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Yarmouth Cenotaph

Record #: YAR0104
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2020
Last Full Update: 01 Mar 2020


Located In Yarmouth (town)
Where To Find Us
405 Main St
Yarmouth, NS
Areas Served Yarmouth County

Description & Services

In November 1920, a banner headline in the Yarmouth Telegram read: "Local Council of Women Urge War Memorial", bringing the idea to construct a war memorial to the attention of everyone. A decision was made by the Town Council and a committee was appointed to proceed with the planning of a worthy memorial. In January, the tasks of collecting the money for the construction and of collecting the list of names to be inscribed on the monument began. At the time of the unveiling on June 9th, 1923, there were 173 names to be put on the monument and a sum of $10,272 had been collected. 
A record was made of every man in Yarmouth County who fell, which included the date and place he was born, where he enlisted and where he died, and the brigade in which he was serving at the time of his death. A copy of this record was kept in a vault at the Court House. 
Names of World War II and Korean War veterans were added later. 
Click here for a map of Recreation Areas in the town of Yarmouth.