 | Access to Greenlinks Trail/Rotary Park | Membertou |
 | Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability (ALACD), Recreation Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Active Transportation Committee | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Adapted Equipment Loan Program | Cumberland County |
| Alexander Society for Inclusive Arts | Kings County (NS) |
 | Alzheimers & Dementia Caregivers and Education Group | Lunenburg |
 | Annapolis County Special Olympics | Annapolis County |
 | Annual Crabfest and Fishing Derby | Bay St. Lawrence |
 | Apple Valley Crossfit | Coldbrook |
 | Arm of Gold Campground and Trailer Park | Little Bras d'Or |
 | Art Sessions, 50+ | Kentville |
 | Art Workshops with Gene, 50+ | Kentville |
 | Baddeck Public Library | Baddeck |
 | Balsam | Dayspring |
 | Bartown Festival | North Sydney |
 | Bateston Athletic Club | Bateston |
 | Bay Days | Glace Bay |
 | Bayplex | Glace Bay |
 | Belle Cote Community Centre | Belle Cote |
 | Belly Dancing | Kentville |
 | Body Sculpt | Berwick |
 | Bog Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Bonny Lea Farm, South Shore Community Service Association | Chester |
 | Bras d'Or Elementary | Bras d'Or |
 | Breton Education Centre | New Waterford |
 | Bridge Adult Service Centre | Amherst |
 | Bright Beginnings Child Care Centre | Amherst |
 | Camp Tidnish | Amherst |
| Canadian Tire Jumpstart | Cape Breton |
 | Cantley Village Park | Coxheath |
 | Cape Breton Health Recreation Complex | Sydney |
| Cape Breton Island Hoppers Volkssport Club | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Cape Breton Regional Library, James McConnell Memorial Library | Sydney |
 | Cape Breton Regional Municipality, CBRM Recreation | Sydney |
| Cape Breton Young Naturalists Club | Sydney |
 | Carpet Bowling, 50+ | Kentville |
 | Club des Retraites | Cheticamp |
 | Coady Tompkins Memorial Library | Margaree Forks |
 | Colchester Transportation Co-operative Ltd., CTCL | Colchester County |
 | Community Wheels | Chester |
 | Corridor Community Options for Adults, CCOA | Enfield (HRM) |
 | Dalbrae Academy | Southwest Mabou |
 | Dartmouth Crossing Speed Skating Club | Burnside (Dartmouth) |
| Destination Membertou | Membertou |
 | Digby Trails, Digby Trails and Open Space Coordinator | Municipality of the District of Digby |
 | Eskasoni Health Center | Eskasoni |
 | Free Spirit Therapeutic Riding Association, FSTRA | Aylesford |
 | Friends of Neville Park, Neville Park | Whitney Pier |
 | Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy, (FORCE) | Parrsboro |
 | George D. Lewis School | Louisbourg |
| Get Moving with MODL Walking Challenge | |
| Glace Bay Baseball Fields & Outdoor Space | Glace Bay |
| Glace Bay Glee | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay High School | Glace Bay |
 | Glace Bay Public Library | Glace Bay |
 | Grand Narrows Waterfront Development Society | Grand Narrows |
 | Heroes and Adventurers | Truro |
 | Highland Bow & Arrow, Archery on the Cabot Trail | Skir Dhu |
 | Highland Fling | Amherst |
 | Hillside Pines Home for Special Care | Bridgewater |
 | Hinchinbrook Farm Society, Therapeutic Riding Facility, Blockhouse | Blockhouse |
 | Indoor Pickleball | Kentville |
 | Indoor Walking at the Hub Gym -Winter 2022 | Annapolis Royal |
 | Inverness County Department of Recreation and Community Wellness | Port Hood |
 | Inverness Education Centre Academy | Inverness |
 | Joe Wadden Track | Donkin |
 | Keji Multisport Triathlon, Keji Women's Triathlon, Keji Women's Multisport & Culture Workshops, Mixed Team Triathlon Relays | Kejimkujik National Park |
| KidSport | Cape Breton |
| Kings County Challenger Baseball | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kings Special Olympics | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kluskap Ridge Campground | Englishtown |
 | La Picasse Centre Communautaire Culturel | Petit-de-Grat |
| Lambert Todd Days Festival, Lambert Todd Days Society | Reserve Mines |
 | Louis Millett Community Complex | New Minas |
 | Louisa Gardens | Sydney |
| Louisbourg and Area Celebration Society | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Crab Festival | Louisbourg |
 | Mabou Rec Soccer | Southwest Mabou |
 | Margaree Highland Games | Margaree Valley |
 | Marion Bridge Recreation Centre | Marion Bridge |
 | Martha Hollett Memorial Library | Sydney Mines |
 | Martinique Beach Provincial Park | Musquodoboit Harbour |
 | Membertou Elementary | Membertou |
 | Membertou Sport and Wellness Center, YMCA Membertou Branch | Membertou |
 | Membertou Youth Centre, Membertou C@P Site | Membertou |
 | Memorial Park, Outdoor Pool | Kentville |
 | Memory Lane Railway Museum | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Michael Milburn Tai Chi | Main-a-Dieu |
 | Mira Boat Club | Albert Bridge |
 | Mush-a-Mush Beach Park, Mushamush Beach Park | Sweetland |
 | NADACA, Native Alcohol And Drug Abuse Counselling Association | Eskasoni |
 | Nature Adventures for Kids | Burlington (Kings Co.) |
| New Waterford Fields & Outdoor Space | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Minor Hockey Association | New Waterford |
 | New Waterford Public Library | New Waterford |
| North Sydney Fields & Outdoor Space | North Sydney |
 | Northern Victoria Community Centre | Cape North |
 | Nova Scotia Challenger Baseball, Truro Challengers Baseball League | Truro |
 | Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services, Yarmouth site | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Old Mill Trail | South Farmington |
 | Open Hearth Park | Sydney |
 | Passchendaele Golf Course | Glace Bay |
 | People First Nova Scotia, PFNS | Nova Scotia |
 | Pickleball | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Pictou Recreation and Parks - Staying Active from Home | Pictou County |
 | Queen Elizabeth Park | Glace Bay |
 | Ride The Wave Summer Program | Southwest Mabou |
 | River Ryan Campground | River Ryan |
 | S.M.I.L.E., The Acadia Sensory Motor Instructional Leadership Experience | Wolfville |
 | SAERC Daycare | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Savoy Theatre | Glace Bay |
 | Senior Wheels Association | Bridgewater |
 | SHAFT, Super Happy Active Family-fun Time | Kentville |
 | Sherbrooke Lake United Church Camp | Franey Corner |
 | Shipyard Elementary School | Sydney |
 | Shubie Park | Dartmouth |
 | Simpson's Corner Community Hall, Simpson's Corner Community Hall Society | Simpsons Corner |
 | Sledge Hockey, Acadia Minor Hockey Association | Kentville |
 | Special Olympics Cobequid | Truro |
 | Special Olympics Cobequid Region | Central Colchester |
| Special Olympics Lunenburg/Queens | Lunenburg County |
 | Special Olympics: Active Start and Fundamentals | Bible Hill |
 | Special Olympics-Amherst | Amherst |
 | St. Anne's Elementary | Glace Bay |
 | St. Ann's Bay Community Health Group | St Anns |
 | STEPS on Arthur, Colchester Community Workshops | Central Colchester |
 | Strait Area Education Recreation Centre, SAERC | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Supported Community Living Options | Bridgewater |
 | Sydney Academy | Sydney |
 | Sydney Adult Education Center, It is Never Too Late | Sydney |
| Sydney Fields & Outdoor Space | Sydney |
 | Sydney River Elementary | Sydney River |
 | Tamarac Education Centre, TEC | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Tapestry Yoga | Sydney |
 | The Ark, Lunenburg County Association for the Specially Challenged | Bridgewater |
 | The Coastal Discovery Centre, Main-A-Dieu Community Development Association | Main-a-Dieu |
 | The Sandlot Ballfield | Antigonish, NS |
 | The Spike Fund, Financial Assistance Program to Access Recreation | Kentville |
 | Tompkins Memorial Library | Reserve Mines |
 | Two Rivers Wildlife Park | Marion Bridge |
 | Valley Autism Centre | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Valley Yoga Fest | Kentville |
 | Velo Cape Breton Bike Club, Cycling in Cape Breton | Sydney |
 | We'koqma'q Mikmaw School | We'koqma'q |
 | Wentworth Park | Sydney |
 | West Mabou Community Hall | West Mabou |
 | Whitney Pier Memorial Jr. High | Whitney Pier |
 | WINTERFEST AT ACACIA VALLEY, Intro to outdoor winter fun | Municipality of the District of Digby |
 | WW Lewis Memorial Library | Louisbourg |
 | YMCA, Port Hawkesbury Branch | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Yoga in the Park, at Oakdene | Kentville |