 | A.G. Baillie Memorial School | New Glasgow |
 | Acadia University | Wolfville |
 | Advocate District School | Advocate Harbour |
 | Aldershot Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Aldershot |
 | Allison Bernard Memorial High School | Eskasoni |
 | Amherst Regional High School | Amherst |
 | Annapolis East Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Annapolis West Education Centre, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Annapolis Royal |
 | Antigonish Education Centre | Antigonish County |
 | Apple Tree Landing Family Education Centre | Canning |
 | Aspotogan Consolidated Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Hubbards |
 | Atlantic Cirque, School of Circus Arts | Dartmouth |
 | Avon View High School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor |
 | Baddeck Academy | Baddeck |
 | Barrington Municipal High School | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Barrington Municipal High School, Parent Support Group | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Baseball Field, Pine Ridge Middle School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Basketball Court, Pine Ridge Middle School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Bayview Community School, South Shore Regional School Board | Mahone Bay |
 | Bayview Education Centre | Port Hood |
 | Berwick & District School | Berwick |
 | Bible Hill Consolidated Elementary School | Bible Hill |
 | Bible Hill Junior High School | Bible Hill |
 | Big Tancook Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Tancook Island |
 | Bluenose Academy, South Shore Regional School Board | Lunenburg |
 | Boularderie Elementary School | Boularderie East |
 | Bras d'Or Elementary | Bras d'Or |
 | Breton Education Centre | New Waterford |
 | Bridgetown Regional Community School, AVRCE | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgewater Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Jr./Sr. High School, South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgeway Academy | Truro |
 | Bridgeway Academy, Yarmouth School | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Brookfield Elementary School | Brookfield |
 | Brookland Elementary | Sydney |
 | Brooklyn District Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Cabot Education Centre | Neils Harbour |
 | Cambridge & District Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | CAN-U, Cumberland Adult Network For Upgrading | Amherst |
 | Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre & Academy | Terre Noire |
 | Cape Smokey Elementary School | Ingonish |
 | Central Colchester Junior High School | Central Onslow |
 | Central Colchester Junior High School Ballfield | Central Onslow |
 | Central Kings Rural High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Centre scolaire de la Rive-Sud | Cookville |
 | Champlain Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Granville Ferry |
 | Chedabucto Education Center/Guysborough Academy | Guysborough |
 | Chester Area Middle School, South Shore Regional School Board | Chester |
 | Chester District Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Chester |
 | Chiganois Elementary School | Masstown |
 | Chignecto-Central International Student Program, Part of Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education | Truro |
 | Clark Rutherford Memorial School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Clementsport |
 | Clark's Harbour Elementary School | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Clark's Harbour Elementary School, Parent Support Group | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
 | Coal Bowl Classic | New Waterford |
 | Cobequid Consolidated Elementary School | Old Barns |
 | Cobequid Educational Centre | Truro |
| Cobequid Salmon Association, Education & Awareness *To Protect, Conserve and Enhance the Atlantic Salmon Population | Colchester County |
 | Colchester Adult Learning Association | Central Colchester |
 | Coldbrook & District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Coldbrook |
 | Community Use Fitness Centre | Parrsboro |
 | Coxheath Elementary | Coxheath |
 | Crime Prevention Town of Amherst | Amherst |
 | Cultural Exchange, Youth Exchange - Nacel Canada | Truro |
 | Cumberland North Academy | Brookdale |
 | Cusack Elementary | Sydney |
 | Cyrus Eaton Elementary School | Pugwash |
 | Dalbrae Academy | Southwest Mabou |
 | Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture | Bible Hill |
 | Debert Elementary School | Debert |
 | Donkin- Gowrie Complex | Donkin |
 | Dorian Hall Academy of Performing Arts | Windsor |
 | Dr. Arthur Hines Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Dr. J.C. Wickwire Academy, South Shore Regional School Board | Liverpool |
 | Dr. T.L. Sullivan | Bras d'Or |
 | Dr. W.A. MacLeod Consolidated School | Stellarton |
 | Drumlin Heights Consolidated School | Glenwood |
 | E.B. Chandler Junior High School | Amherst |
 | East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy | Monastery, Antigonish County |
 | East Bay Elementary | East Bay |
 | East Pictou Rural Middle School | Thorburn |
 | East Richmond Education Centre | St. Peter's |
 | École acadienne de Pomquet | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | École Acadienne de Truro | Truro |
 | École Beau-Port | Arichat |
 | Ecole Belleville | Belleville |
 | Ecole Belleville Gymnasium | Belleville |
 | Ecole Jean-Marie-Gay | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
 | École Pubnico-Ouest | West Pubnico |
 | École secondaire de Par-en-Bas | Tusket |
 | Ecole Stella Maris | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
 | Ecole Wedgeport | Wedgeport |
 | Eskasoni Elementary and Middle School | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Ksite'taqnk Daycare | Eskasoni |
 | Eskasoni Mi'kmaq Immersion School | Eskasoni |
 | Evangeline Middle School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | New Minas |
 | Evelyn Richardson Memorial Elementary School | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Evelyn Richardson Memorial Elementary School, Parent Support Group | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | F. H. MacDonald Elementary School | Sutherland's River |
 | Falmouth District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Falmouth |
 | Fanning Education Centre | Hazel Hill |
 | Felix Marchand Education Centre | Louisdale |
 | Ferrisview Elementary | North Sydney |
 | Florence Elementary | Florence |
 | Forest Heights Community School, South Shore Regional Centre for Education | Chester Basin |
 | Forest Ridge Academy, Elementary School | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Forest Ridge Academy, Parent Support Group | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Foundations for Learning | Truro |
 | Funtime Kindergarten | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | G. R. Saunders Elementary School | Stellarton |
 | G. R. Saunders Elementary School Field | Stellarton |
 | Gaspereau Valley Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Gaspereau |
 | George D. Lewis School | Louisbourg |
| Girls Only Running Program, Kids' Run Club/Doctors Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
 | Glace Bay Elementary School | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay High School | Glace Bay |
 | Glooscap Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Canning |
 | Great Village Elementary School | Great Village |
 | Greenfield Elementary, South Shore Regional School Board | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
 | Gymnasium, Berwick & District School | Berwick |
 | Gymnasium, Central Kings Rural High School | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Gymnasium, Kingston & District School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Hants Learning Network Association | West Hants |
 | Hantsport School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Hantsport |
 | Harbourside Elementary | Sydney |
 | Harmony Heights Elementary School | Salmon River (Colchester Co.) |
 | Hebbville Academy, South Shore Regional School Board | Hebbville |
 | Highbury Education Centre | New Minas |
 | Hilden Elementary School | Hilden |
 | Hillcrest Academy, Tri-County Regional Regional Centre For Education | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Hillcrest Academy Physical Education, Tri-County Regional School Board | Shelburne (town of) |
 | Hillcrest Academy School Support Group, Tri-County Regional School Board | Shelburne (town of) |
 | HM MacDonald Elementary School | Maryvale, Antigonish County |
 | Home & School, Brooklyn District Elementary School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Home & School, West Hants Middle School | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | Home & School, Windsor Forks Elementary | Windsor Forks |
 | Horton High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Greenwich |
 | Inverness Education Centre Academy | Inverness |
 | Jane Norman College, Institute for Human Services Education | Truro |
 | John Bernard Croak V.C. | Glace Bay |
 | Jubilee Elementary | Sydney Mines |
 | Junction Road Elementary School | Springhill |
 | Ken Sen Kan Karate, Martial Arts | East Hants |
 | Kings County Academy, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Kentville |
 | Kings County Adult High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | New Minas |
 | King's-Edgehill School | Windsor |
 | Kingston & District School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | L. E. Shaw Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Avonport |
 | Lawrencetown Consolidated School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown Education Centre, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Liverpool Regional High School, South Shore Regional School Board | Liverpool |
 | Lockeport Elementary School, Tri-County Regional School Board | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Regional High School, Tri-County Regional School Board | Lockeport |
 | Lunenburg Academy | Lunenburg |
 | Mabou Rec Soccer | Southwest Mabou |
 | Malcolm Munroe Jr. High | Sydney River |
 | Maple Grove Education Centre, Tri-County Regional School Board | Hebron |
 | Marion Bridge Elementary School | Marion Bridge |
 | McCulloch Education Centre | Pictou |
 | Meadowfields Community School, Tri-County Regional Centre for Education | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Membertou Elementary | Membertou |
 | Memorial High School Vocational Technical Education | Sydney Mines |
 | Middle River Consolidated School | Baddeck |
 | Middleton Regional High School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Mi'kmawey School | Potlotek |
 | Mountainview | Howie Centre |
 | Mulgrave Memorial Education Centre | Mulgrave |
 | New Germany Elementary, South Shore Regional School Board | New Germany |
 | New Germany Rural High School, South Shore Regional School Board | New Germany |
 | New Minas Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | New Minas |
 | New Ross Consolidated School, South Shore Regional School Board | New Ross |
 | Newcombville Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Newcombville |
 | North Highlands Elementary School | Aspy Bay |
 | North Nova Education Centre | New Glasgow |
 | North Queens Community School, South Shore Regional School Board | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | North River Elementary School | North River (Colchester Co.) |
 | North Shore Christian Fellowship | Tatamagouche |
 | Northeast Kings Education Centre, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Canning |
 | Northport Consolidated Elementary School | Northport |
 | Northside Adult Education Center | Sydney Mines |
 | Northumberland Regional High School | Westville |
 | Nova Scotia Community College - NSCC | Bridgewater |
 | Nova Scotia Community College - NSCC, Burridge Campus | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Nova Scotia Community College - NSCC, Shelburne Campus | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Nova Scotia Community College Cumberland Campus | Springhill |
 | Nova Scotia Community College Truro Campus | Truro |
 | Nova Scotia International Student Program | Truro |
 | Oceanview Education Centre | Glace Bay |
 | Operating Engineers Training Institute of Nova Scotia, Training for the Future | Falmouth |
 | Parent Support Group, Three Mile Plains District School | Three Mile Plains |
 | Park View Education Centre, South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
 | Parrsboro Head Start Program | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Home and School Association, Parrsboro Regional Elementary | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Regional Elementary School | Parrsboro |
 | Parrsboro Regional High School | Parrsboro |
 | Pentz Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | LaHave |
 | Petite Rivière Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Petite Riviere |
 | Pictou Academy | Pictou |
 | Pine Ridge Middle School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Playground, Kingston & District School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Playground, St. Mary's Elementary School | Aylesford |
 | Playgrounds, Outdoor Courts & Sports Field, Windsor Elementary School | Windsor |
 | Pleasant Bay School | Pleasant Bay |
 | Plymouth School | Plymouth (Yar. Co.) |
 | Port Hawkesbury Library, Eastern Counties Regional Library | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Port Williams Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Port Williams |
 | Pugwash District High School | Pugwash |
 | Queens Adult High School, South Shore Innovative Learning Centre | Liverpool |
 | Queens Learning Network | Liverpool |
 | Rankin School of the Narrows | Iona |
 | Redcliff Middle School | Valley |
 | Richmond County Early Childhood Education Association | D'Escousse |
 | Richmond Education Centre/Academy | Louisdale |
 | Ride The Wave Summer Program | Southwest Mabou |
 | River Hebert District Elementary School | River Hebert |
 | River Hebert District High School | River Hebert |
 | Riverside Elementary School | Albert Bridge |
 | Riverview High School | Coxheath |
 | Robin Foote Elementary | Westmount |
 | Roy Maltby Fundy Hockey School | Amherst |
 | SAERC Daycare | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Sail Mahone Bay | Mahone Bay |
 | Saltsprings Elementary School | Salt Springs (Pictou Co.) |
 | Scotsburn Elementary School | Scotsburn |
 | Scotsburn Elementary School | Scotsburn |
 | Seniors' College Association of NS (Truro), SCANS | Truro |
 | Seton Elementary | North Sydney |
 | Shelburne Regional High School, Tri-County Regional School Board | Shelburne County |
 | Sherwood Park Education Centre | Sydney |
 | Shipyard Elementary School | Sydney |
| Sipekne'katik Head Start | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Somerset & District Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Somerset |
 | South Colchester Academy | Brookfield |
 | South Queens Middle School, South Shore Regional School Board | Liverpool |
 | South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
 | South Shore Waldorf School & Kindergarten | Blockhouse |
 | Sports Field, Annapolis West Education Centre | Annapolis Royal |
 | Sports Field, Champlain Elementary School | Granville Ferry |
 | Sports Field, Gaspereau Valley Elementary School | Gaspereau |
 | Sports Field, Northeast Kings Education Centre | Canning |
 | Sports Field, Pine Ridge Middle School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Sports Field, St. Mary's Elementary School | Aylesford |
 | Sports Fields, Coldbrook & District School | Coldbrook |
 | Sports Fields, Kingston & District School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Sports Fields, Somerset & District Elementary School | Somerset |
 | Spring Street Academy | Amherst |
 | Springhill Eagles Mini BOYS, Basketball Team | Springhill |
 | Springhill Elementary Schools Home & School Association, Junction Road Elementary & West End Memorial Schools | Springhill |
 | Springhill High School | Springhill |
 | St. Agnes Elementary | New Waterford |
 | St. Andrew Junior School | Antigonish County |
 | St. Andrews Consolidated School | St. Andrews |
 | St. Anne's Elementary | Glace Bay |
 | St. Mary's Education Centre/Academy | Sherbrooke |
 | St. Mary's Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Aylesford |
 | STEPS on Arthur, Colchester Community Workshops | Central Colchester |
 | Strait Area Education Recreation Centre, SAERC | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Sunstone Academy | Truro |
 | Sydney Academy | Sydney |
 | Sydney Adult Education Center, It is Never Too Late | Sydney |
 | Sydney Mines Junior High School | Sydney Mines |
 | Tamarac Education Centre, TEC | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Tantramar Chapter IODE | Amherst |
 | The Booker School | Port Williams |
 | The Gaelic College, Colaisde na Gàidhlig | St Anns |
 | Thompson Junior High | North Sydney |
 | Thorburn Consolidated School | Thorburn |
 | Three Mile Plains District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Three Mile Plains |
 | Tompkins Memorial Elementary School | Reserve Mines |
 | Trenton Elementary School | Trenton |
 | Trenton Middle School | Trenton |
 | Truro Elementary School | Truro |
 | Truro Head Start School Society | Truro |
 | Truro Junior High School | Truro |
 | Truro Sport and Wellness Centre, Welcome Students & Staff! | Truro |
 | Unama'ki Training and Education Center | Eskasoni |
| Universite Sainte-Anne | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
 | Upper Stewiacke Community School, After School Hours Recreation & Local 4-H | Upper Stewiacke |
 | Valley Elementary School | Valley |
 | Wagmatcookewey School | Wagmatcook |
 | Wallace Consolidated Elementary School | Wallace |
 | Walter Duggan Consolidated School | Westville |
 | We'koqma'q Mikmaw School | We'koqma'q |
 | West Colchester Community Park and Playground, West Colchester Consolidated School | Bass River |
 | West Colchester Consolidated School | Bass River |
 | West End Memorial Elementary School | Springhill |
 | West Hants Education Center, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor |
 | West Hants Middle School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | West Highlands Elementary School | Amherst |
 | West Kings District High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Auburn |
 | West Northfield Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | West Northfield |
 | West Pictou Consolidated School | Lyons Brook |
 | Whitney Pier Memorial Jr. High | Whitney Pier |
 | Whycocomagh Education Centre | Whycocomagh |
 | Winding River Consolidated School | Stewiacke |
 | Windsor Adult High School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor |
 | Windsor Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor |
 | Windsor Forks District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Windsor Forks |
 | Wolfville School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Wolfville |
 | Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia | Central Colchester |
 | Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School, Tri-County Regional Centre for Education | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Yarmouth Dance Academy, Inspiring Movement | Arcadia |
 | Yarmouth Elementry School, Tri-County Regional Centre for Education | Yarmouth (town) |