally Chester Basin over 40 Club | East Chester |
 | South Shore Sexual Health | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Shrine Club | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Stamp Club | Dayspring |
| South Shore Transition House Association, Harbour House | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Ukulele Players | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore United Football (Soccer) Club, Community to performance programming | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Waldorf School & Kindergarten | Blockhouse |
 | South Shore Wildlife Association | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Women's Softball League | South Shore Region |
 | South Shore Work Activity Program | Chester |
 | South Shore Wrestling Club, Wrestling teams (NSSAF) : CSRS Centre Scolaire de la Rive-Sud, FHCS Forest Heights Community School. | Cookville |
| South Shore Young Naturalists Club, A local chapter of the Young Naturalists Club of Nova Scotia | Bridgewater |
 | South Side Beach, Daniel's Head Beach | Cape Sable Island |
 | South Side United Baptist Church | Lower Clark's Harbour |
 | South West Margaree Square Dance | South West Margaree |
| Southampton Community Centre | Southampton |
 | Southampton District Volunteer Fire Department | Southampton |
 | Southwest Mabou 4-H Club | Southwest Mabou |
 | Southwest Magaree Provincial Park | South West Margaree |
| Southwest Paddlers | Central Argyle |
 | Southwest Seniors | South West Margaree |
 | Southwestern Riders Association | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Sou'West Nova Transit Association, Sou'West Nova Transit | Barrington |
 | Sou'Wester Adventures Sailing School | Western Shore |
 | Sou'Wester Coin Club | Barrington Passage |
 | Space for Rent, PeopleWorx | Coldbrook |
 | Spafford Pool, King's-Edgehill School | Windsor |
 | Sparky 5k Fun Run | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Special Functions, Ken-Wo Golf Club | New Minas |
 | Special Olympics Cobequid | Truro |
 | Special Olympics Cobequid Region | Central Colchester |
| Special Olympics Eastern Highlands | Antigonish, NS |
| Special Olympics Lunenburg/Queens | Lunenburg County |
 | Special Olympics Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Special Olympics: Active Start and Fundamentals | Bible Hill |
 | Special Olympics-Amherst | Amherst |
 | Speed Skate Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Spellbound by Nature | Antigonish County |
| Spencer's Island Craft and Farmers' Market | Spencers Island |
| Spencer's Island Craft and Farmers' Market, Spencer's Island | Spencers Island |
 | Spencer's Island Lighthouse, Spencer's Island Community Association | Spencers Island |
 | Spicer Park | Berwick |
 | Spin Your Wheels Bike Shop | Bridgewater |
 | Spirit Reins Ranch | Parrsboro |
 | Splashback | Bridgewater |
 | Spokes for Hope, BIKE-A-THON | Malagash |
 | Sport Fund, Sport Nova Scotia | Kentville |
| Sport Hub Antigonish | Antigonish County |
 | Sport Nova Scotia | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Sport programs @ school | Membertou |
| Sportball | Truro |
 | Sports Field, Annapolis West Education Centre | Annapolis Royal |
 | Sports Field, Avon View High School | Windsor |
 | Sports Field, Berwick Town Hall | Berwick |
 | Sports Field, Champlain Elementary School | Granville Ferry |
 | Sports Field, Cornwallis Park | Cornwallis Park |
 | Sports Field, Evangeline Middle School | New Minas |
 | Sports Field, Gaspereau Valley Elementary School | Gaspereau |
 | Sports Field, King's-Edgehill School | Windsor |
 | Sports Field, New Minas Elementary School | New Minas |
 | Sports Field, Northeast Kings Education Centre | Canning |
 | Sports Field, Pine Ridge Middle School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Sports Field, Port Williams Elementary School | Port Williams |
 | Sports Field, St. Mary's Elementary School | Aylesford |
 | Sports Field, West Hants Middle School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Sports Field, Windsor Forks District School | Windsor Forks |
 | Sports Fields, Brooklyn District Elementary School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Sports Fields, Cambridge & Central Kings | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Sports Fields, Centreville Park | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Sports Fields, Coldbrook & District School | Coldbrook |
 | Sports Fields, Falmouth District School | Falmouth |
 | Sports Fields, Huntington Hayes Park | Coldbrook |
 | Sports Fields, Kingston & District School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Sports Fields, Somerset & District Elementary School | Somerset |
 | Sports Fields, Three Mile Plains District School | Three Mile Plains |
 | Spring Outside in Kentville | Kentville |
 | Spring Street Academy | Amherst |
 | Springfield and District Fire Department | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Springfield Golden Age Seniors Club | Falkland Ridge |
 | Springfield Union Picnic Grounds | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Springfield United Baptist Church | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Spring-Haven Canoe Outfitting | Tusket |
 | Springhill Baptist Church | Springhill |
 | Springhill Centennial Golf Club | Springhill |
| Springhill Christmas Craft Fair | Springhill and Area |
| Springhill Communities in Bloom | Springhill and Area |
 | Springhill Eagles Mini BOYS, Basketball Team | Springhill |
 | Springhill Elementary Schools Home & School Association, Junction Road Elementary & West End Memorial Schools | Springhill |
 | Springhill Fire Department | Springhill |
 | Springhill High School | Springhill |
| Springhill Kids, A sub committee of Cumberland Kids | Springhill |
 | Springhill Legion, Branch #17 | Springhill |
| Springhill Lions Club | Springhill |
 | Springhill Lion's Park | Springhill |
 | Springhill Miners Memorial Library | Springhill |
 | Springhill Miners Museum (Society), Tour A Mine | Springhill |
 | Springhill Minor Baseball Association | Springhill |
 | Springhill Pickleball | Springhill |
 | Springhill Salvation Army Church | Springhill |
 | Springhill Senior Citizens' and Retired Pensions' Club | Springhill |
 | Springhill Senior Citizens' Recreation Centre | Springhill |
| Springhill Timbits Soccer | Springhill |
 | Springhill Visitor Information Centre | Springhill |
 | Springside United Church | Eastville |
 | Springwater Trail and Pond, Springwater Park | Valley |
 | Sprucewood Drive Playground | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Spry Bay Campground & Cabins | Spry Bay |
 | Square Dancing Classes | South Haven |
 | Squash CF - Cystic Fibrosis Pumpkin Launch | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Squash Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | St Ann’s Saturday Afternoon Community Hikes | St Anns |
 | St Anne's Bay United Church | Barrachois |
 | St Anns Provincial Park | St Anns |
 | St Croix Community Club Hall | St. Croix |
 | St Croix Recreation Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | St. Croix |
| St George's Hall, Parrsboro Farmers' Market | Parrsboro |
 | St Mary's Catholic Church | Hantsport |
 | St. Agnes Elementary | New Waterford |
 | St. Agnes Hall | Canso |
 | St. Alphonsus Church | Bridgetown |
 | St. Ambrose Catholic Church, Mission of Immaculate Conception Parish | Londonderry |
 | St. Ambrose Church | Yarmouth (town) |
 | St. Ambrose Field | Yarmouth (town) |
 | St. Ambrose Tennis Courts | Yarmouth (town) |
 | St. Andrew Junior School | Antigonish County |
 | St. Andrew's Anglican Church | Wallace |
 | St. Andrews Consolidated School | St. Andrews |
 | St. Andrews District Community Centre | St. Andrews |
 | St. Andrews Fire Department | St. Andrews |
| St. Andrews Oak and Owl Club | St. Andrews |
 | St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church | Lunenburg |
| St. Andrews Softball Development Association, Ballfields | St. Andrews |
 | St. Andrews United Church, Petite Riviere Pastoral Charge | Crousetown |
| St. Andrew's United Church | Colchester County |
 | St. Andrew's United Church | Truro |
 | St. Anne's Elementary | Glace Bay |
 | St. Ann's Bay Community Health Group | St Anns |
 | St. Anthony's Parish | Berwick |
 | St. Bartholomew's Church Hall | Louisbourg |
 | St. Brigid's Roman Catholic Church, St. Brigid's Glebe | Parrsboro |
 | St. Columba Parish Centre | Iona |
 | St. Columba Presbyterian Church Hall | Marion Bridge |
 | St. Cornelius Church of All Saints Parish | Wentworth |
 | St. Croix (United) Pastoral Charge | St. Croix |
 | St. David's United Church | Bible Hill |
 | St. Eudora Rebekah Lodge No. 43 | Berwick |
 | St. Francis Harbour Hall | St. Francis Harbour |
 | St. Francis Xavier University, St.FX | Antigonish, NS |
 | St. George and St. Andrew United Church | Annapolis Royal |
 | St. George's Anglican Church, Parish of The Parrsboro Shore | Parrsboro |
 | St. George's Anglican Church (Pugwash) | Pugwash |
 | St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church | Liverpool |
 | St. James Anglican Church | Bridgetown |
 | St. James Anglican Church | Kentville |
 | St. James Anglican Church, Hall Rental | Kentville |
 | St. James Hall | Halfway Cove |
 | St. James Lutheran Church | Branch LaHave |
 | St. James Presbyterian Church | Truro |
 | St. James Presbyterian Church Oxford | Oxford |
| St. John Ambulance, Therapy Dog Program | Dartmouth |
 | St. John Ambulance, Volunteer Medical Responder Program | Dartmouth |
 | St. John Ambulance Emergency First Aid & Cpr (BLSB) | Bridgewater |
 | St. John Ambulance NS/ PEI, SAVING LIVES at work, home and play | Dartmouth |
 | St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid & CPR C | Bridgewater |
 | St. John Ambulance Volunteer Medical Responder, Windsor, Hants County | Highfield Park (Dartmouth) |
 | St. John the Baptist Church of All Saints Parish-Cumberland County, Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth | Springhill |
 | St. John’s Anglican Church | Lunenburg |
 | St. John's Anglican Church | Brooklyn (Queens Co.) |
 | St. John's Anglican Church (Truro) | Truro |
 | St. John's United Church | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | St. John's United Church, Riverport Pastoral Charge | Middle LaHave |
 | St. Joseph Renewal Centre | Mabou |
| St. Joseph’s Lakeside Community Centre | St. Joseph's, Antigonish County |
 | St. Joseph’s Parish Hall | Larry's River |
 | St. Joseph’s Parish Hall | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | St. Joseph's Chiefs Softball | St. Joseph's, Antigonish County |
 | St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church | Kentville |
 | St. Luke's Anglican Church | Annapolis Royal |
| St. Margaret's Bay Area Rails to Trails Association | St. Margarets Bay |
 | St. Margaret's Bay Area Trail | St. Margarets Bay |
| St. Margaret's Bay Storm Lacrosse Association, Lacrosse | Tantallon |
 | St. Margaret's Community Hall | Grand Mira South |
 | St. Mark’s United Church | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
| St. Mary’s Shooters Association | Stillwater |
 | St. Mary's Anglican Church | Auburn |
 | St. Mary's Archers of Truro | Hilden |
| St. Mary's ATV Club | Sherbrooke |
 | St. Mary's Community Development and Recreation Department | Municipality of the District of St Mary's |
 | St. Mary's Curling Club | Sherbrooke |
 | St. Mary's District Lions Club | Sherbrooke |
 | St. Mary's Education Centre/Academy | Sherbrooke |
 | St. Mary's Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Aylesford |
 | St. Marys Fitness Centre | Sherbrooke |
 | St. Mary's Parish Hall | Maryvale, Antigonish County |
 | St. Mary's Recplex | Sherbrooke |
 | St. Mary's River Association | Sherbrooke |
| St. Mary's Trail Association | Municipality of the District of St Mary's |
 | St. Matthew's United Church, Clyde Carleton Pastoral Charge | Clyde River |
 | St. Michael Catholic Church, Mission of Immaculate Conception Parish | Brule |
 | St. Monica's Catholic Church | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | St. Patrick's Catholic Women's League | Margaree Valley |
 | St. Paul the Apostle Church of All Saints Parish-Cumberland County, Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth | River Hebert |
 | St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ladies Aid | Bridgewater |
 | St. Paul's Presbyterian Church | Truro |
 | St. Paul's United Church, Clyde Carleton Pastoral Charge | Carleton Village |
 | St. Peter's Baseball Field | St. Peter's |
 | St. Peters Battery Provincial Park | St. Peter's |
 | St. Peter's by the Sea Community Society | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | St. Peters Canal | St. Peter's |
 | St. Peter's Church, Saint-Pierre Catholic Church | Middle West Pubnico |
 | St. Peter's Coastal Trail | St. Peter's |
 | St. Peter's Girl Guide Unit | Richmond County |
 | St. Peter's Library | St. Peter's |
 | St. Peter's Marina | St. Peter's |
 | St. Peter's Park Trail | St. Peter's |
 | St. Peter's Place Hall | Monastery, Antigonish County |
 | St. Peter's Royals Baseball Club | St. Peter's |
 | St. Phillips Street Playground | Bridgewater |
 | St. Thomas Aquinas Church of All Saints Parish, Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth | Joggins |
 | St. Thomas More Church of All Saints Parish-Cumberland County, Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth | Pugwash |
 | Stadium Ballfields | Truro |
 | Staghorn Shooting Range (Private Club) | Coalburn |
 | Stan 'Chook' Maxwell Memorial Park | Truro |
 | Stan Rogers Folk Festival | Canso |
 | Stanfields Ballfield | Truro |
 | Station Hill Amusements | Louisbourg |
 | Stations of the Cross | Eskasoni |
| Stay Active Outdoors | Antigonish County |
 | Ste. Anne's Camp | West Dalhousie |
 | Stella Maris Catholic Church Hall | Louisbourg |
 | Stellar Curling Club | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton & Area Lions Club, Service Club | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton & Area Minor Girls Softball Association | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton Fire Dept/Hall | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton Foster Avenue Horseshoe Pits | Stellarton |
| Stellarton Learn to Skate Program, Power Skating | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton Memorial Rink | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton Minor Baseball Association | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton Poplar Street Tennis Courts | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton Public Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton Recreation Department | Stellarton |
 | Stellarton Recreation Summer Day Camp Program | Stellarton |
| Step into Spring - Walking Program | Colchester County |
 | STEPS on Arthur, Colchester Community Workshops | Central Colchester |
 | Steve Nash Youth Basketball | Amherst |
 | Stewiacke and District Fire Department | Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Baptist Church | Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Community Centre, Fire Hall | Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Legion, Branch #70 | Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Library Branch- Colchester East Hants, Book Buddies (Stewiacke Branch) | Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Recreation Grounds | Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke River Country Trail | Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke River Park | Stewiacke East |
| Stewiacke River Park Trail | Stewiacke East |
 | Stewiacke Town Day Festival, Annual Summer Event | Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Valley 4-H | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Valley Baptist Church | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Valley Farmers' Market | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Valley Garden Club | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Stewiacke Valley Museum, Stewiacke Valley Historical Society | Upper Stewiacke |
 | StFX Art Gallery | Antigonish, NS |
 | StFX Dance Studio, Keating Centre | Antigonish, NS |
 | StFX Indoor Racquet Sport Courts, Amelia Saputo Centre for Healthy Living | Antigonish, NS |
 | StFX Memorial Field | Antigonish, NS |
 | StFX Soccer Pitch | Antigonish, NS |
 | Stfx Track and Field Club | Antigonish, NS |
 | StFX Track and Field Facilities | Antigonish, NS |
 | StFX Turf Field and Stadium | Antigonish, NS |
 | Stirling/Framboise/Fourchu Seniors | Stirling |
 | Stoddard Island Lighthouse, Emerald Isle Lighthouse | Shag Harbour |
 | Stonewall Park | Sherbrooke |
 | Stoney Island Beach | Cape Sable Island |
 | Stoneyhill (Lockhartville) United Baptist Church | Lockhartville |
 | Storm Warning Paintball | Steam Mill |
 | Storm Warning Paintball, Outdoor Field | Steam Mill |
 | Strait Area 4-H Club | Newtown |
 | Strait Area Community Curling Club | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Strait Area Education Recreation Centre, SAERC | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Strait Area Minor Baseball Association | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Strait Area Pool | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Strait Area Soccer Club | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
| Strait Area Trails Association | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Strait of Canso Yacht Club | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Strait Pirate Jr. B Hockey Organization | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
| Strait Richmond Minor Hockey Association | Antigonish District 9 |
 | Strait Richmond Minor Hockey Association | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Strand Bowling | Sydney Mines |
 | Strangs Lane Boat Launch and picnic area | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Strategic Partnership Program, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Strathspey Performing Arts Centre | Mabou |
 | Strawberry Festival | Point Tupper |
 | Streetscape, Memorials | Lockeport |
 | Strength & Tone | Mahone Bay |
 | Strength and Cardio Fitness, Kingsport Fitness and Wellness Society | Kingsport |
| Strokes of Colour Art Studio | Pictou |
| Stroller Fit, Stroller | West Hants |
 | Stronach Park Fitness Trail | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Studio Rental, The Landing Spa & Studio | Canning |
 | Studio Singers, Community Choir | Chester |
 | StudioFit | Truro |
 | Stumpy Cove Park | Lower Clark's Harbour |
 | Sugar Moon Farm, OPEN Year Round! | Earltown |
 | Sugar Moon Farm & Wildlife Park - Bus Trips | Bridgewater |
 | Sumac Farms | Trenton |
 | Summer Festival West Bay | West Bay Road |
 | Summer 2020 - Annapolis Royal | Annapolis Royal |
 | Summer 2020 - New Minas | New Minas |
| Summer 2020 - Port Williams | Port Williams |
 | Summer 2020 - Town of Berwick | Berwick |
 | Summer 2020 - Village of Canning | Canning |
 | Summer 2020 - West Hants Regional Municipality | West Hants |
 | Summer 2022 - Town of Middleton | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Summer 2022 - Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
| Summer Camps in Cape Breton | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Summer Concerts in the Park | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Summer Day Camp | Bridgewater |
| Summer Day Camp, Summer | West Hants |
 | Summer Day Camp Programs | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Summer Day Camps | Richmond County |
 | Summer in Ross Ferry, Sunday Farmers Market, Sunday BBQ with our world famous Fries, information sessions on Thursday evenings. | Ross Ferry |
 | Summer Learning Series | Richmond County |
 | Summer Mobile Day Camp Program | Guysborough County |
| Summer Music Series, Jost Vineyard | Malagash |
 | Summer Musical Showcase | Pictou |
 | Summer Open Gym on the Field | Kentville |
 | Summer Play in the Park Series | Kentville |
 | Summer Playground Program | Lockeport |
 | Summer Soccer Program | Lockeport |
 | Summer Street Industries Society | New Glasgow |
| Summer Themed Fused Glass Workshop, Summer Themed Fused Glass Workshop | |
 | Summerville & District Fire Department | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Summerville & District Fire Hall | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Summerville Beach Provincial Park | Summerville Centre |
 | Summerville Family Beach Party | Summerville (Queens Co.) |
 | Summerville Lantern Festival | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Summerville Walking Trail | Summerville Centre |
 | Sunblock Volleyball Camp | Antigonish, NS |
 | Sunday in the Park Concert Series, 2-4 pm at Victoria Park | Truro |
 | Sunday Night Jazz, Roadside Willie's | Bible Hill |
 | Sunday Point Beach | Kelleys Cove |
| Sunday's on Snow Program | Victoria County |
 | Sunflowers, Sunshine & Winery Tour - Bus Trips | Bridgewater |
 | Sunken Lake Camp | Sunken Lake |
 | Sunnybrae Equestrian Centre | Sunny Brae |
 | Sunnyville Ball Field | Sunnyville |
 | Sunnyville Community Hall | Sunnyville |
| Sunrise 4-H Club | Cumberland County |
 | Sunrise Baptist Church | Tatamagouche |
 | Sunrise Beach Golf and Country Club | Tatamagouche |
 | Sunrise Senior Citizens of Northport | Northport |
 | Sunrise Stables | North Sydney |
 | Sunrise Trail ATV Club | Cumberland County |
 | Sunrise Trinity United Church | Northport |
 | Sunset Watch Family Campground | Pictou County |
 | Sunset Watch Family Campgrounds | Brule |
 | Sunship Earth | Upper Vaughan |
 | Sunstone Academy | Truro |
 | Support4Sport Program, Sport Nova Scotia | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Supported Community Living Options | Bridgewater |
 | Surf Boating Tours, South Shore Surf Shop | Lunenburg |
 | Surf Classic | Richmond County |
 | Surf Lodge Nursing Home | Lockeport |
 | Surfing Association of Nova Scotia | Dartmouth |
 | Survivors of Abuse Recovering, SOAR | Kentville |
 | Sutherland Steam Mill Museum | Denmark |
 | Sutherlands Lake Trail Groomers Association | Sutherland Lake |
 | Sutherland's River & District Community Centre | Sutherland's River |
 | SW Margaree Community Playground | South West Margaree |
 | Swanone Pilates & Training Studio, Specializing in classes in Strength Training, TRX, Barre, Pilates and Yoga. Also personal training with a focus on preventative and functional | Kentville |
 | Swansburg Lanes | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Sweeney's Gym and Fitness Centre | Sydney |
 | Sweet Ride Cycling | Mahone Bay |
 | Swim Lessons Program, Nova Scotia Youth Facility | Waterville |
 | Swim Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Swim the Canal | St. Peter's |
 | Swimming Lessons Schedule | Sherose Island |
 | Swiss Air Memorial Site, Park | Bayswater |
 | Swiss Air Memorial Site, Park | Peggys Cove |
 | SWITCH Open Streets | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Sydney Academy | Sydney |
 | Sydney Adult Education Center, It is Never Too Late | Sydney |
 | Sydney Boardwalk | Sydney |
 | Sydney Community Garden | Sydney |
 | Sydney Curling Club | Sydney |
| Sydney Fields & Outdoor Space | Sydney |
 | Sydney Forks Recreation Centre | Sydney Forks |
 | Sydney FSC | Sydney |
 | Sydney Mines and District Community Centre | Sydney Mines |
 | Sydney Mines Junior High School | Sydney Mines |
 | Sydney Mines Minor Baseball | Sydney |
 | Sydney Minor Baseball | Sydney |
 | Sydney Minor Hockey Association | Sydney |
 | Sydney Mosquito Sooners | Sydney |
 | Sydney River Elementary | Sydney River |
 | Sydney River Tennis Club | Sydney River |
 | Sydney School of Kickboxing | Sydney |
 | Sydney Squash Club | Sydney |
 | Sydney Waterfront District | Sydney |
 | Sydney Youth Health Centre | Sydney |
| Sylvan Lakers Seniors Group | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
 | Sylver Service- Assisted Public Access for Seniors, Your Places at your Paces | Debert |
 | Sylvester Ballfield | Sylvester |
 | Synchro Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Szeto Fitness Studio | Sydney |
 | T’ai Chi Sessions | Ingonish |
 | TAAC Grounds and Club House | Truro |
 | Table Head Development Society | Glace Bay |
 | Table Tennis, Annapolis Royal Recreation | Annapolis Royal |
 | Tai Chi | Pictou |
| TAI CHI Beginner | Wallace |
 | Tai Chi Cape Breton, 108 Moving Meditation, Sabre, Loh Kup | Belle Cote |
 | Take the Roof Off Winter | South Shore Region |
 | Take The Roof Off Winter at the MARC | Dayspring |
 | Tamarac Education Centre, TEC | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Tami Community Park | Coldbrook |
 | Tancook Island, Ferry | Tancook Island |
 | Tancook Island, Recreational Centre | Tancook Island |
 | Tancook Island Tourism | Tancook Island |
 | T'Angèle Boudreau-Zumba/École Beau-Port Activity Coordinator | Richmond County |
 | TANGO BRIDGEWATER | Bridgewater |
 | Tantramar Chapter IODE | Amherst |
 | Tantramar Community Radio Society, CFTA 107.9 FM | Amherst |
 | Tantramar Kennel Club | Amherst |
| Tantramar Pony Club | Cumberland County |
 | Tapestry Yoga | Sydney |
 | TapRoot Farms | Port Williams |
 | Tara Lynne Community Centre | River Bourgeois |
 | Tartan Field Off Leash Dog Park | New Glasgow |
| Tata Fest, Family Fun | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche and Area Minor Hockey | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Area Singers | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Centre | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Curling Club | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Farmers' Market | Tatamagouche |
| Tatamagouche Festival of Soil, Soul, and Society | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Gospel Hall | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Grain Elevator Village | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Provincial Park | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Public Library | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Skating Club, CanSkate and StarSkate | Tatamagouche |
 | Tatamagouche Visitor Information Centre | Tatamagouche |
 | TD Wealth Port Hood Triathlon | Port Hood |
 | Tea & Company | Bridgewater |
 | Teddy Bear Jamboree, Falmouth Community Hall | Falmouth |
| Teen Turf Takeover, Turf West Hants Sports Complex | West Hants |
 | Temple United Baptist Church | Barrington Passage |
 | Ten Days in October | Parrsboro |
 | Ten Mile Lake Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Middlefield |
 | Tennis Courts | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Tennis Courts, Annapolis Royal Recreation | Annapolis Royal |
 | Tennis Lessons | Hebron |
 | Tennis Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Terry Fox Run | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Terry Fox Run | Berwick |
 | Terry Fox Run | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | That Dutchman's Cheese Farm | Economy |
 | The Admiral Lake Loop Trail | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | The Alderwood Walking Track | Baddeck |
 | The Annual Wishmaker Walk Truro NS, Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, Nova Scotia Chapter | Truro |
 | The Ark, Lunenburg County Association for the Specially Challenged | Bridgewater |
 | The Arthritis Society, Colchester Branch | Truro |
| The Artists Circle of the Annapolis Valley | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | The Astor Theatre, Astor Theatre Society | Liverpool |
 | The Awesome Foundation South Shore, Awesome South Shore | Lunenburg County |
 | The Bicycle Specialist and Sport | Amherst |
| The Big Block Walk | Amherst |
 | The Blockhouse School Project | Blockhouse |
 | The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail | Timberlea |
 | The Booker School | Port Williams |
 | The Bread Gallery | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | The Bread Run, The Bread Run Society | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | The Brothers Islands, Birding | Lower West Pubnico |
 | The Cambridge Community Centre | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
| The Canadian Centre of Indian Head Massage, Holistic Sessions and Training in Indian Head Massage, Rejuvenating Face Massage, Usui Reiki, Ayurvedic Foot Massage, Axiatonal Alignment | Windsor |
 | The Cantabile Society of Truro, Cantabile Singers of Truro, Cantabile Boys' Choir, Cantabile Impact! Youth Choir | Truro |
 | The Chester Playhouse Theatre, Chester Theatre Council Society | Chester |
 | The Children's Wish Foundation, Nova Scotia Chapter | Dartmouth |
 | The Clayground Studio, Paint-it-yourself Pottery Studio | Wolfville |
 | The Coal Shed Music Festival | Yarmouth (town) |
 | The Coastal Discovery Centre, Main-A-Dieu Community Development Association | Main-a-Dieu |
 | The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq, CMM | Truro |
 | The Dill Farm | Windsor |
 | The Dive Corner | North Sydney |
 | The Doryman Tournament | Cheticamp |
| The Duke of Edinburgh’s Independent Award Centre and Recreation Centre Partnership | Kentville |
 | The Evangeline Club, Berwick, Nova Scotia, Evangeline Club | Berwick |
| The Fezziwig Society | Wolfville |
 | The Fisherman's Memorial | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | The Flying Apron Cookery | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | The Friends of the Yarmouth Light Society | Cape Forchu |
 | The Gaelic College, Colaisde na Gàidhlig | St Anns |
 | The Gibraltor Loop Trail | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | The Glencoe Mills Square Dance | Mabou |
 | The Gorge, Mountain Bike, Walking, & Snowshoe Trails | Kentville |
 | The Greendoor Tournament | Cheticamp |
 | The Greenfield Driving Range | Inverness |
 | The Guiding Light Spiritual Group | Truro |
 | The Halifax Urban Greenway | South End Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
| The Hall, Movie Night | Parrsboro |
 | The Hall- Parrsboro Culture and Community Centre, Parrsboro Citizen's Band Association/ Choir | Parrsboro |
 | The Harrison Lewis Centre | Port Joli |
 | The Hatfield House, Culinary Experiences | Tusket |
 | The Hawk Beach, The Drowned Forest | Cape Sable Island |
 | The Horsemen's Club, THC Events | Truro |
 | The Horton Gallery | Pugwash |
 | The Islands Provincial Park | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | The Jello Tree | Lockeport |
| The Joe Earle Memorial Day Road Races | Trenton |
 | The John Crawford Trail | Stewiacke |
 | The Jubilee | New Glasgow |
 | The Lakes Golf Club | Ben Eoin |
 | The Landing Spa & Studio, Fitness Classes | Canning |
 | The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada, Team in Training | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | The Links at Penn Hills, Golf Course | Shubenacadie East |
 | The Little People's Place, Child Care Centre | Shelburne (town of) |
 | The Lochaber Centre | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
 | The Lockeport Loop | Lockeport |
 | The Lord's Ranch Ministry | Meadowvale |
 | The LumberYard Axe Throwing | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | The Mabou & District Athletic Centre | Mabou |
 | The Marian Hall | Yarmouth (town) |
 | The Meadows Home for Special Care, Multipurpose room | Yarmouth (town) |
 | The Mersey Band, Mersey Band Society | Liverpool |
 | The Morton Centre | Heckmans Island |
 | The Mudley Fund, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | The Musquodoboit Trailway | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | The Mystery of the Black Duck: A Miner's Marsh Adventure | |
 | The Nature Olympics: A Lockhart Ryan Memorial Park Adventure | New Minas |
 | The Nature Olympics: A Lockhart Ryan Memorial Park Adventure | New Minas |
| The Nia Technique, Nia | Antigonish, NS |
 | The Nova Scotia Sea School, Sailing and wilderness adventures for youth | Lunenburg |
 | The Nova Scotia Sea School, Summer Adventures | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | The Old Confidence Lodge, Studio and Stage | Riverport |
 | The Parish Centre | Yarmouth (town) |
 | The Parish of Christ Church Shelburne | Shelburne (town of) |
 | The Park! Charles E. Church Park | Chester |
 | The Peoples Church | Truro |
 | The Perkins House Museum | Liverpool |
 | The Pipers Guild, Your Scotian Music Connection | Chester Basin |
 | The Provincial Taekwondo Society of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | The Rack Bar and Billiards | New Glasgow |
| The Railyard Mountain Bike Park | Truro and Area |
 | The Recreation Hub | Kentville |
 | The Riverport & Area Community Choir | Riverport |
 | The Rosalin Nickerson "CARE" Fund Society | Barrington Passage |
| The Rug Hooking Guild of Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
 | The Rug Hooking Guild of Nova Scotia, South Shore Branch | Bridgewater |
 | The Salvages, Lighthouse | Cape Negro |
 | The Salvation Army, Bridgewater Corps | Bridgewater |
 | The Salvation Army, Thrift Store and Community Ministries | Amherst |
 | The Salvation Army Liverpool Community Church | Liverpool |
 | The Salvation Army Scotian Glen Camp | Thorburn |
 | The Salvation Army Yarmouth Community Church | Yarmouth (town) |
 | The Sandlot Ballfield | Antigonish, NS |
 | The Song of the Paddle | Yarmouth County |
 | The South Shore Chorale, Non-Auditioned Community Choir | Bridgewater |
 | The Spike Fund, Financial Assistance Program to Access Recreation | Kentville |
 | The Stewart Memorial "Off-Leash" Dog Park | Chester |
 | The Stewiacke Barking Lot Association, Stewiacke & Area Off-Leash Dog Park | Stewiacke |
 | The Stone Church | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | The Sun Gym | Bay St. Lawrence |
 | The UPS Store South Shore Mustangs Major Midget Hockey Club | Bridgewater |
 | The Wallace Lucas Community Centre | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | The Wellness Walkers | Iona |
 | The Wild Side of Town, A Wolfville Millennium Trail Adventure | Wolfville |
 | The Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia (WINS), Chelsea Branch, Lunenburg District | Chelsea |
 | The Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia (WINS), Kempt Branch | Kempt |
 | The Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia (WINS), Lunenburg Branch, Lunenburg District | Lunenburg |
 | The Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia (WINS), North Brookfield Branch | North Brookfield |
 | The Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia (WINS), Parkdale/Maplewood Branch, Lunenburg District | Maplewood |
 | The Yarmouth Arts Regional Council, Th'YARC | Yarmouth (town) |
 | The Yarmouth Waterfront Gallery | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Theatre Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
 | Theatre Auditions | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Theatre Baddeck | Baddeck |
 | Their Light Will Always Shine - Westray Memorial Park | New Glasgow |
| Therapeutic Riding @ Forever Memories | Bible Hill |
 | There be Dragons Here: A Kentville Ravine Adventure | Kentville |
 | Thinkers Lodge National Historic Site | Pugwash |
 | Third Horton Baptist Church | Canaan |
 | Thistle Handgun Club | New Glasgow |
 | Thomas Cove: Economy Trail | Economy |
 | Thomas Cove: Headlands Trail | Economy |
 | Thomas Raddall Provincial Park | East Port L'Hebert |
 | Thomas Raddall Research Centre | Liverpool |
 | Thompson Junior High | North Sydney |
 | Thorbourne Field | Liverpool |
 | Thorburn Consolidated School | Thorburn |
 | Thorburn Fire Dept/Hall | Thorburn |
 | Thorburn Mohawk Ballfield | Thorburn |
 | Thorburn Trail | Thorburn |
| Three Harbours Pastoral Charge | Fundy Region |
 | Three Mile Plains Community Hall | Three Mile Plains |
 | Three Mile Plains District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Three Mile Plains |
 | Three on Three Hockey School | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Three Rivers Community Centre | Torbrook |
| Three Way 4-H Club | Cumberland County |
| Thrive! | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Through the Years Daycare & Community Centre | Hubbards |
 | Thrown Together Pottery and Art | Truro |
 | Thursday Night Ceilidhs | Inverness |
 | Thurston Creek Campground | Clyde River |
 | Tidal Bore Rafting Resort, Rafters Ridge Cottages | East Hants |
 | Tidal Bore Rafting Shubie River Wranglers | Green Oaks |
 | Tidal Spirit Taekwondo | Avonport |
 | Tide Fest Music Festival, East Hants' First Home Coming Weekend | East Hants |
| Tidnish Bridge Art Gallery | Tidnish Bridge |
| Tidnish Bridge Art Gallery, Acrylics for Adults | Tidnish |
 | Tidnish Bridge Fire Department | Tidnish Bridge |
 | Tidnish Crossroads & Area Community Association, TCCA | Tidnish |
 | Tidnish Dock Provincial Park | Tidnish |
 | Tim Hortons Children's Camp | Tatamagouche |
 | Tim Horton's Soccer Field | Truro |
| Timbits Soccer | Springhill |
 | Tinsmith Museum and Craft Shop | East Hants |
 | Tinsmith Museum and Craft Shop | East Hants |
 | Tittle Road Wharf | Surettes Island |
 | Tkipok Trail, Old Arcadia School Trail | Arcadia |
 | Tobeatic Wilderness Reserve, Tobeatic Wilderness Area | East Kemptville |
 | Toddler Tonics, Kings County Family Resource Centre | Kentville |
 | Tom Tigney Trail | Shelburne County |
 | Tompkins Memorial Elementary School | Reserve Mines |
 | Tompkins Memorial Library | Reserve Mines |
 | Toney River Community Hall | Toney River |
 | Toney River Wharf Beach | Toney River |
 | Tools for Life Conference & Exhibit, 2015 - 10th Annual | Kings County (NS) |
 | TOPS NS #5116 East Chester | East Chester |
 | Tor Bay Legion Hall (Larry's River) | Charlos Cove |
 | Tor Bay Provincial Park Beach | Tor Bay |
 | Tora Kai Judo | Glace Bay |
 | Torbrook Mines United Church | Torbrook Mines |
 | Torbrook Topless Car Club | Torbrook |
 | Torchlight Event & Public Skate | Kentville |
 | Tournament of King's, Golf Tournament | Allains Creek |
 | Town and Country Quilters Guild | Port Williams |
| Town of Amherst Christmas Parade | Amherst and Area |
| Town of Amherst Recreation Department | Amherst |
| Town of Amherst Stay-cation | Amherst |
 | Town of Antigonish Baseball Field | Antigonish, NS |
 | Town of Antigonish Beach Volleyball Courts | Antigonish, NS |
 | Town of Antigonish Recreation Department | Antigonish, NS |
 | Town of Antigonish Softball Field | Antigonish, NS |
 | Town of Bridgewater, Recreation | Bridgewater |
 | Town of Clark's Harbour | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Town of Clark's Harbour Boardwalk | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Town of Clark's Harbour Playground | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Town of Lockeport, Lockeport Recreation/Culture/Tourism | Lockeport |
 | Town of Lockeport Fire Department | Lockeport |
 | Town of Lunenburg, Lunenburg Recreation | Lunenburg |
 | Town of Mahone Bay | Mahone Bay |
 | Town of Middleton COVID-19 Resources | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Town of Oxford, Recreation | Oxford |
| Town of Oxford 15th Annual Christmas Parade | Oxford |
 | Town of Port Hawkesbury Volunteer Fire Department | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Town of Shelburne | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Town of Stewiacke, Recreation | Stewiacke |
 | Town of Stewiacke Community Play boxes | Stewiacke |
 | Town of Stewiacke March Break Camp | Stewiacke |
 | Town of Truro, Parks, Recreation and Culture | Truro |
 | Town of Truro Annual Easter Egg Hunt | Truro |
 | Town of Truro Art Acquisition Program | Truro |
| Tracadie & District Fire Department | Monastery, Antigonish County |
 | Tracadie Ballfield | Tracadie |
 | Tracadie Minor Ball Association | Tracadie |
 | Trail Blazers Minor Baseball | Grand Étang |
 | Trailblazers Forest Play, Outdoor After School Program | Kentville |
| Trailblazers Outdoor Play After School Program | Kings County (NS) |
| TrailFlow Outdoor Adventures, Mountain Biking Programs and Guiding | Eastern & Central Kings |
 | Trails Day | Victoria County |
| Trans Canada Trail: Colchester County | Colchester County |
 | Trappers Association of Nova Scotia | Lunenburg |
 | Travel Program, Sport Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Travellers Field | Yarmouth (town) |
| Travelling Kindness Rocks | Windsor |
 | Treasures of Mahone Bay | Mahone Bay |
 | Trecothic Creek & Windsor Railway, TCWR | Windsor |
 | Tree Lighting and Community Social, Village of Port Williams | Port Williams |
 | Tremont Board Game Café | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Tremont Community Hall | Tremont |
| Trenton & Area Minor Softball Association | Trenton |
 | Trenton Elementary School | Trenton |
 | Trenton Fire Dept/Hall | Trenton |
 | Trenton Heritage Room | Trenton |
 | Trenton Learn to Skate | Trenton |
 | Trenton Middle School | Trenton |
 | Trenton Minor Sports Community Centre | Trenton |
 | Trenton Parks & Recreation | Trenton |
 | Trenton Public Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Trenton |
 | Trenton Skatepark & Outdoor Courts | Trenton |
 | Trenton Steeltown Centennial Park | Trenton |
 | Trestle Trail | Liverpool |
 | Tri District Fire Rescue | Newcombville |
 | Tri District Fire Rescue, Junior Firefighter's Program | Newcombville |
 | Triassic Park Ballfield | Parrsboro |
 | Triathlon Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Tri-County Basketball Association | East Hants |
 | Tri-County Pregnancy Care Centre | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Tri-County Women's Centre, Shelburne Satellite Office | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Tri-County Women's Centre, Yarmouth Office | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Trinity Anglican Church | Liverpool |
 | Trinity St. Stephen's United Church | Amherst |
 | Trinity United Church | Waterville |
 | Trinity United Church, Onslow-Belmont Pastoral Charge | Upper Onslow |
| Trinity United Church (Amherst) | Amherst Point |
 | Trinity United Church (Parrsboro) | Parrsboro |
 | Trinity United Church Oxford | Oxford |
 | Trinity United Church, Pleasant River, Caledonia & Maitland Bridge | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Tri-Star Charters, Yarmouth Tours | Yarmouth (town) |
| Tri-Town ABC | North Sydney |
 | Trot in Time Carriage Tours | Lunenburg |
 | Trout Brook Provincial Park | East Lake Ainslie |
 | Trout Point Lodge, Daily Cooking Classes, Stargazing Tours | Kemptville |
 | True Nature Yoga Studio | Pictou |
 | Truemanville Volunteer Fire Department | Truemanville |
 | Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce | Truro |
 | Truro & District Lions Club, Disabled Bowling | Bible Hill |
| Truro Al-Anon | Truro and Area |
 | Truro Alliance Church | Truro |
 | Truro Allstar Cheer & Tumble, Competitive and Recreational Cheerleading | Truro |
 | Truro Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group, Seniors | Truro |
 | Truro Amateur Radio Club | Truro |
 | Truro and Area Ladies 7-a-side Soccer | Truro |
 | Truro and Area Minor Hockey | Truro |
 | Truro and District Lions Club | Truro |
 | Truro and District Mixed Slo Pitch Association | Bible Hill |
 | Truro Art Society | Truro |
 | Truro Bearcats Lacrosse | Truro |
 | Truro Bellydance, Belly Dance Classes in Truro, NS | Truro |
 | Truro Business Ladies Softball League | Central North River |
 | Truro Canada Day Celebration | Truro |
 | Truro Carvers, SEEKING NEW MEMBERS | Truro |
 | Truro Centurions Swim Club, Do you love to swim? Are you curious about competitive swimming? Then the Centurions are waiting for you! | Truro |
 | Truro Christian Women's Club | Bible Hill |
 | Truro Civic Square | Truro |
 | Truro Community Blood Drives, In cooperation with the Truro Lions Club | Truro |
 | Truro Concert Band | Truro |
 | Truro Cougars Volleyball Club (Female) | Truro |
 | Truro Curling Club | Truro |
 | Truro District School Bands Auxiliary | Truro |
 | Truro Duplicate Bridge Club | Truro |
 | Truro Elementary School | Truro |
 | Truro Equipment Loan Program | Truro |
 | Truro Farmers' Market Cooperative | Truro |
 | Truro Figure Skating Club | Truro |
 | Truro Fire Hall Community Room, Truro Fire Service | Truro |
 | Truro Flying Club | Debert |
 | Truro Golf Club | Truro |
 | Truro Gyro Club | Truro |
 | Truro Head Start School Society | Truro |
 | Truro Heights United Baptist Church | Truro |
 | Truro Housing Outreach Society, 211 | Truro |
 | Truro Junior High School | Truro |
 | Truro Kung Fu, Martial Arts/ Kung Fu | Truro |
 | Truro Legion, Branch #26 | Truro |
 | Truro Lions Track & Field Club | Truro |
 | Truro Lodge #43 | Bible Hill |
| Truro Marshland Community Garden | Truro |
 | Truro Masjid, Truro Mosque | Bible Hill |
 | Truro Minor Football, A terrific team sport for kids! | Truro |
 | Truro Model Railroaders Association | Truro |
| Truro Model Railroaders Association, Annual Fall Train Show | Colchester County |
| Truro Model Railroaders Association, Maritime Federation of Model Railroaders Annual Convention | Truro |
 | Truro Music Festival | Truro |
| Truro Music Festival, Celebrating 100 years in 2022! | Truro and Area |
 | Truro One Act Play Festival | Truro |
| Truro Raceway, Live Racing | Bible Hill |
| Truro Run Tribe, Learn to Run 5k Course | Truro |
 | Truro Run Tribe, Truro & Colchester County | Truro |
 | Truro Saints Rugby Club, Rugby NS | Truro |
 | Truro Salvation Army Church | Truro |
 | Truro Shambhala Meditation Group | Truro |
 | Truro Soccer Club | Truro |
 | Truro Sport and Wellness Centre, Welcome Students & Staff! | Truro |
| Truro Sport Heritage Annual Awards Ceremony | Truro and Area |
| Truro Sport Heritage Society, Colchester Sport Hall of Fame | Truro |
 | Truro Table Tennis Club, Nova Scotia Table Tennis Association | Truro |
| Truro Tech Tuesday | Truro |
 | Truro Tennis Club | Truro |
 | Truro- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Truro |
 | Truro Tide Volleyball Club | Truro |
 | Truro Tim Hortons Skatepark | Truro |
 | Truro Tree Committee | Truro |
 | Truro Triathlon Club | Truro |
 | Truro Uechiryu Karate Club, UECHI RYU KARATE | Truro |
 | Truro YREACH, YMCA settlement services | Truro |
 | Truro/ Cobequid Al-Anon | Truro |
 | Truro-Bible Hill Off-Leash Dog Park | Truro |
| Truro-North River 4-H, TNR 4-H | North River (Colchester Co.) |
 | Tuesday Night Ceilidhs | Mabou |
 | Tulloch Ballfield & Playground | Inverness |
 | Tumble Tots (ages 18 months - 36 months with parents/caregivers), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Tumblebugs, Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
 | Tumblebugs, Municipality of the District of Shelburne-Recreation & Parks | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Tumblebugs, Yarmouth Recreation | Hebron |
 | Tumblebugs (ages 3 - 5 yrs), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Tupper Lake | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Tupper Park | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Tupperville Annual Strawberry Supper | Tupperville |
 | Tupperville Community Hall | Tupperville |
 | Tupperville School Museum | Tupperville |
 | Turning Point Curling School, Berwick Curling Club | Berwick |
 | Turning Point United Pentecostal Church | Truro |
 | Tusket Ballfield | Tusket |
 | Tusket Island Tours | Wedgeport |
 | Tusket Islands | Tusket |
 | Tusket River Environmental Protection Association | Tusket |
 | Twelve Baskets Food Bank | Nictaux |
| Twilight Ladies Recreational Softball Pictou | Pictou County |
 | Twin Dragon, Kenpo Karate and Kano Jiu Jitsu | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Two Planks and a Passion | Canning |
 | Two Planks and a Passion, Volunteer | Canning |
 | Two Rivers Wildlife Park | Marion Bridge |
 | Tying Scotsman (The) | Margaree Forks |
| UCT | |
| Ugly Christmas Sweater Run | Truro |
 | Uisge Bàn Falls Provincial Park | Forks Baddeck |
| Unama'ki Cape Breton Outdoor Network | |
| Unama'ki Mi'kmaq Surf Camp | Richmond County |
 | Unama'ki Training and Education Center | Eskasoni |
 | Undercurrent Youth Centres | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
| UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve Association | Western Nova Scotia |
 | Uniacke & District Br. # 165, Royal Canadian Legion | East Hants |
 | Uniacke Pines, Golf Course | East Hants |
 | Union Centre Community Hall | Union Centre |
 | Union Presbyterian Church Hall | Albert Bridge |
 | Union Square Community Hall | Union Square |
 | United Baptist Church Charleston | Charleston |
 | United Church Manse | Masstown |
 | United Church Trinity Hall | Mulgrave |
 | United Commercial Travelers, UCT Blomidon Council #918 | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | United Commercial Travelers, UCT- Truro Council #856 | Central Colchester |
 | United Communities Fire Department, United Communities Fire Commission | Cherry Hill |
 | United Communities Marine Park, United Communities Marine Park Society | Voglers Cove |
 | United Way of Colchester County | Truro |
 | United Way of Cumberland County | Amherst |
 | United Way of Lunenburg County | Lunenburg County |
 | United Way of Lunenburg County, Bikes for Kids | Bridgewater |
| Universite Sainte-Anne | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
| Up North Country | Truro |
 | Upper Big Tracadie Community Hall | Upper Big Tracadie |
 | Upper Burlington Community Hall | Upper Burlington |
 | Upper Burlington Planters Trail, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Upper Burlington |
 | Upper Clements Community Hall | Upper Clements |
 | Upper Clyde Social Club | Shelburne County |
 | Upper County United Soccer Club, Upper County Soccer Saints | West Northfield |
 | Upper Northfield Community Hall | Upper Northfield |
 | Upper Room Food Bank | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Upper Stewiacke Community School, After School Hours Recreation & Local 4-H | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Upper Stewiacke Fire Hall, Volunteer Fire Department | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Upper Stewiacke United Church | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Upper Stewiacke Village Green Park, Upper Stewiacke Community Association | Colchester County |
 | Upper Vaughan Community Hall | Upper Vaughan |
 | Upper Vaughan's Baptist Church | Upper Vaughan |
 | Upper Whitehead Wharf | Upper Whitehead |
 | Vacation Bible Camp | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Valley and District Volunteer Fire Department | South Ohio |
 | Valley Athletics | Wolfville |
 | Valley Athletics Academy, Summer Athletics Program | Kentville |
 | Valley Autism Centre | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Valley Bulldogs Rookie Rugby | Kings County (NS) |
 | Valley Cheer Athletics | Kentville |
 | Valley Child Development Association, VCDA | Kentville |
 | Valley District Soccer Association | Kentville |
 | Valley Drive-In Theatre | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Valley Electronic Music Arts Expo, VEMAE | Kentville |
 | Valley Elementary School | Valley |
| Valley Female Leadership Network | |
 | Valley Gardeners Club | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Valley Gate Vineyard Christian Fellowship | Kentville |
| Valley Ghost Walks | Kings County (NS) |
 | Valley Harvest Marathon | Wolfville |
 | Valley Hockey Development | Kentville |
| Valley Judo Club | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Valley Karate Club, Chitō-ryū | Granville Ferry |
 | Valley Minor Football Association, Valley Bulldogs | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Valley Nature Trail | Valley |
| Valley Nova Scotia Seniors | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Valley Proud Bicycle Tour | Waterville |
 | Valley Raceway Stock Car Races | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Valley Rugby Union | Kings County (NS) |
 | Valley Scottish Country Dancers | Greenwich |
 | Valley Scottish Country Dancers | Greenwich |
 | Valley Search and Rescue | Port Williams |
 | Valley Stamp Club (EST 1961) | |
| Valley Thunder Lacrosse | Berwick |
| Valley Trekkers Volkssport Club | Kentville |
 | Valley Voices Chorus | |
| Valley Wild Female Hockey Association | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Valley Women's Business Network | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Valley Women's Connection | Kings County (NS) |
 | Valley Woods Park | Stellarton |
 | Valley Woods Playground | Stellarton |
 | Valley Yoga Fest | Kentville |
 | Valley-Greenfield United Church | Valley |
 | Valley-Kemptown District Fire Brigade | Valley |
 | Valleyview Provincial Park | Bridgetown |
 | Van Tassel Lake Trails | Digby (Town) |
 | Velo Cape Breton Bike Club, Cycling in Cape Breton | Sydney |
 | Venus Cove Marina, Park, & Playground | Mulgrave |
| Verge House Transition Program | Bridgewater |
 | Veteran’s Memorial Park | New Germany |
 | Veterans Drive Playground | Pictou |
 | Veterans Field | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Veterans Memorial Park | Bass River |
 | Veterans' Memorial Park | Bridgewater |
 | Veterans Memorial Park and Walking Trail | Aylesford |
 | Vial of Life Program | Liverpool |
 | Victoria Beach United Baptist Church | Victoria Beach |
 | Victoria County After School Programming | Victoria County |
 | Victoria County Athletic Club | Victoria County |
 | Victoria Highland Civic Centre, Baddeck Rink | Baddeck |
 | Victoria North Regional Library | Ingonish |
 | Victoria Park | Truro |
 | Victoria Park, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Victoria Park Outdoor Recreation Facility | Westville |
 | Victoria Park Pool | Truro |
 | Victoria Square / Truro Welcome Centre, Due to COVID the Welcome Centre we remain closed for the 2021 Season | Truro |
 | Victoria Vale Baptist Church | Victoria Vale |
 | Victorian Order of Nurses, VON Canada - Eastern Region, Queens County Site | Liverpool |
 | Victorian Order of Nurses, VON Canada Tri County, Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Victorian Order of Nurses, VON Lunenburg County Site, Lunenburg County | Blockhouse |
 | Victoria's Quilts Canada, Tantramar Branch | Amherst |
 | Victory Tae Kwon Do | Kings County (NS) |
 | Victory Taekwondo | Three Mile Plains |
 | Vidito Family Campground & Cottages | Wilmot |
 | Village of Bible Hill | Bible Hill |
 | Village of Bible Hill Snowshoe Borrowing Program | Bible Hill |
 | Village of Bible Hill Summer Camps | Bible Hill |
 | Village of Chester Tourism and Development Association - VOCTADA | Chester |
 | Village of Kingston Recreation | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Village of Port Williams Recreation Department | Port Williams |
 | Villiage Commission of Chester, The Village of Chester | Chester |
 | Vinal Smith, Guide | Hunts Point |
 | Vince Muise Field Walking Track | Sydney River |
 | Vincent J. MacDonald Memorial Participark | Antigonish, NS |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Barrington | Barrington |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Chester | Chester |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Clark's Harbour | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Lockeport | Lockeport |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Lunenburg | Lunenburg |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Shelburne | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Windsor/West Hants | Windsor |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Yarmouth | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Visitor Information Centre and Apple Capital Museum, Berwick | Berwick |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Bear River | Bear River |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Bridgetown | Bridgetown |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Caledonia | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Kentville | Kentville |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Kingston / Greenwood | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Mahone Bay | Mahone Bay |
 | Visitor Information Centre, Middleton | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Visual Arts Nova Scotia, South Shore | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Visual Voice Fine Art, Art Gallery | Truro |
 | Vital Berry Raspberry U-Pick | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Voglers Cove Community Hall, Association | Voglers Cove |
 | Voglers Cove Community Hall, Maggie's Playground | Voglers Cove |
 | Volleyball, Co-Ed Recreational | Kentville |
 | Volleyball, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
| Volleyball Cape Breton | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Volleyball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Vollmer's Island Paradise | West Arichat |
 | Volunteer at Evergreen Home for Special Care | Kentville |
 | Volunteer at Grand View Manor | Berwick |
 | Volunteer Recognition Awards (Annual) - Colchester County and Town of Truro | Truro |
 | Volunteer Recognition Awards Ceremony | Lunenburg |
 | Volunteer Visiting | Blockhouse |
 | Volunteer with Annapolis County Municipal Housing Corporation | Bridgetown |
 | Volunteer with Community Living Alternatives Society, CLAS | Kentville |
 | Volunteer with Kings Regional Rehabilitation Centre | Waterville |
 | Volunteer with Valley Community Learning Association, VCLA | Kentville |
 | Volunteer Work HRM Halifax, Join the force! Be the force! | Nova Scotia |
 | Volunteering with VON | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Volunteers Athletic Fields, L. M. (Mac) Huskilson Memorial Baseball and Soccer Fields | Lockeport |
| VON Colchester East Hants, Live Every Day | Truro |
 | VON Community Support Services | Yarmouth (town) |
 | VON Cumberland | Amherst |
 | W. Laurence Sweeney Fisheries Museum | Yarmouth (town) |
 | WAG, Canine Recreation Centre | Amherst |
 | Wagmatcook Ball fields | Wagmatcook |
 | Wagmatcook Beach | Wagmatcook |
 | Wagmatcook Cultural & Heritage Centre | Wagmatcook |
 | Wagmatcook First Nation | Wagmatcook |
 | Wagmatcook Fitness Centre | Wagmatcook |
 | Wagmatcook Native Walkers | Wagmatcook |
 | Wagmatcook walking in door club | Wagmatcook |
 | Wagmatcook Wharf | Wagmatcook |
 | Wagmatcookewey School | Wagmatcook |
 | Wagner's Taekwondo & Kickboxing | North Alton |
 | Walden Fire Department | Walden |
| Walk n Roll, Indoor Walking | Kings County (NS) |
 | Walk with a Doc, Educate. Exercise. Empower. | Central Colchester |
| Walk Your Way for Autism | Amherst |
 | Walkabout Walking Club | Richmond County |
 | Walking / Running & Fitness Room | Iona |
 | Walking Club | Hazel Hill |
| Walking Group in Canning | Canning |
 | Walking Track, HB Studios Sports Centre | Bridgewater |
 | Wallace and Area Museum Walking Trails | Wallace |
 | Wallace Bay National Wildlife Area Trail | Wallace Bay |
 | Wallace Bernard Memorial Centre | Membertou |
 | Wallace Bernard Memorial Hockey Tournament | Membertou |
 | Wallace Community Centre | Wallace |
 | Wallace Consolidated Elementary School | Wallace |
 | Wallace District Volunteer Fire Department | Wallace |
 | Wallace Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) ; Pathfinders (12-14) | Wallace |
 | Wallace MacAskill Yacht Club | St. Peter's |
 | Wallace Minor Baseball | Wallace |
 | Wallace Recreation, Wallace | Wallace |
 | Wallace River Golf Course | Wallace |
 | Wallace River United Baptist Church | Wallace |
 | Wallace Visitor Information Centre | Wallace |
 | Walter Duggan Consolidated School | Westville |
 | Walton Shore Fire Hall | Walton |
 | Walton Shore Volunteer Fire Department | Walton |
 | Walton Shore Volunteer Fire Department, Hall Rental | Walton |
 | Ward One Social & Recreation Centre | New Glasgow |
 | Ward's Falls Hiking Trail | Parrsboro |
 | Warren Lake Trail | Ingonish |
 | Warwick Mountain Recreation Club | Tatamagouche |
 | Washabuck Community Centre | Lower Washabuck |
 | Waterfront Exercise Equipment, Town of Windsor | Windsor |
 | Waterloo Community Hall | Waterloo |
 | Waterside Beach Provincial Park | Caribou River |
 | Watervale Recreation Center | Watervale |
 | Waterville & District Volunteer Fire Department | Waterville |
 | Waterville & District Volunteer Fire Department, Facility Rental | Waterville |
 | Waterville Baptist Church | Waterville |
 | Waterville Recreation Club | Waterville |
 | Waterville Youth Facility Pool Rentals | Waterville |
| Waverley Amateur Athletic Association, McDonald Sportspark | Waverley (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Wayne Perry Memorial Park | Bear Point |
 | Wayne Perry Memorial Park Association | Bear Point |
 | Wayward Cats Society | Truro and Area |
| Webinar: Reimagining Recreation: The Role of Recreation During a Pandemic and Beyond… | |
 | Wedgeport & District Fire Department | Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport Harbour, Breakwater Wharf | Lower Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport Nature Trail | Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport Parc des Jeunes, Wedgeport Youth Park | Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport School | Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport School Ball-Field | Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport School Soccer Pitch | Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport School Tennis Courts | Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport Sport Tuna Fishing Museum and Interpretive Centre | Lower Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport Tuna Tournament & Festival | Lower Wedgeport |
 | Wedgeport Tuna Wharf | Lower Wedgeport |
| Wedgeport Walkers | Wedgeport |
 | Wednesdays Cards & Social, 50+ | Kentville |
| Wednesday's on Snow | Victoria County |
 | Weekend of Winter | Kentville |
 | Weekly Fun Pool Tournament, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 21 | Annapolis Royal |
 | Weekly Jam Session, Kentville Lions Club | Kentville |
 | We'koma'q Elders Group | We'koqma'q |
 | We'koma'q Extravaganza | We'koqma'q |
 | We'koma'q Mikmaw Physical Activity Leadership | We'koqma'q |
 | We'Koma'q Moosecamp | We'koqma'q |
 | We'koqma'q Child Care | We'koqma'q |
 | We'koqma'q Community Ball Field | Inverness |
 | We'koqma'q Fire Hall | We'koqma'q |
 | We'koqma'q First Nation | We'koqma'q |
 | We'koqma'q Mikmaw School | We'koqma'q |
 | We'koqma'q School Playground | Inverness |
 | Welcome Wagon, Free Greeting Service | Canada |
 | Welkum Park, Municipality of the District of Shelburne | Welshtown |
 | Wellness Clinics | Blockhouse |
 | Wendy Boudreau, Yoga/Core Class Instructor | Richmond County |
| Wentworth Community Library | Wentworth |
 | Wentworth Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) ; Brownies (7-8) ; Guides (9-11) ; Pathfinders (12-14) | Wentworth |
 | Wentworth Learning Centre, Something for everyone... because learning never ends! | Wentworth |
 | Wentworth Park | Sydney |
 | Wentworth Pioneers | East Wentworth |
 | Wentworth Provincial Park | Wentworth |
 | Wentworth Recreation Centre | Wentworth |
| Wentworth Recreation Centre, Wentworth Firemen's Recreation Association | Wentworth and Area |
 | Wentworth Ski Racing Club | Wentworth Centre |
 | Wentworth United Baptist Church | Wentworth |
 | Wentworth United Church | Wentworth |
 | Wentworth Volunteer Fire Department | Wentworth |
 | Wesley United Church - Hunt's Point | Hunts Point |
 | Wesley United Church Women - Hunt's Point, UCW | Hunts Point |
 | West Annapolis Chess Club | Annapolis Royal |
 | West Arm Harbour Ecological Association | Heatherton |
 | West Bay Community Centre | West Bay |
 | West Bay Road Fall fair | West Bay Road |
 | West Branch and Area Community Hall | West Branch |
 | West Brooklyn Community Hall, Hall Rental | Avonport |
 | West Colchester Community Development Association | Colchester County |
 | West Colchester Community Park and Playground, West Colchester Consolidated School | Bass River |
 | West Colchester Consolidated School | Bass River |
| West Colchester Minor Baseball | West Colchester |
 | West Colchester Minor Hockey | Debert |
 | West Colchester Recreation Association | Debert |
 | West Colchester United Arena | Debert |
 | West Dalhousie Baptist Church | West Dalhousie |
 | West Dalhousie Community Hall | West Dalhousie |
 | West End Memorial Elementary School | Springhill |
 | West Green Harbour Recreation Association, William Sperry Memorial Ball Field | West Green Harbour |
| West Hants Active Kids Fund | West Hants |
 | West Hants Education Center, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor |
 | West Hants Ground Search and Rescue, Volunteer | Mount Denson |
 | West Hants Historical Society | Windsor |
 | West Hants Historical Society Museum | Windsor |
 | West Hants Middle School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | West Hants Minor Baseball, Windsor Knights | Windsor |
| West Hants Minor Hockey Association, West Hants Warriors | West Hants |
 | West Hants Minor Softball | St. Croix |
 | West Hants Regional Municipality | West Hants |
| West Hants Regional Municipality, Walking Track West Hants Sports Complex | West Hants |
| West Hants Sports Complex Public Skating, Public Skating | West Hants |
 | West Hants Trails Association | West Hants |
 | West Hants United Soccer Association | West Hants |
| West Hants Wizards | West Hants |
 | West Head Lighthouse | Cape Sable Island |
 | West Highlands Elementary School | Amherst |
 | West Kings District High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Auburn |
 | West Mabou Ball Field | Mabou |
 | West Mabou Beach Provincial Park | West Mabou |
 | West Mabou Community Hall | West Mabou |
 | West Mabou Sports Club | West Mabou |
 | West Mabou Square Dance | Mabou |
 | West Northfield Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | West Northfield |
 | West Northfield Twirlettes | West Northfield |
 | West Nova Fuels Soccer Club, Lunenburg United Soccer Club | Lunenburg |
| West Nova Historical Fencing | Wolfville |
 | West Nova Inclusive Employment Society, Yarmouth Office | Yarmouth (town) |
 | West Paradise Community Hall | West Paradise |
 | West Pictou Consolidated School | Lyons Brook |
| West Pictou Mens Fastball League | Pictou |
 | West Pictou Wildlife Association Rifle Range | Sundridge |
 | West Pubnico Golf and Country Club | Pubnico |
 | West Pubnico Multi Purpose & Tennis Courts | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | West River Fire Department, Community Hall | Central West River |
 | West Side Community Centre & Outdoor Recreation Facilities | New Glasgow |
 | West Side United Church - Pentz | Pentz |
 | Westchester United Baptist Church | Westchester Station |
 | Westchester Volunteer Fire Department | Westchester |
 | Westchester Wesleyan Church | Westchester |
 | Western Counties Military Museum | Barrington |
 | Western Counties Regional Library Headquarters | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Western Head Beaches | East Green Harbour |
 | Western Hurricanes, Major Bantam Hockey Club | Liverpool |
 | Western Kings Active Kids Healthy Kids Grants | |
 | Western Kings Community Fair | Tremont |
 | Western Kings Community Health Board | Western Kings |
 | Western Nova Scotia Exhibition, Yarmouth County Agricultural Society | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Western Shelburne County Health Care Charitable Society | Barrington |
 | Western Shore & Area Christian Women's Club | Western Shore |
 | Western Shore & Area Improvement Association | Western Shore |
 | Western Shore & District Fire Department | Western Shore |
 | Western Shore Karate Club | Mahone Bay |
 | Western Shore Legion Park | Western Shore |
 | Western Shore Legion Veterans Ball Field | Western Shore |
| Western Valley Minor Hockey Association | Western Kings |
 | Westfield Community Centre | Westfield |
 | Westfield United Baptist Church, Member of North Brookfield and Caledonia Baptist Church Pastorates | Westfield |
 | Westmount Family Park | Westmount |
 | Weston Community Centre | Weston |
 | Westville & Area Minor Baseball Association | Westville |
 | Westville Civic Building Auditorium | Westville |
 | Westville Curling Club | Westville |
 | Westville Fire Department | Westville |
| Westville Miners Lacrosse | Westville |
| Westville Miners Sports Center | Westville |
 | Westville Municipal Building Auditorium | Westville |
 | Westville Outdoor Rink | Westville |
 | Westville Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Westville |
 | Westville Recreation Center | Westville |
 | Westville Recreation Culture & Leisure Service Department | Westville |
 | WeWalk | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Whale Cove Beach | Margaree Harbour |
 | Whale Creek Campsite | Walton |
 | Wharf Rat Rally | Digby (Town) |
| Wheelchair Tennis | Kentville |
 | Wheels to Meals—Chester Basin & Mahone Bay | Blockhouse |
 | Whidden Park Campground & Cottages | Antigonish, NS |
 | Whirligig and Weathervane Festival | Shelburne (town of) |
 | White Point Beach | White Point |
 | White Point Beach Resort | White Point |
 | White Point Golf Club | White Point |
 | White Rabbit Arts Festival | Upper Economy |
 | White Rock Community Center, White Rock Community Association | White Rock |
 | White Rock Community Trail, White Rock Community Association | White Rock |
 | White Water Adventures | East Hants |
 | Whitehead Community Centre Hall | Whitehead |
 | Whitney Pier Arena | Whitney Pier |
 | Whitney Pier Memorial Jr. High | Whitney Pier |
 | Whitney Pier Soccer | Whitney Pier |
 | Whitney Pier Youth Club | Sydney |
| Whitty's Sports Camp | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Whycocomagh Child Development Centre | Whycocomagh |
 | Whycocomagh Education Centre | Whycocomagh |
 | Whycocomagh Fire Hall | Whycocomagh |
 | Whycocomagh Provincial Park | Whycocomagh |
 | Whycocomagh School Playground & Soccer Field | Whycocomagh |
 | Whycocomagh Summer Festival | Whycocomagh |
 | Whycocomagh Volunteer Fire Department | Whycocomagh |
 | Whycocomagh Volunteer Fire Dept. | Whycocomagh |
 | Whycocomagh Waterfront Centre | Whycocomagh Portage |
 | Whycocomagh Waterfront Centre Association | Whycocomagh |
 | Whynot Adventure, The Keji Outfitters | Kejimkujik National Park |
 | Wide Open Wilderness Family Campground | East Hants |
 | Widow's Walk, Crest Street Look-off | Lockeport |
 | Wije'wi 5K Fun Run | Glooscap First Nation / Pesikitk' |
| Wild Blueberry Harvest Festival - Virtual, Blueberry Fun | Colchester County |
 | Wild Nature Campground | Shubenacadie East |
 | Wild Roots Nature Education Centre | Berwick |
 | Wild Rose Park | Western Shore |
 | Wild Spirits Forest & Nature School | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | Wild Waters Rafting Company | Colchester County |
 | Wildlife Carvers and Artists Association (Colchester Chapter) | Colchester County |
 | Wile Carding Mill Museum | Bridgewater |
 | Wileville Fire Department | Wileville |
 | Wilfred Oram Centennial Library | North Sydney |
 | Willett Park | Margaretsville |
 | William A. Broidy Park | Pictou |
 | William M. Sobey Indoor Sports Complex | Stellarton |
 | William M. Sobey Soccer Complex, 3 Outdoor Fields | Stellarton |
| William's Point Community Recreation Association | Williams Point |
 | Willow Lodge | Tatamagouche |
 | Wilmot Baptist Church | Wilmot |
 | Wilmot Community Centre | Wilmot |
 | Wilmot Garden Club | Melvern Square |
 | Wilson's Walkers | Berwick |
 | Wimburn Lodge #75 | Oxford |
 | Windermere Community Hall, A Place where Friends Gather | Windermere |
 | Windhorse Farm | New Germany |
 | Winding River Consolidated School | Stewiacke |
 | Winding River Gallery in Stewiacke, We Carry Maud Lewis Silkscreen prints | Stewiacke |
 | Winds of Change | Liverpool |
 | Windsor Active Transportation Trails, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Windsor Adult High School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor |
 | Windsor Baptist Church | Windsor |
 | Windsor Basketball Court, Town of Windsor | Windsor |
 | Windsor Basketball Programs, Shooting Stars Basketball Association | Windsor |
 | Windsor Bluefins, Windsor Swim Team | Windsor |
 | Windsor Bowling Centre | Windsor |
 | Windsor Church of Nazarene | Windsor |
 | Windsor Community Centre, Facility Rental | Windsor |
 | Windsor Curling Club | Windsor |
 | Windsor Curling Club, Facility Rental | Windsor |
 | Windsor Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor |
 | Windsor Fire Department | Windsor |
 | Windsor Fire Department, Auxiliary | Windsor |
 | Windsor Fire Department, Veterans Memorial Museum | Windsor |
 | Windsor Forks District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor Forks |
 | Windsor Golf Center, Indoor golf | Windsor |
 | Windsor Karate Club | Three Mile Plains |
 | Windsor Machine Rugby, Windsor Hants County Rugby Football Club | Windsor |
 | Windsor Mat Kings | Windsor |
| Windsor Net Kings | Windsor |
 | Windsor Plains United Baptist Church | Three Mile Plains |
 | Windsor Playland Safari | Windsor |
 | Windsor United Church | Windsor |
 | Windsor Waterfront Skatepark, Town of Windsor | Windsor |
 | Wine Harbour Wharf | Sherbrooke |
 | Winter ActiveFest | Victoria County |
 | Winter Carnival, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Winter Family Fun Events | Annapolis County |
 | Winter Frolic Fun Run, Fun Run | Port Williams |
| Winter Guided Hike, Walk & Snowshoe Events, Winter Guided Snowshoe Hikes & Walks | Nova Scotia |
| Winter Guided Hikes & Snowshoe Hikes, Winter Guided Snowshoe Hikes | Nova Scotia |
| Winter Hike Series, Hikes Series | West Hants |
| Winter Hike Series, Winter Hike Series | West Hants |
 | Winter Moonlight Walks at Miller Point Peace Park | Dayspring |
| Winter Recreation Guide 2022, Recreation Guide 2022 | West Hants |
| Winter Wanderers Snowmobile/ATV Club, Linwood | Frankville |
 | WINTERFEST AT ACACIA VALLEY, Intro to outdoor winter fun | Municipality of the District of Digby |
 | Witness the Fitness | Richmond County |
 | Wittenburg Ballfield | Wittenburg |
 | Wittenburg Baptist Church | Wittenburg |
 | Wittenburg Recreation Association | Wittenburg |
| Wolfville and Area Newcomers Club | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville and Area Newcomers Club | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Beavers | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville Curling Centre | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville Historical Society, Randall House Museum | Wolfville |
| Wolfville Parks, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville Recreation | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville Skating Club | Wolfville |
| Wolfville Soccer Club | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville Splash Pad | |
 | Wolfville Tennis Club | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville Tritons Swim Club | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville Volunteer Fire Department | Wolfville |
 | Wolfville Watershed Nature Preserve and Trails, Town of Wolfville & Nova Scotia Nature Trust | Gaspereau |
 | Wolfville/Acadia Summer Day Camps | Wolfville |
 | Women Active Nova Scotia, WomenActive-NS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Women and Leadership: Life Balance | |
| Women of Wolfville, Theatre Group | Wolfville |
 | Women on Wheels, Cycling Group | Kentville |
 | Women’s Hockey | Baddeck |
| Women-on-Wheels | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Women's Basketball | Baddeck |
 | Women's Boot Camp Fitness Class | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Women's Bootcamp, Abhaya Mixed Martial Arts | Greenwich |
 | Women's Bowling League | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia | Central Colchester |
 | Wood Street Soccer Field | Truro |
 | Woodchip Trail | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
| Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization | Upper Tantallon |
 | Woodland Gardens | Bridgewater |
| Woodland Multi Use Trails | Shelburne County |
| Woodland Multiuse Trail Association | Shelburne County |
 | Woods Harbour Ballfield | Central Woods Harbour |
 | Woods Harbour Community Centre | Central Woods Harbour |
 | Woods Harbour Days | Central Woods Harbour |
 | Woods Harbour Days Committee | Central Woods Harbour |
 | Woods Harbour Lighthouse | Central Woods Harbour |
 | Woods Harbour Multi-Purpose Trail | Central Woods Harbour |
 | Woods Harbour Shag Harbour Volunteer Fire Department | Central Woods Harbour |
 | Woods Harbour Wesleyan Church | Upper Woods Harbour |
 | Woodville Baptist Church | Woodville (Kings Co.) |
 | Woodville Chicken Barbeque | Woodville (Kings Co.) |
 | Woodville Community Centre | Woodville (Kings Co.) |
 | Word Herd, Book Buddies | Truro |
 | Wrestling Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | WW Lewis Memorial Library | Louisbourg |
| Xavier Taekwondo | Antigonish, NS |
 | Y Senior Dances, Old Time Dance | Truro |
| Yarmouth and Acadian Shores Hiking Adventures | Yarmouth County |
 | Yarmouth and Acadian Shores Official Walking Guide, Where to Walk | South Shore Region |
 | Yarmouth Annual Easter Egg Hunt | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Annual Tree Lighting | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Area Community Fund | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Area Minor Baseball Association | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Art Society | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Basketball Skills & Development Camp, Believe & Achieve | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Cenotaph | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Clippers Soccer Club | Yarmouth County |
 | Yarmouth Co Ed Slo Pitch League | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Community Chorale | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Community Health & Wellness Class, Cinergy | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School, Tri-County Regional Centre for Education | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth County Community Health Board | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth County Hospice Society | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth County Minor Hockey Association | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth County Museum and Archives | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth County Rail Trail | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth County SPCA | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Curling Club | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Dance Academy, Inspiring Movement | Arcadia |
 | Yarmouth Elementry School, Tri-County Regional Centre for Education | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Farmers' Community Market | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Fire Department | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Korean War Memorial | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Life Skills for Disabled Adults Association | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Links Golf Course | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Lions Club | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Mariners Centre | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Minor Basketball | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Music Society | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Recreation | Hebron |
 | Yarmouth Recreation Committee | Hebron |
 | Yarmouth Recreation Ski and Snowshoe Equipment Loan Program | Hebron |
 | Yarmouth Seafest | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Seafest Antique Car Show | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Shark Scramble | Yarmouth (town) |
| Yarmouth Shelburne Municipal Recreation Association, YSMRA | South Shore Region |
 | Yarmouth Skatepark | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Skating Club | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth South Playground, South End Playground | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth South Playground Canada Penny Carnival | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Town and County Sports Hall of Fame | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Trail Development Association | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Ultimate Frisbee | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Walking Tour, Heritage Properties | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Walking Tours | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Waterfront Trail | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Wesleyan Church | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Y Whitecaps, Swim Team | Yarmouth (town) |
 | YCMHS Soccer Field, Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Ye Olde Arglyer Lodge, Lobster Bay Culinary Adventure | Argyle (Yarmouth Co.) |
 | Ye Olde Arglyer Lodge, Lobster Bay Sea Kayaking Adventures | Argyle (Yarmouth Co.) |
 | Yellow Dog Studio | North Sydney |
 | YES Soccer Field, Old Yarmouth High School | Yarmouth (town) |
 | YMCA, Frank Rudderham Family | Sydney |
 | YMCA, Port Hawkesbury Branch | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | YMCA of Pictou County | Westville Road |
 | YMCA Reach & Amherst Immigrant Settlement | Amherst |
 | YMCA Recognizing Enhancing Aligning Community Horizons, YREACH | Cornwallis Park |
| YMCA Youth on the Move - Springhill | Springhill and Area |
 | Yoga | Richmond County |
 | Yoga | Mahone Bay |
 | Yoga | Mahone Bay |
| Yoga, Carol Fellowes | Wolfville |
 | Yoga, Kingsport Fitness and Wellness Society | Kingsport |
| Yoga 4 All | Annapolis County |
| Yoga and Aerobics | Springhill and Area |
 | Yoga Cape North | Cape North |
 | Yoga East | Truro |
 | Yoga For Mobility, Restorative Chair Yoga Program designed for Every Body | Stewiacke |
 | Yoga in the Park, at Oakdene | Kentville |
 | Yoga on the Beach | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Yoga with Debbie | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Yoga with Elena | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Yoga with Elizabeth | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | Yoga with Lauren | Truro |
 | Yoga with Micky | Truro |
 | Yog-AHH! | St. Peter's |
 | Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park™ Camp-Resort | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| You Go Girl Fitness | Mulgrave |
 | Young at Heart Senior Club, All persons 40-100 years, Queens-Lunenburg area | Cherry Hill |
 | Young Naturalists Club, Berwick Chapter | Berwick |
| Young Naturalists Club, Volunteer | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Young's Cove Coastal Access Park | Youngs Cove |
 | Young's Uechi-Ryu Karate & Fitness | New Minas |
 | Young's Yechi-Ryu Karate | New Minas |
 | Your Way to Wellness, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic (ongoing) Conditions | Kentville |
 | Youth and Senior Multi-Rec League, A six week recreation sampling program | Kentville |
 | YOUTH ART CLUB Starting Oct 20, 2020 | Wolfville |
 | Youth Ball Hockey League, South Shore Ball Hockey League | Lunenburg |
 | Youth Bowling | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Youth Chief and Council - Galas, Dances, Outings and events | Membertou |
 | Youth Climbing Team, Annapolis Valley Climbing Club & Port Williams Recreation Youth Climbing Team | Port Williams |
 | Youth Movie Night | Sydney |
 | Youth Outreach, CMHA | Truro |
 | Youth Programming, Fundy YMCA | Cornwallis Park |
| Youth Programming, Spring 2021 Recreation Pograms | West Hants |
 | Youth Running Series, Run Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Youth Summer Theatre Camp | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Youth Sweat | Eskasoni |
 | Youth Tennis Camp | Annapolis Royal |
 | Youth Travel Assistance Program, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
 | Youth Travel Asssistance Grants, West Hants Parks and Recreation | West Hants |
| YSMRA Adaptive Equipment Loan Program | |
 | Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church | Lunenburg |
 | Zion United Baptist Church | Truro |
 | Zion United Church & Gorham Hall | Liverpool |
 | Zion United Church Hall | Gabarus Lake |
 | Zion Wesley United Church Hall | Gabarus Lake |
 | Zoé Vallé Memorial Library, Zoe Valle Library | Chester |
 | Zombie Proof Brazilian Jiu, Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts | Sydney |
 | Zonta Club of Amherst Area | Amherst |
 | Zonta Club of Truro Area | Truro |
 | Zumba | Waterville |
 | Zumba + Fitness Shelburne | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Zumba Cape Breton | Baddeck |
 | Zumba Gold at the MARC | Dayspring |
 | Zumba Kids | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Zumba with Heidi B, Zumba Fitness & Aqua Zumba | Truro |
 | Zumba® Gold | Kentville |
| Zumba® with Mindy | Lunenburg County |
 | Zwicker Wharf | Lunenburg |