 | Adult/Senior Swims, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Al MacInnis Sports Centre | Port Hood |
 | Alumni Aquatic Centre, StFX University | Antigonish, NS |
 | Amherst Shore Provincial Park | Northport |
 | Aqua-Fit | Bridgewater |
 | Aquafitness Classes, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Armstrong Lake Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | West Hants |
 | Aylesford Lake Beach | Aylesford |
 | Bantam Bay Beach | LaHave Islands |
 | Barrington Municipal Pool | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Baxters Cove | Judique |
 | Bayswater Beach, Bayswater Beach Provincial Park | Bayswater |
 | Beach Meadows Beach | Beach Meadows |
 | Belle Cote Beach | Belle Cote |
 | Best Western Plus Hotel & Convention Centre, Indoor Pool, Exercise Room | Cookville |
 | Big Cove YMCA Camp | Thorburn |
 | Black Brook Beach | Ingonish Beach |
 | Black Point Beach, Hemeon's Beach | Little Harbour (Shel. Co.) |
| Blomidon Multisport Club | Wolfville |
 | Blue Sea Beach Provincial Park | Malagash Point |
 | BMO Financial Group Aquatic Centre | Bridgewater |
 | Breakwater Beach | Port Hood |
 | Bridgetown Seakings Swim Team | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgetown Triathlon, Bridgetown Triathlon Society | Bridgetown |
 | Bridgewater Barracudas Swim Team | Bridgewater |
 | Bridgewater Triathlon Club | Bridgewater |
 | Buchanan's Beach | Lockeport |
 | Bush Island Beach | Bush Island |
 | Camp Bretondean | Albert Bridge |
 | Camp Mockingee, Rotary Youth Camp | Upper Vaughan |
 | Canada Hill Lake, Beach | Canada Hill |
 | Canadian Red Cross PFD & Life Jacket Loan Program (Free)-Truro, Canadian Red Cross | Truro |
 | Cape Breton Dorados Swim Team | Sydney |
 | Card Lake Provincial Park, Trails | Sherwood |
 | Caregiver/Child Swims (ages 6 months and up), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Carleton Village Beach | Carleton Village |
 | CBRM Red Cross Swim Program | Sydney |
 | Chedabucto Pool | Guysborough County |
 | Chester Basin Recreation Park | Chester Basin |
 | Chester District Swim Program, Chester Lido Pool | Chester |
 | Children’s Swimming Lessons, King's-Edgehill School | Windsor |
 | Chimney Corner Beach | Margaree |
 | Colin (Col) Locke's Beach | Lockeport |
 | Comeau's Hill Beach | Comeaus Hill |
 | Community Enhancement Association, Summer Camps | Truro |
 | Crescent Beach | Lockeport |
 | Crescent Beach Centre | Lockeport |
 | Crow Neck Beach | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | Cumberland SMILE & SHINE, CSSP | Amherst |
 | Cumberland Spartans Swim Club Club | Amherst |
 | Cumberland YMCA | Amherst |
 | Dominion Beach Provincial Park and Boardwalk | Dominion |
 | Dundee Resort & Golf Club | West Bay |
 | Dunvegan Beach | Dunvegan |
 | Eagle Head Beach | Eagle Head |
 | East Wallace Motorcycle Campground | East Wallace |
 | Elderfit | Lunenburg County |
 | Ellenwood Lake Provincial Park | Deerfield |
 | emOcean Wellness Centre, emOcean Gym | Lunenburg |
 | Falls Lake Municipal Land, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Vaughan |
 | Falls Lake Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Vaughan |
 | Fancy Lake Provincial Park | Conquerall Mills |
 | Fishing Cove Campground | Pleasant Bay |
 | Fishing Cove Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Forest Lakes Country Club | Ardoise |
 | Fox Harbour Provincial Park | Wallace |
 | Freda's Beach | Chester |
 | Freddy's Beach | Lockeport |
 | French Lake, Boat Launch and Beach Area | East Pubnico |
 | Fundy Centennial Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Hantsport |
 | Fundy YMCA, Aquatics | Cornwallis Park |
 | Glenwood Provincial Park | Glenwood |
 | Glooscap Park and Campground | Parrsboro |
 | Graves Island Provincial Park | East Chester |
 | Green Bay Beach | Petite Riviere |
| Greenwood Multisport Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | Gulf Shore Provincial Park | Gulf Shore |
 | Hardwood Lake Girl Guide Camp | Lake Paul |
 | Heather Beach Provincial Park | Port Howe |
 | Hidden Hilltop Family Campground | Glenholme |
 | Hirtle's Beach | Kingsburg |
 | HMCC Community Pool, Hantsport Memorial Community Centre | Hantsport |
 | Hubbards Beach | Hubbards |
 | Hubbards Beach Campground | Hubbards |
 | Hunt's Point Beach | Hunts Point |
 | Ingonish Triathlon | Ingonish |
 | Inverness Beach | Inverness |
 | Inverness Swim Program | Inverness |
 | Keji Multisport Triathlon, Keji Women's Triathlon, Keji Women's Multisport & Culture Workshops, Mixed Team Triathlon Relays | Kejimkujik National Park |
 | Kempt Quarry Recreation Site, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Kempt Shore |
 | Kennington Cove | Louisbourg |
 | Kentville Marlins Swim Team | Kentville |
 | Kids Discovery Camps, Scotia Pool and NSAC Langille Athletic Centre | Bible Hill |
 | Kings County Aquatic Program Drop-In Swims | Waterville |
 | Kiwanis Pool | Sydney |
 | LaHave River Campground, Come camp and reconnect at the LaHave River Campground! | Newburne |
 | Lake George Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Lake George (Kings Co.) |
 | Lake Milo Aquatic Club | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Lakeview Treasures Campground and RV Park | Louisbourg |
 | Land of Evangeline Camping Resort | Grand Pré |
 | Learn to Swim | Eskasoni |
 | Lifesaving Society, Nova Scotia Branch | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Little Lake Family Campground Ltd. | Centre |
 | Lochiel Lake Provincial Park | Lochiel Lake |
 | Long Lake Camp, Long Lake Baptist Youth Camp | Waterloo |
 | Louis Head Beach | Louis Head |
 | Louisbourg Scuba Services | Louisbourg |
 | Lumsden Pond Provincial Park, Provincial Day-Use Park | Black River (Kings Co.) |
 | Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre, LCLC | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg Swimming Pool, Lunenburg & District Swimming Pool Society | Lunenburg |
 | Mabou Swim Program | Port Hood |
 | Mahone Bay and Area Swimming Pool, Mahone Bay & Area Swimming Pool Society | Mahone Bay |
 | Maritime Inn Fitness Centre | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Memorial Park | Kentville |
 | Memorial Park, Outdoor Pool | Kentville |
 | Middleton & District Pool | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Middleton Missiles Swim Team | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Milton Centennial Pool | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Mira Boat Club | Albert Bridge |
 | Mira River Provincial Park | Albert Bridge |
 | Mulgrave Community Pool | Mulgrave |
 | Murphy's Pond Beach | Port Hood |
 | North Queens Aquatic Centre | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Northeast Point Beach, Causeway Beach | Cape Sable Island |
 | Northport Beach Provincial Park | Northport |
 | Northside Community Pool | Sydney Mines |
 | Oakhill Pines Campground | Oakhill |
 | O'Regan's Subaru Outdoor Pool | Bridgewater |
 | Ovens Natural Park | Riverport |
 | Ovens Natural Park, Family Campground | Riverport |
 | Parent & Tot Swim Lessons | Bridgewater |
 | PHAST Swim Team, Port Hawkesbury Antigonish Swim Team | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Pictou County Mariners | Pictou |
| Pictou County Special Olympics | New Glasgow |
 | Pictou Fisheries Training Pool, Pictou Recreation Aquatics | Pictou |
 | Pictou Recreation & Parks | Pictou |
 | Pine Grove Park, Walking Trails | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Ponhook Lodge Campground | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
| Port Hawkesbury Antigonish Swim Team | Antigonish, NS |
 | Port Joli Beach | Port Joli |
 | Private / Semi Private Swimming Lessons | Sherose Island |
 | Rath Eastlink Community Centre, RECC | Truro and Area |
 | Raven Haven Beachside Family Park | West Springhill |
| Richmond County Summer Recreation Programs | Richmond County |
 | River Ryan Campground | River Ryan |
 | Rockland's Beaches | Rockland |
 | Rodd Grand Yarmouth | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Roseway Beach, Round Bay Beach | Roseway |
 | Sable River Women's Fitness & Swim | East Sable River |
 | Sand Hills Beach Provincial Park | Villagedale |
 | Sandy Point Lighthouse Beach | Sandy Point |
 | Scotia Pool | Bible Hill |
 | Sipekne'katik Pool | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Sloop Cove Beach | Moshers Island |
 | Smileys Provincial Park | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
 | South Shore Kids Triathlon | Bridgewater |
 | South Side Beach, Daniel's Head Beach | Cape Sable Island |
| Special Olympics Eastern Highlands | Antigonish, NS |
 | Splashback | Bridgewater |
 | Springfield Union Picnic Grounds | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Stoney Island Beach | Cape Sable Island |
 | Strait Area Education Recreation Centre, SAERC | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Strait Area Pool | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Summerville Beach Provincial Park | Summerville Centre |
 | Swim Lessons Program, Nova Scotia Youth Facility | Waterville |
 | Swim Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Swimming Lessons Schedule | Sherose Island |
 | Synchro Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Ten Mile Lake Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Middlefield |
 | The Lockeport Loop | Lockeport |
| Thrive! | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Tidnish Dock Provincial Park | Tidnish |
 | Trenton Steeltown Centennial Park | Trenton |
 | Trout Brook Provincial Park | East Lake Ainslie |
 | Truro Centurions Swim Club, Do you love to swim? Are you curious about competitive swimming? Then the Centurions are waiting for you! | Truro |
 | Tupper Lake | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
| Universite Sainte-Anne | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
 | Victoria Park | Truro |
 | Victoria Park Pool | Truro |
 | Waterville Youth Facility Pool Rentals | Waterville |
 | Welkum Park, Municipality of the District of Shelburne | Welshtown |
 | West Mabou Beach Provincial Park | West Mabou |
 | Western Head Beaches | East Green Harbour |
 | Whale Cove Beach | Margaree Harbour |
 | White Point Beach | White Point |
 | White Point Beach Resort | White Point |
 | Windhorse Farm | New Germany |
 | Windsor Bluefins, Windsor Swim Team | Windsor |
 | Wolfville Tritons Swim Club | Wolfville |
 | Yarmouth Y Whitecaps, Swim Team | Yarmouth (town) |
 | YMCA, Frank Rudderham Family | Sydney |
 | YMCA of Pictou County | Westville Road |
 | YMCA Reach & Amherst Immigrant Settlement | Amherst |